Author Topic: Sick of the Koran debate...  (Read 3137 times)


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Sick of the Koran debate...
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2005, 08:30:23 AM »
Quote from: duck hunt
How many jihadis have muslim terrorist organizations investigated, tried, and sentenced for war crimes or maltreatment of prisoners?
Oh, right, NONE.
Yeah, but how many of the guys being held in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib are actually "jihadis" and how many are good Muslim men who were picked up because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and somebody had to take the fall?

Do you personally know guards?  Are you getting firsthand reports?  I do and I am.

Most of the guys in those prisons have done NOTHING.  But we can't let them go because that would be an admission that we've been holding them for no reason.

Being a prisoner in this war doesn't make you automatically a jihadi.
Nice duck-ing of the question (apologies for the pun).

Again: how may jihadis are being held responsible, by their own terrorist organizations, for such things as sawing the heads off of folks for the crime of "driving while Jewish" or some such?  Any public flagellations (actual or metaphorical) by the jihadi organizations for blowing up the "wrong" folks with a car bomb?  "Oops, we meant to murder shia grandmothers & collaborationist sunni children, but managed to catch an Allah-fearing & Zarqawi-loving sunni in the blast.  Our bad.  Those responsible are now being tried and will be publicly evicerated at noon."

Didn't think so.

There is no moral equivalence.


Hey, I'll even answer your attempt at a distraction:

I'll buy that innocent folks get rounded up after a car-bomb or such and get tossed into the system.  I'll even buy that some folks might me loath to admit that picking up some individual was a mistake.  

What I don't buy is your implication that the AG & Gitmo facilities have an infinite capacity to hold innocent folks caught up being at the wrong place at the wrong time.  

At some point, those facilities are full & no new pure-as-the-driven-snow folks can be held without releasing old pure-as-the-driven-snow folks.  Some fellow, no matter how much he wants to cover his own tuckus, is going to have to make a decision to keep some and release others.  These attacks are ocurring with regularity, and can be assumed to generate new suspects to stuff in the system with regularity.  Hatred, fear, and malevolnce may be infinite; but square feet in AG & Gitmo ain't.

Also, have you not read the accounts of suspected jihadis who ended up at Gitmo, were released after interrogation turned up insufficient reason to keep them, and were picked up again fighting against us?  They were, indeed, bad folks, but we didn't feel we had enough on them to keep them confined the first time 'round.

Last, all the Gitmo detainees are being given a hearing (with the presence of a journalist) to determine if there is any reason to keep them at Gitmo.  This might not satisfy the Alan Deshowitzes of the world, but it is better than they deserve under the various conventions, accords, and agreements we have signed on to WRT the conduct of war.


“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”
----G.K. Chesterton


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Sick of the Koran debate...
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2005, 08:40:13 AM »
Here is what I should do.

I'll videotape myself burning a Bible, and burning an Arabic Qua'rn.  I'll send the Bible videotape to the Vatican, and the Quar'n tape to Al Jazeera (or whoevcer else could distribuite it).

Who do you think will give me a death sentence?  I very sincerly doubt that the Vatican will call for my death.  Excommunicate me, maybe.  Do I think all clerics would call for my death?  Maybe not.  But the ones that would, probably are the ones that have the means and will to do it.

(I'm not actually going to try this, I sen the unrest that the Newsweek story caused, I can't imagine what a video would do)
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