Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Grandpa Shooter on June 11, 2008, 12:10:41 PM

Title: Pet peeves
Post by: Grandpa Shooter on June 11, 2008, 12:10:41 PM
Ok, so I know we all have hot buttons when it comes to daily life.  Just thought I'd address a few of mine.

1.  You read a tread, or post on a thread, and sit down and type out a PERFECT answer or insight, push the POST button, and what you wrote goes off into hyperspace to the grave yard for unread BRILLIANT replies.

2. You make a post or start a thread seeking insight or knowledge from the most high gurus of whatever, and what you get is a bunch of off the wall responses from all of the lurkers who seem to waiting just for that opportunity to spew the most idiotic or childish stuff they can think to write and post.

3.  You play cat and mouse in traffic with some whacko for miles on a busy freeway and heave a sigh of relief when he finally gets out in front of you, only to discover the accident in front of you, which is keeping you blocked in the high speed lane, was caused by THAT VERY SAME IDIOT!

4.  You get home and start peeling off your clothes at the front door just dying to grab a cold beer and walk back to the hot tub to soak out the knots and stress from dealing with grumpy customers, phone calls from people shopping for the services you offer, only at discount prices, only to discover that the neighbor lady is over chatting with your wife, and that cold beer doesn't cover near enough!

5.  People who show up at your house uninvited and bitch cuz the dog won't let them in the yard.  What do they think that 90 lb dog is there for anyway?

6.  Working hard in the yard and working up a manly sweat, going into the house to grab a cold beer only to discover your Lady drank the last one and the closest store is 40 miles away.

7.  Finally getting the time to sit down to your favorite hobby, getting out the chips and a cold glass of water to wash them down, tuning the radio to that mellow music station, and the phone rings to the sound of one of your senior citizen customers saying there is water on the floor in the hallway and they can't figure out where it's coming from.

8.  Reading where someone is complaining about a law which is clearly unconstitutional and suggesting that it being unconstitutional negates their obligation to abide by it, only to have them say that they have to comply because they might get into trouble if they ignore it.  How do they think laws get overturned or repealed?  By everyone whining about how they "have" to comply because they don't want to get hassled?

9.  Being right at the critical hand in a game of spades, where the turn of every card spells out WINNER, only to have your dog force it's way between you and the computer so you don't see what cards played on that last trick! angry

10.  Posting a thread only to have some mod close it because it's too controversial for the forum! angry angry
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on June 11, 2008, 12:15:10 PM
nice to see you back grandpa, and in good form as usual.  smiley
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 11, 2008, 12:26:07 PM
1.  Old dudes who whine about their little pet peeves on the internet.  Tongue

Just Joshin' ya.  You knew somebody was going to say it, right?   smiley
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Monkeyleg on June 11, 2008, 12:38:27 PM
"3.  You play cat and mouse in traffic with some whacko for miles on a busy freeway and heave a sigh of relief when he finally gets out in front of you, only to discover the accident in front of you, which is keeping you blocked in the high speed lane, was caused by THAT VERY SAME IDIOT!"

Oh, I don't know about that being a pet peeve, at least for me. I get satisfaction from it.

Some guy was tailgating me in heavy traffic, changing lanes constantly, zipping between cars and generally being a first-class jerk. Then traffic started crawling. After about 10 minutes I got to see the problem: the jerk had somehow hit a tree in someone's front yard. His car was split in half. The ambulance was gone, so I can only hope that he was split in half as well.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Brad Johnson on June 11, 2008, 12:40:53 PM
Welcome back, gramps!

Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: BridgeRunner on June 11, 2008, 12:56:49 PM
Alarmists.  People who demand that I join in their spazz-du-jour about how:

Global warming
Global warming zealots
Gun nuts
Baby killers/Abortionists
Welfare sponges
Neocon bastards
Hippie Moonbats
Evil lawyers
Evil politicians
Evil executives
Ineffectual versions of above
Evil atheists
Evil Christians
Evil pagans
Evil Americans
Evil Iraqis
Evil Israelis
Evil Palestineans

are destroying life and we know it and we're all gonna die.

Whatever.  Some people enjoy the drama.  Whatever floats yer boat.  That's cool.  But my official pet peeve is people demanding that I participate in/validate their drama of the moment. 

Also, heya Grandpa, good to see ya!
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Brad Johnson on June 11, 2008, 01:00:07 PM
People who demand that I join in their spazz-du-jour

Okay, that made me blow coffee out my nose...


Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: mtnbkr on June 11, 2008, 01:01:58 PM
You left off HFCS and Transfats.

Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Tallpine on June 11, 2008, 01:03:21 PM
2. You make a post or start a thread seeking insight or knowledge from the most high gurus of whatever, and what you get is a bunch of off the wall responses from all of the lurkers who seem to waiting just for that opportunity to spew the most idiotic or childish stuff they can think to write and post.

1.  Old dudes who whine about their little pet peeves on the internet.  Tongue

Darn, fistful beat me to it Sad

Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: BridgeRunner on June 11, 2008, 01:03:40 PM
You left off HFCS and Transfats.

Edited for accuracy.  grin
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on June 11, 2008, 01:09:38 PM
you also forgot PETA.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Declaration Day on June 11, 2008, 02:07:51 PM
1.  The word "pet peeve".  It sounds like baby talk.

2.  Drivers who don't use their turn signals.

3.  People who think that being a customer excuses them from their manners.

4.  People who don't understand the value of being honest and treating others with respect.  I guess that encompasses #3.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Scout26 on June 11, 2008, 04:03:08 PM
1.  You have the right to an impartial jury.   Not a jury of your peers.  There is no nobility in the US.  The jury of your peers comes from Britain, where that rule was made so that the peasants would not be allowed to sit in judgement of their betters.

2.  Put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher....Oh the dishes are clean, then unload the damn thing and then put your dirty dishes in.

3.  Pick up after yourself. 

4.  Think twice, post once. 

And nice to see you GS !!
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Mabs2 on June 11, 2008, 04:16:18 PM
1.  Smokers.  More specifically, jerks who smoke.  My aunt seems to think that second hand smoke is 100% unnoticeable to everyone and that we're just trying to get on her nerves.  Despite everyone in the family asking her to stop smoking in her mother's house (also my house), she still persists.  So when she comes over, she sleeps all day, smokes all day, and I get a wonderful migraine, allergy attack, chest pains, and all around start feeling farking terrible.  Makes me want to hit her with a folding chair.

2.  Bad luck.  I have lots of it.  Everything I do messes up somehow.  Every time I move stuff falls down.  Everything I need to find is missing.

3.  Not enough room.  I have a whole house worth of stuff in my one bedroom.  It's NOT fun.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: The Annoyed Man on June 11, 2008, 04:26:47 PM
There are not nearly enough waaaambulances available to respond to this one!
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Grandpa Shooter on June 11, 2008, 08:19:08 PM
Been doing lots of fun stuff lately.  Down in the Valley of Sin right now working on my buddies house.  Just thought I'd lighten up your day a little.  Nice to see that some of you still have a sense of humour grin
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: taurusowner on June 11, 2008, 09:42:48 PM
5.  People who show up at your house uninvited and bitch cuz the dog won't let them in the yard.  What do they think that 90 lb dog is there for anyway?

For me, people who do invite you and then don't cage or tie up their dog.
/delivered pizza
//Has been barked at and jumped on by more than a few dogs while the owner stood by and laughed
///Has been within seconds of OCing said dogs and walking away with their pizza
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: wmenorr67 on June 11, 2008, 10:01:31 PM
3.  You play cat and mouse in traffic with some whacko for miles on a busy freeway and heave a sigh of relief when he finally gets out in front of you, only to discover the accident in front of you, which is keeping you blocked in the high speed lane, was caused by THAT VERY SAME IDIOT!

Or to put a smile on your face, seeing him pulled over by  police.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: S. Williamson on June 11, 2008, 11:09:59 PM
People who don't study for an exam and then complain when they fail.  Repeatedly.

People who whine about rolling the tube or squeezing the middle of a tube of toothpaste.  I've referred to that weird Crest bottle as a "marital aid" in this situation more than once.

Parents/ dog owners/ etc. refusing to discipline their children/pets/both/whatever.

Most women, especially their lack of clear communication.


"Busy work" at school.

The FAA.

Mismanagement of funds.  Don't buy new desks and chairs when the old ones are fine.  Get new shop equipment.  Get more replacement hardware.  Get some more planes that might actually still run.  HOW ABOUT HIRING MORE INSTRUCTORS?!?



Anyone who lacks personal responsibility, who is of sound mind and body and over the age of fourteen.

Political correctness.

Internet fights.

Youtube comments.

Religious crusaders.  If I don't belive the same as you, RESPECT THAT AND MOVE ON.  If I want to listen, I will.  If I'm not interested, take a hint.

People who can't take a hint.

Use of substandard materials/ practices/ labor to "save money."

Intentional, apathetic, or ignorant disrespect.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: LadySmith on June 11, 2008, 11:49:18 PM
1. Stupid drivers, which is anyone going faster or slower than moi.  grin

2. Bitchiness in both men and women.

3. California legislators.

4. California laws.

5. California...except where I live.  smiley

6. People who give you the sordid details of their sex lives, including venereal diseases, and then get upset because you won't date them.

7. Most people.

8. Stupidity in entertainment.

9. High gas prices (it was $4.35 Monday and $4.55 yesterday out here).

10. Current presidential candidates.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Regolith on June 12, 2008, 12:39:13 AM
Collection agencies calling every stinking day.  Oh, and they're not calling for me, they're calling for some guy who had the phone number before me FOUR FREAKING YEARS AGO....And who happens to have the same first name and last initial as me (which has caused some confusion when people who were apparently on a first name basis with the guy accidentally call me).   angry

They woke me up today at 7:00 AM.  I had a final exam at 10:00AM, and hadn't gotten any sleep the night before.  I was not happy.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: MicroBalrog on June 12, 2008, 04:26:06 AM
Collection agencies calling every stinking day.  Oh, and they're not calling for me, they're calling for some guy who had the phone number before me FOUR FREAKING YEARS AGO....And who happens to have the same first name and last initial as me (which has caused some confusion when people who were apparently on a first name basis with the guy accidentally call me).   angry

Interestingly, I have the same problem - except it's my cellphone, and they're real estate sharks, not collection agencies. They call, they ask for "Boris" - and I naturally affirm my presence - and then they want to buy my villa. They then act surprised to know I own absolutely no real estate.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Werewolf on June 12, 2008, 07:47:21 AM
Ways to push my buttons in real life...

1. Range Nazis

2. People who poke me in the chest to make a point (they get to do that once - after I explain how I feel about that practice and what my response will be the 2nd time it happens, it rarely ever happens again for some reason).

3. Pit Bulls - noisey overly aggressive ones

4. Bleeding Heart Liberal Socialists - I know some.  Nice people in general. We have come to the mutual conclusion that we should never ever talk politics. Religion, sex, hobbies, kids, family, whatever, all OK. Politics No Way. (does not apply to internet forums)

5. Cashiers who can't figure out how much change you're due when they ring up $5.20 and you give them a 10 spot and 20 cents.

There's more but none that set me off the way those I've listed do.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Manedwolf on June 12, 2008, 07:49:10 AM
3.  You play cat and mouse in traffic with some whacko for miles on a busy freeway and heave a sigh of relief when he finally gets out in front of you, only to discover the accident in front of you, which is keeping you blocked in the high speed lane, was caused by THAT VERY SAME IDIOT!

Or to put a smile on your face, seeing him pulled over by  police.

Oh yes. I saw someone being aggressive and cutting off cars. Then he cut off a state trooper.

I cheered when the blue lights came on.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Balog on June 12, 2008, 08:10:40 AM
3.  You play cat and mouse in traffic with some whacko for miles on a busy freeway and heave a sigh of relief when he finally gets out in front of you, only to discover the accident in front of you, which is keeping you blocked in the high speed lane, was caused by THAT VERY SAME IDIOT!

Or to put a smile on your face, seeing him pulled over by  police.

Oh yes. I saw someone being aggressive and cutting off cars. Then he cut off a state trooper.

I cheered when the blue lights came on.

First time I ever drove in the snow I was chugging along at ~25 mph, like all the other sane, no tire chain having people. I was nearly ran off the road when a BMW zipped past at ~55, then spun out on a curve. The "almost getting hit" part sucked; the "seeing the dick who thinks that an expensive car can ignore conditions" ending up in the ditch was awesome.  grin

I'm sure many of them are great people, but in my experience people who drive Mercedes, Porsches, and BMW's are mostly total aholes.
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Gewehr98 on June 12, 2008, 09:02:18 AM
1. Being a range officer trying to keep people from shooting themselves, others, and sending bullets over the berm and into the nearby cattle pasture who call me a "Range Nazi". I've got stories, let me tell you...

2. People who think food prices, their deteriorating marriage status, and all other evils of society are caused by ethanol.

3. Cut, paste, and run postings without any substance or value added to the newly-created thread.  You know the type, it's a quoted clipping from a news article somewhere, with a simple "Discuss" tacked onto the end.  Nope.  No discussion. If you have nothing of value to add besides a "Discuss" or "+1", then it really wasn't worth posting, IMHO.

4. Kalifornians who cannot figure out that there is life in the Free States beyond the Nevada border - been there, done that, sorry that it still sucks back there.

5. The NRA isn't doing enough for gun owners, and the shrill ranting of GOA somehow is a suitable alternative.

6. Trolls who log in with a new username and faked IP address after getting banned, thinking they can outsmart the admin staff.  The clue bird doesn't roost there, it appears. 
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on June 12, 2008, 09:47:29 AM
1. folks who insist on feeding their overweight dog cat food three times a day and then wonder why its so fat.

2. folks who fail to teach their dog to walk on a leash.

3. folks who have a dog that is big and it pulls and insist that it needs to be walked with a harness.

4. folks who think anyone who uses a pinch or choke coller is inhuman, even when presented with a happy dog under control.

5. people who complain about having a fat, hyperactive, exsesivly noisy dog after they leave the dog in the garage all the time and feed it whenever it barks.  rolleyes

6. people that buy a poodle, bichion, maltese or any other long haired dog with grooming requirments, and then refuse to learn how to comb it out.

7. people who think your dog is perfectly happy to have their dog get in her face. ("yes, you jacka**, she will NAIL your dog in a heartbeat") my dog is under control and not bothering you. return the frikken courtesy.

8. people who think its "cute" when their pitbull mauls an old dog and then chases my cat. ('awww, look, their playing')

9. people who can't read the business hours THAT ARE POSTED IN BRIGHT BLUE LETTERS ON THE FRONT DOOR

10. people that don't housebreak their pets and use 'peepee pads'. 
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: HankB on June 12, 2008, 10:46:41 AM
First time I ever drove in the snow I was chugging along at ~25 mph, like all the other sane, no tire chain having people. I was nearly ran off the road when a BMW zipped past at ~55, then spun out on a curve. The "almost getting hit" part sucked; the "seeing the dick who thinks that an expensive car can ignore conditions" ending up in the ditch was awesome.  grin
One February I was driving from St. Paul down to Chicago to attend a funeral - the Interstate was icy, but one lane was slighty less icy than the rest. I was in my 4x4 Bronco, at about 35 MPH, which was as fast as I felt comfortable, when a guy in a sporty red front-wheel drive coupe came up behind me, flashing his lights and honking his horn, indicating I should pull aside onto the glare ice & let him through.

Not likely.

Eventually he passed me, flipping me the bird as he did so.

About 5 miles further up the road, there he was, hands on his hips, looking at his car over the ditch . . . supported in mid air by the front and rear bumpers on either side of the ditch,  all four wheels airborne.

I honked my horn and waved to him . . . with one finger.  cool
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Manedwolf on June 12, 2008, 12:10:06 PM
First time I ever drove in the snow I was chugging along at ~25 mph, like all the other sane, no tire chain having people. I was nearly ran off the road when a BMW zipped past at ~55, then spun out on a curve. The "almost getting hit" part sucked; the "seeing the dick who thinks that an expensive car can ignore conditions" ending up in the ditch was awesome.  grin
One February I was driving from St. Paul down to Chicago to attend a funeral - the Interstate was icy, but one lane was slighty less icy than the rest. I was in my 4x4 Bronco, at about 35 MPH, which was as fast as I felt comfortable, when a guy in a sporty red front-wheel drive coupe came up behind me, flashing his lights and honking his horn, indicating I should pull aside onto the glare ice & let him through.

Not likely.

Eventually he passed me, flipping me the bird as he did so.

About 5 miles further up the road, there he was, hands on his hips, looking at his car over the ditch . . . supported in mid air by the front and rear bumpers on either side of the ditch,  all four wheels airborne.

I honked my horn and waved to him . . . with one finger.  cool

Near where I live is an uphill curve that people always come down too fast when it's icy. I saw someone at the top of the hill doing so, so I just stopped sort of it and waited. They came down the hill with a BMW at sunny-day speeds, spun around, and crashed into the guardrail. Then looked over at me, sitting there calmly with headlights and foglights on, waving politely at them, then I started out to go past and up the curve. It was obvious I'd been sitting there waiting for them to be an idiot and crash, and they did. grin
Title: Re: Pet peeves
Post by: Perd Hapley on June 12, 2008, 12:44:30 PM
I saw someone being aggressive and cutting off cars. Then he cut off a state trooper.

I cheered when the blue lights came on.

Somebody cut me off at an intersection once, and he didn't see the cop on the other side.  Not a good day for him, I think.