Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Brad Johnson on September 17, 2008, 08:37:47 AM

Title: House votes to compel DC to loosen gun restrictions
Post by: Brad Johnson on September 17, 2008, 08:37:47 AM
D.C. council's reaction?

"WAAAAAAAAHHH!" ... *sniff* ... *snark* ... "WAAAAAAA-AA-HAAHHH!"
(paraprhased, of course -Brad)

From Fox News

WASHINGTON —  The House moved Wednesday to compel the nation's capital to broaden the rights of its residents to buy and own firearms, including semiautomatic weapons.

Critics, led by the District of Columbia's sole delegate to Congress, decried the action. They said the vote tramples on the District's rights to govern itself and could endanger both residents and political dignitaries who so often travel across the city.

But the National Rifle Association-backed bill passed easily, 266-152, with supporters saying they were determined to give D.C. residents the same Second Amendment right of self-defense that has been available to other Americans.

Many of those speaking for the bill in debate that went well into the night Tuesday were conservative Democrats from rural districts that strongly support gun rights. Eighty-five Democrats voted for the bill.

"Number one, I'm a pro-gun Democrat," said Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark. "Number 2, if the government of the District of Columbia can take your guns away from you in our nation's capital, Prescott, Arkansas, and many other small towns across the country could be next."

The legislation is unlikely to be taken up in the Senate in the few remaining weeks of this session, but it served both to give lawmakers a pro-gun vote shortly before the election and demonstrate the continuing political clout of the NRA.

The bill, sponsored by Mississippi freshman Democrat Travis Childers, repeals the District's semiautomatic handgun ban and overturns D.C. law requiring that firearms kept in the home be locked up and inoperable. It allows D.C. residents to purchase guns from federally licensed dealers in Maryland and Virginia and repeals what critics claimed were burdensome registration requirements.

The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 vote last June, ruled that the 32-year-old District ban on handgun possession violated Second Amendment rights to bear arms. The D.C. Council responded the next month with a temporary measure allowing possession of unloaded weapons in homes but keeping the ban on semiautomatics.

On Tuesday the council went further, voting to allow residents to own most semiautomatic pistols and removing the requirement that weapons be stored unloaded and disassembled or secured with trigger locks.

That wasn't enough for the NRA and its congressional allies, which accused the council of trying to defy the Supreme Court ruling.

"This Congress has lost faith in the willingness of the District of Columbia to defend the Second Amendment," said Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind.

But nonvoting Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton said Congress was violating the District's home rule rights by imposing federal dictates, something it would do to no other American city. "The House has the gall to ask for a vote to nullify the gun laws in my district, depriving my district of the right to protect itself and visitors like yourselves while denying me a vote on this floor on passage. Have you no shame?"

Norton unsuccessfully tried to move a bill that would have merely given the District 180 days to come up with new regulations complying with the Supreme Court ruling. The White House opposed that approach and supported the Childers measure, saying it would "immediately advance Second Amendment principles."

"I ask Congress, leave us alone and let us do our job," D.C. Council member Carol Schwartz said Tuesday.
Title: Re: House votes to compel DC to loosen gun restrictions
Post by: BrokenPaw on September 17, 2008, 08:49:02 AM
But nonvoting Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton said Congress was violating the District's home rule rights by imposing federal dictates, something it would do to no other American city. "The House has the gall to ask for a vote to nullify the gun laws in my district, depriving my district of the right to protect itself and visitors like yourselves while denying me a vote on this floor on passage. Have you no shame?"

With all due respect, Ms. Norton, weren't you paying attention in elementary school?  As I recall from my childhood, the District of Columbia was created with the specific and express purpose of giving the United States a place to have its Capital City without any state being able to gain undue influence by being the host of that city.  As such, DC isn't supposed to be represented with a vote in congress, because that would, after a fashion, make it a state in practice if not in name.

Last time I checked, there's no law preventing people from moving out of DC into places where they can have all the representation they want.

Title: Re: House votes to compel DC to loosen gun restrictions
Post by: Thor on September 17, 2008, 08:52:46 AM
I find it disappointingly odd that someone involved with the civil rights movement would want to restrict the rights of an individual. I guess it's the "liberal mentality".....  rolleyes
Title: Re: House votes to compel DC to loosen gun restrictions
Post by: K Frame on September 17, 2008, 09:01:39 AM
"Last time I checked, there's no law preventing people from moving out of DC into places where they can have all the representation they want."

A friend of mine is a raging liberal, pediatrician, and monumental hypocrite.

She screeches about it being so unfair that DC doesn't have representation in Congress. Yet, where did she insist that she and her husband live? Washington, DC. She was ranting one day about not having representation when our friend David lit into her with everything he had.

Started out "Were you scared when that masked man pointed a gun at you and said you WILL live in Washington, DC?" It got real ugly really quickly, and got even worse when she realized that she was losing.

She also screams that the government isn't doing enough to provide health care for children. She lives in Washington, DC, where there are lots of poor kids in need of health care.

Where did she set up her practice? In a very affluent section of Virginia. How much time does she volunteer with free clinics in DC to get poor kids health care?


Apparently her line of thought is that those poor kiddies can be best served by less qualified, Government sponsored doctors. After all, she went to Yale medical school and apparently the level of care that she can provide is just too much for those kids.

She also has long decried individuals owning handguns. But who, for years, owned an illegal handgun in DC? She was ranting about guns on DC streets once when I offered to report the illegal gun at her residence to the DC Police.

Wow. That didn't go over well....

Title: Re: House votes to compel DC to loosen gun restrictions
Post by: K Frame on September 17, 2008, 09:03:17 AM
But nonvoting Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton said Congress was violating the District's home rule rights by imposing federal dictates, something it would do to no other American city. "The House has the gall to ask for a vote to nullify the gun laws in my district, depriving my district of the right to protect itself and visitors like yourselves while denying me a vote on this floor on passage. Have you no shame?"

With all due respect, Ms. Norton, weren't you paying attention in elementary school?  As I recall from my childhood, the District of Columbia was created with the specific and express purpose of giving the United States a place to have its Capital City without any state being able to gain undue influence by being the host of that city.  As such, DC isn't supposed to be represented with a vote in congress, because that would, after a fashion, make it a state in practice if not in name.

Last time I checked, there's no law preventing people from moving out of DC into places where they can have all the representation they want.


Why you silly person, you!

The Constitution is a silly, dated, anachronism! It shoudn't apply! Except when liberals tell you that it should apply.

What shocks me is that no one has ever challenged the fact that DC gets 3 electoral votes. That seems to be extremely unConstitutional.
Title: Re: House votes to compel DC to loosen gun restrictions
Post by: Balog on September 17, 2008, 11:26:44 AM
Quote from: Mike Irwin
She also has long decried individuals owning handguns. But who, for years, owned an illegal handgun in DC? She was ranting about guns on DC streets once when I offered to report the illegal gun at her residence to the DC Police.

You should've done it. Nothing is as sweet as watching some *expletive deleted*che get screwed by the idiotic laws they want applied to everyone else.