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The eternal struggle... predator vs prey...

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"Vegetarian" actually comes from an old Indian Native American expression meaning "Bad Hunter."

Been reports from vets on cats dying because their vegetarian owners decided their little carnivore should be a herbivore. If you wanted a rabbit than maybe you should have gotten a rabbit.

K Frame:
My guess?

This is simply a case of the veggieites having their sense of smug wokeness challenged and having their inherent hypocrisy pointed out to them.

And to them that's bullying and violence and cannot stand.

Company made a huge mistake by allowing them to make the club exclusive. That should not be allowed at all if it's being done with company time and/or infrastructure.

I don't see it as any different from the foreign language clubs we had when I was in high school back in the dark ages. There was a French Club, a Spanish Club, and IIRC a German Club. Sure they were discriminatory -- there would have been little point to someone who didn't speak French joining a club where the only language spoken was French. I don't know if the rules actually prevented non speakers from joining one of the language clubs, but this was in an age far removed from today's climate of people actively seeking reasons excuses to be offended.

I don't see any problem with HR allowing a vegetarians club in the company. But I also don't see a problem with a corresponding carnivore club, and HR was right in allowing that activity. Equal opportunity, and all that. IMHO, the only a--h-- here is the woman who started the veggie club and who then complained to HR about the steakhouse club.



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