Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: 41magsnub on April 24, 2008, 05:24:19 AM

Title: Was I wrong?
Post by: 41magsnub on April 24, 2008, 05:24:19 AM
This morning driving down a 45 mph to work I was being tailgated by a young woman in a Japanese SUV of some kind, had been for about a mile.  In her right hand was a cup of coffee, in her left hand was a cell phone she was talking on.  When I say tail gated, I mean really tail gated.  I could not see the top of her grill over the top of my trunk (older Toyota Avalon).  Traffic was admittedly going a little slow (35 instead of the speed limit) but it was moving well and the delay was far ahead of where we were.

Getting tired of this I gave her a brake check and she dropped both the cell phone and cup of coffee.  What was especially glorious about it was the cup of coffee flew forward and popped like a water balloon on her windshield.  My morning chuckle accomplished I continued to work.

I mentioned this to a coworker and she was aghast that I would do such a thing.

Was my little bit of road vigilantism wrong?  I don't think so.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Mabs2 on April 24, 2008, 05:31:11 AM
Well, brake checks are common protocol in this situation right?  Not your fault she dropped her coffee...she should know better.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Manedwolf on April 24, 2008, 05:35:06 AM
I think you get extra points for the coffee drop.

Hopefully she learned a valuable lesson. It was someone like that who killed an award-winning jazz musician who was changing his tire on 495 in MA a couple of years ago, a guy who had defected from the Soviet Union and fought to achieve the American dream and all. Good musician, too. Some distracted lady in a behemoth of an SUV meandered into the service lane, hit his stopped vehicle in the tail and knocked it onto him, killing him instantly.

So I have no sympathy for the coffee spill, since she had NO hands on the wheel. I hope it damaged dash electronics. Good for you.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Ex-MA Hole on April 24, 2008, 05:36:32 AM
I could be wrong, but I believe what you did constitues road rage, aggrsssive driving, driving to endanger and driving in the passing lane, no?
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: K Frame on April 24, 2008, 05:37:20 AM
You're a hero in my eyes.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: 41magsnub on April 24, 2008, 05:38:44 AM
Oh, I should note it was a 2 lane road with an incredible shoulder since the city decided we didn't need a 4 lane anymore.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: mfree on April 24, 2008, 05:47:04 AM
*sigh*. Wrong? No. Right? No. Grey area.

Satisfying? Heh, more than likely. I do hope she figured something out from  the episode.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: jrfoxx on April 24, 2008, 06:36:01 AM
I think you get extra points for the coffee drop.
agreed. she shouldnt be tailgating, nor having her hands full while driving. serves her right.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Jamisjockey on April 24, 2008, 06:54:41 AM
Wrong?  Probably.  But some people are so damn self absorbed that they deserve a reality check sometimes.
Where I live, I think you have to be able to drive while on the phone holding a soy latte non fat whipped to pass the driver test.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: The Annoyed Man on April 24, 2008, 07:05:35 AM
I wouldn't have done it; I'd have pulled over to the right lane and let her pass.  But then, my policy is complete non aggression on the road.  That said, those who tailgate assume the responsibility for stopping IMO (and according to law).

I do hope karma pays you back, though.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: 41magsnub on April 24, 2008, 07:11:25 AM
I wouldn't have done it; I'd have pulled over to the right lane and let her pass.  But then, my policy is complete non aggression on the road.  That said, those who tailgate assume the responsibility for stopping IMO (and according to law).

I do hope karma pays you back, though.

Again to be clear it was not a case of left lane vigilantism (which drives me as nuts as anybody else) as there was no left lane.  Due to asinine city planning this is a 2 lane road with the traffic somewhat stacked up in both directions.  The only way I could have pulled over would have been onto the shoulder and stop, then hope some kind soul would let me back in (unlikely on this road during the commute). 

I view it as pre-emptive self defense since there was a very good chance I would get rear-ended by her if I had to make a real emergency stop for whatever reason.  After the obscene gesture she did stop tail gating me.

Edit:  I tipe gud
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: K Frame on April 24, 2008, 07:23:36 AM
What obscene gesture?

She gave you one, or you gave her one?
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: 41magsnub on April 24, 2008, 07:27:57 AM
What obscene gesture?

She gave you one, or you gave her one?

Her to me, I was laughing to hard to even consider one, not that I do that anyway.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on April 24, 2008, 07:31:02 AM
gray area. but gloryfingly satasfactory.

ok, maybe not a gray area in this day and age, but still, satisfying!
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: AJ Dual on April 24, 2008, 07:34:47 AM
Grey area since it's not your's or anyone's place to do that, and to simply MYOB and drive as safely as possible is the default best policy.

OTOH, I agree with the sentiment, and I'd be irritated at the woman too. It's a minor, but constant fear that Mrs. Dual will kill herself and our four daughters tooling about in the minivan multitasking while driving like that. So I'm in the "wrong but very sympathetic" camp here.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: mfree on April 24, 2008, 07:37:22 AM
Paddy, karma's done. Lady was tailgating, and she got creamered. Who's to say that if 41magsnub didn't brake-check her that day that she wouldn't have mowed a pedestrian down at a crossing the next day or rammed the back tire of a motorcycle in her inattention?
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: The Annoyed Man on April 24, 2008, 07:48:53 AM
Again to be clear it was not a case of left lane vigilantism (which drives me as nuts as anybody else) as there was no left lane.  Due to asinine city planning this is a 2 lane road with the traffic somewhat stacked up in both directions.  The only way I could have pulled over would have been onto the shoulder and stop, then hope some kind soul would let me back in (unlikely on this road during the commute).

I view it as pre-emptive self defense since there was a very good chance I would get rear-ended by her if I had to make a real emergency stop for whatever reason.  After the obscene gesture she did stop tail gating me.

Ah yes, one of those PITA two lane roads that always runs bumper to bumper.  Well, there was nothing else you could do I suppose.  You are thus absolved.  laugh

Tailgaters are especially annoying to me; I drive a small fuel efficient vehicle most of the time and it's typically an SUV on my ass in an attempt to intimidate.  I get the last laugh, though, because I'm getting 40mpg and they're not.

Paddy, karma's done. Lady was tailgating, and she got creamered. Who's to say that if 41magsnub didn't brake-check her that day that she wouldn't have mowed a pedestrian down at a crossing the next day or rammed the back tire of a motorcycle in her inattention?

Thinking like that is annoying because it's dishonest.  He didn't 'brake check' randomly or for the purpose of brake checking.  He did it to stop her from tailgating.  You know it, I know it and he knows it.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: xavier fremboe on April 24, 2008, 07:55:17 AM
I totally understand where you're coming from, but I've made the decision to no longer brake check.  Consequences are too high.  Instead, I keep cleaning my windshield until they back off.  You'd be surprised to see how well it works.  Third time some one has to clean their windshield from my overspray and they usually get the picture.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: K Frame on April 24, 2008, 08:00:26 AM
What, no one carries a sack of ball bearings or a box of roofing nails anymore?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on April 24, 2008, 08:08:43 AM
^ Typical white person.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Devonai on April 24, 2008, 08:15:22 AM
I imagine she thinks you owe her a cup of coffee and a spray bottle of Armor-All.  She learned nothing.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Manedwolf on April 24, 2008, 08:26:10 AM
I totally understand where you're coming from, but I've made the decision to no longer brake check.  Consequences are too high.  Instead, I keep cleaning my windshield until they back off.  You'd be surprised to see how well it works.  Third time some one has to clean their windshield from my overspray and they usually get the picture.

Yes, that's the equivalent of taking a wiz at the driver tailgating you. It works quite well!
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: freakazoid on April 24, 2008, 08:29:29 AM
I don't think you did anything wrong. It's not like you started following her around and driving at her real aggressive or did anything to cause any actual danger. Something that I like to do but have only been able to get it to work about twice now is to slowly keep speeding up way past the limit and wait for them to realize how fast they are going when they all of a sudden slow waaay down, Cheesy.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: PTK on April 24, 2008, 08:40:02 AM
I totally understand where you're coming from, but I've made the decision to no longer brake check.  Consequences are too high.  Instead, I keep cleaning my windshield until they back off.  You'd be surprised to see how well it works.  Third time some one has to clean their windshield from my overspray and they usually get the picture.

I do the same thing, and there's MUCH less chance of getting rear-ended like there is with "brake checks".
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: 41magsnub on April 24, 2008, 08:46:00 AM
I totally understand where you're coming from, but I've made the decision to no longer brake check.  Consequences are too high.  Instead, I keep cleaning my windshield until they back off.  You'd be surprised to see how well it works.  Third time some one has to clean their windshield from my overspray and they usually get the picture.

That's not a bad idea, I need to get out my pick set and adjust the nozzles to get a little more altitude to be effective though.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: mbt2001 on April 24, 2008, 08:50:38 AM

It wasn't your fault... 

But WOW, poor lady.   sad
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: HankB on April 24, 2008, 08:56:41 AM
Sounds like she got what she deserved . . . especially regarding the coffee.  grin

Reminds me of an episode of the Red Green show, in which he demonstrated how to deal with tailgaters by jettisoning your rear bumper. (Think duct tape, twine, and Bic pens.)

Having said that, I, personally, don't engage in things like this . . . I live in Texas, where people carry (gasp) guns. I'm meek as can be behind the wheel, secure in the knowledge that if the situation escalates to the point where I have to employ deadly force to protect myself or my passengers, ALL the escalation to that point will be on the part of the other guy.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Jamisjockey on April 24, 2008, 09:34:01 AM

Tailgaters are especially annoying to me; I drive a small fuel efficient vehicle most of the time and it's typically an SUV on my ass in an attempt to intimidate.  I get the last laugh, though, because I'm getting 40mpg and they're not.

Is it just me, or did this thread just get smug?
[southpark] Do you love the smell of your own farts?[/southpark]
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: The Annoyed Man on April 24, 2008, 09:45:42 AM
Well, I try to be humble.  I give a friendly smile and a wave to SUV drivers spending $100 filling up at the gas station.

But I have to admit I'm secretly chortling and thinking 'dumbass' inside.  grin
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Jamisjockey on April 24, 2008, 09:54:38 AM
Well, I try to be humble.  I give a friendly smile and a wave to SUV drivers spending $100 filling up at the gas station.

But I have to admit I'm secretly chortling and thinking 'dumbass' inside.  grin

And I look at the little econobox and wonder what its like to not be able to haul the rugrats, dog, stroller, and a weeks worth of luggage somewhere.  To each his own.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: PTK on April 24, 2008, 10:01:11 AM
I compromise and drive a Tacoma extended cab... I get 25-30 MPG depending on driving conditions and such, yet I can really haul quite a bit.  grin
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: BridgeRunner on April 24, 2008, 10:46:08 AM
I wouldn't've done it myself because I'd hate to bet my car on her ability to slow down quickly while focused elsewhere. 

My favorite approach is to gradually slow down, if getting over is not a possibility.  I was in a one-lane construction zone the other day getting rather aggressively tailgated by a semi.  Speed limit was 55.  55 was not a safe speed to be driving with a semi less than ten feet from my bumper.  I slowed down.  By the time I got down to 30 he got the message and backed off.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: mtnbkr on April 24, 2008, 10:54:03 AM
And I look at the little econobox and wonder what its like to not be able to haul the rugrats, dog, stroller, and a weeks worth of luggage somewhere.  To each his own.

Same here.  I've filled the 4Runner and the Camry to the brim before (not at the same time).  Even a weekend trip to visit family can result in some creative packing.  I can't imagine doing that in a smaller car.  I'd like an econobox to drive to/from work and around town, but the additional expense of another vehicle would be greater than the savings in fuel costs at any available level of fuel economy.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: 41magsnub on April 24, 2008, 11:08:42 AM
For me..  I drive the Avalon every day which gets good but not great mileage.  I save my truck for truck stuff and run it on weekends to knock the dust off.  The truck is going on 15 years old but is still perfectly highway worthy.

Funny story..  going to my cabin a few  years ago  I had the truck all loaded up and was on the on ramp to get to the highway and the AC unit seized and took out the accessory belt.  I cut out the belt and limped home and managed to cram everything I needed into a Subaru Legacy sedan.  I had no idea I could fit my giant cooler in the back seat, I had maybe 1mm of clearance.  Everything was full, passenger seat, back seat, and trunk.  I didn't even need to hook up the Yakima rack and top load.  If I wasn't paying for truck repairs I would have actually saved some money that weekend.

I still drive the truck to the cabin with a light load..  feels weird to head out to do man stuff in a car.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Manedwolf on April 24, 2008, 11:09:10 AM
And I look at the little econobox and wonder what its like to not be able to haul the rugrats, dog, stroller, and a weeks worth of luggage somewhere.  To each his own.

Same here.  I've filled the 4Runner and the Camry to the brim before (not at the same time).  Even a weekend trip to visit family can result in some creative packing.  I can't imagine doing that in a smaller car.  I'd like an econobox to drive to/from work and around town, but the additional expense of another vehicle would be greater than the savings in fuel costs at any available level of fuel economy.


I think Honda made a big mistake not introducing the Accord Tourer model here, it's only sold in Europe and Japan. It's a crossover. Crossovers are hot. It's got room to put crap in. And it's an Accord, one of the most reliable cars ever built. Plus it's got a low-emission quiet turbodiesel!

That'd sell like crazy.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on April 24, 2008, 12:55:22 PM
I used to brake-check tailgaters when I was younger, but any more I just let them tailgate.  My motto is "You have two choices, tailgate or pass".

I drive an 8000 pound, crew cab black Chevy truck with a Duramax, and it amazes me when somebody will follow me so close all I can see is the roof of their econobox over my tailgate.

Oh, and I can get 20 MPG on the highway while pulling three of your loaded econoboxes.  cheesy

On the other hand, diesel is $4.10 a gallon here.  angry
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: The Annoyed Man on April 24, 2008, 01:26:35 PM
And I look at the little econobox and wonder what its like to not be able to haul the rugrats, dog, stroller, and a weeks worth of luggage somewhere.

Not everybody needs to haul all that extraneous baggage around with them all the time.  Some of us just put on our pants and go.  laugh

Oh, and I can get 20 MPG on the highway while pulling three of your loaded econoboxes.  cheesy

On the other hand, diesel is $4.10 a gallon here.

Unless you're in the trucking business, who needs diesel?

Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: charby on April 24, 2008, 01:33:56 PM
And I look at the little econobox and wonder what its like to not be able to haul the rugrats, dog, stroller, and a weeks worth of luggage somewhere.  To each his own.

Same here.  I've filled the 4Runner and the Camry to the brim before (not at the same time).  Even a weekend trip to visit family can result in some creative packing.  I can't imagine doing that in a smaller car.  I'd like an econobox to drive to/from work and around town, but the additional expense of another vehicle would be greater than the savings in fuel costs at any available level of fuel economy.


I've put the smack down on my wife when we travel. I hand her a bag and I tell she can only bring what she can fit in the bag and can take a pillow. She fought me for quite a while then she realized how much easier it was to carry only one bag. I'm still trying to get her to wear clothes more than one day when traveling.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Scout26 on April 24, 2008, 02:18:04 PM
Quote from: Charby
I'm still trying to get her to wear clothes more than one day when traveling.

Have you taught her how to get four days out of one undie yet ??  grin  shocked
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Iain on April 24, 2008, 02:19:06 PM
The only tailgaters that really annoy me are the ones who push me hard in a 30 and then disappear behind me when we hit a 60. A few minutes into the next 30 there they are on my rear bumper again.

I do 30 in the 30's and 60 (where it is safe) in the 60's. Few months ago an elderly lady pulled out in front of me on a 60 forcing me to slow almost to a stop. She then proceeded along the 60 at 40mph, not safe to overtake. Eventually we hit the next town, and I slowed to 30. She carried on doing 40.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Phyphor on April 24, 2008, 02:22:55 PM
Well, the way I see it is this: Sucks to be her.

Hopefully, this'll make her think of what could very well have happened... it could have been far worse than some spilled coffee and a dropped phone.....
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on April 24, 2008, 02:26:16 PM
Unless you're in the trucking business, who needs diesel?

Ever try running gasoline in a Duramax?  They don't last long.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: vaskidmark on April 24, 2008, 02:26:37 PM
Not only can you purchase custom license plate frames over the internet, you can purchase oversize ones that allow you to put your personalized message in BIG TYPE.

I have had countless folks come up on my rear end and park there for a few seconds, and then suddenly back off and give me room.  No brake-check, no coasting deceleration involved.

I think it might have something to do with the rear license plate frame that reads: "HOW FAST CAN YOU STOP?"  Black frame with yellow reflective letters about 1 inch high.

Now, if I could figure out what to do about the vehicles that have the left headlight aimed up and out, focused right in my face as opposed to somewhere on the road ahead.  They are bad enough with oncoming vehicles, but when they pull in behind you it's like a cop with his takedown light coming through the rear window.  Virginia annual safety inspection just cares if the headlights work - no aiming issues.  When I lived in Massachusetts eons ago that was a big item for flunking the inspection, as well as an easy $10 for the mechanic to fix for you on the spot so you could get reinspected. [/rant]

stay safe.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Declaration Day on April 24, 2008, 02:44:03 PM
There's really no need to hit the brakes suddenly and risk an accident.  Touch the pedal slightly; the brake lights will come on without the brakes engaging.  It has the same effect but is much safer.  You can also turn the headlights on for a few seconds to simulate this effect, if it's during the day of course.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: grampster on April 24, 2008, 03:03:24 PM
Declaration Day hit the nail on the head.  Turn on your headlights.  The tailgater will think it's your brakes.  Safer.

Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Finch on April 24, 2008, 03:11:36 PM
What I want is one of those scrolling marquee signs on the back of my truck. Have it preprogrammed so that I have a series of buttons that will change the message to suit the situation. For instance, when someone is tailgating, it will scroll "Get off my *** you ********* piece of ****"
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: AJ Dual on April 24, 2008, 03:12:15 PM
Declaration Day hit the nail on the head.  Turn on your headlights.  The tailgater will think it's your brakes.  Safer.

Or, just as likely, they'll see that your third brake light didn't go on, know what you did, and just laugh at you.

Learned that one the hard way in northeast Hellanois traffic on my way back to my kinder, gentler native Wisconsin.  undecided
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: grampster on April 24, 2008, 04:24:35 PM
Declaration Day hit the nail on the head.  Turn on your headlights.  The tailgater will think it's your brakes.  Safer.

Or, just as likely, they'll see that your third brake light didn't go on, know what you did, and just laugh at you.

Learned that one the hard way in northeast Hellanois traffic on my way back to my kinder, gentler native Wisconsin.  undecided

Someone drinking coffee and talking on a cell phone is not likely bright enough to know the difference.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: S. Williamson on April 24, 2008, 10:51:39 PM
I've been known to flick lit cigarettes out my window at people who drive in my blind spot for a mile (city) or more.  The shower of sparks seems to work quite well at getting their attention...

Once, I tossed a tater tot from Sonic at someone who was tailgating.  It was hilarious to watch them swerve their BMW to avoid a bit of greasy potato.  laugh
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: lupinus on April 25, 2008, 03:56:10 AM

Ever see those little tubs of oysters at the seafood counter?

They work wonderfully.

Grey area my ass, she had it coming.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Manedwolf on April 25, 2008, 04:15:14 AM
I've been known to flick lit cigarettes out my window at people who drive in my blind spot for a mile (city) or more.  The shower of sparks seems to work quite well at getting their attention...

Once, I tossed a tater tot from Sonic at someone who was tailgating.  It was hilarious to watch them swerve their BMW to avoid a bit of greasy potato.  laugh

Be careful where you do that. Someone did that in S. Florida, and the next thing was a pop and their back window was gone.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: The Annoyed Man on April 25, 2008, 04:40:08 AM
People eating greasy fast food while driving is another hazard.  police
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: xavier fremboe on April 25, 2008, 05:05:03 AM
Declaration Day hit the nail on the head.  Turn on your headlights.  The tailgater will think it's your brakes.  Safer.

Or, just as likely, they'll see that your third brake light didn't go on, know what you did, and just laugh at you.

Learned that one the hard way in northeast Hellanois traffic on my way back to my kinder, gentler native Wisconsin.  undecided

Before I adopted the more karma-friendly winshield washer trick, I would open up some space and downshift two gears.  No brakelights, no nothing.  That always backed them off.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Azrael256 on April 25, 2008, 05:48:36 AM
People eating greasy fast food while driving is another hazard.
Yeah, you should see him after a stop at Popeye's.  Cheesy
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: charby on April 25, 2008, 06:12:35 AM
I've been known to flick lit cigarettes out my window at people who drive in my blind spot for a mile (city) or more.  The shower of sparks seems to work quite well at getting their attention...

Once, I tossed a tater tot from Sonic at someone who was tailgating.  It was hilarious to watch them swerve their BMW to avoid a bit of greasy potato.  laugh

I hate blind spot drivers!  I-80 in Iowa must be a breeding ground for them. Tailgaters don't bother me as much because they are behind me but because of hazards in the road one has to drive around at time blind spot sitters belong in a special kind of hell. I had one in STL last summer in my blind spot in moderate traffic and there was a road gator in my lane and I had no way swerve around it. So I ended up catching the side of the gator and it flipped up and hit the windshield of the blind spot driver. Pitty it was a new Mercedes with paper dealer plates on it.

I wish I could have a sign that pops up from on the top my car that says: "hey a**hole, sh*t or get off the pot and get the f**k out of my blind spot"
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Wynterbourne on April 26, 2008, 10:46:14 AM
I wish I could have a sign that pops up from on the top my car that says: "hey a**hole, sh*t or get off the pot and get the f**k out of my blind spot"
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on April 26, 2008, 11:11:45 AM
i will admit to doing 'break checks' all the time. although i never knew that thats what it was called. i call it 'there was a deer in the road' (which has the added benifit of being true occasionally). before my kia (this is when i was a teen) i could be really nasty about it. i was driving an '84 corsica (which was old and cranky and her top speed was 50) so i figured worse thing is they total my back end and i can convince my parents to get me a new car (hopefully with a tapedeck). i have since gotten a little better, mostly because i actually LIKE my Kia.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: johnster999 on April 26, 2008, 11:25:45 AM
We need more carbon to avert the coming ice age. Go start up the SUV.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: grislyatoms on April 26, 2008, 11:25:58 AM
I always drive at least the speed limit, usually 5 mph or so over, and I used to brake check. It IS effective.

Equally effective is taking my foot off the gas and coasting. When they realize I am NOT going to go faster to oblige their tail-gating, and am in fact slowing down, they pass.

I love to hear them come around me, little four-banger screaming it's lungs out while I blow them a kiss. Ticks 'em right off. grin
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: doc2rn on April 26, 2008, 11:47:35 AM
Last guy who pulled that on me got the video cam running and second time he pulled up short I ran over his precious Cadillac. In court the video exonerated me and he got 10 point ticket.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on April 26, 2008, 11:52:09 AM
Last guy who pulled that on me got the video cam running and second time he pulled up short I ran over his precious Cadillac. In court the video exonerated me and he got 10 point ticket.

so you were tailgating? nice  rolleyes
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: LadySmith on April 27, 2008, 04:39:22 AM
Equally effective is taking my foot off the gas and coasting. When they realize I am NOT going to go faster to oblige their tail-gating, and am in fact slowing down, they pass.
I do the same thing. It works and I don't have to worry about them ramming into the back of my car or having my airbag deploy.

Before I decided to become a better person, I used to do some not-so-nice things while driving.
I had an big old Delta 88 that was called "The Battering Ram."
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Werewolf on April 27, 2008, 06:49:36 AM
Last guy who pulled that on me got the video cam running and second time he pulled up short I ran over his precious Cadillac. In court the video exonerated me and he got 10 point ticket.
You definitely weren't in OK then. Try that here and you may find yourself sharing a cell with Bubba. Tailgating is a big no-no here and if you hit someone in the rear it's your fault - not theirs.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Manedwolf on April 27, 2008, 06:51:11 AM
Last guy who pulled that on me got the video cam running and second time he pulled up short I ran over his precious Cadillac. In court the video exonerated me and he got 10 point ticket.

Not sure what place you're in, but here and most every place I know, if you tailgate and hit someone in the back, you get charged with not being in control of your vehicle.
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: Hawkmoon on April 27, 2008, 01:03:34 PM
Technically, I suspect at least some states probably have some sort of motor vehicle regulation prohibiting brake checks for no reason. However, I love small animals so I always brake for mice in the road ... I don't think any state prohibits applying the brakes to avoid hitting wildlife. Too bad if the person behind was following so closely they didn't see it.

On the karmic level -- job well done. You definitely get extra points for the coffee cup dousing the windscreen.

In recent years I have become wary of using that tactic, though. People today follow SO close and are so focused on everything except their driving that I fear using the brakes would only result in them rearranging the factory configuration of the after portion of my vehicle. Yes, it would be their fault and their insurance would have to repair it, but I can survive without dealing with that additional aggravation in my life. I should probably do what I did back in high school -- wire in an override circuit with a push button or toggle switch on the dashboard that flashes the brake lights without applying the brakes.

Or buy one of those scrolling display thingies for the rear window, and program it to read "BACK OFF!"
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: gunsmith on April 27, 2008, 01:37:54 PM
you done wrong, but I sympathize.
I've been rear ended on a motorcycle and I drive a cab so I am really irritated by tailgators.
What I do is slow down gradually until they really, really want to pass.
The slow down saves on gas too!
Title: Re: Was I wrong?
Post by: RoadKingLarry on April 27, 2008, 05:43:38 PM
LAst summer I had a woman tailgating me on a twisty 2 lane blacktop state highway. I gave her a couple of brake checks and she finally "got it" and backed off, about a mile later I was in a four point lock because of a car Vs. cow collision. Had she been on my tail still I'm almost certain she would have eaten my bumper. As it was we both avoided adding to the the wreckage.