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How did gun control become part of the Liberal platform anyway?

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It always confuses me and those I speak with because I like to talk about "Vermont's liberal carry laws", but some people might hear "Vermont's Liberal carry laws".  In my mind, the word liberal still means, in essence, "tending toward as much personal freedom as is possible without harming your fellow man".

How did gun control ever become part of the Liberal platform when gun control is clearly not a liberal agenda?

Because modern, self described "liberals" are actually just socialists or marxists.  They just like the way the term "Liberal" feels, ala the Founding Fathers.  Progressive is a more accurate term.   

Gun control is just part of the overall "control" theme.

Jefferson was a Liberal, a CLASSICAL liberal, in every sense of the word.  The modern ones are just poxy commies that are open minded as long as you agree with THEM.

JFK:  Shot and killed.
RFK:  Shot and killed.
MLK:  Shot and killed.

I think that's what got the ball rolling.

Bigjake:  It feels good to say that, but I don't think it's true at all.

GigaBuist has a part of it.

As I always say when this subject comes up, it's pure ignorance.  Most anti gunners have never fired a gun, or been around a gun.  Most of them believe that the police will save them if they ever need it.

Where Bigjake kinda gets it right is that they believe that banning something is a good means to reduce something.  As we all know banning guns (or alcohol or drugs or sudafed) doesn't reduce the demand, it just sets up a booming black market.

You have to realise that most Liberals that support gun control (I'm talking the rank and file, not the Chuckie Schumers and Dianne Feinstiens) really believe this.  They've also never really thought about it.

Look at it this way.  If you've never been on a farm, and someone tells you that chickens with black spots on their feathers will peck your eyes out; because the black spot means they have too much testoscerone, what do you know?  They look scary with those black spots, like some kind of demon-chicken.  You've never been on a farm.  You'll probably never be on a farm, and you'll probably never see a chicken with or without black spots on their feathers.  If you hear that wives tale enough, you'll probably think its reasonable, and believe it, without any real evidence either way.  Also, because it doesn't effect you, you won't really put the effort into researching it.  It's basically the same thing with guns. 

Your everyday joe and jane hear "guns cause violence" and they think, "sure! guns are dangerous and kill people so let's ban 'em!"  If you have no experience with guns, don't WANT to have any experience with guns, you won't challenge the assertation.

This is also why I think the media is the way it is in regards to guns.  (The fact that scaring the tar out of people makes them money doesn't hurt either.)

Most of it is ignorance and laziness.

Standing Wolf:
Leftist extremists have been preachingand enforcingso-called "gun control" since Lenin was in short trousers. They've understood a long time people who can fight back are harder to turn into serfs than those who can.


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