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Yep, the all purpose baking mix.

I grew up with this; there was always a box in the cupboard, along with a box of powdered milk, kitchen matches, round toothpicks&

Oh we did the old fashioned way of baked goods; just Bisquick was, well, like there was a firearm behind every back door.

I was sharing with kids and their mom how there used to be a Game & Fish pond, open to the public, and folks used to fish for the big gold fish  and whatnot, using biscuit dough for bait. Sometimes we bought a 3cent can of canned biscuits.

At this point the kids just have to head to the kitchen to see if mom has a box of Bisquick, funny, mom has used this for drop biscuits, pancakes, and other uses, just the kids had not paid attention. So tuna biscuits and cheese biscuits were fixed up and the kids helped and thought pretty cool.

Does biscuit dough really catch fish?


Grandparents have a pond, and access to a neighbors, grandparents have been forewarned

Grandparents let the kids mix up the Bisquick and water, make dough, and off they head out.

Grandpa has some bleach bottles, and sets out one for each kid for cat fishing. Tie cord to bleach bottle and something to the bank, and use line, sinker, hook and instead of chicken livers, a big dough ball.

Fish are caught, most released, two eating sized crappie and two bream are kept.

Kids and grandparents having a great time, this is different that digging for worms, besides the dog is just too funny trying to eat a dough ball, this equates to a dog eating a marshmallow, cheapest entertainment in town&

Then it was decided to fish the neighbors pond, and see the horses, actually more to see the horses, visit, and see how the garden was coming along. Still the neighbor shared how he too grew up with Bisquick, and yes he used it for bait too&suggested they talk mom into making blueberry pancakes. Yum.

Neighbors pond only had little fish, and he apologized for not having mowed to get the high grass down on the far side where fishing was better. Suggested they not fish over there, because of snakes, ticks and the like, said to come back anytime, always welcome, and apologized again.

The Bleach bottles were dancing upon return, this was exciting, and two nice catfish were pulled out, one about 6#, the other 4 #s. Grandpa showed how to nail to a tree, and after cutting the skin, used pliers to skin&these filleted, and the remains tossed back into the pond. The other fished cleaned and these remains went into the pond as well.

Grandma cooked these up with all the fixings, grandparents, mom and kids had a good meal and visit.

Mom, you any good at making blueberry pancakes?

Yes I am

Nuh uh- prove it tomorrow morning  okay&please?

The Bisquick box does read all purpose.

K Frame:
Disgusting stuff.

AJ Dual:
Ohhhhh Bisquick....

Equal parts disgusting/good.

Some of the local Chineese take-out places have "sweet dumplings" for dessert. Essentialy they're a dollop of Bisquick batter into Wok oil, and rolled in sugar.

And when you bite into them, the oil comes back out through the sugar. Oh, it's soooooo good/awful.

Harold Tuttle:
roll yer own Bisquick:

9    cups flour
1/4    cup sugar
2 1/3    cups powdered milk
1    tablespoon salt
1/3    cup baking powder
2    cups shortening

Brian Williams:
My wife has been making bisquik for years, and keeps me fat and happy with it.
Works on fish real well.  
I prefer Chocolate Chip pancakes more than blueberry, but one has to eat 4 plain before desert.

So the plain ones end up about the size of silver dollars and the Chocolate chip ones end up about 3 to a large skillet.


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