Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Zed on January 29, 2008, 09:22:27 AM

Title: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Zed on January 29, 2008, 09:22:27 AM
Where do these morons get off doing this BS. angry

Makes me want to puke.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Bogie on January 29, 2008, 09:39:19 AM
I wonder what the "simple assault" criminal penalty is around there... There's gotta be a few retired Marines in that area who won't mind a misdemeanor...
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: James Fitzer on January 29, 2008, 09:39:43 AM
The evil things I want to do to these people... Makes me wanna hurl

God Bless the USMC

Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 29, 2008, 09:43:32 AM
Old, old, news.  Why? 

Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 29, 2008, 10:09:04 AM
Old, old, news.  Why?

Oh, I dunno.

Maybe some of us hadn't heard about it - this sheltered military retiree being one of them.  I didn't know who Heath Ledger was either. I suppose I could camp out at APS 24/7 and get all the news...  rolleyes
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 29, 2008, 10:23:05 AM
Whatever.  Do we really need to start a new thread every week about how much we hate these loathsome individuals?  How if we were there, we'd beat them all into a bloody mess? 

How about another one of those pledges?  This time, you pledge that if you are going to talk tough on the internet, you go ahead and buy a plane ticket to their next funeral bash, and you really go upside their heads.  We'll be watching the news. 

We could start an airfare fund for all you hot-heads. 
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: roo_ster on January 29, 2008, 11:11:31 AM
fistful has a point.  The regular WBC hate-fest is getting kinda 1984-ish.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Paddy on January 29, 2008, 11:15:10 AM
Exactly.  Why give that lowlife any attention at all?  Unless you're going to do something about it, legally or otherwise.  They want attention.  Don't give it to them.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 29, 2008, 11:36:27 AM
I really like the ones who claim that WBC has a right to protest funerals, and then say that they would beat them up.   smiley
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Bogie on January 29, 2008, 12:47:48 PM
Hey, Fisty... What's the law here in Missouri? If I walk up and slap one of them silly, what am I looking at?

Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: mtnbkr on January 29, 2008, 02:56:44 PM
Hey, Fisty... What's the law here in Missouri? If I walk up and slap one of them silly, what am I looking at?

It's not the criminal code you have to worry about, but their assault lawyers they'll sick on you for various civil rights issues.

Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Bogie on January 29, 2008, 04:00:43 PM
I've got one of those. In the family. Retired. And enjoying of hobbies.

And she's also a patriotic conservative type, who would likely walk up and slap one of 'em silly too.

Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: mtnbkr on January 29, 2008, 04:05:14 PM
Point is, you're giving them exactly what they want.  It not only potentially gives them income, but it gives them yet another forum to spread their message.

When nobody's listening, they'll go away, but some folks aren't bright enough to get that.

Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: seeker_two on January 29, 2008, 04:20:53 PM
Hey, Fisty... What's the law here in Missouri? If I walk up and slap one of them silly, what am I looking at?

....and would it complicate things if, after slapped silly, they fell into a wood chipper?....
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Bigjake on January 29, 2008, 05:21:18 PM
Hey, Fisty... What's the law here in Missouri? If I walk up and slap one of them silly, what am I looking at?

....and would it complicate things if, after slapped silly, they fell into a wood chipper?....

Karma Baby!

It's too bad PGR demands we play nice around these asshats...
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Strings on January 29, 2008, 06:34:37 PM
Honestly folks, I think the whole "religion" thing they play is a front: they're TRYING to instigate problems, so they have targets for their lawsuits.

 Best thing would be if everyone flat out ignored them. Second best is them showing up at THE wrong funeral, and quietly "disappearing"...

Ok... maybe I have those reversed...
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: crt360 on January 29, 2008, 06:57:45 PM
Why not follow them around with your own sign that says something like "God hates WBC inbreds!" and wait for them to slap you?  smiley
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Tecumseh on January 29, 2008, 07:00:04 PM
Are those guys that Christian group the Westboro Baptist Church?
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: doc2rn on January 29, 2008, 07:04:40 PM
Guys they want you to react. They make their money by making bogus cases and then asking the court to give them lawyer fees which is how they fund their church, travel, etc... Not only that they all claim to own nothing, they give everything to their pastor Fred Phelps who then gives them tax ride off slips, so the church which is tax exempt owns everything. That is why the lawyer daughter is fighting a case in Nebraska for letting her boy stand on the flag. They also lost in court to that Marine's father for dessicrating his son's funeral. They are appealling the verdict against them to the tune of $$$$$$. I called the police and had them ticketed for flying the Canadian flag over the US flag, that felt sooo good. After a month worth of tickets, they then hung our flag upside down. I quit carrying mail because of all the rotten eggs and fecal matter sent to their church. That mail jeep was stinkin in the Ks summer. What I dont get is if they hate our country so much, why dont they just leave?
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Ned Hamford on January 29, 2008, 07:20:37 PM
. What I dont get is if they hate our country so much, why dont they just leave?

Who would take them?
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Bogie on January 29, 2008, 07:45:51 PM
I wonder how long they'd keep going if a few folks went UC on 'em...
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 29, 2008, 08:01:37 PM
Are those guys that Christian group the Westboro Baptist Church?

Uh.  Sort of.   smiley

Actually, T, it wouldn't be out of bounds for someone to describe the WBC as "Christian hate-mongers" or some-such,* the same as they might describe bin Laden as an "Islamic terrorist."  In both cases, you have people that make constant use of religion (even if they're only faking it) as the motive for their actions.  The same cannot be said for McVeigh.  The facts I've seen indicate he was not a religious person, anyway. 

*Even though they are demonstrably not Christian.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Zed on January 29, 2008, 08:38:44 PM
they then hung our flag upside down.

Quite Fitting when you look up the meaning of an Upside Down US Flag.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Tecumseh on January 30, 2008, 09:36:56 AM
Are those guys that Christian group the Westboro Baptist Church?

Uh.  Sort of.   smiley

Actually, T, it wouldn't be out of bounds for someone to describe the WBC as "Christian hate-mongers" or some-such,* the same as they might describe bin Laden as an "Islamic terrorist."  In both cases, you have people that make constant use of religion (even if they're only faking it) as the motive for their actions.  The same cannot be said for McVeigh.  The facts I've seen indicate he was not a religious person, anyway. 

*Even though they are demonstrably not Christian.
  Just as OBL is not a Muslim.  People hijack religion to their own ends and use it for horror.  I would say that OBL is worse than Phelps but the facts are that both took a peaceful religion and hijacked it to further their own ends, both societal and political.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Bogie on January 30, 2008, 09:47:05 AM
From what I understand Phelps ain't killed nobody yet. And Osama's worth a lot more if I put a cap in his posterior...

Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 30, 2008, 09:51:16 AM
Are those guys that Christian group the Westboro Baptist Church?

Uh.  Sort of.   smiley

Actually, T, it wouldn't be out of bounds for someone to describe the WBC as "Christian hate-mongers" or some-such,* the same as they might describe bin Laden as an "Islamic terrorist."  In both cases, you have people that make constant use of religion (even if they're only faking it) as the motive for their actions.  The same cannot be said for McVeigh.  The facts I've seen indicate he was not a religious person, anyway. 

*Even though they are demonstrably not Christian.
  Just as OBL is not a Muslim.  People hijack religion to their own ends and use it for horror.  I would say that OBL is worse than Phelps but the facts are that both took a peaceful religion and hijacked it to further their own ends, both societal and political.

You misunderstand.  OBL and Phelps are either religious, or they pretend to be.  McVeigh didn't seem to be either.  That's why it is misleading to label him a Christian terrorist. 
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Bogie on January 30, 2008, 10:33:47 AM
If I shoot Osama, people in New York, Los Angeles and Paris will become upset.

If I shoot Phelps, well... Someone, somewhere, might get irritated. Maybe.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Tecumseh on January 30, 2008, 06:23:14 PM
Are those guys that Christian group the Westboro Baptist Church?

Uh.  Sort of.   smiley

Actually, T, it wouldn't be out of bounds for someone to describe the WBC as "Christian hate-mongers" or some-such,* the same as they might describe bin Laden as an "Islamic terrorist."  In both cases, you have people that make constant use of religion (even if they're only faking it) as the motive for their actions.  The same cannot be said for McVeigh.  The facts I've seen indicate he was not a religious person, anyway. 

*Even though they are demonstrably not Christian.
  Just as OBL is not a Muslim.  People hijack religion to their own ends and use it for horror.  I would say that OBL is worse than Phelps but the facts are that both took a peaceful religion and hijacked it to further their own ends, both societal and political.

You misunderstand.  OBL and Phelps are either religious, or they pretend to be.  McVeigh didn't seem to be either.  That's why it is misleading to label him a Christian terrorist. 
  The majority of his views seemed to develop from the Christian Identity movement.  So they are religious in nature.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Perd Hapley on January 30, 2008, 06:33:38 PM
The majority of his views seemed to develop from the Christian Identity movement.  So they are religious in nature. 

I'd like some of the good, old links-and-evidence to support both of those points.

1.  "The majority of his views seemed to develop from the Christian Identity movement."

2.  How religiously-oriented is Christian Identity, anyway? 
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Silver Bullet on January 31, 2008, 07:43:47 PM
I was skeptical of the value of this thread when I first read it.  Then I realized it is good to remind people that we are involved in a culture war.

Further evidence:

The ultimate leftist put-down of the 2004 election results
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Tecumseh on January 31, 2008, 08:04:42 PM
That was a great read Silver Bullet.
Title: Re: This outta spoil your day....
Post by: Silver Bullet on February 01, 2008, 08:09:20 PM
You can't stop the signal ...