Main Forums > Politics

McCain, rights, to vote for him or Bar?

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Hi all, I knew this would get speed locked on THR so let me ask it here

I recall McCain saying some very distrubing things about the people should be willing to give up some of their rights for greater safty after the 9-11 incident.

Do any of you recall that as well? or know his exact words?

McCain is really no special friend of gun owners .
 I was going to vote for BOB BARR board member of the NRA. Knowing full well he could never win-It was a protest vote against the RNC for shoving a LIBERAL Lite in my face as an only choice to vote for .
  NOW im going to vote for Mcstain =REASON#1 SARA PALIN.
 She is a true concervitive -gun owner-Hunter -Sportsman!
Im pro abortion But Ill give up that right because most Pro choicers are anti gun and Ill never need an abortion.

The Annoyed Man:
Welcome THR outcasts.

There are a few rules here. Generally though, if conducted in a polite manner, most any conversation goes.

I don't like the guy either, but we're not supposed to use names like "McStain."

New members read this:

I don't recall McCain using those words but it wouldn't surprize me.  There's a school of tought that we gun owners should fear McCain more than Obama.  The thought being that if Obama tries to enact more gun control, the forces of good will come together to stop him.  If McCain tries the same, everyone will think it must be "reasonable" regulation having been supported by a Republican president.  If McCain gets into office, we could actually end up in worse shape (2nd Ammendment wise) than if Obama gets the nod.  Scary.

I'll be voting Libertarian here in California because there's no way McCain gets this state.  Now if I lived in Ohio...


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