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Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: K Frame on April 05, 2008, 07:53:08 PM

Title: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: K Frame on April 05, 2008, 07:53:08 PM

When I worked for NRA I met him several times. Nice guy, was always very courteous.

Oh, and if you want to see the human filth that poses as "enlightened liberals," swing on over to the San Francisco Chronicle's site and read some of the user comments on his death...

Charlton Heston, who won the 1959 best actor Oscar as the chariot-racing "Ben-Hur" and portrayed Moses, Michelangelo, El Cid and other heroic figures in movie epics of the '50s and '60s, has died. He was 84.

The actor died Saturday night at his home in Beverly Hills with his wife Lydia at his side, family spokesman Bill Powers said.

Powers declined to comment on the cause of death or provide further details.

Heston revealed in 2002 that he had symptoms consistent with Alzheimer's disease, saying, "I must reconcile courage and surrender in equal measure."

With his large, muscular build, well-boned face and sonorous voice, Heston proved the ideal star during the period when Hollywood was filling movie screens with panoramas depicting the religious and historical past. "I have a face that belongs in another century," he often remarked.

The actor assumed the role of leader offscreen as well. He served as president of the Screen Actors Guild and chairman of the American Film Institute and marched in the civil rights movement of the 1950s. With age, he grew more conservative and campaigned for conservative candidates.

In June 1998, Heston was elected president of the National Rifle Association, for which he had posed for ads holding a rifle. He delivered a jab at then-President Clinton, saying, "America doesn't trust you with our 21-year-old daughters, and we sure, Lord, don't trust you with our guns."

Heston stepped down as NRA president in April 2003, telling members his five years in office were "quite a ride. ... I loved every minute of it."

Later that year, Heston was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. "The largeness of character that comes across the screen has also been seen throughout his life," President Bush said at the time.

He engaged in a lengthy feud with liberal Ed Asner during the latter's tenure as president of the Screen Actors Guild. His latter-day activism almost overshadowed his achievements as an actor, which were considerable.

Heston lent his strong presence to some of the most acclaimed and successful films of the midcentury. "Ben-Hur" won 11 Academy Awards, tying it for the record with the more recent "Titanic" (1997) and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (2003). Heston's other hits include: "The Ten Commandments,""El Cid,""55 Days at Peking,""Planet of the Apes" and "Earthquake."

He liked the cite the number of historical figures he had portrayed:

Andrew Jackson ("The President's Lady,""The Buccaneer"), Moses ("The Ten Commandments"), title role of "El Cid," John the Baptist ("The Greatest Story Ever Told"), Michelangelo ("The Agony and the Ecstasy"), General Gordon ("Khartoum"), Marc Antony ("Julius Caesar,""Antony and Cleopatra"), Cardinal Richelieu ("The Three Musketeers"), Henry VIII ("The Prince and the Pauper").

Heston made his movie debut in the 1940s in two independent films by a college classmate, David Bradley, who later became a noted film archivist. He had the title role in "Peer Gynt" in 1942 and was Marc Antony in Bradley's 1949 version of "Julius Caesar," for which Heston was paid $50 a week.

Film producer Hal B. Wallis ("Casablanca") spotted Heston in a 1950 television production of "Wuthering Heights" and offered him a contract. When his wife reminded him that they had decided to pursue theater and television, he replied, "Well, maybe just for one film to see what it's like."

Heston earned star billing from his first Hollywood movie, "Dark City," a 1950 film noir. Cecil B. DeMille next cast him as the circus manager in the all-star "The Greatest Show On Earth," named by the Motion Picture Academy as the best picture of 1952.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Manedwolf on April 05, 2008, 08:05:03 PM
That's a shame...  undecided

And I don't need to read the comments, I know how vindictive and downright violent leftists can be while believing in their "cause".
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Silver Bullet on April 05, 2008, 08:13:06 PM
Bummer.   sad
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: gunsmith on April 05, 2008, 08:18:04 PM
A great many people think of me as Moses parting the Red Sea but if the 20th Century ever had a real Moses who led his people to the promised land that man, of course, would be Dr. King.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: nico on April 05, 2008, 08:19:05 PM
RIP sad

The ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me.  One person over there still (after it's been refuted to death) that michael moore's "interview" with Heston wasn't a hatchet job, and another thinks he gave the "cold dead hands" speech 10 days after Columbine. rolleyes  The maturity of some people is just as unbelievable.  I wouldn't shed a tear if sarah brady died tomorrow, but I'd like to think I'd have enough class to refrain from grave dancing.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: gunsmith on April 05, 2008, 08:22:21 PM
DU is having a field day.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: wmenorr67 on April 05, 2008, 08:22:59 PM
RIP Mr. Heston, you were one for the ages.  sad
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Sergeant Bob on April 05, 2008, 08:39:36 PM
All the good ones are passing on it seems. Rest peacefully Mr. Heston. sad
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: SomeKid on April 05, 2008, 10:40:33 PM
I was at a friends earlier gaming with him on his XBox 360 when his wife saw the news. Thing is, his dumb wife and family are liberals. They started dancing, until my friend tactfully reminded them an armed (as I always am) NRA Lifer was in the room. I kept gaming, they shut up.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: LadySmith on April 05, 2008, 11:16:13 PM
RIP Mr. Heston. You were one of the great ones.  sad
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: The Annoyed Man on April 06, 2008, 12:40:02 AM
The folks over at DU where more polite about it than I would've expected. Same with the folks at commenting on the SF Chronicle.
RIP Mr Heston. We will probably not see anyone like you ever again...
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: seeker_two on April 06, 2008, 02:52:44 AM
Another good one gone.....we'll miss him.....  sad
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Manedwolf on April 06, 2008, 05:07:52 AM
I was at a friends earlier gaming with him on his XBox 360 when his wife saw the news. Thing is, his dumb wife and family are liberals. They started dancing, until my friend tactfully reminded them an armed (as I always am) NRA Lifer was in the room. I kept gaming, they shut up.

I would have walked out right there. Who wants to associate with ghoulish trash like that?
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Antibubba on April 06, 2008, 06:38:18 AM
Dance on his grave?  Maybe.  Make horrible comments, anonymously, on the web.  Definitely.

But animistic libtards* that they are, they wouldn't dare to pry his gun even out of his cold, dead, hands, for fear that it would suddenly spring to life and kill everyone in the room several times over.

*That is the first time I've ever used the word "libtard". 
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Silver Bullet on April 06, 2008, 06:47:40 AM
May I suggest that, those of us who are NRA members, make an extra donation to the NRA in his memory ?
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: johnster999 on April 06, 2008, 08:39:35 AM
A great actor and a fine gentleman. Rest in Peace.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: K Frame on April 06, 2008, 10:20:23 AM
That would have been a perfect time to use the enlightened, compassionate liberal line...

Friend of mine is married to a pediatrician. A bleeding heart, makes Hillary Clinton look like Barry Goldwater type bleeding heart liberal.

She forced her husband to buy a house in Washington, DC, so she could scream about being disenfranchised.

She's constantly harping about children without insurance, needy children whose parents can't afford medical care, etc...

So, she sets up her pediatrics practice in Northern Virginia, which is considerably wealthier than much of DC....

A few months later she's going on about poor kids and how hideous the Republicans are for blocking universal health care, typical liberal puke stuff...

My friend David asks her how much time she's donating to the free pediatrics clinic in the city, knowing full well that she's adamantly refused to participate in it.

It got pretty ugly really fast, but David really took her to the mat for being the archetype of the hypocritical "gubmint gotta do it all, I don't" liberal.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Bigjake on April 06, 2008, 11:46:11 AM
Hey, he lived a good life and died at home in his bed.  Thats about the best you can hope for.

Rest in peace, Mr. Heston.

They didn't make enough of his kind.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Iain on April 06, 2008, 11:46:20 AM
I liked him, shame that he has passed on.

Also a shame that anyone would use his death, or any other death, as a political weapon. Equally a shame that some pretend that they have never done so.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: HankB on April 06, 2008, 02:12:11 PM
RIP, Chuck. You will be missed.

As for the comments on the leftist blogs . . . it must really be hard to be a liberal, with all that bile, bitterness, and hatred bottled up inside . . .  angry

Also, Manedwolf has the right idea, when commenting on SomeKid's experience . . . I don't associate with that type of person.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: SomeKid on April 06, 2008, 04:24:02 PM
I was at a friends earlier gaming with him on his XBox 360 when his wife saw the news. Thing is, his dumb wife and family are liberals. They started dancing, until my friend tactfully reminded them an armed (as I always am) NRA Lifer was in the room. I kept gaming, they shut up.

I would have walked out right there. Who wants to associate with ghoulish trash like that?

You and Hank both need to read my post. My friend was not the idiot. His moron family (that I am less than fond of) were the stupids. He straightened them out. He put a stop to it, and I did not have to take my eyes off the game. I want to stop associating with this guy why again?
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: gunsmith on April 06, 2008, 06:38:36 PM
May I suggest that, those of us who are NRA members, make an extra donation to the NRA in his memory ?

great idea!
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Ezekiel on April 06, 2008, 07:11:02 PM
They started dancing, until my friend tactfully reminded them an armed (as I always am) NRA Lifer was in the room. I kept gaming, they shut up.

Which is why you wouldn't be armed in my home: because Heston's right-wing, radical, nutjob views on firearms are to be scorned.  (Don't desire to be disarmed?  Masturbate intellectually with your Xbox Gods, elsewhere.  Why?  It's my house.)

That said, Heston was a fine actor and I mourn his passing.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2008, 07:40:37 PM
They started dancing, until my friend tactfully reminded them an armed (as I always am) NRA Lifer was in the room. I kept gaming, they shut up.

Which is why you wouldn't be armed in my home: because Heston's right-wing, radical, nutjob views on firearms are to be scorned. 

Um.  He didn't pull out his gun.  He kept gaming.  So what's your point? 
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: SomeKid on April 06, 2008, 08:15:45 PM
They started dancing, until my friend tactfully reminded them an armed (as I always am) NRA Lifer was in the room. I kept gaming, they shut up.

Which is why you wouldn't be armed in my home: because Heston's right-wing, radical, nutjob views on firearms are to be scorned. 

Um.  He didn't pull out his gun.  He kept gaming.  So what's your point? 

They started dancing, until my friend tactfully reminded them an armed (as I always am) NRA Lifer was in the room. I kept gaming, they shut up.

Which is why you wouldn't be armed in my home: because Heston's right-wing, radical, nutjob views on firearms are to be scorned.  (Don't desire to be disarmed?  Masturbate intellectually with your Xbox Gods, elsewhere.  Why?  It's my house.)

That said, Heston was a fine actor and I mourn his passing.

I think Ezekiel was agreeing with those who hate gun owners. I bolded the part that I think proves that. Funny thing: During the entire interchange my eyes never left the screen, and my only verbal comment was something along the lines of "Yes, am an NRA Life member." My friend did a good job shutting them up, I didn't have to lift a finger. For those who posted earlier saying you would walk out, this is why the dude is friend of mine.

Me thinks Ezekiel either is not paying attention to the thread, is trolling, or simply has a poor sense of humor.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2008, 08:19:07 PM
Zeke was using your behavior to explain why he would not allow you to bring a gun into his house.  Yet you don't seem to have posed a threat to anyone.  So, again, what's the point? 
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: SomeKid on April 06, 2008, 09:07:24 PM
Zeke was using your behavior to explain why he would not allow you to bring a gun into his house.  Yet you don't seem to have posed a threat to anyone.  So, again, what's the point? 

I disagree, note his comments about Heston. But, assuming your correct (we allow this from time to time  laugh ), what exactly is so awful about ignoring stupidity, and having fun with a friend? Or am I missing something maybe? (Then again, you did note I wasn't exactly threatening anyone, perhaps my awesomeness at Army of Two is dangerous?)
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2008, 09:45:33 PM
Yeah, I saw that Zeke is sounding like a gun-grabber.  I was just pointing out that he wasn't making any sense. 

Which is why you wouldn't be armed in my home...
He apparently thinks that playing video games demonstrates that a person should be disarmed.   undecided
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: LadySmith on April 06, 2008, 09:59:15 PM
Watched "Omega Man" yesterday, and noticed that Heston's Neville went about town with a holstered sidearm and spare mag even when wearing a jogging suit. That's something "I Am Legend" failed to address, which ticks me off because a valiant life could've been saved had the new Neville done so.
"Omega Man" also made me glad that IR optics have gotten smaller.

Just doing my part to detract from the strange thread drift.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 06, 2008, 10:04:00 PM
Just doing my part to detract from the strange thread drift.

Thank you. 

Light-hearted comment removed by me.   sad
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: SomeKid on April 06, 2008, 10:17:26 PM
Yeah, I saw that Zeke is sounding like a gun-grabber.  I was just pointing out that he wasn't making any sense. 

Which is why you wouldn't be armed in my home...
He apparently thinks that playing video games demonstrates that a person should be disarmed.   undecided

Yah, when I first read the post I had a WTF moment. Reading his post reminded me of what it is like to watch SS talk religion.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: seeker_two on April 07, 2008, 01:03:14 AM
DU-type reactions are reprehensible....but understandable....

I won't be exactly tearful when Mikey Moore chokes down his last Happy Meal.....
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Ezekiel on April 07, 2008, 04:04:59 AM
He apparently thinks that playing video games demonstrates that a person should be disarmed.   undecided

(sigh)  I, actually, think being in my home demonstrates that he needn't be strapped: it's somewhat insulting.

And Heston was a radical, but he made some excellent movies.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: SomeKid on April 07, 2008, 04:10:34 AM
He apparently thinks that playing video games demonstrates that a person should be disarmed.   undecided

(sigh)  I, actually, think being in my home demonstrates that he needn't be strapped: it's somewhat insulting.

And Heston was a radical, but he made some excellent movies.

Would you like a side of gun-ban to go with your views?
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: nico on April 07, 2008, 04:25:50 AM
He apparently thinks that playing video games demonstrates that a person should be disarmed.   undecided

(sigh)  I, actually, think being in my home demonstrates that he needn't be strapped: it's somewhat insulting.

How much does it cost to have your house crime-proofed these days?

About ignoring stupidity, I live in MD. . . some places you just have to do it if you want to keep your sanity for more than a few hours.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: cordex on April 07, 2008, 04:38:43 AM
(sigh)  I, actually, think being in my home demonstrates that he needn't be strapped: it's somewhat insulting.
How is it insulting?  Is it insulting if someone climbs into your car and straps on a seat belt?  How much more ridiculous is it to condemn an apparent willingness to come to the defense of you and yours as insulting?

Seems to me that it would take a very special desire to be offended at that.

Regarding the thread's primary point, I was very sorry to hear that Charlton Heston died, but I was glad he had taken full advantage of a long and prosperous life. 
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: K Frame on April 07, 2008, 04:47:35 AM

This thread is about Charlton Heston's death.

If you want to battle over where you can carry and when, START A NEW THREAD.

Any more messages not on the topic subject will be summarily deleted.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: The Annoyed Man on April 07, 2008, 04:59:06 AM
One of the more interesting points about Mr. Heston is that he was almost villified by liberals as being an extreme conservative.  But they ignore the fact that Mr. heston truly did march with Dr. King in favor of civil rights for all Americans, not just 2A for NRA members.  Let's honor the memory of all the man stood for, all rights for all Americans.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Rocketman56 on April 07, 2008, 06:02:11 AM
Chris:  I agree with that comment..  Mr. Heston truly stood by what he believed.. (what he believed may have changed during his lifetime, but at least you knew
where he stood..)  One should respect someone like that, even if you don't agree with him..

To be honest, I knew that he had been associated with Dr. King, and also the NRA, but I had never really thought about it until
I read his speech before the Harvard Law School..  (Link:  Thanks, Tom!)
There are other links to it on the net.. (THR had a different one..)

Mr. Heston truly had his fingertips on the pulse of America..  Read the speech and I think you'll agree with me..

Farewell Mr. Heston and may you "Rest in Peace" and watch America right itself, and
return to its strengths and re-don the mantle of true freedom and greatness in the world community..

Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Jamisjockey on April 07, 2008, 06:21:42 AM

As for Heston...
I actually heard a good euleogy of him on CNN today.  Shocking.  Apparantly he was active in civil rights movement and an outspoken supporter of Desegregation.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: mtnbkr on April 07, 2008, 07:21:51 AM
The left would've canonized him if not for the 2nd Amendment stance. 

Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: LadySmith on April 08, 2008, 04:07:01 AM
I read his speech before the Harvard Law School..  (Link:  Thanks, Tom!)
Thanks for the link. That speech was wonderful.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Manedwolf on April 08, 2008, 04:08:14 AM

As for Heston...
I actually heard a good euleogy of him on CNN today.  Shocking.  Apparantly he was active in civil rights movement and an outspoken supporter of Desegregation.

Yes, he was for all civil rights. He considered 2A a civil right. Which it is.

Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 08, 2008, 02:09:37 PM
Yes, he was for all civil rights. He considered 2A a civil right. Which it is.

Voting is a civil right.  Being armed is a natural right.  But that's sort of like the distinction between republic and democracy, in that no one cares anymore.   undecided
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: Balog on April 08, 2008, 02:25:13 PM
Yes, he was for all civil rights. He considered 2A a civil right. Which it is.

Voting is a civil right.  Being armed is a natural right.  But that's sort of like the distinction between republic and democracy, in that no one cares anymore.   undecided

A surprisingly astute observation Fistful.

I never knew (until now) about his work with Dr. King either. He really was an inspiring man.
Title: Re: Charlton Heston dies at 84
Post by: K Frame on April 08, 2008, 08:10:51 PM
I'm not kidding, folks.

Off topic messages WILL be removed.