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Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

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Just curious to see if anyone here has been anticipating this game.
I pre-ordered my copy from Take2 on the sixth of this month...still haven't gotten any messages from them--email or phone or anything.
Lots of folks have already gotten their copy...even folks that pre-ordered after me.  There are some folks that pre-ordered in January and they're in the exact same boat as myself.  The game was supposed to ship on the 20th, and be out in stores on the 21st.

But anyway, The Elder Scrolls IV:  Oblivion is a single-player fantasy RPG game set in the world of Tamriel.  It offers photorealistic (think HL2 but better) graphics in a 16-square mile map with intelligent goal seeking NPCs as well as near complete freedom to do as you please.

I played the third game in the series, Morrowind, for a year before I bothered with the main quest.  It's a safe bet to say that Oblivion will offer even more than that one did.

Anyways, if no one here is interested in the game, just ignore this post, eh?

TES main page:
Oblivion PC Screens:
Oblivion Xbox 360 Screens:

I hope to get my copy tomorrow.

I saw screenshots for Oblivion awhile beack, it looks outstanding. Unfortunately I haven't even finished a fraction of Morrowind/Bloodmoon (or Daggerfall for that matter) yet and my computer certainly won't handle the new Elderscrolls game.

Sorry to hear that.
Bloodmoon is by far my favorite expansion for any game--ever.  It was so amazing.
Also, the great thing about the Elder Scrolls games is you don't have to play the games that came before it to enjoy the current ones.
Though each story takes place in the same universe, they're all completely independant.  Though, they will certainly familiarize you with the lore and such.

Another thing, Bethesda has Arena for free download on their main's very old and in DOS...  I've been successful in getting X-Com/UFO:  Enemy Uknown to work inspite of it being DOS, but have had zero luck with Arena.  Can anyone help me out?


I think I did a bit of what you did with Morrowind- I probably spent 6 months exploring and working to the top of the mages guild, sometimes going to tribunal, and more recently tried Bloodmoon. My character is just about invincible in the Morrowind area , but I had a tougher time in Bloodmoon.

I seriously spent a year just goofing off and completely ignoring the main quest in Morrowind.


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