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The "Teen Away" sound

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Brad Johnson:
Supposedly there is a noise generator used in the UK to keep teens from loitering at certain places. It generates sound at a frequency that teens hear, but that is inaudable to most people over the age of 20.

Here is a link to a recording. I can't hear anything but background noise, but the frequency display in Media Player shows a definite, distinct sound signature in the extreme high end of the sound spectrum. Do any of you folks with younger ears hear anything?


I don't, but I don't hear the TV on standby either. Not sure whether loud music, age (mid-twenties) or tobramycin use destroyed my ability to hear high pitched sounds.

Just a thought, and I don't know much of anything about audio compression, but that is an mp3...

Winston Smith:
I hear something really annoying similar to TV noise. Higher, almost painful.

I'm 17.

Perd Hapley:
Amazing.  I'm twenty-nine and I only hear background noise.  My ears felt a little uncomfortable, but perhaps that is the power of suggestion.  Felt a slight pressure, like an altitude change.


--- Quote from: fistful ---Amazing.  I'm twenty-nine and I only hear background noise.  My ears felt a little uncomfortable, but perhaps that is the power of suggestion.  Felt a slight pressure, like an altitude change.I got a weird discomfort feeling in my ears after I played it a second time at high volume as well as the pressure. Of course I listened to it after I read your post so it might be suggestion, however it was a pretty distinct feeling that was definatly unpleasant. I didnt actually *hear* anything but background noise though. Im 26, well outside the "target audiance" and I have some hearing damage as well. Clearly this would have an impact on people well outside the "loitering teen" demographic. I can imagine that the longer it went on the more obnoxious and discomforting it would become.


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