Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: RadioFreeSeaLab on January 24, 2008, 12:55:31 PM

Title: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on January 24, 2008, 12:55:31 PM

Teachers could police lunch boxes
Lunch boxes Head teachers' leaders fear they could be forced to snoop in children's lunch boxes under plans to tackle obesity.

New guidelines require head teachers to draw up healthy lunch box policies on what makes a nutritional packed lunch.

A template policy, linked to the guidelines, bans snacks like crisps and chocolate, and suggests packed lunches are "regularly reviewed".

Head of the ASCL teaching union John Dunford said policing the contents of pupils' lunch boxes was a step too far.

Letter home

Dr Dunford said: "If we have a healthy lunch box policy - it's a pretty short distance between that and Ofsted coming in and saying you are failing in that duty if they spot a packet of crisps in a lunch box.

"If that is the expectation, it goes a step too far."

He added: "There's very little we can do if children bring in a can of fizzy drink and a packet of crisps."

The cross-departmental guidelines, launched on Wednesday, link to a sample policy which urges parents to ensure the pack lunches they provide form part of a balanced diet.

Teaching or catering staff are urged to review packed lunches and reward ones that meet the guidelines with congratulatory stickers or letters home.

"Parents or pupils who do not adhere to the packed lunch policy will receive a leaflet informing them of the policy.

"If a child regularly brings a packed lunch that does not conform to the policy then the school will contact the parents to discuss this," it says.

The move comes after recent surveys suggested the take-up of school meals had declined since healthy food guidelines were introduced.

A Department for Children, Schools and Families spokesman said: "We are not going to legislate for what's in children's lunchboxes.

"But parents are telling us that they want more advice on what they should be putting in packed lunches. I think it is only right that all schools should have clear advice ? as many already do."

She said junk food had already been banned from vending machines and tough new nutritional guidelines ensured children were getting healthy, balanced school meals.

She added: "Now it makes sense for us to make sure - with heads and parents and governors - that children having packed lunches are getting the same opportunity for healthy meals."

Many schools already have healthy packed lunch policies and some even sell their own healthy packed lunches.
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: K Frame on January 24, 2008, 01:14:26 PM

Sounds like a fun opportunity to send a bag of lard to school...
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Tallpine on January 24, 2008, 01:30:44 PM
When chocolate chip cookies are outlawed, only outlaws will have chocolate chip cookies  rolleyes

Will someone please wake me and tell me that I've been having a bad dream ....  shocked
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: mtnbkr on January 24, 2008, 02:50:36 PM
Sounds like a fun opportunity to send a bag of lard to school...

Been peeking in my lunchbox again?

Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 24, 2008, 03:07:15 PM
Oh, it says the UK.

Thought for a second there the article was from Kalifornistan.  shocked

Maybe we could set up a School Lunch Twinkie donation website for 'em. 
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Manedwolf on January 24, 2008, 03:33:22 PM
Suggestion for kids to put in their lunchboxes:

Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Bigjake on January 24, 2008, 04:24:24 PM
heheheh. I like it. 

Sad thing is, like Gewehr98, I had to check the location..
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Sergeant Bob on January 24, 2008, 04:32:36 PM
heheheh. I like it. 

Sad thing is, like Gewehr98, I had to check the location..

This pretty much gave it away:

He added: "There's very little we can do if children bring in a can of fizzy drink and a packet of crisps."

Even in Kalifornistan it's hard to to find a "fizzy drink" and "packets of crisps". grin
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Bigjake on January 24, 2008, 04:56:30 PM
but would you be overly surprised if it was " a Vanilla Coke and bag of Dorritos" In Kalifornistan??
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Tuco on January 25, 2008, 08:07:21 AM
This is already happening in my kid's school, I call it the sugar reviews.  I'm not gonna make a big deal of it because I have a wife that won't listen or read an ingredient list.  It's gotten to the point where I'm willing let my kid come home embarrassed from a shitty sugar review, and refuse the junk food in future lunches.

It's less embarrassing than being called fatso. 
I know this to be true.

Kevlar underpants in place....

Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: griz on January 25, 2008, 09:05:15 AM
Outlaw obeisity, for the children.  I can't even tell if I'm being sarcastic or not. undecided
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Tallpine on January 25, 2008, 10:37:29 AM
Only a matter of time until they start doing SWAT no-knock raids on family homes to look for sugar, fat, and chocolate  shocked
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: BrokenPaw on January 25, 2008, 10:44:25 AM
Sounds like I was being prescient when I wrote this.

Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: SteveS on January 25, 2008, 12:16:18 PM
This is already happening in my kid's school, I call it the sugar reviews.  I'm not gonna make a big deal of it because I have a wife that won't listen or read an ingredient list.  It's gotten to the point where I'm willing let my kid come home embarrassed from a shitty sugar review, and refuse the junk food in future lunches.

It's less embarrassing than being called fatso. 
I know this to be true.

Kevlar underpants in place....


I have to agree with you.  I volunteer in my daughter's school once a week and I usually eat lunch with her.  Some kids eat way more that I could (we are talking about kindergarten) and it is pretty gross.  I feel bad for them, but I guess if their parents want them to be butterballs, it isn't any of my business.
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Werewolf on January 25, 2008, 02:07:25 PM

I have to agree with you.  I volunteer in my daughter's school once a week and I usually eat lunch with her.  Some kids eat way more that I could (we are talking about kindergarten) and it is pretty gross.  I feel bad for them, but I guess if their parents want them to be butterballs, it isn't any of my business.

If it isn't any of your business then why did you make the effort to notice what the other kids are eating or even remember?
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Paddy on January 25, 2008, 02:22:36 PM
Sounds like I was being prescient when I wrote this.


No, it sounds like you were blaming California for everything you don't like in the world.  If you have a problem with California, you're invited to stay the hell out.  And if you claim to live in a so-called 'free state', why is California so threatening to you?  I'll answer that for you-because dissing something else, anything, makes you feel smug and superior, and California is a good target in your small minded world.

Have a nice day.  smiley
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Sindawe on January 25, 2008, 03:04:57 PM

in loco parentis?  When I mentioned that to the Admin of the local High School about their underaged students tresspassing, loitering and littering on the HOA property where I live, they just looked at me like I grew a 2nd head.  rolleyes

Back to the topic at hand:

Schools taking steps to provide nutritious non-junk food items for the students to consume is reasonable.  Monitoring what parents chose to pack 'em for lunch (AND monitoring students activities when not in school or school related functions) is not.
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Bigjake on January 25, 2008, 03:30:26 PM
why is California so threatening to you?  I'll answer that for you-because dissing something else, anything, makes you feel smug and superior, and California is a good target in your small minded world.

Have a nice day. 

I think it's more of the fact that Kommiefornia starts the majority of the "follow the leader" idiocy that is modern liberalism.  They pull some stupid stunt, and the socialist parasites around the country feel the need to catch up.
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: grislyatoms on January 26, 2008, 02:39:13 PM
Sometimes, I put...gasp... COOKIES in my daughter's lunch. Just get this urge, this uncontrollable, unyielding desire to sabotage my daughter's health.

Glad to know the Nanny-state folks across the pond are looking out for poor waifs like her.

Re: In loco parentis

Kiddo had to visit her school's nurse the other day for a little boo-boo. There was another child in the office. Kiddo said that the person in the office (apparently not the nurse) flicked water in the child's face. When the child flinched, this person stated "You're not sick, go back to class."

Another time after a bout of GI upset, I told my kiddo to call me if she didn't feel well. She didn't eat lunch that day. She went to the nurse; the nurse told me on the phone "She believes it's okay to go home because you told her it was okay." And? Point?
She threw up in the car on the way home...

I am currently writing a letter to the school board.
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: SteveS on January 26, 2008, 06:53:23 PM

I have to agree with you.  I volunteer in my daughter's school once a week and I usually eat lunch with her.  Some kids eat way more that I could (we are talking about kindergarten) and it is pretty gross.  I feel bad for them, but I guess if their parents want them to be butterballs, it isn't any of my business.

If it isn't any of your business then why did you make the effort to notice what the other kids are eating or even remember?

If I eat lunch with the same people every week for 17 or 18 weeks I tend to notice things (amazingly, it doesn't even take much effort).  Don't you ever notice things that happen around you?
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: BrokenPaw on January 27, 2008, 08:25:54 AM
Sounds like I was being prescient when I wrote this.


No, it sounds like you were blaming California for everything you don't like in the world.  If you have a problem with California, you're invited to stay the hell out.  And if you claim to live in a so-called 'free state', why is California so threatening to you?  I'll answer that for you-because dissing something else, anything, makes you feel smug and superior, and California is a good target in your small minded world.

Have a nice day.  smiley
Oh, please.  Get over the persecution complex.  It's getting as old as Tecumseh's Christian upbringing.  You know very well that California is used as a testbed by the groups with the most liberal agendas, because the demographic in southern California is one of the most liberal voting blocs in the country, and there's little that the more rational people of northern California can do about it.

The simple fact is that no amount of grandstanding on your part can change the fact that California has many of the most liberal policies in the country, and as the country moves in a more liberal direction, watching the way the wind is blowing in California can be a pretty good indication of how the liberals are going to try to get the wind to blow elsewhere.

This is not I repeat not an attack on you personally, or on any right-thinking person who chooses to live in California.  It is merely an observation of how things have gone historically.

You'll also note that out of the 22 paragraphs in the post that got you into a terminal wedgie, exactly two of them mentioned California, and while they were a couple of the longer paragraphs, the sum total reference to your fair state was less than 20% of the article, and the balance was actually about Illinois.

Sheesh.  Relax a bit.

Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 27, 2008, 08:28:14 AM
It's also why I left Kalifornia in 1999.   undecided
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Werewolf on January 27, 2008, 09:02:21 AM

I have to agree with you.  I volunteer in my daughter's school once a week and I usually eat lunch with her.  Some kids eat way more that I could (we are talking about kindergarten) and it is pretty gross.  I feel bad for them, but I guess if their parents want them to be butterballs, it isn't any of my business.

If it isn't any of your business then why did you make the effort to notice what the other kids are eating or even remember?

If I eat lunch with the same people every week for 17 or 18 weeks I tend to notice things (amazingly, it doesn't even take much effort).  Don't you ever notice things that happen around you?
But I make no effort to remember them and the memory fades rather quickly.
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: SteveS on January 27, 2008, 12:13:23 PM

I have to agree with you.  I volunteer in my daughter's school once a week and I usually eat lunch with her.  Some kids eat way more that I could (we are talking about kindergarten) and it is pretty gross.  I feel bad for them, but I guess if their parents want them to be butterballs, it isn't any of my business.

If it isn't any of your business then why did you make the effort to notice what the other kids are eating or even remember?

If I eat lunch with the same people every week for 17 or 18 weeks I tend to notice things (amazingly, it doesn't even take much effort).  Don't you ever notice things that happen around you?
But I make no effort to remember them and the memory fades rather quickly.

Unfortunately, I tend to remember things whether I want to or not. 
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Lee on January 27, 2008, 02:30:12 PM
I see a John Cleese opportunity here.
while snooping through a lunch box..."hmmm.. apple juice box... smoked kippers... handgun....cake....GOOD LORD, WHAT in heavens name is this cake doing in here?"
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: TF_FH on January 28, 2008, 11:19:49 AM
I think there might be a market over there for concealed cookie holsters.   laugh
Title: Re: Teachers could police lunch boxes
Post by: Bigjake on January 28, 2008, 11:31:04 AM
I see a John Cleese opportunity here.
while snooping through a lunch box..."hmmm.. apple juice box... smoked kippers... handgun....cake....GOOD LORD, WHAT in heavens name is this cake doing in here?"
