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Fourth of July photos


Alright, I managed to get a few decent photos of the fireworks last night.  Ya'll know how large these things are, so just keep that in mind when looking at them. There's not much in the foreground to put it into perscective (that you could see at 10pm anyway.  )

I also included a few close up crops of just the fireworks as they exploded...they're just so damn cool looking.

Please feel free to share your pics also.


Some pretty good photos there pardner.  Thanks for posting them.

So thats what fireworks look like, I have been shooting them for the past few years and don't get to look at them anymore.

Nathaniel Firethorn:
It's hard to see the delicate little shading effects when you look at 'em in realtime. Thanks for the pics.

- NF


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