Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Manedwolf on July 09, 2008, 11:45:11 PM

Title: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Manedwolf on July 09, 2008, 11:45:11 PM
In regards to Obama "talking down to black people" on the mic he didn't know was on, just now...

"I want to cut his n__s off."  shocked

And this is the guy who protests gun manufacturers for violence? I think he's projecting a bit!

(And why isn't he being arrested by the Secret Service for that "threat", hm?)
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: LadySmith on July 09, 2008, 11:56:52 PM
Where can I read more about this incident?

Jesse Jackson vs. Barry Obama...old and treacherous vs. young and slippery. That's a fight that might be interesting to see, provided it ended in a double knockout (or castration if Jesse has his way).

Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: wmenorr67 on July 10, 2008, 12:00:18 AM
Of course according to Bill O'Reilly he has even worse info on JJ from this incident.  I would blast the hell out of him.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Manedwolf on July 10, 2008, 12:08:13 AM
Where can I read more about this incident?

Jesse Jackson vs. Barry Obama...old and treacherous vs. young and slippery. That's a fight that might be interesting to see, provided it ended in a double knockout (or castration if Jesse has his way).

Just turn on the TV or look at any news site, it's the #1 scandal story right now.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: agricola on July 10, 2008, 12:15:08 AM
Of course according to Bill O'Reilly he has even worse info on JJ from this incident.  I would blast the hell out of him.

I have just seen this as well, and unless what Jackson said is profane there surely can be no reason why he wouldnt release it.

edit:  perhaps this is too cynical of me but perhaps this is an agreed ploy between the two - after all, for most of your population I would have thought having Jackson angry at a candidate would be a good reason to support that candidate?
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: LadySmith on July 10, 2008, 12:33:24 AM
Just turn on the TV or look at any news site, it's the #1 scandal story right now.

So...Jesse is upset at Obama for saying Blacks should take moral responsibility for their lives. He considers that "talking down to Blacks" and wants to castrate Barry for it. Interesting mind set Jackson has as a "reverend", a Black person and a male.

Jesse the race-baiting, womanizing, morally bankcrupt extortionist wants to "cut the balls out" of Obama, the socialist, America-hating, leftist messiah. This would be kind of funny if it weren't so sickly twisted.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Manedwolf on July 10, 2008, 02:51:52 AM
He's on an interview about it right now.

Changed the subject to "violence in the streets and we made semiautomatic weapons legal again."

Someone needs to march up and punch that filthy, obsessed extortionist in the nose. Hard.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: MrRezister on July 10, 2008, 03:31:02 AM
^ Racist, imo.

I don't understand how these people think at all. Privately, Jackson is apparently offended that Obama wants minorities to increase their expectations and do their best.  Yet publicly he supports him 100%.... it just makes my head spin, does he ever tell the truth?
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: seeker_two on July 10, 2008, 04:27:05 AM
Jesse's just upset b/c he's not the Big Man of the Civil Rights Movement anymore....Obama has usurped that from him, and he's fuming.......

BTW, isn't threatening a Presidential candidate under Secret Service protection a big, Federal no-no?....I hope Jesse will be getting a visit from "The Man" pretty soon....  police
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: grampster on July 10, 2008, 05:14:35 AM
My wife saw the thing on TV.  She said she bets that Jesse knew the mic was on and said what he said on purpose so that he could re-grasp the attention of his followers who are replacing him with Obama.  He gets his face on TV again in multiple quantities.

The man who has become the greatest shame for American blacks, has no shame at all.  If Jesse were white, he'd be known as the greatest racist in the 20th and 21st centuries.  Jackson had the opportunity to help nullify race as any kind of an issue and help produce a culture of accomplishment and progress.  He traded that in for personal pride, aggrandizement, wealth and selfishness as well as derogating those blacks who took personal responsibility for themselves.  He is despicable in my book.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: roo_ster on July 10, 2008, 06:08:15 AM
Jesse Jackson vs. Barry Obama...old and treacherous vs. young and slippery. That's a fight that might be interesting to see, provided it ended in a double knockout (or castration if Jesse has his way).

I'd pay good money to see that fight.

My $$$ would be on double-J.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: longeyes on July 10, 2008, 07:11:19 AM
Jesse and Barack are two heads on the same body.  Jekyll and Hyde.  Barack's "niceness" hides a monster.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Waitone on July 10, 2008, 08:11:27 AM
Je$$e Jackson realizes his franchise as Chief Race Baiter is in danger.  His income is therefore endangered and his standing in racial history is likewise in doubt.  O'Bama represents a lose, lose, lose scenario for Je$$e.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on July 10, 2008, 08:26:20 AM
Video ^^
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: BrokenPaw on July 10, 2008, 08:38:46 AM
It occurs to me that a black president would be the worst possible thing for Jesse; how can he continue making money telling Americans that white folks are keepin' the black man down, if there's a black man sitting in the Oval Office?

If Jesse's agenda was about helping black people, he'd likely be behind Obama all the way, holding him up as an example for others to follow.  But since the only black man Jesse Jackson wants to help is Jesse Jackson, he has to do his part to keep holding other blacks down, so that he can then complain that they're being held down.

Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on July 10, 2008, 08:42:12 AM
Ah, BrokenPaw has seen the light!  The last thing Jesse wants is a black president.  He needs racism and inequality.  Needs it bad.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Scout26 on July 10, 2008, 08:46:10 AM
Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...

I've never met a leftist that isn't.....
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Manedwolf on July 10, 2008, 08:47:41 AM
Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...

I've never met a leftist that isn't.....

It's always amazed me how many will scream that "touching a gun makes you think violent things".
Perhaps it does for them. In fact, I'm pretty sure it does for them.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on July 10, 2008, 09:08:20 AM
My question is what the left going to do about it?  Is it wrong to hope that Jesse gets tossed under Obama's bus?  The (mostly white elite) left would love to be rid of Jackson, I think, and this is a prime oopportunity to replace Jackson with the clean-cut, articulate, nonscary Obama.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: xavier fremboe on July 10, 2008, 09:28:57 AM
My question is what the left going to do about it?  Is it wrong to hope that Jesse gets tossed under Obama's bus?  The (mostly white elite) left would love to be rid of Jackson, I think, and this is a prime oopportunity to replace Jackson with the clean-cut, articulate, nonscary Obama.
Obama has already accepted his apology.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on July 10, 2008, 09:31:50 AM
My question is what the left going to do about it?  Is it wrong to hope that Jesse gets tossed under Obama's bus?  The (mostly white elite) left would love to be rid of Jackson, I think, and this is a prime oopportunity to replace Jackson with the clean-cut, articulate, nonscary Obama.
Obama has already accepted his apology.
Well of course he has.  Obama is above the fray.  He wouldn't deign to attack anyone.  He has stooges like Clark and Kerry do his dirty work.

I want to see what the rank and file white, "educated", wealthy, elite Democrats do.  Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I suspect that they'd want to dump him and replace him with Obama as the leader of the black community.

We'll see, I suppose.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: xavier fremboe on July 10, 2008, 10:21:08 AM
Ummm, why do white democrats get to choose the leader of the black community?
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: BrokenPaw on July 10, 2008, 10:46:17 AM
Ummm, why do white democrats get to choose the leader of the black community?

Because many white democrats think of blacks as children, who need help and guidance, the poor dears.

Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 10, 2008, 01:59:53 PM
What does he mean by "talking down to black people"?  All the commentators seem to assume I'll know what he meant. 

I heard some feedback from one of the R&B stations today.  A black radio host was just thrashing Jesse, somethin fierce.  "More irrelevant than he's ever been," "Jesse's a hater," and so on.   cheesy
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Manedwolf on July 10, 2008, 07:06:18 PM
The larger point of Jesse L. Jackson's criticism of Barack Obama -- if not the crude way he expressed it -- touched a nerve among some African American political activists who have been unhappy about the senator 's pointed critiques of absentee fathers and other problems in the black community.

Jackson, an Obama supporter, spent much of yesterday apologizing for a remark that was caught by a Fox News microphone and aired Wednesday on the network. Jackson was overheard saying Obama's pitch to expand President Bush's federal assistance for faith-based social service programs was "talking down to black people." He then used a base phrase to say what he wanted to do to the senator from Illinois.

But he also told CNN that while he agrees with Obama's arguments that blacks must do more to improve their lot, "the moral message must be a much broader message. What we need really is racial justice and urban policy and jobs and health care."

Michael Eric Dyson, a vocal Obama backer and a sociology professor at Georgetown University, said he worries that the candidate's speeches criticizing the behavior of African Americans will distract attention from larger societal issues. "I'm quibbling with the use of his speeches," he said yesterday.

Writing in Time magazine last month, Dyson likened Obama's critiques of the black community to that of comedian Chris Rock, but noted: "Rock's humor is so effective because he is just as hard on whites as on blacks. That's a part of the routine Obama has not yet adopted."

Ronald Walters, who teaches at the University of Maryland, worked on Jackson's presidential campaigns in the 1980s. He criticized a speech Obama gave last month chastising black fathers who were "acting like boys instead of men," and adding that "we need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child -- it's the courage to raise one."

Walters said that "we're not electing him to be preacher in chief," and that Obama needs to give more speeches about how he would help black communities.

HELP YOURSELF, dammit! You're free, civil rights is won, have some PRIDE and quit asking for handouts! HELP YOUR GODDAMNED SELF! angry

Why can't any politician have the courage to point out that while it has nothing to do with race, that the celebrated "black culture" of inner cities is completely self-destructive, a cycle of violence and unwed mothers and multiple fathers and poverty and more violence? The fact that there is zero respect for life, zero pride in neighborhoods, zero sense of personal responsibility is a universal constant in every single one of the "problem" black communities. You have people killing each other over a damn HAT, and then glaring with stone cold badass attitude at the jury as if wondering what's wrong with doing that. That is a broken culture!

Other blacks just GOT ON WITH IT and live like any other American, I have black lawyers and doctors as neighbors. They're no different than anyone else. Skin color is irrelevant. I don't even see it. I see people, and I see, in problem areas, people of different and completely dysfunctional tribal cultures of their own choosing.

Why can't anyone just say that? It's not the guns, it's not the drugs, it's the CULTURE. And the only people who can reject it are...the people themselves.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: yesitsloaded on July 10, 2008, 07:42:20 PM
Over a hat? I live in Jackson, Mississippi. I have got you beat. Check this one.

Jackson police have arrested a man suspected of shooting another man in the back with a shotgun because he refused to give him a cigarette.

Anthony Bailey, 36, was charged in the shooting. Police had not confirmed the identity of the victim Tuesday night.

The shooting occurred about 2 p.m. at King Bros. Trading Post at 2643 Medgar Evers Blvd.

Jimmie King, owner of the shop that specializes in repairing and selling used tires, said a friend of his, whom King knows only as "Buck," was helping out at the shop on Tuesday when the friend was approached by a man walking up the street.

"He walked up and asked him can he have a cigarette," King said. "Apparently they had some words about that cigarette.

"Buck told him to go get a job or something, and the other guy got mad."

King said the man, who he had seen walking the street, left angrily. His friend told King that the man said he planned to come back with a gun.

A few minutes later, King said, he saw the man walking back toward the shop with a red shirt partially concealing a shotgun.

"I tried to walk over to stop him, but he told me to get out of his way," King said. "Now, I'm pretty well known around here. Usually I can reason with people, but there was no reasoning with this guy."

King said he watched the man shoot his friend in the back then attempt to shoot him again, but the gun would not fire a second time.

The wounded man was taken to the University of Mississippi Medical Center and was in stable condition, police spokesman Sgt. Jeffery Scott said.

After the man shot his friend, King said, the shooter walked back up Medgar Evers Boulevard.

Scott said the man was arrested along with "evidence linking him to the shooting" minutes later at Brown Street and Clover Hill Road.

"You got to be real sensitive with people. If (someone) asks you for a cigarette, give them a cigarette," King said. "He could have asked me for one, and I would have given him a whole pack to prevent something like this."
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: grampster on July 11, 2008, 03:58:04 AM
You've hit the nail on the head.  The problem is culture, but the argument continues to be about race, thanks to Jackson and his ilk.  Even successful blacks seem to be unready to confront that fact.  Those that do, are disparaged.

The troublesome unintended consequence of failing to confront the broken culture is that it misdirects some people back to race.  Vicious circle.  The bigger problem is Jackson and others know this and are exploiting it.

I was involved in a discussion about this very thing in another forum.  Virtually everyone agreed that the division in America today is in the culture clash.  Instead of trying to integrate several cultures into one positive one, where some cultures are improved and others broadened, there are the powerful forces of Leftist Multi-culturism that seek to tear us apart by giving moral equivalancy to all of them.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 11, 2008, 01:04:17 PM
If you didn't listen to the Rush Limbaugh program today, you missed three hours of Mark Steyn.  Hilarious!!  One of his best quips was giving us a new name for a friend of ours - The Reverend Jesse Jackknife.   grin

This inspires me, and I hope it will inspire all of you, to give the Reverend a knife like this one, with a SPEY BLADE, engraved with his new appellation.  As you may know, a spey blade is so called because it was designed for castration.   cheesy  And of course, the knife must have black scales. 

Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: RaspberrySurprise on July 11, 2008, 11:21:32 PM
I imagine that if Obama was elected that he wouldn't be "black enough" for Jesse Jackson. Jackson would likely try to capitalize on the white part of Obama's heritage.
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: seeker_two on July 12, 2008, 10:05:13 AM
fistful: that's even better than the "Mail a Brick" campaign.....and cheaper (if you get some of those "Knife Show" Chinese jobs).....

Group buy/mail, anyone?.....
Title: Re: Jesse Jackson is an awfully violent leftist...
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 12, 2008, 08:09:27 PM
Hmmmm.  I was thinking of a group buy on one engraved knife.  But hundreds of little spey-bladed pocket knives, that would be even better.  Now, what's the address?   laugh