Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Polishrifleman on April 07, 2008, 09:08:20 AM

Title: B.R.A. (Baseball Rights Association)
Post by: Polishrifleman on April 07, 2008, 09:08:20 AM
Sign up now!  Selling life memberships on the cheap.  I wonder why they didn't use Cricket bat's?


Bat-wielding teens attack school
Five youths, one of whom also used a machete, slightly injure 19 people
The Associated Press
updated 1:25 a.m. PT, Mon., April. 7, 2008
SYDNEY, Australia - Five teenagers brandishing baseball bats and a machete rampaged through a school in Sydney on Monday, smashing every window they passed and slightly injuring 19 people, police said.

The five, aged 14 to 16, were arrested after the attack in suburban Merrylands High School and are likely to be charged with assault and malicious damage, police Detective Inspector Jim Stewart said.

The offenses have penalties of up to seven years in prison.

One teacher was treated at a hospital after being hit on the head with a bat when he tried to stop the attackers, and 18 students were treated for cuts from broken glass other minor injuries, Stewart said.

It beggars belief they would attempt this kind of activity against innocent students, Stewart said of the attackers.

Police were questioning the suspects  who were not identified because they are minors  about the reasons for the attack.

Attack occurred during assembly
The rampage occurred as hundreds of students attended a routine assembly in an outdoor area of the school about 9 a.m. As the attackers moved in, teachers rushed the students back to class, where they sought refuge behind locked doors or under desks.

Worried parents rushed to the school after news of the attack was broadcast.

Stewart said the attackers defied teachers who tried to stop them, but did not challenge police when they arrived, and surrendered their weapons without a struggle.

© 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Don't you feel safer knowing there aren't any guns around?  I wonder why they stopped when those police guys showed up with GUNS!

Resistance is Futile!!!!!
Title: Re: B.R.A. (Baseball Rights Association)
Post by: Manedwolf on April 07, 2008, 09:11:33 AM
Smith & Wesson beats Hillerich & Bradsby.

Slugs beat sluggers.

The rampage occurred as hundreds of students attended a routine assembly in an outdoor area of the school about 9 a.m. As the attackers moved in, teachers rushed the students back to class, where they sought refuge behind locked doors or under desks.

Hiding under desks. Once upon a time in Australia, those punks would have been faced with double barrels by a private citizen stepping out in front of them. Shame the Aussies no longer have that option.

On a related note, I just noticed this, which didn't even get covered in the news, except now as a retrospective. Welcome to Boston:

March 13: An East Boston 15-year-old is hacked (with a machete) in the left arm, back and shoulder during a daytime assault on City Hall Plaza. Juan Carlos Chavez, 18, of East Boston is charged.

City hall plaza, across from Faneuil Hall? And they wonder why I want a gun there? O_o