Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Desertdog on September 27, 2008, 06:06:05 PM

Title: McCain, - a doofus???
Post by: Desertdog on September 27, 2008, 06:06:05 PM

From my Email;
Barak Obama's campaign has put out an ad that states:  Simple-minded, technologically-challenged John McCain cannot even operate a computer.

Well guess what: Barack cannot land a jet plane on an aircraft carrier at night . . . even with two good arms and ten workable fingers that didn't sustain years of torture and imprisonment in the service of the USA
Title: Re: McCain, - a doofus???
Post by: don on September 27, 2008, 06:30:24 PM
I doubt seriously that there is such a thing as a simpleminded navel aviator. Consider this: If 1000 candidates took the Navel aviator officer flight test,less than 500 would pass. Of that 500, about 250 would get through aviation officer candidate school. Of that 250, less than 125 would get their wings. Of that 125, 10-12 would not survive to get out. The statistics may have changed since I was in. As I understand it, you now have to pass primary flight school before you get your commission. The one thing John McCain isn't is simpleminded even if he finished fifth from the bottom in the academy which means very little. Navel aviators are an elite group. That being said, that doesn't qualify them to be president nor does being a prisoner for five years. It does go to character. I have more respect for those guys/gals than a room full of PhDs.
Title: Re: McCain, - a doofus???
Post by: Regolith on September 27, 2008, 06:48:06 PM
The stupid thing about the "can't use a computer" line is that it was because McCain isn't physically able to do so; it has nothing to do with his intelligence.

That said....he can be a doofus at times.  See McCain-Feingold and his support for "closing the [non-existent] gun show loophole."

He's still infinitely more preferable than Obama.
Title: Re: McCain, - a doofus???
Post by: TommyGunn on September 27, 2008, 07:10:38 PM
McCain was seriously wounded when he was shot down over Vietnam, he had a broken arm and leg, IIRC.  Compounding this, those breaks were never properly treated, and the North Vietnamese tortured him.  As a result, he can't lift his arms and has only limited use of them.
To claim he doesn't know how to use a computer is only to expose one's own ignorance in this matter.
I don't remember the whole nature of McCain's injuries but anyone who can fly jets from an aircraft carrier certainly can be assumed to have the necessary intellect to use a computer fer Crissakes.

Now, I would dearly love to put Obama in the cockpit of an A-4 Skyhawk atack jet and watch him try to land on an aircraft carrier!!!!!
Title: Re: McCain, - a doofus???
Post by: The Annoyed Man on September 27, 2008, 08:36:29 PM
ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION:  The inability to become aroused by the available candidates.

Is it any wonder our presidents and presidential candidates are as they are and have been since NYAH-NYAH campaigning and "journalism" became the norm?  Rather much of this discussion, and most political discussions I am exposed to lately, sounds far too much like kids on a playground arguing over whose favorite comic book character can beat whose.

(Dearly love to put Obama...?  No doubt after putting him through the same training McCain received, yes?)

I will vote against Obama.  I have yet to decide whether the Oregon race is close enough that I must hold my nose and vote Republican. sad
Title: Re: McCain, - a doofus???
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 28, 2008, 09:08:39 AM
(Dearly love to put Obama...?  No doubt after putting him through the same training McCain received, yes?)

No, I want him to try to land a plane without any training at all.   smiley  The outcome would be much preferable for the nation.   sad
Title: Re: McCain, - a doofus???
Post by: erictank on September 28, 2008, 02:45:49 PM
(Dearly love to put Obama...?  No doubt after putting him through the same training McCain received, yes?)

Did those ragging on McCain propose training him to use a computer before deciding he was an idiot?  Did they make allowances for his physical disabilities, and consider training him on an "accessible" system?  No?

Then why should Obama be treated differently?  If he failed to learn something not critical to his day-to-day life, why should special accomodations be made in his case?  grin

Agreed with the comment above that no one who makes it all the way through military-aviation schooling is an idiot.