Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: RadioFreeSeaLab on August 26, 2008, 12:44:21 PM

Title: What a bitter hag...
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on August 26, 2008, 12:44:21 PM

Part of me wishes she does fall and break her neck on his shoes.  Then she'll realize how good she has it, when her "Moderately Bad Man" stands by his cripple, bitchy wife.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Grandpa Shooter on August 26, 2008, 12:47:41 PM
I read that earlier today and thought, Wow what a wife she would be....................for someone I didn't like! laugh
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: 41magsnub on August 26, 2008, 12:49:40 PM
Maybe he leaves his shoes out in the hall on purpose?
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Scout26 on August 26, 2008, 12:52:56 PM
Dude, dump the frump and go get the trophy wife.  Let her spend the rest of her days as the bitter, old, cat lady in apartment 3-C.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: MechAg94 on August 26, 2008, 12:58:32 PM
Why is it that I suspect that all these things she complains about were things he also did before they got married but back then she thought it was sweet or just plain ignored it for one reason or another? 
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on August 26, 2008, 01:02:47 PM
Wow, that's like 6 of the reasons that my ex-GF set me adrift.  All petty little annoyances and all internalized and magnified by the woman who wrote this until she tore herself apart by them, rather than fix them.

Of course she isn't divorced yet, but she sounds like she's one broken plate away (or some other triviality) from it.  Total lack of appreciation for her husband.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on August 26, 2008, 01:20:20 PM
Wow.  I'm glad she isn't my wife.  Really, really glad...
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on August 26, 2008, 01:22:06 PM
wife one remarried?  poor guy
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Racehorse on August 26, 2008, 01:27:14 PM
She must be an immensely selfish person to write all that knowing that her husband will read it. And she wonders why her marriage isn't great...
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: charby on August 26, 2008, 01:59:46 PM
She must be an immensely selfish person to write all that knowing that her husband will read it. And she wonders why her marriage isn't great...

If my wife wrote that about me, I'd hide all the money and start using her shower as my toliet.

Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: xavier fremboe on August 26, 2008, 02:15:08 PM
Wow.  I hope she acts on her dreams and her husband finds a human with a soul instead of this succubus.  Karma almost demands it.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on August 26, 2008, 02:22:20 PM
I just read it again.  And all the comments.  I can't imagine what sort of soulless fleshbag she must be.  It's depressing.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: BridgeRunner on August 26, 2008, 03:52:35 PM
That is f-ed up.

Does she really think the next man is gonna miraculously both read her mind 100% of the time and care what she's thinking?  Does she really think she wants a man who will do exactly what she wants every single second of every day?
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: MechAg94 on August 26, 2008, 03:56:46 PM
No, but I have found that some married women often will complain about their husbands until the cows come home if they think you will listen.  For most women at least, I think it is just venting.  I think this lady welded the vent closed a long time ago. 
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Sergeant Bob on August 26, 2008, 03:58:10 PM
You all actually read that? But what about Brad and Jen?
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: BridgeRunner on August 26, 2008, 04:17:03 PM
You all actually read that? But what about Brad and Jen?

I skimmed.  Simple invective doesn't take much brain power.  Who and who?
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: K Frame on August 26, 2008, 04:17:31 PM
I think I would have run her down, too.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: lee n. field on August 26, 2008, 04:19:57 PM
What a bitter hag...

If I said what should be said, I'd have some 'spainin' to do come Judgment Day.

Do they have kids?  I don't recall if it said.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Azrael256 on August 26, 2008, 04:22:15 PM
Maybe he leaves his shoes out in the hall on purpose?
I thought the same thing, but for a different reason.  It takes two to tango...

I'm not saying that she isn't a vicious, conniving, pit-viperess, just that her husband is probably the equivalent.  Opposites rarely, if ever, attract.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Northwoods on August 26, 2008, 04:25:00 PM
Do they have kids?  I don't recall if it said.
Yep.  At least one son.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Phyphor on August 26, 2008, 04:32:07 PM
I think I would have run her down, too.

Of course you woulda run her down.....   grin
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on August 26, 2008, 04:46:27 PM
hubby made it look like an accident
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: BridgeRunner on August 26, 2008, 06:00:16 PM
ah, c'mon, if it had been deliberate she never would have survived. 
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: RevDisk on August 26, 2008, 06:07:31 PM

Remember, odds are, she'll get the majority of the assets plus a monthly payment in the divorce.

Unless I'm reading the article incorrectly, the guy isn't that bad.  She even admits so.  He just has a number of mild habits she finds annoying.  On the other hand, she apparently dislikes fidelity being a requirement of marriage.  Plus she's unhappy that she's aging, that just because people in kindergarten told you that you are special does not make it so, and apparently gets upset because he works to pay the bills.  The bit about feeling bad if she had to remove the gentleman from "his son's house" is downright creepy.  Lady, unless you had a fulltime job that you neglected to meantion in your multitude of horrid rants of the oppressiveness of living responsibly, he paid for the friggin house. 

While she doesn't quite flat out say it, she considers it her 'job' to be married.  That she's entitled to an interesting life, that her husband should do nothing that isn't Oprah/Martha approved, and that divorces are no big deal.   Honey, divorces bankrupt at least one partner in the marriage often enough and tramatize the kids.  Sometimes, this is a far better situation than during the marriage.  Plenty of folks end up in marriages that are horribly abusing.  Getting bored and frustrated by the fact that life did't give you every little thing is not abuse. 

For the love of all the Gods, lady, you can find something to fill your day without crushing the souls of those around you.  Open up a small home business, get involved in a charity, get a degree (or another degree), write a book, do SOMETHING besides whining of what a pathetic life you have. 
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Standing Wolf on August 26, 2008, 06:27:06 PM
For the love of all the Gods, lady, you can find something to fill your day without crushing the souls of those around you.  Open up a small home business, get involved in a charity, get a degree (or another degree), write a book, do SOMETHING besides whining of what a pathetic life you have.

Well, yeah, but it's a lot more stylish to be a perpetual victim.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: brimic on August 26, 2008, 06:30:37 PM
Wow. What a sh-tbag. If she gets divorced, I hope she eventually gets the husband that she deserves.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: RevDisk on August 26, 2008, 06:35:24 PM
For the love of all the Gods, lady, you can find something to fill your day without crushing the souls of those around you.  Open up a small home business, get involved in a charity, get a degree (or another degree), write a book, do SOMETHING besides whining of what a pathetic life you have.

Well, yeah, but it's a lot more stylish to be a perpetual victim.

Why?   Seriously, I want to know.  I honestly don't grasp the concept.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Sindawe on August 26, 2008, 07:33:31 PM
Reading stuff like that makes be glad(er) I've remained single for nigh on 20 years now.

I've little doubt her husband thinks "What happend to the coy young lass I married, and where did THIS bitter crone come from?"
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: wmenorr67 on August 26, 2008, 08:15:19 PM
When I saw the thread title I thought it was going to be about Hillary.

I read the article and laughed.  I hope the guy decides to give her what she wants.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Antibubba on August 26, 2008, 08:37:55 PM
She must be an immensely selfish person to write all that knowing that her husband will read it. And she wonders why her marriage isn't great...

If he's as oblivious as she describes him to be, maybe not.

I have to say, none of what she writes is terribly shocking.  It's fairly common, enough so to be mundane.  A lot of women who bought into the feminist ideals and ideology of the 70's are going through this. 
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: De Selby on August 26, 2008, 08:46:54 PM
How dare she be unhappy with her husband.  If it weren't for all these feminists, women would know what was good for them!

Err....being stridently against divorce and any destruction of a family by any other means, I have to say, sometimes I'm taken aback by the anti-woman feelings that come out in response to articles like these.

The fact is, it is not the sole fault of women and feminists that there are so many divorces.  A man who won't work with his wife and arrange for these sorts of problems before he even marries her is just as much at fault as his wife for the bitterness.

Learning to pick up your shoes because it really annoys your wife is a small matter.  Having the discipline to ignore the boob tube when your child wants attention is a bigger one-also mentioned in the article, and a concern of this lady that I don't think anyone would dispute is legitimate.

Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on August 26, 2008, 09:35:33 PM
I don't think anyone here is disputing the fact that the husband has his little human foibles.  She's the one demanding superhuman perfection from him, not us.  Heck, she not only demands perfection, she's resting her entire emotional and spiritual fulfillment on it.

It's no wonder she's an emotional train wreck.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on August 26, 2008, 09:39:48 PM
Even if her husband is a total dick, and nothing she says makes him seem that way, to air your dirty laundry on mother friggin'
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Gewehr98 on August 26, 2008, 09:41:12 PM
There's being unhappy with one's husband...

Then there's being a soul-less, heartless, absolute bitch of a hag, and publishing said content where he will eventually read it. 

He needs to get rid of her like a bad habit, and posthaste!
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: seeker_two on August 27, 2008, 01:20:50 AM

Remember, odds are, she'll get the majority of the assets plus a monthly payment in the divorce.

....not if he makes it look like an accident.... Wink

Out of the entire piece, this is what caught my attention most....

No. Your husband is not your best friend. Your best friend is your best friend. If your husband were your best friend, what would that make your best friend -- the dog? When a woman tells me that her husband is her best friend, what I hear is: I don't really have any friends.

I love my wife. In fact, behind God, she is the most important person in my life--my best friend. And she's told me that, behind God, I'm the most important person in hers. Keeping it that way takes work from both of us...and a committment that we made to each other and to God that we are in this for the long quitting. Even when she leaves the door wide open...  cheesy

Sounds to me like this woman is another believer in the "if I'm not being made happy with the way things are now, I'll quit and move on instead of working at making it work". Immediate self-gratification is her priority...not her marriage and family. They BOTH need some serious marital counseling....preferably based on "The Five Love Languages"....
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Umber on August 27, 2008, 03:37:43 AM
Idle hags are the devil's workshop.

Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: xavier fremboe on August 27, 2008, 03:55:42 AM
How dare she be unhappy with her husband.  If it weren't for all these feminists, women would know what was good for them!

Err....being stridently against divorce and any destruction of a family by any other means, I have to say, sometimes I'm taken aback by the anti-woman feelings that come out in response to articles like these.

The fact is, it is not the sole fault of women and feminists that there are so many divorces.  A man who won't work with his wife and arrange for these sorts of problems before he even marries her is just as much at fault as his wife for the bitterness.

Learning to pick up your shoes because it really annoys your wife is a small matter.  Having the discipline to ignore the boob tube when your child wants attention is a bigger one-also mentioned in the article, and a concern of this lady that I don't think anyone would dispute is legitimate.
Do you read the articles or just go through the posts, determine the general consensus, and adopt a contrary viewpoint?
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: MechAg94 on August 27, 2008, 04:28:12 AM
Yes, he enjoys playing devil's advocate. 

I think most on this thread would be critical of a guy who whined about his wife in an article like this also.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on August 27, 2008, 04:57:42 AM

Remember, odds are, she'll get the majority of the assets plus a monthly payment in the divorce.

....not if he makes it look like an accident.... Wink

Out of the entire piece, this is what caught my attention most....

No. Your husband is not your best friend. Your best friend is your best friend. If your husband were your best friend, what would that make your best friend -- the dog? When a woman tells me that her husband is her best friend, what I hear is: I don't really have any friends.

I love my wife. In fact, behind God, she is the most important person in my life--my best friend. And she's told me that, behind God, I'm the most important person in hers. Keeping it that way takes work from both of us...and a committment that we made to each other and to God that we are in this for the long quitting. Even when she leaves the door wide open...  cheesy

Sounds to me like this woman is another believer in the "if I'm not being made happy with the way things are now, I'll quit and move on instead of working at making it work". Immediate self-gratification is her priority...not her marriage and family. They BOTH need some serious marital counseling....preferably based on "The Five Love Languages"....

Ya know, I read this, and thought...



Seriously though, I find myself in the same situation as you do seeker.  My wife and I are each other's best friends.  Yeah, I know that being married for 14.5 months doesn't set any records (actually, in this day and age, maybe it does) but I can't EVER foresee that changing.  I posted something in another thread, a bit of advice given my wife and I by our pre-marital counselor...

People think that marriage is 50/50.  Sounds reasonable.  Two halves making a whole.  But that's wrong.  Marriage MUST be 100/100.  Both partners giving 100% to the marriage, not holding anything back.

From what I read in that article, that woman is MAYBE giving 10%.  And expecting her husband to make the marriage perfect.  Now, I'm far from perfect.  I leave my shoes out occasionally.  Sometimes I even forget to put the toilet seat down.  And then other times when I have days off in the middle of the week, my wife comes home to find a spotless home.  Or vice versa, (well, except for the toilet seat) but we both realize that making our marriage work means picking your battles, and instead of being upset at the other about the shoes in the middle of the hallway, picking them up and putting them in the closet, regardless of whose they are...
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on August 27, 2008, 04:59:32 AM
Why are divorces so expensive?

Because sometimes they are worth it!
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: roo_ster on August 27, 2008, 05:33:48 AM
In the end, I have an attitude similar to seeker_two. 

I think most on this thread would be critical of a guy who whined about his wife in an article like this also.

Yup.  If a guy went off like that, whose wife was a decent sort but had minor imperfections, I would tell him to "man up."  Actually, I have said that to a couple of guys.

Quote from: RevDisk
Getting bored and frustrated by the fact that life did't give you every little thing is not abuse.


Her hubby's issues are relatively minor.  If she wants to marry a perfect husband, she needs to convert to R Catholic and become a nun.  Until then, she'll have to settle for a man who (according to her) supports her, helps raise their kids, does not physically or emotionally abuse her, and has some minor imperfections.

To air her dirty laundry out for all to read, to include her husband, is a rather vicious act that dwarfs her litany of her husband's faults.  I mean, if he had dressed her down in public as to her imperfections, I suspect she would have seen it as much more heinous than the shoe-bit.

I think I have some idea as to her predicament.  I spent some time in the service in a unit intolerant of even minor imperfections.  I can clean, organize, and fix stuff up so well & squeaky I have had persnickety anal type As give me complements on my efforts.  I was accustomed to reacting to orders & requests in a highly motivated, efficient, and instantaneous fashion...and expecting the same from my subordinates.

But, to expect my wife (who has no military experience) to meet the level of housekeeping and reaction to requests that became second nature to me is unreasonable.  I still see all those imperfections I was trained to spot, but I let it go.  Toss kids into the equation and things get even more stretched.  I get over it and move the hell on with my life & marriage, as my wife is not the sum total of her imperfections and my pet peeves.

Also, I am sure my wife could bring a list of imperfections she sees in me.

The late 20th Century feminists did lie to their fellow women.  No, you can't have it all.  Or, you can't have it all at the same time and do right by the components of the "all."  Something will be neglected unless one stages out that "all" over time.

A similar rule is also applicable to men.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Balog on August 27, 2008, 06:22:28 AM
Rather, like every other male I know, he is merely a Moderately Bad Man

That about sums it up right there.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: K Frame on August 27, 2008, 06:39:24 AM
I don't even think that's he's a bad man.

Just a bit of a clueless idiot.

His wife, on the other hand?

Turbo bitch.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on August 27, 2008, 09:56:16 AM
What I think is a really, really good explanation of the damage feminism has done to women, men, and society as a whole.

Feminism Part 1: The 'Bait and Switch'
How women got sucker-punched by one of the biggest cons in history
Skip the first nine minutes, if you want to avoid an anti-religion rant.

Feminism Part 2: Divided We Fall
Men and women are natural partners - how did we end up so antagonistic?

Feminism Part 3: Women Need Men
Although women are often told that they don't really need men, they do!

Courtesy of
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: seeker_two on August 27, 2008, 01:29:49 PM

The late 20th Century feminists did lie to their fellow women.  No, you can't have it all.  Or, you can't have it all at the same time and do right by the components of the "all."  Something will be neglected unless one stages out that "all" over time.

A similar rule is also applicable to men.

A lot of our current social ills have stemmed from this "have-it-all-&-have-it-now" attitude.....but it's nothing ancient times, it was called "covetousness"....and that is mentioned a few times in the Bible, too....
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: thebaldguy on August 27, 2008, 01:52:48 PM
I work with women like this; they complain about their husband/boyfriend constantly. It makes me wonder why these guys stay with those women.

I would love to read a similar article written by her husband. I bet if he wrote something similar to what she wrote, he would be raked over the coals by women.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: yesitsloaded on August 27, 2008, 02:52:30 PM
If we can't be friends we can't date. Unless they want to skip the friends step, but that usually sets off alarm bells and gold-digger alerts.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: De Selby on August 27, 2008, 04:42:38 PM

Do you read the articles or just go through the posts, determine the general consensus, and adopt a contrary viewpoint?

Usually I just use my noggin when reading an article-and many of the "disputes" are illusory, like how in this thread, a comment on how blaming feminism for this state of affairs is wrong (and there is only blame for feminism here) turns into "oh, you must be disagreeing with everyone that he's getting a raw deal!"

The point is that this situation and the root causes are more complicated than "turbo b" wifey and "the feminists."
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: BridgeRunner on August 27, 2008, 04:52:19 PM
Just a bit of a clueless idiot.

Maybe my standards are too low, but from the article he doesn't even sound like that.  If someone seriously accused me of trying to kill them by leaving my shoes in the middle of the floor, I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to fix that behavior either.  Yeah, I'm obsessing on the shoe thing.  The tv/computer thing is a more complicatd issue, potentially.  The car thing?  An accident, both at fault.  The shoe thing? Turbo bitch.

No, it has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with an overblown sense of entitlement and an unreasonable and unrealistic idea of people and relationships.

Sure, anyone has a right to be unhappy in their marriage.  Not a whole lot of point to wallowing in it, but hey, if that's waht floats her boat, go for it.  But publicly excoriating him like this?  Evil and wrong, not feminist.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Monkeyleg on August 27, 2008, 06:03:17 PM
There's a lot of guys I know who beat their wives bloody, are drunk just about every night, blow their paychecks on cocaine, lock the wife and kids in a trailer, and do all sorts of other despicable things.

I'm hoping she gets the divorce she's dreaming about and marries one of the guys I know.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: lee n. field on August 27, 2008, 06:31:16 PM
If he's as oblivious as she describes him to be, maybe not.

Maybe not.  He tried to run her over with the Volvo, you might recall.   shocked
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Antibubba on August 27, 2008, 08:42:41 PM
He was driving slowly, remember?  Sounds clueless to me--which may be why he's seemingly so happy.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: seeker_two on August 28, 2008, 01:14:53 AM

The point is that this situation and the root causes are more complicated than "turbo b" wifey and "the feminists."

...and I find myself somehow agreeing with ss on this statement....quick, someone check the sky for flying pigs......
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: xavier fremboe on August 28, 2008, 01:37:58 AM

Do you read the articles or just go through the posts, determine the general consensus, and adopt a contrary viewpoint?

Usually I just use my noggin when reading an article-and many of the "disputes" are illusory, like how in this thread, a comment on how blaming feminism for this state of affairs is wrong (and there is only blame for feminism here) turns into "oh, you must be disagreeing with everyone that he's getting a raw deal!"

The point is that this situation and the root causes are more complicated than "turbo b" wifey and "the feminists."
The root causes are always complicated.  My noggin tells me that hubby is getting a raw deal.  I don't know if you are single or not, but if the other member of the team is longing for free agency, you should be notified. 

It is a chickenshit passive-aggressive move to write an article about how you wish long for divorce without telling your partner.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: BReilley on September 01, 2008, 09:15:16 PM
She must be an immensely selfish person to write all that knowing that her husband will read it. And she wonders why her marriage isn't great...

That's exactly what I thought.  *Wow*, the gall to put a name and a photograph on such an article!  It'd be bad enough to write anonymously, but now her husband(who may or not be a decent guy with bad habits/quirks/issues) has "a name".

Man-haters.  Jeez.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on September 01, 2008, 10:30:39 PM
He had dropped me off in front of a restaurant, prior to finding a parking spot. As I crossed in front of the car, he pulled forward, happily smiling back over his left shoulder at some random fascinating bit (a sign with an interesting font, a new scaffolding, a diner that he may or may not have eaten at the week after he graduated from college), and plowed into me. The impact, while not wondrous enough to break bodies 12 ways, was sufficient to bounce me sidewise onto the hood, legs waving in the air like antennae, skirt flung somewhere up around my ears.

For one whole second, New York City stood stock-still and looked at my underwear.

As I pounded the windshield with my fist and shouted -- "Will, Will, stop the car!" -- he finally faced forward, blink, blink, blink, trying, yes, truly trying to take it all in. And I heard him ask with mild astonishment, very faintly because windshield glass is surprisingly thick, "What are you doing here?"
The rasping sound you may hear is not the hurricane rattling windows and doors. It's me busting a gut. Hubby sounds a lot like Bertie Wooster from the Wodehouse books...
Other than that, the article seems to be... I dunno. A divorce is like a juice diet? Obviously not a thing I've tried, but it does appear to me, after the horrendous episodes that seem to typify divorces (stealing/trashing the others' stuff, killing each other, allegations of child abuse), that it's a bit more serious than that.
Guess I'm not missing much by avoiding the Oprah magazine.
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: Sylvilagus Aquaticus on September 04, 2008, 07:43:33 PM
I suppose she's married to a guy with a pure heart and, unfortunately, Aspergers?

How does this husk of a woman go through her days with such a vacuum of a soul within her? Geez, I'd think her head would implode from the void.

I ain't sayin' anything, but a bullet is $0.35 .

At least my ex was openly passive-aggressive.  It wasn't as if nobody noticed her actions.

Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: RandyinArizona on September 07, 2008, 05:36:06 PM

My ex-wife was magnitudes better than this loser, and I still fired her.

I hope this man gets to experience the love of a good woman at some time in his life.

Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: qdemn7 on September 08, 2008, 06:35:27 AM
My god, and women wonder why men don't want to commit? Complain, complain, complain......
Title: Re: What a bitter hag...
Post by: ilbob on September 08, 2008, 06:50:42 AM
If my wife wrote that about me, I'd hide all the money and start using her shower as my toliet.
You don't piss in the shower? Just think of all the water you could save. Its for the planet.