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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Sergeant Bob on June 26, 2008, 05:20:59 AM

Title: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: Sergeant Bob on June 26, 2008, 05:20:59 AM
The recent SCOTUS ruling on Heller sort of drives home the importance of keeping the Libs out of the White House. As much as I CANNOT STAND McCain, I don't have much of a choice. angry
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on June 26, 2008, 07:48:43 AM
No kidding.  George W Bush's supreme court nominations are the only reason the constitution was affirmed today.

Much as I hate it, I think I have to vote against Obama and the people he'd try to pack the court with.
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: Desertdog on June 26, 2008, 07:59:21 AM
The recent SCOTUS ruling on Heller sort of drives home the importance of keeping the Libs out of the White House. As much as I CANNOT STAND McCain, I don't have much of a choice.
Agree 100 percent, 4 of the Justices wanted to eliminate the 2nd Amendment.  All they need is one more liberal Justice to accomplish everything the Liberals, Progressivies, Democrats and Communist want.

Obama is a sure way to get another Liberal judge on SCOTUS, if there is an opening in the coservative side of the court.  If there is an opening in the Liberal side we will get somebody as bad if not worse the the 4 there now.

Don't fotget about the Federal judges in the lower courts and the Appellate Courts.
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: cslinger on June 26, 2008, 08:21:00 AM
God I hate to admit it but I was thinking the same thing.  I cannot stand Senator McCain but 5-4 was way to close for me.

Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: Dntsycnt on June 26, 2008, 08:31:44 AM
Would McCain put in people you agree with, when you don't agree with him?
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: Manedwolf on June 26, 2008, 08:33:18 AM
Would McCain put in people you agree with, when you don't agree with him?

As opposed to Obama?

Who do you THINK Obama would put in?

I'm sorry, you cannot write in an answer. It will be McCain or Obama who will choose the next justices. Choose.
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: roo_ster on June 27, 2008, 05:41:11 AM
Would McCain put in people you agree with, when you don't agree with him?

Two words:
Harriet Miers

And a big, fat +1 to MW's post.
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: lupinus on June 27, 2008, 10:29:27 AM
This isn't the election to prove a point

It's the election for damage control.  Trying to prove a point will ram us all up the arse when Obama gets in the white house.  McCain will screw things up and we can only hope for better next election.
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: Fly320s on June 28, 2008, 03:50:24 AM
As much as I CANNOT STAND McCain, I don't have much of a choice. angry

Which is, as far as I can tell, exactly what the Republican party expects and hopes for.  It seems to me that the Republican party only cares about it's own interests.  "This is what we offer, take it or leave it."
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: Waitone on June 28, 2008, 05:31:30 PM
McCain just loves to reach across the isle.  He will not have a majority in the senate.  He may even face a 60 vote majority which will ensure complete domination by democrats.  If he wants to offer a nomination his natural inclination will be to cave to democrats demands and call it bipartisanship.  All this assumes McCain's heartfelt desire is constitutionally constrained justices.  I make no such assumption.  I assume McCain is a well-dressed statist and is not interested constitutional restraint.  His maverick schtik has too many years to be abandoned in a fit of principal.

To quote a number of great American philosophers:
"We are so screwed!"
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: taurusowner on June 28, 2008, 05:54:49 PM
George W Bush's supreme court nominations are the only reason the constitution was affirmed today.

That bears repeating.  For all of the things President Bush has done that a lot of people may hates, the Justices he appointed saved the 2A for a little while longer.  Thank you Mr. President.

This isn't the election to prove a point

It's the election for damage control.  Trying to prove a point will ram us all up the arse when Obama gets in the white house.  McCain will screw things up and we can only hope for better next election.

That's not going to happen.  I'm voting for McCain to preserve a little bit more liberty for a little bit longer.  But suffer no illusion; If McCain gets elected, we will never get another Conservative Republican again.  Obama and McCain lead to the same place.   McCain's road will just take longer.  By electing McCain, we will be sending a message to the GOP.  And that message is that running as a liberal in the Republican party is how to get elected.  So we will get more of the same in 2012, 2016, 2020, and so forth.  It's still better than Obama.  But don't kid yourself into thinking there's a way out of this.
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: lupinus on June 28, 2008, 05:56:30 PM
Not necessarily.  If we can get decent republicans in the primary, as we had this year, and actually get them the nomination we have a chance.
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: Gowen on June 29, 2008, 09:18:53 AM
My biggest hope about McCain is that he picks a good VP.  As has been said this election is about damage control.  A lot of us are tired of President Bush and that is from us conservatives.  He has disappointed us on so may levels.  We need a President that will pick good Supreme Court Justices and not hurt Republicans any further. 
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: HankB on June 30, 2008, 07:45:18 AM
George W Bush's supreme court nominations are the only reason the constitution was affirmed today.
And remember how narrow the margins was . . .

And remember that Justice Stevens was appointed by Republican Gerald Ford.

And Justice Souter was appointed by Republican George H. W. Bush.

And Justice Kennedy (who did vote correctly this time, but often doesn't) was appointed by Republican Ronald Reagan.

A GOP President is no guarantee that we'll get a good appointee . . . but Obama will nominate someone who makes Ginsburg look like Ann Coulter in comparison.

AT BEST, McCain may nominate another Kennedy . . . if its as a replacement for Ginsburg or Stevens, that's a net gain . . . but don't expect a GREAT nomination; if you think about it, what are the odds that a President McCain would nominate the sort of justice who'd rule McCain-Feingold unconstitutional?
Title: Re: I Guess I'll Have to Hold My Nose.....
Post by: MechAg94 on June 30, 2008, 09:00:47 AM
It was at least partly McCain's efforts in the Senate that got a lot of Bush's judicial appointments passed.  That "gang of 14" stuff was a maneuver by McCain to get a bunch of Bush's appointments through (at least as I heard it).  Judicial nominations is probably the one area I think McCain might do the right thing.  I can't say that about other areas.