Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Perd Hapley on October 18, 2008, 11:56:56 PM

Title: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 18, 2008, 11:56:56 PM
Tonight, on a whim, I went to Target and Wal-Mart, looking for some kind of glider I could toy around with tomorrow.  I was looking for something like this:


No such luck.  No simple little, cheapo glider a kid could buy with his allowance money.  No, just battery-powered models that cost 30 dollars or much more.  Stupid electric toys.   :mad:

OK, no, I'm not really mad.  It is disappointing, though.   =(  I used to buy these styrofoam gliders from Wal-Mart, that had a four-foot wing span.  Those things were cool.  Maybe they'll have some come spring. 

Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Manedwolf on October 19, 2008, 12:17:21 AM
You mean the big gliders you see people throw at picnic places, and they go in a loop and nail them in the head ? :)
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 19, 2008, 12:17:56 AM
Good clean fun.   :lol:
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Manedwolf on October 19, 2008, 12:21:30 AM
Sort of like when a kite on a beach falls out of the air in a dive, it WILL hit the only person on the beach.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 19, 2008, 12:53:34 AM
wrong season for those at Target or Walmart check back in the spring

find a real toy store and they will have them in a tube by the register
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: MechAg94 on October 19, 2008, 01:13:55 AM
You mean the big gliders you see people throw at picnic places, and they go in a loop and nail them in the head ? :)
I was thinking of the big styrofoam gliders that would go in a big loop then nose dive into the ground breaking the wings off.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Physics on October 19, 2008, 01:32:41 AM
When I was around 10, my older cousin and I used to attach model rocket engines to the little balsa wood airplanes, then launch them horizontally out his window over the back yard and into his woods.  They would catch on fire halfway and crash, it was fun.  Sadly, he died a few years later at the age of 13. 

He was cool, he had a .30-06 and a 30-30!  He showed me that you could take all the shot out of a shotgun shell and tape a rock or marble to the primer end.  Then you throw it at someone and it scares the hell out of them!   =D  Ahh memories. 
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Mabs2 on October 19, 2008, 09:37:43 AM
A shame...I wonder how he died...
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 19, 2008, 10:05:33 AM
wrong season for those at Target or Walmart check back in the spring

find a real toy store and they will have them in a tube by the register

Yeah, I figured they might have some in spring.  Still,   =(

And no real toy stores within range last night, so...
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: slingshot on October 19, 2008, 10:10:40 AM
I believe the gliders are a seasonal item.  Check after Christmas.  It never fails that I want to buy an electric fan between now and April....  almost none are available during this time period.  So, I buy them and store new ones just in case.  If you watch, you can buy them during the early fall close outs.  But they go so fast, that it is pure coincidence if you walk into a store and notice them on sale during that time period.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Declaration Day on October 19, 2008, 12:03:11 PM
Here ya go!
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: freedom lover on October 19, 2008, 01:11:27 PM
This thread brings back good memories.

One of my rubber band powered balsa gliders made it from the treehouse almost to the flagpole without losing any airspeed or altitude. Thats a real awesome feat when you're 9 years old. I still to this day think a good paper or balsa airplane can be more fun than an electric RC car. I certainly use them much more.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: freedom lover on October 19, 2008, 01:36:43 PM
Fistful, I don't know if you're gonna online today, but you could try making a v-shaped paper jet out of the stiff paper from file folders. Putting a paper clip
on the bottom in the middle to keep the ends together adds weight and helps it fly straight.

If your dad lived in the 60's he probably taught you how to make the same kind of paper jet my dad taught me to make.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Big Hairy Bee on October 19, 2008, 01:37:37 PM
They are at the register at my local ACE Hardware.  Both glider and prop I believe...
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: taurusowner on October 19, 2008, 02:09:23 PM
If it's that big of a deal, I'm sure Amazon or Ebay can help.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: RocketMan on October 19, 2008, 02:25:30 PM
Try a local hobby shop.   They'll probably have them.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 19, 2008, 07:30:53 PM
Hobby shop.  KayBee toys in the mall.  Something like that. 
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 19, 2008, 07:38:04 PM
Firstly, like I said, I'm not really mad.  I thought everybody would understand I was quoting that "really mad" guy at the McCain rally in Wisconsin.  Maybe not. 

Yeah, I know I could find them somewhere on line, or at some brick and mortar in another part of town, or in spring.  The thing is, I wanted to get one last night, so I could play with it today.   =(

And it annoyed me, because I have a theory that I could find one at any Wal-Mart, at any season of the year, if it weren't for the glut of battery-operated stuff, and Yu-Gi-O crap out there. 

Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Manedwolf on October 19, 2008, 08:28:34 PM
Fistful, I don't know if you're gonna online today, but you could try making a v-shaped paper jet out of the stiff paper from file folders. Putting a paper clip
on the bottom in the middle to keep the ends together adds weight and helps it fly straight.

If your dad lived in the 60's he probably taught you how to make the same kind of paper jet my dad taught me to make.

In high school, we had to make rubber-band cars with the propeller made out of paper. Glue was allowed.

My dad is a former aircraft designer, which was an unfair advantage. ;) He showed me how to make a proper layered laminate, and how to curve and form a hard laminate prop with the proper pitch to bite the air and all. That thing whipped off down the hall like a bat out of hell and kept going and going and going... =D
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Gewehr98 on October 19, 2008, 09:07:26 PM

Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: freedom lover on October 19, 2008, 10:26:19 PM
Thats neat. Did you carve the wings and tail yourself? They look like they could have been carved.

In high school, we had to make rubber-band cars with the propeller made out of paper.

That reminds me of the two wheel CO2 car I made in Jr. High shop class. That thing was fast. The only thing faster was a very small four wheeler that was made the same way as a layer cake and spray-painted pink.

Our teacher was fair, though. He graded us only on quality of construction.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Manedwolf on October 19, 2008, 11:33:13 PM
This was an AP physics class. I'd also won a "longest time in air" glider thing by departing from the norm. Instead of going for distance, I made a cupped lifting body that glided down a bit, nosed up, lifted into a leisurely hang of a stall, dipped its nose and regained airspeed, pitched back up at a certain speed, stalled again, and repeated that all the way to the ground, taking a long time to do it. Shortest distance, but longest time in air. :)
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Physics on October 20, 2008, 12:25:45 AM
A shame...I wonder how he died...

He died in a quad accident.  I remember there being a search party, and driving around logging roads looking for him.  I kept thinking we were going to get to be on Rescue 911 when we found him.  I remember also the searchers interviewing me trying to figure out places he liked to ride.

Heh, when my parents burst through the door a couple hours early from work, they scared me so bad I spilled paint thinner all over the model I was building.  A '57 Chevy IIRC. 

Thanks for sharing that Fistful, brings back old memories.   =)
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 20, 2008, 12:41:47 AM
People that aren't completely disgusted with me:  1

People that pray nightly for my high-altitude defenestration:  Everybody else.   =)
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Bogie on October 20, 2008, 01:16:35 AM
We used to fly paper planes from the tenth floor of Todd Hall at Eastern Kentucky University... Which was parallel with Dupree dorm... You'd get some truly tricky wind currents, and the occasional bottle-rocket RPG, to deal with...
Then they bolted all the windows shut. With allen sockets... Heh...
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: mfree on October 20, 2008, 02:03:53 AM
Wood? Don't need no stinkin' wood...


Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Manedwolf on October 20, 2008, 02:57:10 AM
We used to fly paper planes from the tenth floor of Todd Hall at Eastern Kentucky University... Which was parallel with Dupree dorm... You'd get some truly tricky wind currents, and the occasional bottle-rocket RPG, to deal with...
Then they bolted all the windows shut. With allen sockets... Heh...

I just remember when the vent covers were off the A/C ducts in elementary school, cleaning or such. I threw a paper airplane into one, and a moment later, there were shouts from another room nearby.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Scout26 on October 20, 2008, 11:30:56 AM
Back when I was about 11 or 12 my brother got me "The Great American Paper Airplane Book" for my birthday.  I documented the 1st Paper Airplane Fly-off held by Scientific American magazine.  It also had about 20-30 designs from the various entries especially the winners of each catagory.  Needless to say I was the coolest kid in 4th and 5th grade for my paper airplane designs.  The downside was that these exotic designs also pegged me as he culprit..........   :angel: :rolleyes: =D
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 22, 2008, 01:16:32 AM
Second childhood?  What's that?  

OH JOYS!!  Wifey took the long way home from work today, stopped at the Hobby Lobby, and got me a glider three gliders! 

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

One is balsa, with a rubber-powered prop, one is made of squishy foam stuff, and the other is some kind of paperboard, with a long, rubber-band slingshot.  It was dark, before I got back from class, but I took 'em out and tried 'em out anyway.

I'll give a full report, later, if anyone cares.   =)
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: Phyphor on October 22, 2008, 01:24:46 AM
Shoot, FF!!!

Anyone remember the styrofoam gliders which had designs like the P40, and the P51 Mustang?

They even had little props you slid on the front.
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: Iain on October 22, 2008, 06:45:52 AM
Shoot, FF!!!

Anyone remember the styrofoam gliders which had designs like the P40, and the P51 Mustang?

They even had little props you slid on the front.

Yes. We had Spitfires and Hurricanes too.

15-20 years ago they were one of the only viable option for a small boy who loved flying toys. Radio control stuff was so expensive. I'll have to get an RC glider and live out that particular childhood dream.
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: 280plus on October 22, 2008, 07:26:01 AM
What's "defenestration"? So I know what I'm praying for... :lol: :angel:

Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: 280plus on October 22, 2008, 07:33:54 AM
OIC, I thought maybe it was related to "deforestation" which would be interesting idea as well.  =D
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 22, 2008, 07:47:39 AM
Dr. Ninomiya’s Whitewings FTW
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: mfree on October 22, 2008, 08:16:54 AM
How to make a kickarse paper airplane:

1 - roll a paper tube 3-4 layers thick on a dowel or a straight pen body, 4-5" long or so (play with the length), tape closed

2 - place one or two paperclips in one end of the tube, with single wires outside. Tape them down around the outside. This is the front of the fuselage.

3 - Cut two pieces of paper, with the intent of folding them in the middle, which becomes the front... one that'll be symmetrical across a line in the middle (horizontal stab) and one that'll be just a fin by itself (vertical stab)

4 - when you fold the horizontal stab, don't match the ends, fold it so there's about 1/16" or less difference between the length of the top and bottom sheets. Make a loose crease... then tape the ends together flush. The seam being offset warps the stab into an aerofoil shape... tape it on to the rear of the fuselage with the aerofoil pulling DOWN.

5 - take the vertical stab and fold it symmetrically, loosely to there's no overly sharp crease. Then trim a slight arc shape into the bottom, so the front and back are slightly shorter than the middle. What this does is when tapes to the fuselage, it pulls on the paper and expands the aerofoil. Get this taped on as straight as possible.

6 - Critical part: with everything but the main wing attached, balance the fuselage and make a mark. This is the CG.

7 - Using the same technique as with the horizontal stabilizer, make a main wing and tape it on. Now, here's the catch; the center of lift of the wing is going to be slightly behind the top of the curve in the aerofoil shape. That center of lift needs to be just slightly behind the CG, by 1/8" or so.

Remember the horz stab pulling down? The CL location of the wing is going to try and pull the tail of the plane up, and the horz. stab counteracts. Bend the HSTAB tips up or down to adjust for pitch trim, and fling your airplane about with great vigor.
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: S. Williamson on October 22, 2008, 09:12:06 AM
Hobby Lobby has them, both gliders and prop-powered, balsa or foam.  I know this because I see them every single time I go there, and have to remind myself that I'm there for something else, and that I have a couple at home I've already bought but haven't flown because of the dog (a Lab who chews EVERYTHING).  =)

They're in stock year-round, too.
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: Ron on October 22, 2008, 11:09:15 AM
I'm so glad, I'm glad, I'm glad.
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: K Frame on October 22, 2008, 11:09:46 AM
You can't use HTML here, Ron.
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: Ron on October 22, 2008, 11:10:52 AM
Figured that out and edited while you posted  :laugh:

Haven't been around in a while I couldn't remember if we could post youtube vids or not.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: cosine on October 22, 2008, 11:23:45 AM
Back when I was about 11 or 12 my brother got me "The Great American Paper Airplane Book" for my birthday.  I documented the 1st Paper Airplane Fly-off held by Scientific American magazine.  It also had about 20-30 designs from the various entries especially the winners of each catagory.  Needless to say I was the coolest kid in 4th and 5th grade for my paper airplane designs.  The downside was that these exotic designs also pegged me as he culprit..........   :angel: :rolleyes: =D

I had that book as well. In fact, I still have it. I loved it when I was younger... although I never could get my copies of the paper airplane in it to fly as well as they said they did in the book.
Title: Re: I'm mad! I'm REALLY MAD!
Post by: Scout26 on October 22, 2008, 12:56:23 PM
I had that book as well. In fact, I still have it. I loved it when I was younger... although I never could get my copies of the paper airplane in it to fly as well as they said they did in the book.

A few years back when I was at home I went looking through the bookshelves and boxes to se if I could find it.  Mom couldn't remember whether she had given it to one of my cousins/nephews or sold it in a garage sale...... =(
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on October 22, 2008, 03:55:44 PM
What's "defenestration"? So I know what I'm praying for... :lol: :angel:


Given a particular horizontal supporting surface bearing a mass equivalent to fistful, it is the act of taking said mass and expelling it from the premises via the nearest access point to natural light and ventilation.

(Ya throws him out of da window.)

It could also be interpreted as taking the great glowing ban-schwerk and smiting fistful's account to APS... since APS technically runs in a window, he would be defenestrated from the site.  <hint> :angel:
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: 280plus on October 22, 2008, 06:01:49 PM
Yup, looked it up but didn't make the APS connection. It does say, however, that denestrwhatever is not necessarily indicative of wishing death on someone as that would depend on the height of the window.  :laugh:
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: Scout26 on October 22, 2008, 06:18:54 PM
He has a standing invitation from me to come to Chicago and I'll take him to see the Sears Tower........ =D
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: 280plus on October 22, 2008, 06:22:36 PM
I say we take up a collection to buy him a bus ticket to Chicago. It's the right thing to do!  :laugh:
Title: Re: I'm glad! I'm REALLY GLAD!
Post by: French G. on October 22, 2008, 09:41:12 PM
My dad tried to encourage the typical father/son stuff, but we really didn't have much free time in the family. Things that fly was no different, it quickly became a job. Once you go from gliders to things with servos and motors there is only one thing left to do. That's right, get the @#$% .22 rifle because we've got to dislodge the ^&&%# airplane from its perch 70 feet up in a tree. Rocketry was worse. Did you know that D motor+old hunting arrow+duct tape=the world's biggest bottle rocket? My dad did, not a real safe guy to be a kid or neighbor around.  =D Ah, the good old days.

I must have had several hundred of those balsa gliders as a kid, bought them for 25 cents, wrecked within the day.