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I think Afroman is one of us now...

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Serious gigglesnortage... And it gets better and better...

They're realizing how bad Biden looks and just how much of an albatross around the dem's neck he is but that doesn't mean they've been "red pilled" in any way.

The cultural stuff I see from that community this year is 180 degrees from 2020.  Almost all of it is making fun of Biden and liking Trump.  In 2020, there were rap videos fantasizing about killing Trump and all sorts of stuff like that.  If there were people who liked Trump, they didn't say it real loud and you didn't hear about it a whole lot if you weren't looking.
Will it translate to votes?  I don't know, but I think it will.  Will it be enough to overcome the steal?  I don't know.

Every so often, I get a customer in my "center of the St. Louis metro area" auto parts store who bitches about the prices.
My reply has become "I didn't vote for him."
About the only people who get upset have hot topic hair, etc., etc...
More and more black people are getting off the Democrat plantation...
"Hey, those folks have been running things in St. Louis for over 50 years, and has anything gotten better? Nope... In fact..."

Another small indicator of a shift this year over the last election:
Protest at the University of Alabama.  Both sides of the protest chanting F. Joe Biden.   =)


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