Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: K Frame on August 22, 2008, 07:18:39 AM

Title: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: K Frame on August 22, 2008, 07:18:39 AM
Hard to believe it's been 25 years.

What's not hard to believe is that I'm not going to this one, either.   laugh

90% of the people in my class were tools of the highest order.

I still see a number of my friends from that class, and that's enough of a reunion for me.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on August 22, 2008, 07:22:49 AM
My tenth is coming up. 
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 22, 2008, 07:25:30 AM
My 20th was back in '06 and I missed it due to deployment.  I had planned on going since I haven't seen a lot of the people I graduated with in about 15 years or so.  We were a close class of 125 or so and would consider most a friend and would help in most situations if I could.

At the rate deployments happen the bad thing is there is a good chance I will not be able to go to my 25th in 2011.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: charby on August 22, 2008, 07:28:50 AM
you're old.. 

I had my 15th year reunion last summer.

Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: HankB on August 22, 2008, 07:36:00 AM
Young whippersnappers . . . my 30th is coming up this year.

I've kept up with a few friends from back then . . . the rest of my graduating class (470, if I remember correctly . . . started with 630 in Freshman year) is pretty much irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

Besides, I have little desire to spend any time up in Daleyville on the Lake . . .
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Grandpa Shooter on August 22, 2008, 07:40:06 AM
Young whippersnappers.  Try 40th.  Couldn't stand 'em then either.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Paragon on August 22, 2008, 07:50:44 AM
My 5th is tomorrow!   grin  I'm not going to it though, I'm picking up a 1911 instead.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: K Frame on August 22, 2008, 07:56:22 AM
IIRC there were about 165 in my high school graduating class, almost exactly split between men and women.

Of the women in the class, roughly 25 percent, at the time of graduation, were either:

-- Already mothers

-- Pregnant

-- Had an abortion

-- Would become pregnant within a year of graduating.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Northwoods on August 22, 2008, 08:11:49 AM
My 10th would have been a couple years ago.  'Course I went to 3 high schools (near Philly, Christchurch, and Eugene) so I don't see much point in keeping up with folks from all of them.  In fact, there's only 1 from Philly and 1 from Eugene that keep in touch with at all.  The former is an ex-girlfriend who wound up marrying the guy she dumped me for.  We're all friends though.  The latter is my wife.  I kept in touch for a while a guy from the school in NZ, but he dropped off the face of the planet several years ago.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RocketMan on August 22, 2008, 08:14:02 AM
I so wanted to rag Irwin on his count of mothers and mothers-to-be in his graduating class.
I really wanted to get a dig in there about how he may have contributed to the numbers.
But I restrained myself.   laugh

Oh, and I missed my 20th and 30th.  The tenth was okay.  No regrets.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: K Frame on August 22, 2008, 08:23:28 AM
No, unlike many of the graduates in my class, I actually had plans after high school that DIDN'T involve immediately getting married to the girl I was banging senior year, moving into a crappy little walk up apartment, and getting a low-paying job driving a truck to support the ever growing brood of mildly functionally impaired children.

Well, to be fair, the vast majority of my classmates probably didn't share those plans either.

But holy hell that's how a lot of them turned out.

You know, it's really weird.

I look at my Mom and Dad. They graduated in the same high school class in 1953, in an area that is VERY similar socially and economically to where I grew up and graduated.

By and large their class was, and continues to be, EXTREMELY close. Dad was very much looking forward to his 55th reunion this year, but unfortunately he died.

Me, on the other hand? I look at most of my classmates with perhaps not contempt, but certainly disdain.  Every reunion that has come up I claim that I'm going to be on vacation that week or that I simply won't be able to make it.

I see the people I want to see from that class, the people who mattered to me.

Over July 4th weekend my friend Dave and his wife and son came down for the fireworks. He and I graduated together; in fact he's my oldest friend. We've known each other for 40 of our 43 years.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RocketMan on August 22, 2008, 08:34:15 AM
My Dad's the same way, Mike.  He has several close friends from both high school and his hitch in the Air Force.  I don't know that he kept in touch with any from college (except Mom  laugh ).  He actually attended two different colleges on the GI Bill, IIRC, before getting his Bachelor's.

On the other hand, I've lost track of many of my friends from high school and the service.  I've none remaining from college.  I have moved around a lot in my working career, and have retained several friends acquired along the way.
I wonder if it is a generational thing?  Ummm...probably not so much.  But I'm not sure what the influences are.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: brimic on August 22, 2008, 08:36:01 AM
My class never had a 10th or 15th reunion- noone in my class was ever organized or cared enough to pull something like that off.

Called my grandmother on her birthday the other night, She said they had their 62 year reunion last week (Her class has one every year for the last decade)
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Brad Johnson on August 22, 2008, 08:36:42 AM
My 25th is in '11.  Should prove interesting.  

My class was huge.  A grand total of 26.  grin

Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: MillCreek on August 22, 2008, 08:48:17 AM
My 30th high school reunion is next month.  For whatever reason, I have not felt a pressing need to attend any high school or college reunions.  Perhaps it is because I am not in contact with any former classmates and both my high school and college were enormous.  I am still in the Puget Sound area but have not crossed paths with anyone after finishing school.  Perhaps I would feel differently if I had attended smaller schools and still lived in the same town.

PS: Now that I ponder it, I don't think I have ever heard of any reunion at the UW.  I just asked Ms. MillCreek, and she had not heard of any reunions from WSU.  Maybe the mega research schools with 40,000 students don't do reunions, or if they do, it is by a particular department. 
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RocketMan on August 22, 2008, 08:53:55 AM
My high school was in the Puget Sound area, MillCreek.  Where did you attend?  Or play hooky from?   laugh
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: charby on August 22, 2008, 08:59:32 AM
Of the women in the class, roughly 25 percent, at the time of graduation, were either:

-- Already mothers

-- Pregnant

-- Had an abortion

-- Would become pregnant within a year of graduating.

Wow I didn't know we went to the same highschool. Smiley

Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: 280plus on August 22, 2008, 09:02:35 AM
'05 was my 30th. Man, did them people get OLD!  laugh
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: BridgeRunner on August 22, 2008, 09:38:38 AM
I guess my tenth was last year.  Wasn't really paying attention.  Sure wasn't invited to any reunions.  No formal reunions for my school anyway.  For one thing, probably half the class (of 20) lives in Jerusalem now, and most of the other half on the east coast somewhere. 
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: MillCreek on August 22, 2008, 09:43:08 AM
My high school was in the Puget Sound area, MillCreek.  Where did you attend?  Or play hooky from?   laugh

Renton!  The Unsynchronized Traffic Light Capital of the Universe!
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Umber on August 22, 2008, 09:45:37 AM
'05 was my 30th. Man, did them people get OLD!  laugh

Next year will be my 44th.  A lot of the people not only got OLD, they got DEAD.

I have a good friend whose mom keeps up with the obits in our home town newspaper so that my friend and I don't fall behind on our tally of who has croaked and who is still breathng.

Luckily for me, I'm just too damned powerful and handsome to depart this world just yet... or so says Mrs. Umber, anyway. laugh

Umber angel
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: French G. on August 22, 2008, 10:48:47 AM
15th went by this year. 101 people in my class, wifey was #1, I was #51.  laugh We have contact with one other person from the class.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: JonnyB on August 22, 2008, 11:06:14 AM
'05 was my 30th. Man, did them people get OLD!  laugh

When I went to our (unofficial) 30th back in '02, that's what I told my classmates. "Damn, you guys are old!"

Made it to 36 years! I feel as though I can make my 40th reunion (if we have one).

Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: lee n. field on August 22, 2008, 11:13:20 AM
My 25th was 10 years ago.

Football jock walks in.  Totally bald on top, remaining hair is grey.  At 43 he looks OLD.  He's a wrestling coach some where.  Walks in with a 23 year old trophy wife.  I say to the ladies I'm around "I don't think she was in our class."

35th is coming up, RSN.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: 280plus on August 22, 2008, 11:28:01 AM
Yea, one of my friends showed up at our 30th with a 23 yo wife and a newborn.  I'm just glad it ain't me! cheesy
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Tallpine on August 22, 2008, 11:38:00 AM
600+ in my graduating class.  I probably didn't know 50 of them to say "hi" to.

I don't think I've (knowingly) seen one of them since then, except maybe for one gal that was a daughter of a lady that my mom worked with.

If you come across a burned out bridge, then you're probably on my (very cold) trail  laugh
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 22, 2008, 11:49:44 AM
64 in the class of '80 in my little town. Made the 10th and the 20th, looking forward to the 30th so I can silently gloat about how much more successful I am than some of the  "pretty people" turned out to be.
So far as those I stay in touch with know we have only had one croak so far and his was a suspicious "accidental drug overdose" that coincidently happened at about the same time 2 of his buddies also died from "accidental causes".
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Iain on August 22, 2008, 12:42:21 PM
Between 11 and 18 I went to four different schools.

I'm in regular contact with two people from those days. Have a couple of others on facebook.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: 280plus on August 22, 2008, 12:52:23 PM
Yup, the kid considered to be the major badass of the class turned into a skinny bald wimpy lookin' thing. Married one of the cheerleaders he did, she keeps a pretty tight reign on him from what I can tell. yes, we're talking whipped here.  laugh

One of the guys I hung around with a lot could not place who I was at the 25th, two weeks later he had a heart attack and died. 43 yo. I went to the 30th and there he was on the "Dead List". Bit of a shocker there. yes, the dead list just keeps getting longer. I guess as long as I don't find myself on it I'm doing ok.  grin
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on August 22, 2008, 01:14:21 PM
Went to my 40th last fall.  We had over 70 in attendance at our dance, out of a class of 212.  We were always a very close class though.  Thirteen are deceased, almost half from suicides (some in the class went straight from graduation to Vietnam.  No one was killed there, but it was the major cause of the suicides, I believe).

We had a great time.  We participated in homecoming as honored guests.  In the homecoming parade, we had two 1955 Belairs and a 1961 Impala, whose owners had kept them since high school.   I drove my 1950 John Deere pulling my parade wagon with about 15 classmates piled on it.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on August 22, 2008, 01:26:33 PM
The nice thing about the 40th is that everybody has either made it or not, and nobody cares.

The woman with the long blond hair on the wagon is a stripper (if you can imagine a 58 year old stripper).  Thing is, it didn't matter.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: 280plus on August 22, 2008, 01:29:36 PM
Nice pic, can we assume that's you on the tractor?
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RocketMan on August 22, 2008, 02:23:41 PM
My high school was in the Puget Sound area, MillCreek.  Where did you attend?  Or play hooky from?   laugh

Renton!  The Unsynchronized Traffic Light Capital of the Universe!

Ah, yes.  Issaquah for me.  At the time they had only a couple of traffic lights.  Now they have a gazillion or so, and I doubt they are synchronized, either.   cheesy
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on August 22, 2008, 03:33:52 PM
i went to the 30th just torub the fact im alive in somefolks face. and in spite of the bad living in better shape than most of em
nocredit here its genetics
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: MillCreek on August 22, 2008, 03:41:00 PM

Ah, yes.  Issaquah for me.  At the time they had only a couple of traffic lights.  Now they have a gazillion or so, and I doubt they are synchronized, either.   cheesy
As a teenager, I volunteered as a firefighter/EMT for Fire District 10 there in Issaquah.  This was back when I also could do hang-gliding at the gravel quarry fronting I-90, and the sailplane/skydiving strip was there in town as well.  Issaquah is pretty much a bedroom community for Microsoft now. 
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RocketMan on August 22, 2008, 11:15:41 PM
MillCreek, depending on when that was, we may have known a few of the same folks.  I had a friend that was an EMT/firefighter in Dist. 10.   This was in the early/mid '70s.
The sailplanes and skydivers used to go right over our house.  Depending on the winds, the skydivers sometimes appeared to drop almost over our place up on the foot of Squak Mtn.  We'd watch them drift down toward the strip, but they'd disappear behind the trees that blocked our view down the valley.  Lots of fun to watch in the summer.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Declaration Day on August 23, 2008, 03:58:05 AM
I happily missed my official 10 year high school reunion two years ago. 

However, I attend a monthly one with the same guys I sat at the lunch table with all through junior high and high school.  We're all still great friends, and they're the only ones I care to see.

I don't care who's accomplished what or who is more successful, but I am proud to say I have packed on the fewest pounds and have retained the most hair follicles.  All of them, actually.   grin  It's amazing how many 30 year olds are going bald.  shocked
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RevDisk on August 23, 2008, 01:35:43 PM

That was roughly my class as well.  Small town.  Lot of folks would be settled and beginning a 'career' within six months of graduating.  Married or not, they'd be cranking out kids in short order.

There's no way I'd go to my class reunion without a IIIA vest.  Lot of folks wanted my head on a pike back then.  Age has probably fattened them up and dulled them down.  But I'd still just the same avoid 'em.  There isn't a thing in my hometown that's worth going back to see.  All the good folks I knew out the hell out and went as far away as they could.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: 280plus on August 23, 2008, 05:32:27 PM
Funny, mine was just the opposite, virtually none of them had gone anywhere in the 30 years, I was one of maybe two that saw overseas duty, the crapload of people that joined the AF never left the states. I was also one of the only ones that used th GI bill when I got out. A friend of mine had her doctorate in Filmography and I was tellng her, I had two kids, did 5 in the service and got my BA, she goes, "Ok, you've done enough!"  cheesy
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Bob F. on August 23, 2008, 05:50:36 PM
Damned kids........................
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RevDisk on August 23, 2008, 10:36:46 PM
Damned kids........................

You forgot "Get off my lawn".
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: seeker_two on August 24, 2008, 03:33:38 AM
I missed my 10th due to work (though I wasn't really interested in going, anyway). Haven't been invited to any others....

In small TX towns, our "mini-reunions" usually happen at the yearly Homecoming football games. While my wife goes to hers (we live in her hometown), I haven't been to mine since High School....

I left town as quick as I could in '90....never felt the need to go back and visit....(family lives several miles outside of town...still visit regularly)....
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: lee n. field on August 24, 2008, 12:02:22 PM
There's no way I'd go to my class reunion without a IIIA vest.  Lot of folks wanted my head on a pike back then.  Age has probably fattened them up and dulled them down.

There was one guy in my class that I hope I never meet without being armed.   Until he dropped out our senior year, he made my life hell.  That experience, and the fact that noone cared to do anything effective about it, made me what I am today.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: RevDisk on August 24, 2008, 07:20:39 PM
There's no way I'd go to my class reunion without a IIIA vest.  Lot of folks wanted my head on a pike back then.  Age has probably fattened them up and dulled them down.

There was one guy in my class that I hope I never meet without being armed.   Until he dropped out our senior year, he made my life hell.  That experience, and the fact that noone cared to do anything effective about it, made me what I am today.

Taught me a lot of things real quick.  Authority is not your friend.  It doesn't specifically hate you, because it has too much contempt to lower itself into actually feeling anything personal.  Oh yes, and lack of accountability generally makes for a less than optimum workforce. 

On the plus side, I learned more about improvised weaponry in my senior year alone than in six years of the military.   grin
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: K Frame on August 24, 2008, 08:14:37 PM
I used to have that problem until about 10th grade.

One of the jocks decided I was his personal whipping boy, even though we played on the same teams and I was bigger than he was. I guess he had the small dog syndrome.

He decided to take me on one day in class unprovoked; caught me in the side of the head with one hell of a hard shot and backed me up against the wall.

He made the mistake of coming inside on me. I drove a knee into his crotch and caught him about as square and as hard as is humanly possible. I'm surprised I didn't rupture one or both of his testicles. When he doubled over I drove the same knee into his face and crushed his nose.

It was oddly gratifying watching him roll around on the floor, crying like a baby, and not knowing what to grab first. He had to have surgery to put his nose back together. In this day and age I and my family probably have been sued for everything. Back then, absolutely nothing happened.

After that, no one really messed with me much.

Couple years ago the idiot came up to me in a store and started chatting like we were old friends. Uhmmm... I have to go over here and pretend I'm examining the finer points of cheap furniture...
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Balog on August 25, 2008, 04:59:38 AM
This year was the tenth "anniversary" of my getting done with high school. As a homeschooler in a class of one, it wasn't exactly a big to do.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 25, 2008, 05:33:28 AM
This year was the tenth "anniversary" of my getting done with high school. As a homeschooler in a class of one, it wasn't exactly a big to do.

So you finished last in your class then.

Plus, any hot teachers? laugh
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Balog on August 25, 2008, 05:40:04 AM
This year was the tenth "anniversary" of my getting done with high school. As a homeschooler in a class of one, it wasn't exactly a big to do.

So you finished last in your class then.

Plus, any hot teachers? laugh

Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: 280plus on August 25, 2008, 05:53:39 AM
Oh wow, man !
Wait a second man. whaddaya think the teachers gonna look like this year ?
My butt, man !
T-t-teacher stop that screaming, teacher dont you see ?
Dont wanna be no uptown fool.
Maybe I should go to hell, but Im doin well,
Teacher needs to see me after school.
I think of all the education that I missed.
But then my homework was never quite like this.
Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad,
Im hot for teacher.
I got it bad, so bad,
Im hot for teacher.
Hey, I heard you missed us, were back !
I brought my pencil
Gimme something to write on, man
I heard about your lessons, but lessons are so cold.
I know about this school.
Little girl from cherry lane, how did you get so bold ?
How did you know that golden rule ?
(guitar solo)
Oh man, I think the clock is slow
I dont feel tardy
Class dismissed
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: K Frame on August 25, 2008, 05:54:29 AM

Someone's been breathing the fumes in chemistry class again.
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: 280plus on August 25, 2008, 06:01:10 AM
Funny story about that...   laugh

No time now though.  grin
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: lee n. field on August 26, 2008, 04:13:31 PM
There's no way I'd go to my class reunion without a IIIA vest.  Lot of folks wanted my head on a pike back then.  Age has probably fattened them up and dulled them down.

There was one guy in my class that I hope I never meet without being armed.   Until he dropped out our senior year, he made my life hell.  That experience, and the fact that noone cared to do anything effective about it, made me what I am today.

Taught me a lot of things real quick.  Authority is not your friend.  It doesn't specifically hate you, because it has too much contempt to lower itself into actually feeling anything personal. 

Give the man a dollar, he's nailed it.

It could have turned me into a whiny socialist.  Instead.....
Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Leatherneck on August 27, 2008, 04:39:11 AM
I'm getting a real kick out of some of these replies, because my next HS reunion will be the:


Now you whippersnappers Get the Hell OFF MY LAWN! grin

Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: charby on August 27, 2008, 04:42:43 AM
Oh wow, man !
Wait a second man. whaddaya think the teachers gonna look like this year ?
My butt, man !
T-t-teacher stop that screaming, teacher dont you see ?
Dont wanna be no uptown fool.
Maybe I should go to hell, but Im doin well,
Teacher needs to see me after school.
I think of all the education that I missed.
But then my homework was never quite like this.
Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad,
Im hot for teacher.
I got it bad, so bad,
Im hot for teacher.
Hey, I heard you missed us, were back !
I brought my pencil
Gimme something to write on, man
I heard about your lessons, but lessons are so cold.
I know about this school.
Little girl from cherry lane, how did you get so bold ?
How did you know that golden rule ?
(guitar solo)
Oh man, I think the clock is slow
I dont feel tardy
Class dismissed

Gotta love youtube

Title: Re: Wow.... 25th high school class reunion coming up next month...
Post by: Tallpine on August 27, 2008, 08:16:50 AM
When I think back to all the **** I learned in high school,
it's a wonder that I can even think at all.
But I guess all my education hasn't hurt me,
'Cause I can still read the writing on the wall.


(quoted from memory)