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McCain to attend convention of 'reconquista' group

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McCain to attend convention of 'reconquista' group

Republican presidential candidate launches Spanish campaign website
Posted: May 05, 2008
10:38 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON  Sen. John McCain, the de facto Republican presidential nominee, announced today he will attend the national convention of La Raza, a radical Hispanic lobby tied to the movement to reconquer the Southwestern U.S. that was part of Mexico before the Mexican-American War that ended in 1848.

The convention will be held in San Diego July 14.

Though La Raza bills itself as a civil rights organization, the group's name literally means "The Race."

La Raza was condemned in 2006 by Rep. Charles Norwood, R-Ga., as a radical "pro-illegal immigration lobbying organization that supports racist groups calling for the secession of the western United States as a Hispanic-only homeland."

Norwood has called on La Raza to renounce its support of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan  which sees "The Race" as part of an ethnic group that one day will reclaim Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs. In Chicano folklore, Aztlan includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas.

McCain, who steadfastly opposed efforts to build a fence along the U.S.-Mexican border and supported legislation to permit illegal aliens to remain in the U.S., also announced the launch of his campaign's Spanish language website.

The announcements came on Cinco de Mayo, the day commemorating an 1862 battle fought by Mexican troops.

"Today, we join together to remember the sacrifice that these Mexican patriots endured, as well as the struggles of all those around the world striving for freedom," said McCain in the statement. "We recognize as well the important friendship that exists between our country and Mexico, and celebrate the many contributions Mexican-Americans have made to our society, culture, security and economy."

La Raza is, IMO, a terrorist group.

As I said, this election is between "sucks" and "sucks a lot more". Oh well.


--- Quote ---"Today, we join together to remember the sacrifice that these Mexican patriots endured, as well as the struggles of all those around the world striving for freedom," said McCain in the statement. "We recognize as well the important friendship that exists between our country and Mexico, and celebrate the many contributions Mexican-Americans have made to our society, culture, security and economy."
Why do I care at all, as an American Patriot, about any fight the Mexicans and the French had back in 1862?

Why is John McCain so enamoured with Mexican terrorist groups that he wants to "remember the sacrifice [of] these Mexican patriots"?  What does Aztlan and La Raza have to do with Mexican nationalism?  La Raza wants to take land from Mexico, too, to create their pet Aztlan.

They are the Palestinian trash of the Western Hemisphere.

ETA:  Edited so the great powerful Mike Irwin does not visit his wroth upon me for using a nickname on a political candidate.

The next four years are going be either stupid or terrifying. Those are the only choices we get.

El Tejon:
Did not read article.  Too busy oil guns, loading mags and digging tunnels.

Mane, I hope you are wrong, but I fear you are right.


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