Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Bigjake on January 31, 2008, 06:07:49 PM

Title: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bigjake on January 31, 2008, 06:07:49 PM
Title says it all.  I'm not sure what to do, be it vote for Yosemite Sam or go shooting.  What are y'all gonna do??  In a McCain/ Hillary heads up, I'd rather see the Dems send us to hell than one of "our own". Even if that means 4 more years of ANY Clinton.

*No, I'm not voting Paul, his minions have made it very clear to me that my name is worth too much to associate with such idiots.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: charby on January 31, 2008, 06:13:21 PM
I guess just suck up like I have for the past 20 years.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Sergeant Bob on January 31, 2008, 06:17:13 PM
I'm almost hoping Hillary gets elected instead of McCain. Maybe then the GOP might grow a pair.......

Or maybe not. undecided
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on January 31, 2008, 06:20:59 PM
I'm starting to wonder if McCain suffers from multiple personality disorder. Did you see his debate with Romney?

I mean, I don't like Romney, but McCain was almost sadistic in how angrily overconfident he was being...downright mean, as if he was enjoying tormenting the one he was sure he'd beat. In a scary way. The man constantly switches from Happy McCain to Mean McCain, even as a commenter said, you never know which you'll see at any appearance.

I don't like the idea of someone with that just below the surface having the launch codes, you know?  undecided
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Boomhauer on January 31, 2008, 06:32:09 PM
Well, I'm going to vote for Cthulhu. grin

He's even got Cthulhucare!

Check this out...

Yeah, I'm tired and fed up with this race. I'm sure as hell not voting for McCain- might as well vote Democrat in that case...

And, yeah, seriously, I will write in Cthulhu for prez...

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Tecumseh on January 31, 2008, 07:38:21 PM
I will write in Ron Paul.  As of right now, I will be voting for Ron Paul in the primary.  If he does not make it, then I will still vote for him.  I cannot endorse the Authoritarians in the GOP nor will I endorse them in the Democratic Party.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Finch on January 31, 2008, 07:58:56 PM
Should Ron Paul fail to get the nomination and decide not to run third party, I will vote for the Dem nominee.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Silver Bullet on January 31, 2008, 08:06:50 PM
*No, I'm not voting Paul, his minions have made it very clear to me that my name is worth too much to associate with such idiots.

Anybody who would vote on the basis of not liking some of a candidate's followers is probably going to throw away his vote anyway.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Parker Dean on January 31, 2008, 08:54:11 PM
If McCain gets the nomination, I'll abstain from a presidential vote. He's as much a Republican as Hillary is and I'll damned if I'll vote FOR that.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: seeker_two on February 01, 2008, 01:21:59 AM
I'll do what I did in 2004......

....I'll find a third-party candidate who most closely represents my views and vote for him/her. In 2004, it was Michael Peroutka (Constitution Party). This year, it might be Ron Paul (who I'm voting for in the Texas primary). It might be someone else......

...either way, the Republicans will know where they have to go to get my vote back....
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: LAK on February 01, 2008, 01:52:33 AM
My vote will be Ron Paul whether on the republican ticket or independant.

And like Sergeant Bob, I would rather see Hillary than McCain for the same reason and others.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: stevelyn on February 01, 2008, 03:20:05 AM
I'll be voting for Ron Paul regardless. I couldn't stomach voting for any of the other mooks on the list.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: RealGun on February 01, 2008, 04:25:35 AM
*No, I'm not voting Paul, his minions have made it very clear to me that my name is worth too much to associate with such idiots.

I agree but think that is a terrible way to start a political thread, poking everyone with a stick before we even get started. If you are simply anticipating that the Paulistas will leave fly dirt all over your thread, I can sympathize.

Personally, it is not over. McCain makes Romney look good. Romney may be a lot of things, but he is not a Democrat.

For gun rights, it is the Senate that matters most in any case.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: coppertales on February 01, 2008, 05:59:29 AM
I will just stay home and have a beer.....chris3
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Paddy on February 01, 2008, 06:21:56 AM
How is everybody so sure the Dems will nominate Hillary?  It's looking more and more like (barf) Obama. 
McCain v. Obama is truly a nightmare.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 01, 2008, 06:26:05 AM
How is everybody so sure the Dems will nominate Hillary?  It's looking more and more like (barf) Obama. 
McCain v. Obama is truly a nightmare.

Because Obama just decided to pick up Edwards' "poverty" banner that got Edwards rejected.

Americans might be misguided at times, but they still hate socialism in general. Not going to fly. He's got the hardcore support of the illegals groups and some industry-strangling unions, but that's about it.

More people are seeing beyond the smile and realizing that he's got a giant led-sign RAISE TAXES hovering behind it.

Also, he keeps saying that he'll meet with dictators who would use him as a prop, and even the slowest Americans are starting to realize how dumb that would be.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Paddy on February 01, 2008, 06:49:10 AM
My objection to McCain is that he's a Bush clone.  No economic or energy policy, pro illegal immigration, pro war.  His message is "the jobs aren't coming back, the illegals aren't going home, and we're going to be at war forever." 

And Obama will expand an already bloated federal government-exactly the wrong way to go in a debtor nation.  Our standard of living would surely drop significantly.

It looks bleak.  sad
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Firethorn on February 01, 2008, 07:05:59 AM
I just took the 'test' here, and it pointed me towards McCain as the closest candidate.

Of course, I don't think that it was a very good test, as a number of options were nearly identical.

For example, question 5:
What do you think should be done -- if anything -- in the wake of the near collapse of companies specializing in subprime mortgages, and the foreclosures of homes?

Among the various answers, here's two:
Nothing. The Federal Reserve Bank shouldn't be "bailing out" mortgage lenders.
The Federal Reserve Bank shouldn't be "bailing out" mortgage lenders.

on firearms, two answers that I think are a little close for a simple true/false measure:

The Second Amendment is primarily about tyranny and self-defense, not hunting. Citizens must be able to defend themselves from government, if need be, and from all threats to our lives and property. I oppose gun control based on geography. I opposed banning assault weapons and opposed the Brady Bill.

I believe law abiding citizens have the right to keep and bear arms. I oppose bans on assault rifles, ammunition and ammunition magazines. I oppose litigation against gun manufacturers for crimes committed by third parties. I support background checks at gun shows. I believe that gun control is a proven failure in fighting crime.

While you can object to the background check part of the second measure, to be honest it's a minor issue to me, depending on how it plays out.  Something like having a FFL perform quick checks via the existing system* even for private party sales wouldn't be too hard.

Also, there's nothing on balancing the budget, fiscal restraint, etc...

*Yes, NICS can and should be improved in speed, reliability, accuracy, and ease of making corrections.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: longeyes on February 01, 2008, 07:42:37 AM
There are times when a sane man looks for a monastery or, if hornier, an island.   This may be one of those times.

We're having a run of unusually bad Emperors.  Hole up and keep your powder dry.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bigjake on February 01, 2008, 07:59:29 AM
I agree but think that is a terrible way to start a political thread, poking everyone with a stick before we even get started. If you are simply anticipating that the Paulistas will leave fly dirt all over your thread, I can sympathize.

There would be Paulista drones crapping on the carpet no matter what.  Much like bad weather.

Anybody who would vote on the basis of not liking some of a candidate's followers is probably going to throw away his vote anyway.

Not really.

 A candidate's supporters are a very good lithmus test. Illegals like Hillary as do commies and the anti war left (and all sorts of other assorted slime).  I can't stand any of them, and therefore won't agree with the person they are supporting.

Same for Paulians, to a lesser degree, which is the saddest part about them, because the Libertarians have more than a couple good ideas.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bigjake on February 01, 2008, 08:01:11 AM
There are times when a sane man looks for a monastery or, if hornier, an island.   This may be one of those times.

We're having a run of unusually bad Emperors.  Hole up and keep your powder dry.

Thats what I'm thinking.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Paddy on February 01, 2008, 08:58:23 AM
There are plenty of Dems who (claim they) won't vote for Hillary under any circumstances.  Apparently she's the McCain of the Democrat party.   Maybe they should just run together on the same ticket.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Werewolf on February 01, 2008, 09:16:07 AM
How is everybody so sure the Dems will nominate Hillary?  It's looking more and more like (barf) Obama. 
McCain v. Obama is truly a nightmare.

All I can say to that is to ask all you guys who are always saying we can vote the bastards out is, how can we do that when the two party system of late almost guarantees that we really don't have a choice except between bastard and bastard, turd and *expletive deleted*che, moron and...

Oh well - you get the idea.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Werewolf on February 01, 2008, 09:23:13 AM
Americans might be misguided at times, but they still hate socialism in general. Not going to fly. He's (re: Obama) got the hardcore support of the illegals groups and some industry-strangling unions, but that's about it.

Up until a couple of weeks ago I was of the same opinon - Americans still hate socialism. Now I'm not so sure.

I recently joined a shooters forum for Oklahomans. I was amazed at how much support Obama is getting from Okie shooters. Trying to talk 'em out of it was just asking for a flame war.

I've lived here in OK for 23 years and we're a RED state and have been since I came here. But OBAMA is getting support here and way more of it than I'd have imagined.

If Okies are supporting him it makes me wonder how soon hell is gonna freeze over (and if the weather the past couple of weeks is any indication it may not be too long from now).
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 01, 2008, 09:32:05 AM
Americans might be misguided at times, but they still hate socialism in general. Not going to fly. He's (re: Obama) got the hardcore support of the illegals groups and some industry-strangling unions, but that's about it.

Up until a couple of weeks ago I was of the same opinon - Americans still hate socialism. Now I'm not so sure.

I recently joined a shooters forum for Oklahomans. I was amazed at how much support Obama is getting from Okie shooters. Trying to talk 'em out of it was just asking for a flame war.

I've lived here in OK for 23 years and we're a RED state and have been since I came here. But OBAMA is getting support here and way more of it than I'd have imagined.

If Okies are supporting him it makes me wonder how soon hell is gonna freeze over (and if the weather the past couple of weeks is any indication it may not be too long from now).

Unions, I'd bet.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on February 01, 2008, 11:53:25 AM
If it's McCain or Romney, I'll just write in Paul, or possibly myself.  Or I'll stay home with a stiff drink and watch it all come apart on CNN.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: CAnnoneer on February 01, 2008, 12:04:45 PM
Up until a couple of weeks ago I was of the same opinon - Americans still hate socialism. Now I'm not so sure.

I recently joined a shooters forum for Oklahomans. I was amazed at how much support Obama is getting from Okie shooters.

It is possible that they support him not because they like socialism, but because they see him as an agent of change, in contrast to the others being viewed as DC aparatchiks.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 01, 2008, 12:06:16 PM
Up until a couple of weeks ago I was of the same opinon - Americans still hate socialism. Now I'm not so sure.

I recently joined a shooters forum for Oklahomans. I was amazed at how much support Obama is getting from Okie shooters.

It is possible that they support him not because they like socialism, but because they see him as an agent of change, in contrast to the others being viewed as DC aparatchiks.

That sort infuriates me, because if you ask them what that change is...they can't say.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: charby on February 01, 2008, 12:09:56 PM
Up until a couple of weeks ago I was of the same opinon - Americans still hate socialism. Now I'm not so sure.

I recently joined a shooters forum for Oklahomans. I was amazed at how much support Obama is getting from Okie shooters.

It is possible that they support him not because they like socialism, but because they see him as an agent of change, in contrast to the others being viewed as DC aparatchiks.

That sort infuriates me, because if you ask them what that change is...they can't say.

Or anything not Bush

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: CAnnoneer on February 01, 2008, 12:12:29 PM
That sort infuriates me, because if you ask them what that change is...they can't say.

Some people are so pissed off about the status quo that they are almost ready to accept ANY change. Not a good thing that is, but there we have it.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 01, 2008, 12:14:21 PM
That sort infuriates me, because if you ask them what that change is...they can't say.

Some people are so pissed off about the status quo that they are almost ready to accept ANY change. Not a good thing that is, but there we have it.

I remind them that higher taxes or even nationalization of industries would be "change".

Also, Obama wants a national ban on concealed carry. Show that to the gun guys.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Silver Bullet on February 01, 2008, 08:45:17 PM
I can't stand any of them, and therefore won't agree with the person they are supporting.

Interesting !
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: seeker_two on February 02, 2008, 03:09:51 AM
Just my humble opinion here.......

....but, with McCain's Florida win putting the fear of God & Hillbama into many conservatives, I'm expecting to see Ron Paul's numbers jump up into the double-digits on Tuesday....maybe even winning a few states in "flyover country"......

Your thoughts?.....
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: seeker_two on February 02, 2008, 03:12:03 AM
I just took the 'test' here, and it pointed me towards McCain as the closest candidate.

Of course, I don't think that it was a very good test, as a number of options were nearly identical.

I took the same test. It listed Paul as my first choice and McCain as my second.....  undecided

And I agree about the questions....esp. education and RKBA. They needed an RKBA option of "NO infringement of RKBA".  But, what do you expect from Minnesota Public Radio....  rolleyes
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Waitone on February 02, 2008, 11:53:03 AM
When one's home suffers disaster (be it fire, flood, landslide, tornado, whatever) the best course of action is not always to repair the damage.  Sometimes the best course of action is flatten what survived, scrape the ground flat and start all over.

I wonder if we are not in one such situation.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 02, 2008, 12:43:54 PM
Just my humble opinion here.......

....but, with McCain's Florida win putting the fear of God & Hillbama into many conservatives, I'm expecting to see Ron Paul's numbers jump up into the double-digits on Tuesday....maybe even winning a few states in "flyover country"......

Your thoughts?.....

No. The Paulistas have pissed off too many people for people to even consider voting for him. Standing on street corners yelling that 9/11 was an inside job tends to do that.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bogie on February 02, 2008, 01:21:02 PM
Every campaign has a lunatic fringe. A few years ago, I chatted with a Republican volunteer at a local gun show. About two minutes into the conversation, I learned that he'd been abducted by aliens... Okay...
With the independent thinkers, this can be a very public danger... And with publicity, comes MORE danger... So you've got a very small, but VERY VISIBLE, group of guys slavering about Paul, who otherwise would be crafting their next Dalek costume... Or dressing up as a giant stuffed toy and doing unspeakable things to other giant stuffed toys. And I'm not even going to MENTION another subculture of strangeness...
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: MrRezister on February 02, 2008, 10:42:31 PM
Add me to the list of annoying (possibly crazy) Paulbots.  I just can't shake this feeling that voting for "slightly better" is preferable to voting for either "just as bad" or "considerably worse".  I'm sure that someday I'll outgrow this bothersome conscience, and learn to love whichever BOHICA candidate "my" party chooses for me.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bigjake on February 03, 2008, 03:02:29 AM
See what I mean though?? You Paulians just can't help proclaiming from every rooftop (no matter how irrelevant), that YOU'RE VOTING "DR." PAUL.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 03, 2008, 06:07:47 AM
If you're going to "write in" Paul, I hope you'll enjoy your conscience when that causes us to get a President Hillary, President Obama, or a team of one of them as president and the other as vice.

Because if that happens, your wallet will be sucked dry if you're a successful person, the country will become an unrecognizeable socialist hell, and your guns will be illegal.


Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Werewolf on February 03, 2008, 07:22:59 AM
If you're going to "write in" Paul, I hope you'll enjoy your conscience when that causes us to get a President Hillary, President Obama, or a team of one of them as president and the other as vice.

Because if that happens, your wallet will be sucked dry if you're a successful person, the country will become an unrecognizeable socialist hell, and your guns will be illegal.


True - if - and this is a really big IF - the DEMS get solid control of both the house and senate. Other wise...

The presidency really doesn't have as much power as most seem to attribute to it.

ASIDE: A HILLBAMA or OBAMHILL presidency wouldn't be fun even if the Republicans can wrest control of the congress back from the Dems.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bogie on February 03, 2008, 08:18:27 AM
What worries me is that we could end up with an Obama/Hillary ticket... She hasn't really pushed the "vote for me, because I'm a woman" thing hard, and I suspect we'll be seeing that - That's a lot of voters that'll go that way just, well... because... don't you understand?
Then, six months after they're in office, she has Obama whacked, and blames it on a 19 year old kluckerboy with a 72 IQ, who gets a real deer in the headlights look for the whole week that the trial lasts, until he mysteriously hangs himself in his cell... All civil rights are suspended, and door-to-door gun nut conspiracy searches ensue...
Dang, but it's fun playing "what's the worst that could happen?"
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 03, 2008, 08:24:19 AM
I suspect that Hillary, once she was in the oval office, would just use her resources to assasinate the character of any opposition, which means any noted Republican legislators. There'd suddenly be child porn on their computers or the like, the political equivalent of throwing someone over a cliff in a bag.

And Obama, beholden to Daley, would probably just give Daley and his goons the run of the White House by appointing his puppets to the cabinet, just as Illinois' governor is a Daley puppet. Chicago as a model for the entire United States.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Werewolf on February 03, 2008, 03:00:39 PM
Chicago as a model for the entire United States.

That picture actually caused a cold shiver to run up my spine. Freakin' scary man - freakin' scary.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: RocketMan on February 03, 2008, 05:20:30 PM
McCain gets GOP nod, then what??

No real difference.  Hillary still gets elected.

Edited to add:
I should have mentioned that Hillary's election will not make me happy.  She is...well, evil is the nicest thing I can say about her.
In fact, there is no one remaining in the race on either side that I could vote for in the general election.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bogie on February 03, 2008, 05:28:42 PM
Right - Because the publicity campaign for the past seven years has been "Bush is bad. Bush is a Republican. Vote, but vote for ANYONE but one of his Republican Cronies. Because they are bad. Bad, bad, bad."
A cross between Abe Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Millard Filmore (hey, nobody's perfect) could show up, and all we'd hear from much of the media is "He's a Republican - Vote for anyone but him!"

Remember too that a very significant number of people do not want to be disappointed. They want to back a winner! So they'll see if they can figure out who is going to win, and then they'll vote for that person.
You know, it's really sad that the shooting community has such a great number of online forums, and so many shooters active on them, and they can't figure out how to coordinate a political strategy for beans. They can argue amongst themselves very well...
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: seeker_two on February 03, 2008, 05:37:26 PM
Millard Filmore wasn't all that bad....

I'd vote for him over McCain or Romney.....
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Silver Bullet on February 03, 2008, 05:45:07 PM
See what I mean though?? You Paulians just can't help proclaiming from every rooftop (no matter how irrelevant), that YOU'RE VOTING "DR." PAUL.

I'M VOTING DR. PAUL !   cool

You lied  police ; I proclaimed it from my computer room, nowhere near my rooftop.   laugh

That is, I'm voting for Dr. Paul in the primaries.  If he's not the Republican nominee, I'll be voting for whoever the Republican nominee is in the general election over Clinton  angry or Obama  shocked.  There are Supreme Court appointments and AWBs to think about, after all.  I think Romney (according to what I just read today over at TFL) and McCain might veto an AWB, but I'm sure Clinton  angry and Obama  shocked will approve it, and probably push for it.  I think McCain will certainly give us a more conservative Supreme Court appointee(s) than Clinton  angry or Obama  shocked.

What was Fillmore's position on RKBA ?   smiley

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: seeker_two on February 03, 2008, 06:54:09 PM

What was Fillmore's position on RKBA ?   smiley

He never promised to sign a AWB bill or close the gun show "loophole".....
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bogie on February 03, 2008, 07:47:28 PM
Yeah, like that Bush fellow, who said he'd sign the AWB, and then did everything in his power to make sure it actually made it to his desk, so he could sign it.
Oh... Wait a minute... Never mind...

Remember - Keep an open, but cynical mind, folks... And consider something: A lot of the negatives that people keep bringing up likely got their first publicity pushes from the democratic national committee...

I think that McCain or Romney will largely stay within the scope/guidelines of the Republican party - neither of them really strike me as mavericks - Guiliani worried me in that regard. Hence, knowing that I can vote for Hillary, Against Hillary, or For My Conscience, well... My conscience will be happy if we don't get a supreme court put in there by Hillary...
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Tecumseh on February 03, 2008, 09:39:01 PM
Well Ron Paul won't sign it.  Nor did he say he would.  George W. Bush was hoping to sign it.  I don't understand how you can defend him as he is no friend to gunowners. 

Bogie:  Who are you planning on voting for, if you don't mind sharing please tell us.  You seem so anti-Paul but have not said who a better candidate would be.  Who is a better friend to the 2nd amendment that is running for POTUS than Dr. Ron Paul? 
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Finch on February 03, 2008, 11:54:57 PM
I think that McCain or Romney will largely stay within the scope/guidelines of the Republican party

Which guidelines are we talking about? Pre-Bush or Post-Bush?
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: stevelyn on February 04, 2008, 04:01:46 AM
If you're going to "write in" Paul, I hope you'll enjoy your conscience when that causes us to get a President Hillary, President Obama, or a team of one of them as president and the other as vice.

Because if that happens, your wallet will be sucked dry if you're a successful person, the country will become an unrecognizeable socialist hell, and your guns will be illegal.


Well........maybe the sooner we crash and burn the better. The Phoenix can't rise except out of the ashes.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 04, 2008, 04:21:03 AM
I think Huckabee is the only one who would actually make an issue of Obama's desire to ban concealed carry on a national level.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bogie on February 04, 2008, 05:21:25 AM
Tecumseh, just who wrote your revisionist history text?
Bush loudly proclaimed that he was eager to sign it. And then he called in a lot of favors to make sure it never happened.
I'm also not going to get into your student center debate society tactic of telling me that since I'm of the opinion that Paul cannot beat Hillary, I'm therefore anti-Paul. I like his platform, in general. I don't think we need to bug out of Iraq, because isolationism doesn't work. I like McCain on Iraq (altho I think we should actually do more), Huckabee on taxes, Paul on the 2nd amendment, and figuring that he'd be a sideshow as a president, and Guiliani as the event promoter...
I do not think he can beat Hillary. Especially if he ends up running as a third party. What he _will_ do is draw votes away from someone who _can_ beat Hillary.
Hillary WILL work to get AWBII crafted. Without loopholes. She WILL work to make sure it makes it to her desk. Oh, and she'll also sign it. Eagerly.
I don't think the Republicans, loathsome as they may be, will do much more than go through the motions around something like that - then they'll tell the portion of the electorate who wants more gun control "See, we tried for stronger gun control, but the people didn't really want it. So, we went on to something more important."
I'm voting against Hillary, for the candidate who I think can beat her.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: roo_ster on February 04, 2008, 05:35:38 AM
McCain gets GOP nod, then what??

I don't pull the lever for the POTUS candidate from the Republicans, then.

I could hold my nose & vote for Romney.

I'd chew my arm off before voting McCain, who seems to be Ron Paul's evil twin:
* Good on foreign policy
* Horrifying on domestic policy (disqualifyingly so)

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Silver Bullet on February 04, 2008, 06:45:35 AM
Bush loudly proclaimed that he was eager to sign it.

But ... did he proclaim it from a rooftop ?   smiley
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Tallpine on February 04, 2008, 07:02:22 AM
McCain wears flip-flops:
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bigjake on February 04, 2008, 08:22:29 AM
You lied   ; I proclaimed it from my computer room, nowhere near my rooftop.

 gratuitous use of smileys man  police
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Tecumseh on February 04, 2008, 08:35:25 AM
Tecumseh, just who wrote your revisionist history text?
Bush loudly proclaimed that he was eager to sign it. And then he called in a lot of favors to make sure it never happened.
  Got any proof for that?  Anything at all?  Come on.  I know in the student center debates we ask for something to back up these claims. so offer some proof.
Title: Gentlemen, please act the part
Post by: pistolchamp on February 04, 2008, 12:37:35 PM
Ron Paul may have a few interesting and maybe even good ideas, but, he couldn't beat me in an election for President... and I wouldn't vote for me.

McCain certainly isn't perfect and neither are any of the others.  I will vote for the Obamanation in the Texas primary, hopefully helping to defeat the Hildebeast.  Other than that the only vote that PIECE OF CRAP would get from me is to put IT first in the firing line.

Then maybe we'd have a chance to win.  I think it would be much easier to defeat a radically liberal black muslim than the Hildebeast.  However, remember that I live in Texarkana and hear a lot from the Arkansas bunch and in general... like in the past the Hildebeast will NOT carry Arkansas, just like Comrade Clinton never carried his home state in a presidential election.  Come to think of it, Kerry and Gore didn't carry their home states either... maybe the damocraps are just too dumb to run someone who has a bit of home support in him... we should listen to those who know them best.

However, in the general election... as opposed to throwing my very precious vote away I will NOT vote for a third party and certainly not Paul. 

Ross Perot proved that a third party candidate will help defeat a good man.  Our best bet would be for the Blooming Idiot mayor of New York to run as a third party candidate and pull some votes from the damocraps.

Ron Paul needs to go home and shut up and most certainly drop out of the race... consdiring that he has virtually NO support, he has influenced way too many... just on this board.  He is totally unelectable and is embarrassing to everyone who lives in the United States.

I emplore each of you to consider exactly how important your vote is, way to important to throw away... and every vote for Paul is not just thrown away, but, a vote for the damocraps.

No matter who the GOP puts up, we are better off than with any damocrap... PERIOD!  Just think about it, higher taxes, gun control, higher taxes, free medical, higher taxes... you got it, socialism right from the gitgo and you won't like it.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bigjake on February 04, 2008, 01:51:20 PM
  higher taxes, gun control, higher taxes, free medical, higher taxes... you got it, socialism right from the gitgo and you won't like it.

You just described McCain.  Not happening.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bogie on February 04, 2008, 01:59:32 PM
Okay - compare what will likely happen with McCain as president, to what will likely happen with Hillary as president...
I see the McCain side as weighted a bit better. Not great by any means, but better.
And I like Hillary better than Obama....
FWIW, I've got some Hillary stickers made up - but it'll be hard to come up with Obama stickers - I'm hoping she wins tomorrow.
I think that either of them are beatable - and Obama will prove to be more difficult to beat, once the left unites, and commences to cry "foul racist!" about any negative statement made about him...
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Paddy on February 04, 2008, 02:24:42 PM
No matter who the GOP puts up, we are better off than with any damocrap... PERIOD!

Except McCain.  He's wound tighter than a banjo string.  You do not want him in the Whitehouse.  Everybody else who's running qualify as sane.  I'm flat not voting this time.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: CAnnoneer on February 04, 2008, 02:47:40 PM
I despise McCain, but if he gets the nomination, the rational choice for me is to vote for him because he will still be better than Hillary. Yes, they are very similar on social and internal issues, but he is far better on foreign policy and I have no reason to believe he will stack SCOTUS with liberals. Between him and Romney, I'd rather go for Romney, but hey, California Republicans excluded the independent voters from the primaries, so I don't matter until general election. Ultimately, they probably made the right choice. Otherwise, they would have run the risk of liberals messing with the Repub primary as in New Hampshire.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Balog on February 04, 2008, 04:04:47 PM
Hillary WILL work to get AWBII crafted. Without loopholes. She WILL work to make sure it makes it to her desk. Oh, and she'll also sign it. Eagerly.

Take it from a guy who lived in AZ a long time; so would McCain. That man is evil.

Imho, Hillary would actually be considerably better than McCain. Why? One word; hatred. Everyone who isn't  far, far left (and even many of them) hate her passionately. She tries to put AWBII together (and she definitely would) and everyone even remotely on our side would raise hell. Hillary is about the onlything even the Fudds can't ignore.

McCain is dangerous because he's the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing. Liberals love him because he's as bad as they are on gun control, illegals, tax cuts, and probably worse on free speech suppression. "Moderates" love him because he's an R working with the D's, and everyone hates unilateralism and party politics; finally someone willing to truly "put the children first." Republicans would hold their nose and go along because you've gotta back your party, right? He can put legislation through easily that would have millions of people up in arms if the hildabeast was behind it. And it would be a huge object lesson to 'pubbies that the way to get elected is to be more liberal.

And let's face it, between social security and the massive socialist medicine system McCain or Hillary would put in place, the country is screwed. Whoever is in charge when that happens gets blamed, and blowback moves people in the opposite direction of whatever the person in power ostensibly stands for. I can only hope the inevitable crash and burn is enough to shake the 40+ years of narcissistic policies foisted on us by the undoubtedly worst generation, baby boomers. Stinking hippies.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Paddy on February 04, 2008, 04:24:47 PM
I can only hope the inevitable crash and burn is enough to shake the 40+ years of narcissistic policies foisted on us by the undoubtedly worst generation, baby boomers. Stinking hippies.

Nevermind you inherited one of the highest standards of living in the history of mankind.  And the lowest tax rate in the modern industrialized world.  And you did nothing for it.  Nothing, except show up.  STFU and keep paying your taxes.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Balog on February 04, 2008, 05:34:36 PM
I can only hope the inevitable crash and burn is enough to shake the 40+ years of narcissistic policies foisted on us by the undoubtedly worst generation, baby boomers. Stinking hippies.

Nevermind you inherited one of the highest standards of living in the history of mankind.  And the lowest tax rate in the modern industrialized world.  And you did nothing for it.  Nothing, except show up.  STFU and keep paying your taxes.

We've had this discussion before Riley. The filthy hippies inherited a great world and proceeded to bitch, moan, and smoke pot. The only thing that generation has given the world is a new standard in smugness and entitlement and the glorification of victimhood. I'll put my years in the Marines up against whatever you feel you've contributed to society and we'll see who's done more. And telling someone to shut the f### up is generally considered bad manners; I guess when you're argument is poor being rude is the next best thing.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on February 04, 2008, 05:36:04 PM

McCain is dangerous because he's the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing.

Absolutely correct.  I'll vote for Hillary before I vote for McCain.  Better to have a devil everyone knows for a devil, than to have a devil that everyone loves and agrees with.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Balog on February 04, 2008, 05:38:42 PM

McCain is dangerous because he's the proverbial wolf in sheep's clothing.

Absolutely correct.  I'll vote for Hillary before I vote for McCain.  Better to have a devil everyone knows for a devil, than to have a devil that everyone loves and agrees with.

Oh. My. God. I totally agree with HTG! That's one of the signs of the Apocalypse, isn't it?

Oh wait, I'd just throw my vote away on a write in candidate. /wipes brow. Wow, that was a close one.  grin
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on February 04, 2008, 05:48:55 PM
Bwahaha.  The end is near for you.  We agree far more often than you know.  <evil grin>

For instance, I agree with you completely about the narcissistic entitlement mentality created by the baby boomers.  It's gonna be darned hard to cure the social and economic ills they created.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 04, 2008, 05:51:32 PM
I think if a female like Hillary becomes president, I will give up on America.  I will become an "America-hater."  Not of America-that-was, but of Amerika as it has become.  I'm going to go do some drugs now. 
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Balog on February 04, 2008, 06:00:07 PM
I think if a female like Hillary becomes president, I will give up on America.  I will become an "America-hater."  Not of America-that-was, but of Amerika as it has become.  I'm going to go do some drugs now. 

You should move to Canada with all the celebs who left when El Presidente won in 2004.  cheesy
Title: Re: Gentlemen, please act the part
Post by: Tecumseh on February 04, 2008, 06:08:01 PM
Ron Paul may have a few interesting and maybe even good ideas, but, he couldn't beat me in an election for President... and I wouldn't vote for me.

McCain certainly isn't perfect and neither are any of the others.  I will vote for the Obamanation in the Texas primary, hopefully helping to defeat the Hildebeast.  Other than that the only vote that PIECE OF CRAP would get from me is to put IT first in the firing line.

Then maybe we'd have a chance to win.  I think it would be much easier to defeat a radically liberal black muslim than the Hildebeast.  However, remember that I live in Texarkana and hear a lot from the Arkansas bunch and in general... like in the past the Hildebeast will NOT carry Arkansas, just like Comrade Clinton never carried his home state in a presidential election.  Come to think of it, Kerry and Gore didn't carry their home states either... maybe the damocraps are just too dumb to run someone who has a bit of home support in him... we should listen to those who know them best.

However, in the general election... as opposed to throwing my very precious vote away I will NOT vote for a third party and certainly not Paul. 

Ross Perot proved that a third party candidate will help defeat a good man.  Our best bet would be for the Blooming Idiot mayor of New York to run as a third party candidate and pull some votes from the damocraps.

Ron Paul needs to go home and shut up and most certainly drop out of the race... consdiring that he has virtually NO support, he has influenced way too many... just on this board.  He is totally unelectable and is embarrassing to everyone who lives in the United States.

I emplore each of you to consider exactly how important your vote is, way to important to throw away... and every vote for Paul is not just thrown away, but, a vote for the damocraps.

No matter who the GOP puts up, we are better off than with any damocrap... PERIOD!  Just think about it, higher taxes, gun control, higher taxes, free medical, higher taxes... you got it, socialism right from the gitgo and you won't like it.
  Obama is not a Muslim.

Also what is a damocrap?
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Silver Bullet on February 04, 2008, 06:58:23 PM
gratuitous use of smileys man police

Busted !  smiley
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bogie on February 04, 2008, 07:07:31 PM
I don't think the Republican party will _let_ McCain flog gun control.
The Democratic party will _insist_ that Clinton flog gun control.
President only has so much power.
Of course, if the gun culture negates itself as a voting bloc, maybe nobody will care that we won't like it, and do it anyway...

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: charby on February 04, 2008, 07:09:51 PM

President only has so much power.

Very true and I wish all the candidates remembered that when they get a case of verbal diarrhea about campaign promises.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: CAnnoneer on February 04, 2008, 08:06:57 PM
Nevermind you inherited one of the highest standards of living in the history of mankind. 

Is that the same standard of living which was generated by the Greatest Generation has been continuously eroded by bankrupting socialist policies since the Worst Generation started voting?  laugh

And the lowest tax rate in the modern industrialized world. 

Check your facts. Our corporate tax rate is certainly not lowest. Also, if you put in environmental regulations, worker benefits, tort overhead, and bureaucratic compliance burden, the conclusion will be even more decidedly against your stance.

And you did nothing for it.  Nothing, except show up. 

Yeah, I showed up to the bloody awful mess of essentially bankrupt government, moral rot and capitulation, victimology, multiculturalism, hereditary welfare, unabashed socialist garbage, significantly curtailed personal freedoms including RKBA, chronically sick political process, commie school indoctrination, etc. Mighty fine legacy from a generation that had it all and pissed it all away.

STFU and keep paying your taxes.

How typical. Oh, the sweet irony... laugh
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Ron on February 05, 2008, 03:52:54 AM
If McCain is the nominee he will get my vote for president.

All of our choices have serious weaknesses including Dr. Paul.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: roo_ster on February 05, 2008, 06:29:50 AM
I don't think the Republican party will _let_ McCain flog gun control.
The Democratic party will _insist_ that Clinton flog gun control.
President only has so much power.
Of course, if the gun culture negates itself as a voting bloc, maybe nobody will care that we won't like it, and do it anyway...

The Republican congresscritter default position is to bow to the party leadership.  Most will go along with McCain just because he is the POTUS and a Republican.

Hillary, OTOH, provides a fine target to oppose, even if she is saying the sun will rise in the east.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Paddy on February 05, 2008, 12:52:40 PM
We've had this discussion before Riley. The filthy hippies inherited a great world and proceeded to bitch, moan, and smoke pot. The only thing that generation has given the world is a new standard in smugness and entitlement and the glorification of victimhood. I'll put my years in the Marines up against whatever you feel you've contributed to society and we'll see who's done more. And telling someone to shut the f### up is generally considered bad manners; I guess when you're argument is poor being rude is the next best thing.

For your information, the filthy hippies were a small part of my generation.  Most of us spent our time working, in school or in the military.  You were in the Marines?  BFD.  My service was in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam.  So what?   

The only bitching and moaning about victimhood I'm hearing is coming from you and your whiny peers about having to pay taxes like everybody else.  You're not special, regardless of what you think. Taxes existed before you were born and they'll be around after you're dead, so you might as well get used to them.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Tecumseh on February 05, 2008, 01:18:47 PM
If McCain is the nominee he will get my vote for president.

All of our choices have serious weaknesses including Dr. Paul.
  What are Ron Paul's weaknesses?
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: roo_ster on February 06, 2008, 06:35:59 AM
If McCain is the nominee he will get my vote for president.

All of our choices have serious weaknesses including Dr. Paul.
  What are Ron Paul's weaknesses?

You mean other than:
1. Being a whiny beeatch?
2. Flogging the "blame America first" meme?
3. Being pathetically inept at selling his good qualities and pro-liberty platform?
4. Attracting tinfoil-hatters by the baker's dozen as well as the America-hating crowd?

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 06, 2008, 06:58:34 AM
jfuser siad it well his biggest weakness is those he attracts who feel compelled to endorse him in some odd way. or lil things like the liberty dollar scam.allowing your picture to be used implys some level of involvement
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 06, 2008, 07:01:24 AM
jfuser siad it well his biggest weakness is those he attracts who feel compelled to endorse him in some odd way.

A bunch of people holding up Ron Paul signs and screaming that "9/11 was an inside job" was a charming example.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 06, 2008, 07:06:25 AM
we could do a multi page thread just listing examples   and its a shame i genuinely like many of his positions   and do think hes an honorable man   i have to he looks like my dad
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: CAnnoneer on February 06, 2008, 04:33:45 PM
For your information, the filthy hippies were a small part of my generation.  Most of us spent our time working, in school or in the military. 

If that is the case, then you essentially admit to a disproportionately large influence of a crazy minority onto the culture and politics of an entire generation. So you did not instigate the disasters, you just let them happen. That is equivalent to Germans saying that the Nazis were a small minority, and thus the common German contemporary bears no responsibility for the course of the Third Reich.

bitching and moaning ... about having to pay taxes like everybody else.  ... you might as well get used to them.

Taxes are just one of the problems of the babyboomer legacy. Also, nobody should ever get used to being treated badly by his own government.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bigjake on February 06, 2008, 05:26:55 PM
Are these the same baby boomer's operating under the misconception that social security IS their retirement, and not a .gov supplement for slubs that planned poorly??

Added-  All of this whining about Hillary garnishing wages and forcing health care on those who don't want it,  Social Security has been doing that since its inception. I don't see any field on my tax stub where I can just opt out....
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 06, 2008, 07:39:09 PM
and its a shame i genuinely like many of [Ron Paul's] positions   and do think hes an honorable man   i have to he looks like my dad

Same here.  And my Dad is among his supporters.  Not one of the loonies, but a supporter.   smiley
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Perd Hapley on February 06, 2008, 07:40:37 PM
If McCain is the nominee he will get my vote for president.

All of our choices have serious weaknesses including Dr. Paul.
  What are Ron Paul's weaknesses?

Bad foreign policy.  Your response will be to pick apart Bush's foreign policy.  But that doesn't make Ron Paul's any better. 
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: K Frame on February 06, 2008, 08:50:08 PM
"then what?"

Then you either vote, or don't vote, in November.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Finch on February 06, 2008, 08:51:49 PM
Bad foreign policy.

Not starting wars that don't need to be started. What a horrible way to conduct business. The nerve of that man to suggest that we only start wars when they are actually necessary. Hmph!

Flogging the "blame America first" meme?

What amazes me is that people actually think that the United States can go around kicking people in the nuts (figuratively) and are surprised when they get mad and attack us back. And of course you engage in a little more than your share of creative license, because Ron Paul never said that the United States is to to blame. But why let the truth get in the way, especially if it doesn't benefit the Neo-cons twisted view of how the world works.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 06, 2008, 08:56:56 PM
Finch, Ron Paul is even more naive on foreign policy than Jimmy Carter was.

Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Finch on February 06, 2008, 08:59:52 PM
Finch, Ron Paul is even more naive on foreign policy than Jimmy Carter was.

I think is just one of those things that will have to remain a matter of opinion. I will never see the usefulness of invading countries we don't need to and killing our economy in the process.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Manedwolf on February 06, 2008, 09:03:49 PM
Finch, Ron Paul is even more naive on foreign policy than Jimmy Carter was.

I think is just one of those things that will have to remain a matter of opinion. I will never see the usefulness of invading countries we don't need to and killing our economy in the process.

Then study history more.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Finch on February 06, 2008, 10:48:20 PM
Finch, Ron Paul is even more naive on foreign policy than Jimmy Carter was.

I think is just one of those things that will have to remain a matter of opinion. I will never see the usefulness of invading countries we don't need to and killing our economy in the process.

Then study history more.

You mean like why the Roman and British Empires collapsed?
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: seeker_two on February 07, 2008, 01:32:19 AM
Finch, Ron Paul is even more naive on foreign policy than Jimmy Carter was.

I think is just one of those things that will have to remain a matter of opinion. I will never see the usefulness of invading countries we don't need to and killing our economy in the process.

Then study history more.

You mean like why the Roman and British Empires collapsed?

....or Germany and Austria-Hungary circa WWI?.....
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Tecumseh on February 07, 2008, 02:49:43 AM
If McCain is the nominee he will get my vote for president.

All of our choices have serious weaknesses including Dr. Paul.
  What are Ron Paul's weaknesses?

You mean other than:
1. Being a whiny beeatch?
2. Flogging the "blame America first" meme?
3. Being pathetically inept at selling his good qualities and pro-liberty platform?
4. Attracting tinfoil-hatters by the baker's dozen as well as the America-hating crowd?


1) Because of his demeanor?  Or the fact that he whines about our civil rights and civil liberties?  How he constantly whines when the Constitution is violated?  That is a bad thing?  Half the people on the gunforums complain about it when it involves the 2nd Amendment.

2) You need to study history and foreign policy, as others have stated.  Have you ever read the 9/11 Commission report?  I would suggest reading it.  It may open your eyes.

3) I don't really understand what you mean.  People are responding.  Not en masse I can agree with.  But at least he is trying.  Its better than spreading the pro-war, anti-gun, anti-freedom platform that Guiliani, Thompson, McCain, Romney, and Huckabee are spreading.  Do I need to mention Hillary or Obama and their record?

4) Please define the Hate-America crowd.  And tin foil hatters? 
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: roo_ster on February 07, 2008, 01:49:28 PM
1) Because of his demeanor?  Or the fact that he whines about our civil rights and civil liberties?  How he constantly whines when the Constitution is violated?  That is a bad thing?  Half the people on the gunforums complain about it when it involves the 2nd Amendment.
RP's demeanor was not that of a leader, but of a sniveler, sad to say.  If you watched any of the debates, you would have noticed it.  Not confidence-inspiring. 

2) You need to study history and foreign policy, as others have stated.  Have you ever read the 9/11 Commission report?  I would suggest reading it.  It may open your eyes.
RP left behind most of his platform in order to flog his "blame America first" horse because his only growth was coming from the anti-American crowd.

RP indulges in a foreign policy fantasy where foreign nations are not free actors, but merely re-actors to every act by America.  In the RP alternate-universe it is inconceivable that Islamo-loonies might be self-motivated to do mean & nasty things or any random dictator might put a thumpin' on his own people.  Somehow, somewhere, America must have done something to make these poor, hapless pawns in the Great Game turn from a life of peaceful contemplation to brutal savagery.

Here is the foreign policy nitwit on Bhutto's Assassination:
Weve supported Musharraf and its created civil strife over there. If its al Qaeda that did this, the Al Qaeda resents the fact that we support military dictators, just as they resented us supporting a dictator in Saudi Arabia. And they resented that at one time we supported Saddam Hussein. Its just a perfect example of how interventionist foreign policy drags us in. And Im just frightened that were going to be dragged into another civil war over there because were in the middle of that already.

Oh, nooo, local Pakis couldn't have done this because they didn't want another round of Bhutto corruption or because the thought of a woman in power was hateful to them.  Had to be US intervention.  After all, Pakis have never killed political rivals in the past.


3) I don't really understand what you mean.  People are responding.  Not en masse I can agree with.  But at least he is trying.  Its better than spreading the pro-war, anti-gun, anti-freedom platform that Guiliani, Thompson, McCain, Romney, and Huckabee are spreading.  Do I need to mention Hillary or Obama and their record?

It would have been nice if RP would have made substantive statements on those other principles.  Something beyond text on his website.  But, he knew his nutty customers, and they wanted blame America first red meat, not Jeffersonian principles.

As to his growth niche, see response #2 above.

4) Please define the Hate-America crowd.  And tin foil hatters? 

These Paulistas fit the tinfoil-hatter bill, as well as providing comic relief:

Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, also good tinfoil hat material:
These goofs think that a Paul/Kucinich new investigation into 9/11 is just the thing to prove 9/11 was an inside job

RP is really trying to placate the 9/11 truther without committing to the 9/11 truther position.  Does a good job, IMO.

[Tecumseh, is that you in the video?  Are you THE Justin Martell?]

If you you think 9/11 was an inside job or that we had it coming, you are an America hater.  I could give more detail, but I'll leave it at that.


My conspiracy-theorist neighbor just put out his RP sign.  I am sorely tempted to strike up a conversation with him and insinuate that RP is just a NWO plant.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: thebaldguy on February 07, 2008, 02:00:14 PM
Ron Paul got nearly 40% of the vote in some Minnesota counties; all of the delegates and alternates in my ward are Ron Paul supporters. I will write in Ron Paul before I vote for McCain.

For you McCain supporters, Google "Keating five". Besides that, I will not vote for anyone who wants to continue the war in Iraq. Republicans should be worried about the 2012 presidential election as this one will go to the Democrats.

George Bush is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party.
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: seeker_two on February 07, 2008, 02:21:23 PM
Well, McCain's got the GOP what?....
Title: Re: McCain gets GOP nod, then what??
Post by: Bigjake on February 07, 2008, 06:59:22 PM
Vote Hillary, Buy EBRs, highcaps and ammo, and buckle up, it will be a rough ride.