Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: The Annoyed Man on July 15, 2008, 12:06:55 PM

Title: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: The Annoyed Man on July 15, 2008, 12:06:55 PM
As I mentioned on THR, I got accepted the other day at American University's law school.  Today I got accepted at Case Western's law school.

Unfortunately, it's so late in the game, that I've decided to just take another year off and work, and reapply to law schools.

A couple schools I am going to apply to are in the south though.  Vaderbilt, Emory, and Tulane to name the few that come to mind.

I was wondering though, is there still a fair amount of anti-semitism in the south, or would it be safe for me to consider living there?

My father tells me that when he went to undergrad in the south, there was a lot of it, but that was 35-40 years ago.  I was wondering if it's since passed?

I'll be applying to schools elsewhere too, I am just curious as I'd hate to move there and then find out all of a sudden that my neighbors are KKK or something.  A friend just moved to Tennessee and one of his neighbors is KKK.  It made me wonder.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: The Annoyed Man on July 15, 2008, 12:47:56 PM
If I had to be totally honest, and I don't say this to be humorous: People have probably found new people/things to hate since your father's time. Hate is a strange beast.

If they give you any trouble, though, I'll go get my rifle and we'll run them out of town together.

EDIT: Not intended in any way to suggest that it doesn't exist here in the South. Certainly, it is much less popular.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Joe Demko on July 15, 2008, 01:08:18 PM
You don't have to go to the South to find KKK.  We've had those sheet-wearing pinheads here in PA for a long, long time; the 1920's at least.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: El Tejon on July 15, 2008, 01:19:53 PM
Well, I didn't see any in law school, but I went to Chicago-Kent. grin
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: De Selby on July 15, 2008, 01:28:19 PM
There'd be no law school due to a lack of students if anti-semitism presented a realistic risk of injury/death in any of these places.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 15, 2008, 01:30:53 PM
Anti-semitism is deeply imbedded in American culture, doncha know? 
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: lacoochee on July 15, 2008, 02:29:51 PM
Anti-semitism has never really been a very Southern thing there have always been large jewish communities in the South in Charleston and Atlanta who were always treated well and respected.  The KKK dabbled in it but not much they had other fish to fry so to speak and they haven't been a real force in the South since the 1920's.  There are groups like neo-nazi's, aryans, etc. that love to hate jews and everyone else for that matter but you tend to run into them in the mid-west and western mountain states also in very small numbers. 

You are more likely to run into anti-semitism dressed as anti-zionism/Israel etc. on campus, than you are from the surrounding communities that you have mentioned.  In fact, some of the worst hate speech I have heard in years has been on campus.   Funny thing is that in the 1920's and 30's anti-semitism was also very chic in intellectual circles, funny how history continues to repeat itself.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: mtnbkr on July 15, 2008, 03:59:47 PM
Plenty Jews (and Mormons, Hindus, etc) at the small Baptist college I attended in NC.  Didn't notice any anti-semitism against the Jewish students I knew.  Some mild bias against the Mormons, but nothing serious (typical Baptist "we gotta save these people" sort of thing).

I think you'll be safe. Wink

Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: yesitsloaded on July 15, 2008, 04:09:59 PM
My last girlfriend was Hebrew. Not even in the heart of Mississippi. I have several Jewish friends and there is a local synagogue that is quite active in the community. My Jewish cousins in Chicago get more anti-antisemitism than anyone I know here. Might be a few stereotypes floating around...references to Jews having a bag of gold and other nonsense, but most of that came from Southpark and Borat instead of a deep hatred. 
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: HankB on July 15, 2008, 05:37:32 PM
Anti-semitism exists everywhere . . . think of Chicago icon Jesse Jackson and his "Hymietown" comments.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Boomhauer on July 15, 2008, 05:44:12 PM
You'll be fine down here...

The South is a beautiful place in many areas (well, except Atlanta)...

The KKK is pretty much a laughingstock nowadays. You do have guns, right? KKK won't bother you in that case for sure...

Finding a synagogue might be a bit difficult, however...they tend to exist in the somewhat larger cities in many cases. For example, my town doesn't have one (we also only have one Catholic church), but we have plenty of Baptist, Protestant, Church of God, Methodist, etc. churches.

Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: roo_ster on July 15, 2008, 06:22:39 PM
Here in Texas, we give them a real hard time by insisting they run for governor & all that:

Vote for Kinky: Why the Hell not?
In 2004, Friedman began a serious, though colorful, campaign to become the Governor of Texas in 2006. One of his stated goals is the "dewussification" of Texas[12] Among his campaign slogans are "How Hard Could It Be?", "Why The Hell Not?", "My Governor is a Jewish Cowboy" and "He ain't Kinky, he's my Governor".[13]

Friedman had hoped to follow in the footsteps of other entertainers-turned-governors, including Jimmie Davis, Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Ronald Reagan. When the campaign finance reports came out after the second quarter had ended, Friedman had raised more funds than the Democratic nominee, former Congressman Chris Bell.

OK, more seriously, I am sure there are stereotypical, traditional, white, protestant anti-semites in the South.  Most keep their heads down, nowadays. 

Quite a bit of the South is populated by fundie/evangelical types who take their Bible seriously, even all that Old Testament stuff about God's chosen people.  Toss in a pre-millenarian eschatology, and you have folks who read about the enemies of the Jews being destroyed throughout the Bible, while the Jews keep on keepin' on...who also believe the Jews have a role to play in the end times. 

Also, there is some sympathy for Jews who take their religion seriously, as many folks in the South do...and are also the target of abuse by those who dislike them for their religion.

The most likely place to find no-bull anti-semitism in the South is on campus and other liberal enclaves.  It will be openly expressed by far-leftists, pro-militant-Islamists, and some Muslims.  But, that's not confined to the South, now, is it?

FWIW, I have lived in some of the larger cities: Atlanta, DFW, Little Rock as well as some smaller BFE-ish places.  You'll definitely find more synagogues in the larger towns.  Here in north Dallas & the 'burbs north of it (Richardson, Plano), they are relatively thick, judging by the number & size and the Judaica stores.

To best gauge what sort of anti-semitism you'll encounter, pay especial attention to the particular campus's lefty/muslim organizations and their size.  The anti-semitism you'll see off campus by Sons of the South will be in the noise, relative to that.

Good luck on your hunt.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: De Selby on July 15, 2008, 06:28:34 PM

To best gauge what sort of anti-semitism you'll encounter, pay especial attention to the particular campus's lefty/muslim organizations and their size.  The anti-semitism you'll see off campus by Sons of the South will be in the noise, relative to that.

Good luck on your hunt.

Having spent a fair amount of time on college campuses and with Muslims, I have to say that this is totally unwarranted.  You find anti-semitism with south asian and arab immigrants. 

I've never seen a single leftist event/organization on a campus that dealt in or tolerated anti-semitism.  (That of course doesn't mean I agree with their views on communism or whatever their special leftist cause happens to be).  But actual anti-semitic beliefs, statements, or agendas? Never seen nor heard of it.

I think this picture of colleges and leftists is the product of an ideological commitment to the belief that any and all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic.  There are indeed many leftist organizations that criticize Israel heavily (including Israeli leftist organizations) and who express solidarity with the Palestinians, but for the most part they do so in the name of opposing any and all militarism. 
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: vaskidmark on July 16, 2008, 02:36:48 AM
It's not antisemitism here in the South.  God hates everybody in the South - leastwise if you go by the climate in the summertime.

My vote against AU is based on location.  When the 13 individual States were faced with the necessity of dealing with a central government they went looking for a spot where that central government could be put to do the least damage to the country.  Basic requirements were high heat, high humidity, bad water, bad air, and as many diseases as could be crammed into each hectare.  The "winner" of the search contest was 10 square miles split between Maryland and Virginia.

It was not until the invention of central cooling/air conditioning that the central government got out of control.  Prior to then, the heat, humidity, etc. would drive politicians and civil servants out from May till October.  The vestiges of that can be seen in the SCOTUS yearly schedule - smart folks, those Justices.

Go find a law school located where you do not have to slice off and wring out each breath of air.

stay safe.

Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Waitone on July 16, 2008, 03:37:08 AM
The south has a bad rep.  At one time things were ugly.  Since the advent of the 20 th century the south has pretty much cleaned up its act.  The really ugly stuff in the 60's and 70's happened outside the south.  If I were you I'd worry more about the location of your good-ol'-boy network as a result of graduating law school.  Figure where you want to live and work backwards. 
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: MechAg94 on July 16, 2008, 04:25:13 AM
I agree with the above.  Look at the job hunting network the school offers most of all. 

I knew people who were prejudiced in my small home town, but I can't remember anyone who mentioned Jews.  And all of them were more of the live and let live type.  They kept it to themselves.  I know a couple of those guys' kids aren't prejudiced at all so things change.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: The Annoyed Man on July 16, 2008, 05:41:52 AM
If I were you I'd worry more about the location of your good-ol'-boy network as a result of graduating law school.  Figure where you want to live and work backwards.

That's exactly what I'm doing.  The problem is that I have yet to decide where I want to live.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: MagnumDweeb on July 16, 2008, 08:31:59 AM
I'm a Southern Jew, not to be confused with Northern Jew a.k.a. sometimes Yankee Jew. Been a Floridian all my life and more than a few of my friends think I'm a crazy redneck. Also I'm a Law School student, get ready because that first year is a heck of a ride with nonstop stress and worry but if you're smart enough to take your paranoid studying serious it pays off.

I only know a couple of fellow Southern Jews, I don't along too well from Jews who aren't from South or aren't truly southern, a lot of Boca Raton types. I always get that strange look and anxiety riddled question "Your'e Jewish?!" and I just smile real big. Don't help much I suppose because I'm an ardent Jefferson-Republican type so most figure I'll be a Baptist or such. Most anti-semitism I've ever faced was on a local university campus with all those suppossed enlightened typers where you had a lot of pro-European pro-Middle East types that were largely liberals, fools, and commies, generally all three as I saw/see it. Most locals don't bother with the whole 'Jew Thing' they don't get it or understand it generally and usually just shrug their shoulders and move on. Sometimes you get some odd yankee or northerner who asks "why don't Jews believe in Jesus" and you're in for a headache. There's the occassional southernner who does the whole anti-semitism bit but they are either real rare or real quite. Jewish guys actually do real well with the ladies around here oddly enough, Lord knows I've enjoyed the company of a few red-headed baptist women.

Most genuine Southernners only real care about, do you speak English well (regardless of ethnicity), do you believe in the 2nd Amendment (also do you like to shoot, but that's generally a recreational matter), and do you have a job and not burden the welfare system. Mind you that's genuine Southernners and there's a lot of Yankees, residents of northern descent, Northernners, the Europeans I've been meeting are pretty good folk and a joy to have as an addition to our great country.

So if you make it South my only words of wisdom are, don't talk about how much better the North is, we tend to get agitated about that because as we in the South see it, that's far from true. And don't think or say all us Southernners are moonshine-drinking, Confederate Flag waving, Nascar watching types. I wave both American flags and am too impatient to enjoy Nascar.
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Tallpine on July 16, 2008, 09:54:15 AM
Florida even has its own jewish sect: the Orange Jews Wink
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Ex-MA Hole on July 16, 2008, 10:13:51 AM

Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Ex-MA Hole on July 16, 2008, 10:14:34 AM

Welcome to our little corner of the seem like you will fit in fine here.

Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Perd Hapley on July 16, 2008, 12:23:55 PM
you seem like you will fit in fine here.

But he's one of THEM!   smiley 

MagnumDweed, this site is southern owned and operated.  You'll get your sheet and hood in the mail.   angel
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: JWarren on July 16, 2008, 01:10:56 PM
I'll chime in.  I do most of my posting on THR, so please forgive my low post-count here.  I do check here often, however.

OK....  I'll give the view that I've seen basically as matter-of-factly as I can as one who grew up in South Missisissippi.

Anti-semitism in the South?  That's a new one on me.

Typically, people have to have some exposure to a group before they decide to have a like or dislike for them.  In the case of the South (Excluding some areas like South Florida and Orlando), there really isn't a strong Jewish presence.  In fact, I can say that I probably never met a Jewish person until I moved away for my career (I am back in MS now.)

I heard people talk about anti-semitism all my life.  And I never could figure it out.  I was getting conflicting views on the subject.   While I hear that anti-semitism has occured (I mean come on-- we all know about Hitler) but at the same we would hear in Church comments that have a sprirtual kinship with Jewish persons.

Overall, I have seen that "Church" position as a prevailing viewpoint in most Southerners I've met.  That is a far cry from anti-semitism.  In fact, most of the comments that I have heard over my life in the South has been extremely PRO-semitism-- especially in the terms of the nation of Israel.

Me?  I am neither pro-semitic or anti-semitic.  Both notions are absurd to me.  I've yet to meet a Jewish person who-- when asked-- would tell me that they are "Pro-John" or "Anti-John."  I am pro-Israel as far as I would be for any committed ally of the USA.  And that stops at the point that I recognize that they are a foreign nation who-- as I would expect-- places THEIR nation's interest above any others-- including mine.

In short, I think that the whole notion of Pro or Anti Semitic is a question asked and answered in places other than the South.  We frankly just don't care about it one way or the other on an individual basis, and we support allies of the USA or spirtual kin on a broader basis.

So, respectfully .cheese, don't worry too much about it.

-- John
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: Bogie on July 16, 2008, 02:06:19 PM
You know, they don't make Jews like Jesus anymore...
Yup. I'm a fan of Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys... One of the rockin'est bands to play -both- kinds of music in the southwest. and the west. and the south. and places like Florida.
I actually wouldn't worry about much discrimination in the south, as compared with what I've seen in the midwest and the north, regardless. And I used to live next to a neighborhood where everyone wore funny hats and walked to church... or whatever it's called... I personally think that one got started by a Jewish shoe salesman... "Gee, Benjamin, don't you think we'd sell a lot more shoes if we could people to walk more, and wear them out?"
Unless you look like one a them ay-rabs... Huntin' season is still on in the south...
Title: Re: Is there anti-semitism in the south still?
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on July 16, 2008, 02:13:15 PM
born and bred in virginia and i've never seen anything. my dad grew up in northern va and actually had a couple jewish girlfriends (including the infamouse wendy, whom he still talks about, awhhhhhh)

anyway, i know its not as far south as your talking, but i really doubt that getting even a strange look is something to be worried about.