Author Topic: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread  (Read 646116 times)


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7425 on: August 02, 2023, 09:59:56 AM »
@PinkPigParts and I were exposed to C0v!d when we took her sister to the Doc-In-A-Box who confirmed that she had it. Yay! Maybe us having had the OG version and jab 1 & 2 may be of some help?
I might not last very long or be very effective but I'll be a real pain in the ass for a minute!


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7426 on: August 23, 2023, 11:41:24 AM »
Well, here we go again, I guess. Premium article, but here's a snippet:

Still, in some parts of the country, mask mandates have already arrived. A slight uptick in the virus led two hospitals in Syracuse, New York, University and Community General, to reimpose mandatory face-masking and COVID testing on Aug. 17, according to local news outlets.

“Effective immediately, mandatory masking is required by all staff, visitors, and patients in clinical areas,”  instructed a memo sent to staff and obtained by “Clinical areas are defined as any location patients gather, wait, transport thorough, or receive care.”

In Los Angeles, major Hollywood studio Lionsgate demanded employees cover their faces at its Santa Monica office buildings. The policy was announced in an internal memo obtained by Deadline, demanding that “Employees must wear a medical grade face covering (surgical mask, KN95 or N95) when indoors except when alone in an office with the door closed, actively eating, actively drinking at their desk or workstation, or if they are the only individual present in a large open workspace.”

In Atlanta, Georgia Morris Brown College announced a mask mandate for everyone entering its campus. In an Aug. 20 Instagram post the college stated that “all students and employees are required to wear face masks (staff may remove face masks when in their offices alone.)”
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7427 on: August 23, 2023, 11:44:38 AM »
The election variant is just around the corner.
Formerly sumpnz


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7428 on: August 23, 2023, 11:45:39 AM »
The election variant is just around the corner.

They're already trying to ramp up the panic. We're all gonna die! again.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7429 on: August 23, 2023, 12:57:07 PM »
They're already trying to ramp up the panic. We're all gonna die! again.

Personally, I'm getting tired of being killed off . . . .
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7430 on: August 23, 2023, 07:27:02 PM »
The election variant is just around the corner.

CDC Announces Deadly New 'Electionyearicron' Covid Variant
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7431 on: August 23, 2023, 07:27:57 PM »
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7433 on: August 25, 2023, 10:00:46 AM »
Of course lockdowns help stop the spread of covid. They will help stop the spread of anything. Want to stop murders? Install government controlled remote locks on the doors of every home in America and lock us all in and have government contractors deliver our goods to us. It will reduce murders by 95%. Want to stop drunk driving? Install breathalyzer lockouts on every car sold in America. It will stop drunk driving.

Make sure to also arrest paddleboarders who have less than a 10 mile perimeter between them and everyone else. Also, make sure to create exceptions for people eating in crowded restaurants. That has to still be allowed so that haircuts can attend birthday parties.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7435 on: August 25, 2023, 11:14:19 AM »
Make sure to also arrest paddleboarders who have less than a 10 mile perimeter between them and everyone else. Also, make sure to create exceptions for people eating in crowded restaurants. That has to still be allowed so that haircuts can attend birthday parties.

All for show like when they put fences and extra guards around open air monuments during the government "shutdown".
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7436 on: August 25, 2023, 11:23:13 AM »
Yeah.  But was the juice worth the squeeze.

WLJ has a key point that applies in a lot of situations: do the costs exceed the benefits?  I still participate in the local health department conference calls on COVID, and the state health department apparently thinks that if they impose another mask mandate in Washington, compliance will be low.
Snohomish County, WA  USA

Quote from: Angel Eyes on August 09, 2018, 01:56:15 AM
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7437 on: August 25, 2023, 11:33:20 AM »
WLJ has a key point that applies in a lot of situations: do the costs exceed the benefits?  I still participate in the local health department conference calls on COVID, and the state health department apparently thinks that if they impose another mask mandate in Washington, compliance will be low.
Just tell people that it'll only be for 2 weeks to slow the spread.

The public health industry burned up an awful lot of goodwill in its handling of COVID.


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7438 on: August 25, 2023, 11:40:09 AM »
For your reading pleasure:

And here we have the problem with current media, and the State funded medical folks.

The headline:  "Lockdowns, Masks, And Social Distancing "Unequivocally" Help Stop The Spread Of COVID"

But that's not what the report says.  First of all, despite quotation marks the word Unequivocal or Unequivocally does not appear anywhere in the linked study EXSUM.

What it says is:
Masks and face coverings:
The weight of evidence from all studies suggests that wearing masks, particularly higher quality masks (respirators), supported by mask mandates, generally reduced the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Studies consistently, though not universally, reported that mask wearing and mask mandates were an effective approach to reduce infection

Social distancing and ‘lockdowns’:
Most effective of all the NPIs were the social distancing measures. Stay-at-home orders, physical distancing, and restrictions on gathering size were repeatedly found to be associated with significant reduction in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, with more stringent measures having greater effects.

The Study goes on to say:
However, the results reported in the three national and regional case studies cannot simply be replicated in other countries and regions. The national and regional contexts for NPIs varied significantly around the world, according to geographical, political, demographic, socio-economic and regulatory factors. The nature of the national implementation of NPIs and their resulting effectiveness can only be understood in the context of a series of other extremely important interacting factors

Cross-country comparisons of the effectiveness of NPIs are affected by multiple factors, most notably differences in demographic factors, healthcare systems, levels of economic prosperity, degrees of trust between citizens and public authorities, and testing and reporting of cases of COVID-19. Different countries or regions were differentially affected by COVID-19with particular impacts on those with olderpopulations12; higher levels of obesity; greater incidence of chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease; larger concentrations of lower income and larger households; and higher population densities. Countries also differed in their categorization of COVID-19 deaths. For instance, Belgium included all deaths where COVID-19 was suspected to contribute, resulting in higher reported death rates early in the pandemic15,while others included only deaths inhospitals16. There were also stark differences in the availability of testing and thereby the numbers of reported cases


There is clear evidence from studies conducted during the pandemic that the stringent implementation of packages of NPIs was effective in some countries in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. There is also evidence for the effectiveness of individual NPIs, although, especially as the pandemic progressed and the virus became more transmissible, NPIs became less effective in controlling the transmission of SARS-CoV-2

Future assessments should also consider the costs as well as the benefits of NPIs, in terms of their impacts on livelihoods, economies, education, social cohesion, physical and mental wellbeing, and potentially other aspects. Drug regulators are able to make recommendations on the use of drugs based upon evidence of their effects and side effects. Similarly, policymakers will be able to make the best policy decisions on NPIs, which are in the main complex social interventions, if they have access to better evidence regarding their broader health and societal impacts. They could consider these alongside their effects on reducing the transmission of the infectious agent

Bolding Mine.

But in general none of those articles communicated the actual Executive Summary findings, much less the actual study.  They pulled snippets to support their editorial conclusions, and neglected to mention the 25% (literally 5 of 20 pages) of the report summary talking about the problems with getting data, comparing data, and that the report was neglecting important considerations.  Just so Politico could say: "COVID lockdowns and masks worked, period" as they transparantly try to spin up support for more society wide interventions.


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7439 on: August 25, 2023, 12:08:38 PM »
I don’t dispute that masks, distancing, etc helped slow the spread of Covid.  And I don’t think anyone does.  The real question is whether the costs of doing that were worth the benefits to public health.

I’d say that depends on your perspective.  If you’re a jackboot thug it was a grand success and clearly a desirable outcome.  If you’re a freedom loving citizen, and especially a parent of young children, it was disastrous.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7440 on: August 25, 2023, 03:52:52 PM »
I don't like combining all those as I don't think they are equal.  Much of this may just be my opinion:

I question whether masks alone helped very much in most situations.  Unless you are sick and/or sneezing/coughing, I doubt it does much.  If two people are required to work in very close proximity or work with food, it makes more sense.  Needed to be more strategic about where and when masks were required. 

I question whether lockdowns and closing businesses helped.  People were stuck at home and health clubs were closed which makes little sense when it comes to overall health.  Also, the Govt was very inconsistent about what businesses closed.  Mostly it was small businesses that were hit like my barber.  I figure more people caught COVID at Walmart than the barber shop. 

I don't agree with closing work places, but putting more emphasis on people staying home if exposed probably helped.  There are always people determined to come to work even if they are half dead with the flu/fever.  Our company provided an additional 2 weeks of sick time to cover it so the hourly folks were covered.

I think the social distancing advice and adding sneeze guards in a lot of places probably helped the most of all of these.  Just my opinion.  I notice people still tend to spread out more than they did before. 
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7441 on: August 25, 2023, 03:56:48 PM »
I don’t dispute that masks, distancing, etc helped slow the spread of Covid.  And I don’t think anyone does.  The real question is whether the costs of doing that were worth the benefits to public health.

I’d say that depends on your perspective.  If you’re a jackboot thug it was a grand success and clearly a desirable outcome.  If you’re a freedom loving citizen, and especially a parent of young children, it was disastrous.

With kids, it would have been better to figure out a way to get them to wash their hands (and maybe face) a lot more.  Schools could set up stations for that and run classes through a few times a day.  I am sure there are other better options including "nothing at all".
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7442 on: August 25, 2023, 09:59:57 PM »
When it gets bad enough that they close the border, I might look at what they have to say. Until then they can piss off.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7443 on: August 26, 2023, 07:52:48 AM »
When it gets bad enough that they close the border, I might look at what they have to say. Until then they can piss off.

Hold your breath on that ever happening under a dem admin. During the zombie apocalypse they'll be at the border with welcome signs, handing them dem voter cards, and herding them onto buses. Brrraains Voootes
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7444 on: August 26, 2023, 02:29:17 PM »
Hmm, according to the local hospital census conference this morning, we now have 19 COVID patients in house, reflecting a sudden spike in the community since the middle of this week.  I see from the local case counts, we have been on a gradual upward trend since mid July. although they are a couple of weeks behind on current case counts.
Snohomish County, WA  USA

Quote from: Angel Eyes on August 09, 2018, 01:56:15 AM
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7445 on: August 26, 2023, 09:19:06 PM »
Here we go

President Biden said Friday he plans to request additional funding from Congress for the development of a new COVID-19 vaccine, adding he may require everyone to take it, regardless of if they previously received a vaccine or not.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7446 on: August 26, 2023, 09:33:16 PM »
Can you imagine the clustr$^& of paranoia and rage that would result if the Biden had a law requiring everyone to get the shot?   :lol:


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7447 on: August 26, 2023, 09:40:55 PM »
Last go-round the jab was voluntary for work, they even kicked in $100 if you got it.

If Brandon makes it mandatory - I'm retiring a few months earlier than planned.


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #7449 on: August 26, 2023, 09:54:52 PM »
No.  NO.  HELL NO !!

Never had a flu shot.  Never got this "genetic experiment".  Not ever.
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