Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: SalukiFan on September 09, 2005, 03:33:50 AM

Title: Police Seizing Civilians' Guns in New Orleans
Post by: SalukiFan on September 09, 2005, 03:33:50 AM
Yikes!  I know, I know, it's the the New York Times but check it out:
Police Begin Seizing Guns of Civilians

Choice quote from the article:
"Mr. Compass, the police superintendent, said that after a week of near anarchy in the city, no civilians in New Orleans will be allowed to carry pistols, shotguns, or other firearms of any kind. "Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons," he said.

That order apparently does not apply to the hundreds of security guards whom businesses and some wealthy individuals have hired to protect their property. The guards, who are civilians working for private security firms like Blackwater, are openly carrying M-16s and other assault rifles."

I'm horrified.  Just when law abiding citizens most need their firearms and are rightly exercising their RKBA the police have decided that constitutional law can be suspended.  This is an outrage, especially considering they are letting wealthy individuals and business owners keep their private guns-for-hire.  I hope this isn't a preview of the future...
Title: Police Seizing Civilians' Guns in New Orleans
Post by: XavierBreath on September 09, 2005, 04:26:12 AM
News Video

It is happening.
The time is now.

How gun owners respond to these actions by our government will define our rights to self determination, self defense and the interpretation of the 2nd Ammendment for the next century.

We MUST object, strongly, surely, and never forget this atrocity. Even when New Orleans is rebuilt, we must continue our search to prosecute those who violated our most fundemental right as Americans.  

This will not stand.

Edited to add:
Louisiana Attorney General
Charles C Foti

Civil Division
Roy Mongrue, Jr., Director
1885 North 3rd St. 6th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
P.O. Box 94005
Baton Rouge, LA 70804

Criminal Division
Julie Cullen, Director
1885 North 3rd St.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
P.O. Box 94005
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
Title: Police Seizing Civilians' Guns in New Orleans
Post by: The Rabbi on September 09, 2005, 07:35:15 AM
That is very disturbing.  There was an article in yesterday's WSJ about how the super wealthy in NO are coping.  The answer was very well, with supplies choppered in and Israeli guards to protect them.  But they also personally had caches of weapons around the house.  I wonder if the order applies to these super wealthy or just Joe Citizen.
I know if it was my butt there they would have to take my gun......from my cold dead hand.
I see it is also a violation of the LA State Constitution to confiscate weapons like that.
Title: Police Seizing Civilians' Guns in New Orleans
Post by: The Rabbi on September 09, 2005, 07:46:12 AM
I have emailed the NRA-ILA telling them that if they do not respond appropriately now they will have lost all legitimacy and all reason for being.  I know I am considering strongly life membership but will see what their response is.  While I do not expect them to storm the capitol I do expect a concerted strong response to what is an obvious violation of civil liberties.
Title: Police Seizing Civilians' Guns in New Orleans
Post by: griz on September 09, 2005, 08:39:48 AM
"Will the police cooperate in siezing arms" has been a  traditional topic on gun boards. Looks as if the answer is yes. The sad thing is the reason for disarming the poor people is so they will be defenseless when the time comes to kick them out in preparation for leveling their house. Imagine surviving a class 4 hurricane and then becoming homeless from the actions of your government.
Title: Police Seizing Civilians' Guns in New Orleans
Post by: SalukiFan on September 09, 2005, 09:12:50 AM
It looks like this topic is being dealt with thoroughly over on THR too.  

Of course this issue is gun-related and is probably better dealt with on THR but this kind of action brings up all sorts of questions about the application of constitutional law in an emergency, government confiscation of private property and how wealth can protect the wealthy's rights while the rest of us are on our own.  Scary stuff.
Title: Police Seizing Civilians' Guns in New Orleans
Post by: Standing Wolf on September 09, 2005, 05:27:31 PM
I hope this isn't a preview of the future...
Relax, eh? The Easter bunny and tooth faerie are already working on it.
Title: Police Seizing Civilians' Guns in New Orleans
Post by: vernal45 on September 09, 2005, 07:50:24 PM
It is a preview, so, the next person who states that most LEO's will turn in their badges before confiscating firearms from the public,  think twice.  I have a very bad opinion of LEO's right now from seeing this going on in  NO.  You have LEO's from all over the country down there, not one has refused to seize weapons.  This could happen anywhere, any city at any time.  If nothing is done about this, and in a big, very big way, just remember NO, that is the future you see, all thes rights we talk about, all the fine weapons we own, wont matter, for if nothing is done in this matter, we have already lost.