Author Topic: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread  (Read 646060 times)

Perd Hapley

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1850 on: April 01, 2020, 10:52:03 PM »
No kidding. I'm also getting tired of "conservatives aren't self-isolating like us smarter liberals". I had to read a story in my local rag where they were talking about how good Boise was about it (via cellphone tracking) and how bad us hicks in the rural areas were, and of course Boise is all hip and liberal, so that's why.

Nothing at all to do with crowds and having a neighbor with a shared wall or with their house 10' from yours. Conservative me would be locking myself in the house if I lived in a densely populated city. If they had room to roam, don't tell me progressives would still stay inside their homes.

Thank you.

It's not hard to figure out. The worst outbreaks have been in blue enclaves like NYC, Seattle, and other cities. Cities tend blue. How shocking that people in the hot zones react more strongly to the threat.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1851 on: April 02, 2020, 12:06:25 AM »
You are here
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1852 on: April 02, 2020, 02:36:27 AM »
Video by a doctor about how the coronavirus kills. This video dates back to March 23, and he was worried back then. He has more recent videos that I haven't watched you. This isn't pleasant stuff, but I recommend watching it. We need to understand how this disease kills and why it is so dangerous.

Language warning: He doesn't not pull his punches. There's more than one F bomb in this video.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1853 on: April 02, 2020, 08:12:21 AM »
Okay, here's something I heard on the news this morning, and if it's true, it's infuriating: We have NOT topped off the strategic oil reserves yet. I thought this was a done deal already?!? According to the report, the money to do it was supposed to be in the recently passed stimulus package, but dems nixed it and Rs folded, because "it would enrich the oil companies".

Are you *expletive deleted*ing kidding me?!?!?!? Oil is at the cheapest point in forever, and the strategic oil reserves are, well, STRATEGIC, and we have to remove that money from the stimulus package to fund crap like the Kennedy Center?!? If this is true, I'm livid.

Pelosi is pushing her next free stuff bill, which includes eliminating SALT. I know the Rs will end up folding on that to keep important stuff in the bill from being held up. They had better put money for the strategic reserves in this one, and not budge if they're giving Pelosi's base free dough.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1854 on: April 02, 2020, 08:14:43 AM »
Okay, here's something I heard on the news this morning, and if it's true, it's infuriating: We have NOT topped off the strategic oil reserves yet. I thought this was a done deal already?!? According to the report, the money to do it was supposed to be in the recently passed stimulus package, but dems nixed it and Rs folded, because "it would enrich the oil companies".

Are you *expletive deleted*ing kidding me?!?!?!? Oil is at the cheapest point in forever, and the strategic oil reserves are, well, STRATEGIC, and we have to remove that money from the stimulus package to fund crap like the Kennedy Center?!? If this is true, I'm livid.

Pelosi is pushing her next free stuff bill, which includes eliminating SALT. I know the Rs will end up folding on that to keep important stuff in the bill from being held up. They had better put money for the strategic reserves in this one, and not budge if they're giving Pelosi's base free dough.

R's folded because they only give a *expletive deleted*ck about business cronies. 

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1855 on: April 02, 2020, 08:18:13 AM »
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1856 on: April 02, 2020, 08:19:23 AM »
On a humorous note, I'm cracking up at how so many things critical to fighting the virus are pretty much anti-econazi. Besides things like "once use" bags, etc. now being back in vogue, it appears a company has a machine that looks to be a quick and easy way to disinfect stuff (N95 masks for example). The catch? It uses ozone. Ozone devices are banned in states like CA because environment. Now they have to decide if they want to save the earths or themselves.  :laugh:

They should be happy that it still helps with the "reuse" part of environmentalism. They'll just have to decide between the ozone and the reuse. :)
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1857 on: April 02, 2020, 08:20:10 AM »
R's folded because they only give a *expletive deleted*ck about business cronies. 

I thought the oil companies were supposed to be the R's business cronies?
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1858 on: April 02, 2020, 08:21:22 AM »
The folks in power who aren't acting like this is the end of the world are telling us something by their actions.

Business cronies own both parties. It's cronies all the way down.

Our government is like The Sopranos. There are no good guys.

You can support the bad guys that don't hate you and might leave you alone if you keep your head down.

Or you can support those who hate traditional, religious or Christian, normal people and hate the irreligious who like living in functioning societies.

For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1859 on: April 02, 2020, 08:22:30 AM »
I thought the oil companies were supposed to be the R's business cronies?

At that price per barrel, they're not doing the oil companies any favors. 

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1860 on: April 02, 2020, 08:28:52 AM »
At that price per barrel, they're not doing the oil companies any favors. 

On a tangent, I thought the President could do this without asking for a "by your leave" from anyone? There's other important stuff we have to keep up with, even if the virus has focused our resources and attention. The strategic reserves are part of that.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1861 on: April 02, 2020, 08:36:55 AM »
On a tangent, I thought the President could do this without asking for a "by your leave" from anyone? There's other important stuff we have to keep up with, even if the virus has focused our resources and attention. The strategic reserves are part of that.

I guess not.  But now Trump wants to rent the space out.

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1862 on: April 02, 2020, 09:38:06 AM »
In Europe apparently they are confirming virus spreading to pets, including at least one cat and dozens of dogs. Many of them are unsymptomatic carriers. For some unsubstantiated reason they say there's nothing to worry about getting the virus from animals, but you should wash your hands and don't let them lick your face you know just in case. Didn't the black death spread by fleas? Is this finally justification for my cat hatred?
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1863 on: April 02, 2020, 09:48:30 AM »
If we pretend for a second that this isn't a bioweapon:

The original story was this hit humans by eating animals that had been infected.  That would seem to indicate that animals can carry a virus load that could infect people.  I fail to see how something like saliva or snot from a living pet is going to be very different then fluids from a dead animal as far as viable viri in it.  I am not, however, a virologist.


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1864 on: April 02, 2020, 09:48:45 AM »
R's folded because they only give a *expletive deleted*ck about business cronies. 
While that is true, I think they caved because they weren't willing to walk away from the deal and pass nothing.  They always fall into that trap and the Dems know it.  
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1865 on: April 02, 2020, 09:52:25 AM »
At work, we had been running along at pretty good rates.  Finally noticing some changes in the last week or so.  A refinery we sell to has been steadily reducing rates the last couple weeks and one of our gas suppliers cut back we think due to full inventory on the main products.  Take that for what it is worth. 
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1866 on: April 02, 2020, 10:01:08 AM »
If we pretend for a second that this isn't a bioweapon:

The original story was this hit humans by eating animals that had been infected.  That would seem to indicate that animals can carry a virus load that could infect people.  I fail to see how something like saliva or snot from a living pet is going to be very different then fluids from a dead animal as far as viable viri in it.  I am not, however, a virologist.

The difference is whether or not the virus can survive and reproduce in the given animal. If not, the animal is just another surface. If so, it can be much more infectious.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1867 on: April 02, 2020, 10:05:21 AM »
If we pretend for a second that this isn't a bioweapon:

The original story was this hit humans by eating animals that had been infected.  That would seem to indicate that animals can carry a virus load that could infect people.  I fail to see how something like saliva or snot from a living pet is going to be very different then fluids from a dead animal as far as viable viri in it.  I am not, however, a virologist.

I think a real bioweapon would spread faster and have a much higher hospitalization rate. There are at least 7 known human coronaviruses.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1868 on: April 02, 2020, 10:17:26 AM »
If we pretend for a second that this isn't a bioweapon:

The original story was this hit humans by eating animals that had been infected.  That would seem to indicate that animals can carry a virus load that could infect people.  I fail to see how something like saliva or snot from a living pet is going to be very different then fluids from a dead animal as far as viable viri in it.  I am not, however, a virologist.

This guy literally wrote the book.

I strongly suggest watching all the interview clips with Osterholm.  They're very good.


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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1869 on: April 02, 2020, 10:20:09 AM »
Watch: Irate Japanese Official Suggests a New Name for WHO

    WOW: Japanese official blasts China, says the WHO should be renamed the CHO -- China Health Organization, given the Chinese Communist Party's role in covering up the #coronavirus outbreak:
    — John Cooper (@thejcoop) April 1, 2020
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1870 on: April 02, 2020, 10:29:52 AM »
Oh read this article, too

And then, hit up youtube for some videos on the wet markets in China.

The Chinese are so *expletive deleted*ing disgusting in their eating habits. 

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1871 on: April 02, 2020, 10:32:29 AM »
I think a real bioweapon would spread faster and have a much higher hospitalization rate. There are at least 7 known human coronaviruses.

I think that's true if it is a tested and deployed bioweapon. If it is an accidental release of an experimental sample, maybe yes, maybe no. I'm not saying it is or isn't a bioweapon, but if it were, say in the early stages of development and accidentally got released, it might not be as "fully cooked" as they say.

It all makes the lack of information and the disinformation coming out of China that much harder to sift through. On the devil's advocate side, I'm not sure if a bioweapon were accidentally released from a US lab, that we would admit it.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1872 on: April 02, 2020, 10:33:55 AM »
I think that's true if it is a tested and deployed bioweapon. If it is an accidental release of an experimental sample, maybe yes, maybe no. I'm not saying it is or isn't a bioweapon, but if it were, say in the early stages of development and accidentally got released, it might not be as "fully cooked" as they say.

It all makes the lack of information and the disinformation coming out of China that much harder to sift through. On the devil's advocate side, I'm not sure if a bioweapon were accidentally released from a US lab, that we would admit it.

Watch the clip I shared.

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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1873 on: April 02, 2020, 10:49:15 AM »
Watch the clip I shared.

Good clip, not too techie.
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Re: COVID-19/corona virus mega thread/prepping thread
« Reply #1874 on: April 02, 2020, 11:00:39 AM »
Okay, here's something I heard on the news this morning, and if it's true, it's infuriating: We have NOT topped off the strategic oil reserves yet. I thought this was a done deal already?!? According to the report, the money to do it was supposed to be in the recently passed stimulus package, but dems nixed it and Rs folded, because "it would enrich the oil companies".

Are you *expletive deleted*ing kidding me?!?!?!? Oil is at the cheapest point in forever, and the strategic oil reserves are, well, STRATEGIC, and we have to remove that money from the stimulus package to fund crap like the Kennedy Center?!? If this is true, I'm livid.

Pelosi is pushing her next free stuff bill, which includes eliminating SALT. I know the Rs will end up folding on that to keep important stuff in the bill from being held up. They had better put money for the strategic reserves in this one, and not budge if they're giving Pelosi's base free dough.

Here it is again - eh - still! Pelosi and her democrat ilk are playing games with a bent toward their agenda showing no focus toward the problem at hand. They are simply taking undue advantage of the (for lack of a better word) "panic" that they - via their buddies in the press - are hyping. It appears to be easy for them to disregard our plight. This tells me they don't give a rats arse about We the People. They are despotic. There is no polite way to address them. They are what they are.

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