Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Finch on January 31, 2008, 09:42:02 PM

Title: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Finch on January 31, 2008, 09:42:02 PM
If the Bush administration succeeds in its latest request for funding for the war in Iraq, the total cost would rise to $611.5 billion, according to the National Priorities Project, a nonprofit research group.

The amount got us wondering: What would $611 billion buy?

1. Nearly 4,000 Newton North High Schools
Tagged as the most expensive high school in Massachusetts, at $154.6 million, the construction design for the new Newton North High School could be replicated almost 4,000 times using the money spent on the war.

2. 40 Big Digs
At almost $15 billion, Boston's Central Artery project has been held up as the nation's most expensive public works project. Now multiply that by 40 and you're getting close to US taxpayers? commitment to democracy in Iraq ? so far.

3. Almost 18 months' worth of free gas for everyone
US drivers consume approximately 384.7 million gallons of gasoline a day. Retail prices averaged $3.00 a gallon in early November. Breaking it down, $611 billion could buy gasoline for everybody in the United States, for about 530 days.

4. Many, many environment-friendly cars on the road
With $611 billion, you could convert all cars in America to run on ethanol nine times over. estimates that converting the 136,568,083 registered cars in the United States to ethanol (conversion kits at $500) would cost $68.2 billion.

5. Nearly 14 million years' worth of tuition, room, and board at Harvard
At published rates for this year, $611 billion translates into almost 14 million free rides for a year at Harvard University.
Tuition and fees at the University of Massachusetts-Boston could be paid for over 53 million years.

6. More than a year's worth of Medicare benefits for everyone
In fiscal 2008, Medicare benefits will total $454 billion, according to a Heritage Foundation summary. The $611 billion in war costs is 17 times the amount vetoed by the president for a $35 billion health benefit program for poor children.

7. A looong contract for Dice-K
The Red Sox and Daisuke Matsuzaka agreed on a six-year, $52 million contract. The war cost could be enough to have Dice-K mania for more than 70,000-some years at this year's rate.

8. A real war on poverty
According to World Bank estimates, $54 billion a year would eliminate starvation and malnutrition globally by 2015, while $30 billion would provide a year of primary education for every child on earth.
At the upper range of those estimates, the $611 billion cost of the war could have fed and educated the world's poor for seven years.


Money well spent....  rolleyes
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: taurusowner on January 31, 2008, 10:20:56 PM
I don't think the government should be spending $11 on any of those things, much less $611 Billion.  The public school system should be totally disbanded, and it's not the governments job or right to spend moeny on giving people things like healthcare, free gas or cars.  National defense is actually one of the only things a federal government should be involved in.  The rest of that stuff falls firmly in the realm of free enterprise.  If you don't want federal government spend $611 Billion, than they should just give those taxes back.  NOT spend it on socialism.  Socialism invariably leads to dependency.  But everyone gas for 18 months, and as soon as that last month is up, everyone will ask "why do I have to buy my own gas now?!?".  Look what public schools have become.  Deadbeat parents drop their kids of and expect the schools to raise and parent them.  No governemnt provided "service" will ever be enough.  Once you start taking others responsibility on yourself, you'll never be rid of it.  That "money well spent" would turn our nation into a country of lazy leeches even faster than it's already becoming, which is pretty fast in it's own right.

"Free" ANYTHING from government just means it's more expensive, takes longer, and doesn't work as well.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: seeker_two on February 01, 2008, 01:15:56 AM
+1 Taurusowner.......

....wonder how much of a dent that $611 billion would make in the national debt?......

....or how good a fence we could put on the southern border?......
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Finch on February 01, 2008, 01:17:58 AM
+1 Taurusowner.......

....wonder how much of a dent that $611 billion would make in the national debt?......

....or how good a fence we could put on the southern border?......

Absolutely. I didn't post this because I agree with the borderline socialist ideas that were on the website, just to start a discussion on how we could have better spent over half a trillion dollars.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: LAK on February 01, 2008, 01:55:58 AM
It would buy alot of border security; and alot of bus and plane tickets for people that shouldn't be here. And with far less loss of blood and resources.

Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: HankB on February 01, 2008, 03:47:38 AM
With some back-of-the-envelope calculations, I figure that if we could get the per-unit cost down to around $670,, then $611,000,000,000 would buy enough 1-kt neutron bombs to blanket Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq. (Not that I'm advocating this . . . it's just an example of what you could do with that kind of money.   grin  )
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 01, 2008, 05:42:36 AM
screw it.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: MechAg94 on February 01, 2008, 06:23:38 AM
stimulus?  What good would it do to give money away?  The rich guys in Mexico already have plenty of money.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Paddy on February 01, 2008, 06:56:08 AM
While we're still paying the interest on the debt Reagan ran up.  What a waste.  sad
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Bigjake on February 01, 2008, 08:41:36 AM
Considering that pretty much everything on that list is useless, liberal drivel, (especially the Harvard tuition and Greenie cars) Iraq is definitely the place to blow $611 billion.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: CAnnoneer on February 01, 2008, 09:19:00 AM
Why does it have to be a debit operation? Let's put foreign policy on a sound capitalist basis. If we spend 611B on Iraq and Afghanistan, we should expect to be paid at least as much in oil. Oil is no good to them if they are dead in a civil war. The arrangement is good for them and for us. We are defending the pipelines anyway.

As far as what to spend gov money on, I got an idea - return 400B to the taxpayers in proportion to what they actually paid in taxes, then spend about 100B on new Navy-run nuclear power plants, 56B on new energy tech, and 55B on health sciences research.

There is no shortage of good statesmanlike solution. What is lacking is the political will to undertake them and the public's will to demand them in preference to socialist welfare. By now, I am pretty bored criticising politicians because the real sickness and the real weakness are among the electorate and its cultures.

Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Tecumseh on February 01, 2008, 11:54:58 AM
+1 Taurusowner.......

....wonder how much of a dent that $611 billion would make in the national debt?......

....or how good a fence we could put on the southern border?......

Absolutely. I didn't post this because I agree with the borderline socialist ideas that were on the website, just to start a discussion on how we could have better spent over half a trillion dollars.
I also agree as well.

Though I do think it would have been better to do something good with the money than bomb a country for no reason. 
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Tecumseh on February 01, 2008, 11:57:10 AM
Considering that pretty much everything on that list is useless, liberal drivel, (especially the Harvard tuition and Greenie cars) Iraq is definitely the place to blow $611 billion.
  How is a car that will help end dependence on oil liberal drivel?  If we had no need or much less need for oil then our country would be much more secure. Educating the country is useless liberal drivel?  I would rather have an educated populace than one that allows innocent countries and people to die because of a lack of education.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Bigjake on February 01, 2008, 12:28:57 PM
It would buy alot of border security; and alot of bus and plane tickets for people that shouldn't be here. And with far less loss of blood and resources.

I completely agree with PARTof that, but you can't have one without the other.  No amount of defensive measures ever won a war or guaranteed security.  "fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.- Patton  comes to mind.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: LAK on February 01, 2008, 05:12:28 PM
I completely agree with PARTof that, but you can't have one without the other.  No amount of defensive measures ever won a war or guaranteed security.  "fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man.”- Patton  comes to mind.
George S. Patton would have ridiculed the notion that a "war" could be fought against "terrorism".

Securing a border does not mean fortifications. Even a continuous high wall is a token demarcation. Observation posts at intervals and nonstop aggressive saturated patrolling; even just a quarter of a trillion dollars would buy alot of that. Vehicle and light aircraft along open areas with quick response units, troopers on foot over the more hard to access terrain.

There are no guarantees, it is just a matter of minimizing how many get through. A rotating force of 25,000 each north and south would do that.

There is no reason why National Guard troops can not take part in defending our borders in a time of peril. For budgetary purposes you could call it "troops in training and on exercize". They do that anyway, and are paid, fed, transported around etc etc. Our borders are everything from desert to forest to mountain. Perfect.

Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Paddy on February 01, 2008, 05:31:30 PM
Securing the borders against illegal entry and keeping track of those who enter illegally is basic to homeland security.  It hasn't been done because corporate contributors to both parties benefit from illegal labor.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Paddy on February 01, 2008, 05:40:53 PM
If we spend 611B on Iraq and Afghanistan, we should expect to be paid at least as much in oil.

The question is, who is 'we'?
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Phyphor on February 01, 2008, 10:25:36 PM
Considering that pretty much everything on that list is useless, liberal drivel, (especially the Harvard tuition and Greenie cars) Iraq is definitely the place to blow $611 billion.

Yea, because throwing away all that good cash on a territory that'll come unwrapped once the USA leaves is good investing, right.....?

And the friggin' easter bunny is here asking me for a drink of water.

Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Scout26 on February 01, 2008, 11:20:22 PM
Anybody got any ideas what we've spent on EUCOM/USAREUR since, Idunno, about May '45 Huh?

What about Far East Command/US Forces Japan ??

How about what the Marshall Plan cost us ??

What about what we've spent on 8th Army in Korea ??

End Roosevelt's and Truman's follys first I say !!!  Then let's collect the Principal and Interest back on Lend/Lease, The Marshall Plan, etc.  Heck, I bet there are still some outstanding debts from WWI and I bet if we check the receipts we can probably show that Mexico and Spain still owe us some cash (again with interest) for screwing with Uncle Sam back when we had to go kick their butts also.

And yaknow, I bet we probably sue the former Confederate states while we at it.  It's been 140+ years.  Might be time to put the smackdown on them again (only this time fight 'em with lawyers, much more bloody that way.  We get El Tejon, they get John Edwards !!!!) 
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Ned Hamford on February 02, 2008, 01:48:03 AM
Probably could have gotten me a space station... Mmmm
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: seeker_two on February 02, 2008, 02:34:51 AM
Why does it have to be a debit operation? Let's put foreign policy on a sound capitalist basis. If we spend 611B on Iraq and Afghanistan, we should expect to be paid at least as much in oil. Oil is no good to them if they are dead in a civil war. The arrangement is good for them and for us. We are defending the pipelines anyway.

Agreed......the one word I've been waiting to hear from the Bush administration has been "reparations". I am offended that our government wants to nation-build Iraq on my tax money when our own nation can't keep its borders secure....

Time for Iraq & Afghanistan to pay up for our "liberating" of them....
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 02, 2008, 04:00:45 AM
Securing the borders against illegal entry and keeping track of those who enter illegally is basic to homeland security.  It hasn't been done because corporate contributors to both parties benefit from illegal labor.
ding ding ding!

Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Bigjake on February 02, 2008, 04:44:46 AM
Yea, because throwing away all that good cash on a territory that'll come unwrapped once the USA leaves is good investing, right.....?

Scout pretty much nailed it, but I'll reiterate;  Its been what, 6 years?  We've had forces in Europe and Korea for over 60.  Be pessimistic all you want, but I doubt that our time spent will be a waste, unless we follow Your Plan, and leave ASAP.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Sergeant Bob on February 02, 2008, 08:28:01 AM
Seems like I remember hearing something at the start of the whole Iraq thing about covering the costs suing oil revenues. Anyone else remember that?
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Paddy on February 02, 2008, 08:47:40 PM
Seems like I remember hearing something at the start of the whole Iraq thing about covering the costs suing oil revenues. Anyone else remember that?
Yeah, I remember Bush/Cheney said that.  So that's what it's worth.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: wooderson on February 02, 2008, 09:04:23 PM
Our troops stationed in Germany, Japan and Korea are not an occupying force engaged in daily combat. There is no comparison on any level between Iraq and those Cold War-derived garrisons.
Title: Re: What can $611 billion buy?
Post by: Tecumseh on February 03, 2008, 12:53:31 AM
Why are they there then?  Why not back here at home in the USA?