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Who are these people?

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Perd Hapley:
Please stay tuned for the disclaimers at the end of this post.

One of these guys running for president is somebody I don't like too much.  Despite my disagreements with him, however, he has spent more than twenty years in the U.S. Senate.  Prior to that, he had what appears to be an exemplary record of service and sacrifice in the military.  One would think the Democratic Party candidate would be at least comparable in experience and accomplishments, even if one would also expect the Democratic Party to nominate that individual most devoted to the party's platform of All Evil, All the Time. 

But what do they offer us?  A travesty of a Senator who is only there on her husband's coat-tails, and managed to rack up a comparatively meager eight years of experience.  Prior to that, she was a lawyer, governor's wife and First Lady.  Other than the qualification of having the kind of speaking voice for which earplugs must have been invented, one wonders why anyone thinks that she ought to be in the White House.   

What's that you say?  The party has rejected her in favor of someone named Obama?  Surely they chose someone who had all the experience and accomplishments that she lacked.  Apparently not.  To face off against a war hero and seasoned Senator (or even against the former governors who may have gotten the Rep. nomination), they went with the hip, fresh-faced, young Black guy with the exotic name.  Never mind that he's done nothing in his short life, other than stumble into the Senate and then start running for the Oval Office.  Oh, sure, he was president of the Harvard Law Review.  And other than the lawyers, who really cares? 

So who are these people?  Like I said, I don't like McCain all that much.  But what do these other jokers even think they're doing, running against a guy like him?

Disclaimer 1.  Yeah, I know that experience is not the only quality to consider in a President, and some prefer an "outsider."  Even so, Hillary is anything but an outsider.  And how else did Obama shoot to the top so quickly, except that the "inside" liked him?

Disclaimer 2.  No, I'm not saying that McCain's experience and military record excuses his politics. 

American Democrat Voter 1: Change! *blank-eyed look*

American Democrat Voter 2: "Well, Obama represents...Hey, American Idol's on!"

Standing Wolf:
Just to go by their records, I'd have to say we're looking at nobody versus nobody versus nobody.

Perd Hapley:
If McCain is a nobody, then are there any somebodies?  Come on, now. 

De Selby:
I think you are underestimating the importance of this factor:

--- Quote ---Disclaimer 1.  Yeah, I know that experience is not the only quality to consider in a President, and some prefer an "outsider."  Even so, Hillary is anything but an outsider.  And how else did Obama shoot to the top so quickly, except that the "inside" liked him?
The problem is that people are so unhappy with Washington that "experience" in making Washington what is today is more of an indictment than a resume builder.  Hence, they are gravitating towards the guy who has a relatively short rap sheet-and his charisma doesn't hurt either. 

Presidential campaigns have been primarily an excercise in brand recognition and product marketing since I have been alive, and Obama has an enormous advantage on those fronts because of his rally-leading and speaking talent.  When there is in reality little-to-no policy debate on any side of the campaign, it is natural that these things will tend to give a boost to a candidate, as silly as it is.


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