Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: RadioFreeSeaLab on October 23, 2008, 04:37:15 PM

Title: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on October 23, 2008, 04:37:15 PM
PITTSBURGH -- A 20-year-old woman who was robbed at an ATM in Bloomfield was also maimed by her attacker, police said.

Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richard tells Channel 4 Action News that the victim was robbed at knifepoint on Wednesday night outside of a Citizens Bank near Liberty Avenue and Pearl Street just before 9 p.m.

Richard said the robber took $60 from the woman, then became angry when he saw a McCain bumper sticker on the victim's car. The attacker then punched and kicked the victim, before using the knife to scratch the letter "B" into her face, Richard said.

Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank's surveillance cameras.

The robber is described as a dark-skinned black man, 6 feet 4 inches tall, 200 pounds with a medium build, short black hair and brown eyes. The man was wearing dark colored jeans, a black undershirt and black shoes.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 23, 2008, 04:42:11 PM
But...but...only (R)'s are capapable of a hate crime.....oh, wait, the police/media aren't calling it a hate crime.....the hypocrisy is thick...
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on October 23, 2008, 04:43:44 PM
Isn't it? I just had to wipe some off my shoes.  It's getting everywhere.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Manedwolf on October 23, 2008, 04:44:35 PM
Get used to this.

Also get used to anyone who manages to defend themselves from such being destroyed by the MSM.

Remember how they even tried to dig up dirt on and smear the lady who shot the AK-wielding killer in a church?

God help anyone who defends themselves against a raging leftist.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: trapperready on October 23, 2008, 05:00:35 PM
I'm not one to defend lunatic behavior, but the following is enough to make me skeptical for now...

Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank's surveillance cameras.

Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Manedwolf on October 23, 2008, 05:10:18 PM
I'm not one to defend lunatic behavior, but the following is enough to make me skeptical for now...

I can see you've never dealt with anyone who is in shock.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 23, 2008, 05:34:31 PM
It is rather interesting that the alleged crime by the alleged attacker happened off-camera, and then the alleged victim declined medical attention.  It is conceivable that a very - uh - devoted partisan wished to make Obama look bad, and had this done to her face. 

But frankly, that's an even less probable scenario.

I'm guessing she didn't "refuse medical treatment" at all, but the cops wanted her to go to an emergency room.  She wanted to go to her own doctor or an urgent care clinic.  Or she wanted to meet with her boyfriend/girlfriend/mother, for moral support. 
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on October 23, 2008, 06:07:30 PM
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: ilbob on October 23, 2008, 06:12:56 PM
the picture proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she faked it to make BHO look bad.

Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 23, 2008, 06:42:02 PM
How so? 
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RocketMan on October 23, 2008, 06:44:21 PM
Is it just me, or is the 'B' backwards?  As in self-inflicted in front of a mirror?
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 23, 2008, 06:51:53 PM
It also looks pretty neat and clean.

But the image could be reversed.  And if she was laying on the ground, we don't know where the bad guy was positioned in relation to her head.  Reasonable to think he would have been on top of her, though, rather than kneeling beside her or something. 
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: 280plus on October 23, 2008, 06:52:49 PM
The B certainly looks backwards. Is it possibly the photo is reversed?
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RocketMan on October 23, 2008, 07:05:39 PM
It also looks pretty neat and clean.

But the image could be reversed.  And if she was laying on the ground, we don't know where the bad guy was positioned in relation to her head.  Reasonable to think he would have been on top of her, though, rather than kneeling beside her or something. 

That's possible.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: crt360 on October 23, 2008, 07:58:36 PM
Maybe it's a sideways M.  (or W  :laugh:)
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 23, 2008, 08:14:42 PM
After the picture, count me skeptical, but without further evidence, I'll believe her story.  I'd imagine there is ATM video footage of the incident.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Bogie on October 23, 2008, 08:46:06 PM
Besides, when was the last time you saw an intelligent crook?
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: roo_ster on October 23, 2008, 08:55:07 PM
I dunno, cutting yourself, and giving yourself a black eye seems a bit extreme.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: trapperready on October 23, 2008, 09:21:17 PM
Maned -

I can see you've never dealt with anyone who is in shock.

I can see that you jump to a bunch of conclusions based on an amazing lack of evidence.

Froth all you want, but I'm waiting a bit on this one.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Bigjake on October 23, 2008, 09:23:35 PM

God help anyone who defends themselves against a raging leftist.

I'm a poll worker on Election day.  With any luck I won't have to use my legally carried CCW on any ACORN stooges.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Manedwolf on October 23, 2008, 09:26:58 PM
I'm a poll worker on Election day.  With any luck I won't have to use my legally carried CCW on any ACORN stooges.

I would have Fox Labs OC with you.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 23, 2008, 09:35:21 PM
I'd imagine there is ATM video footage of the incident.

Quote from: article
Richard said the woman refused medical treatment after the assault, which happened outside the view of the bank's surveillance cameras.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Matthew Carberry on October 23, 2008, 11:06:45 PM
The real question isn't the assault, but the B and how a purported knife wound ended up looking like a hard fingernail scratch that didn't need medical treatment.

There are a lot of attention-starved folks out there who will go the extra mile to get some air time.  Especially if they feel it will help "their guy".

Remember Randi Rhodes and her "mugging" by a hate-fueled conservative?

Just because we are on the "same side" as the victim, doesn't mean we should take their word for what happened when it enters the political realm.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 23, 2008, 11:11:50 PM
Remember Randi Rhodes and her "mugging" by a hate-fueled conservative?

Very faintly.  Was she, or wasn't she? 
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Regolith on October 23, 2008, 11:14:14 PM
Very faintly recall hearing something like that.  Was she, or wasn't she? 

IIRC, she either made up the mugging, or made up that it was conservatives who did it.  Can't remember for sure.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 23, 2008, 11:29:40 PM
Let's ask Old Man Wikipedia!  He will surely know.   =)
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on October 23, 2008, 11:31:19 PM
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 23, 2008, 11:34:37 PM
Yeah, the right-wing hate machine is out there silencing Randi Rhodes, rather than the TV personalities, actors and columnists that actually have an audience.   :lol:
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Matthew Carberry on October 23, 2008, 11:59:56 PM
It is an unfortunate reality that this kind of thing needs to be met first with skepticism.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MicroBalrog on October 24, 2008, 12:11:29 AM
Guys, do you imagine anybody being that excited about McCain that they'll carve signs into their own face?
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: De Selby on October 24, 2008, 12:14:11 AM
Guys, do you imagine anybody being that excited about McCain that they'll carve signs into their own face?

Sad but true that this sort of thing happens often-there was even a fellow who mutilated himself because he thought he'd become as famous as John Bobbitt.

The carving of the B looks terribly suspicious-it looks like the kind of scratch that would take a careful, ginger use of a knife that you wouldn't expect from a mugger at the ATM.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: K Frame on October 24, 2008, 12:55:53 AM
Guys, do you imagine anybody being that excited about McCain that they'll carve signs into their own face?

As opposed to getting a tattoo?

Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: JimMarch on October 24, 2008, 01:14:00 AM
That's not a knife wound, period.  WAY too even and at the same time shallow.

Try that with a knife and the depth of the wound will be all over the map.  The care with which it was done, the evenness of the strokes, is also very suspicious.

Looks a LOT like a hard fingernail scratch...which in turn would be very unusual for a male assailant to inflict.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 24, 2008, 01:17:08 AM
Guys, do you imagine anybody being that excited about McCain that they'll carve signs into their own face?

Not at all, but a lot of people are very determined to defeat Obama.  Must be racists.  :)

Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MicroBalrog on October 24, 2008, 03:35:50 AM
As opposed to getting a tattoo?

Fine. Even if you assume carving signs into your own face with a knife or a fingernail is somehow equivalent for a tattoo, do you imagine anybody getting a tattoo on their face for John McCain?

What is it about McCain that gets people to carve signs into their own face? His stunning looks? His wonderful charisma? His radical, world-changing platform?
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Matthew Carberry on October 24, 2008, 04:29:03 AM
You don't do stuff in favor of your guy, you do that kind of thing out of hate for the other guy.

There's a lot of idiots this campaign who actually believe the world will end if their guy doesn't win.  Caught up in that kind of apocalyptic fervor, some people will do most anything.

Not to mention, again, that there are a lot of attention whores out there after their 15 minutes of fame.

After all, what kind of mind would put nooses and such on their own doors to gain sympathy, knowing full well they will likely be discovered and made to look the fool.

Most people are stupid, selfish and short-sighted, never bet against it.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: seeker_two on October 24, 2008, 06:15:03 AM
Maybe we should wait for the police investigation to conclude before we engage in too much speculation, here......

...besides, it could have been a Ron Paul supporter who made a typo....
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 24, 2008, 06:58:52 AM
Maybe we should wait for the police investigation to conclude before we engage in too much speculation, here......

...besides, it could have been a Ron Paul supporter who made a typo....

Hey! Be nice, Its hard to see from under that wookie suit!
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: K Frame on October 24, 2008, 07:08:57 AM
Fine. Even if you assume carving signs into your own face with a knife or a fingernail is somehow equivalent for a tattoo, do you imagine anybody getting a tattoo on their face for John McCain?

What is it about McCain that gets people to carve signs into their own face? His stunning looks? His wonderful charisma? His radical, world-changing platform?

What gets a Neo-Nazi to tattoo, brand, etc., a swastika on his face or forehead, which I've also seen?

Might it have been Hitler's good looks? His radical, world-changing platform?

A long time ago I stopped trying to determine the motives that drove some people to do what they did, and replaced it with acceptance that many, if not most, people are complete and utter fools, worthless wastes of carbon and water, and hardly deserving of the appelation "human being."

When you look at people in that light, you no longer worry about their motives and accept the fact that some people will do just about anything.

So, in answer to your question, how the hell should I what motivates someone to do a body modification of any kind? I think they're marks of morons, and yet there are millions of people with such modifications.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MicroBalrog on October 24, 2008, 07:15:10 AM
What gets a Neo-Nazi to tattoo, brand, etc., a swastika on his face or forehead, which I've also seen?

Nazism is a radical, revolutionary, semi-religious ideology.

But I do think carebear has it riht:

There's a lot of idiots this campaign who actually believe the world will end if their guy doesn't win.  Caught up in that kind of apocalyptic fervor, some people will do most anything.

Fear of Obama may be the motivating factor to fake such an act.

I think they're marks of morons, and yet there are millions of people with such modifications.

Billions. Circumcision is a form of body modification.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: makattak on October 24, 2008, 09:23:31 AM
You don't do stuff in favor of your guy, you do that kind of thing out of hate for the other guy.

There's a lot of idiots this campaign who actually believe the world will end if their guy doesn't win.  Caught up in that kind of apocalyptic fervor, some people will do most anything.

Not to mention, again, that there are a lot of attention whores out there after their 15 minutes of fame.

After all, what kind of mind would put nooses and such on their own doors to gain sympathy, knowing full well they will likely be discovered and made to look the fool.

Most people are stupid, selfish and short-sighted, never bet against it.

I don't think this world will end if Obama wins. I do think it will be the death knell of the American Republic.

I do not see how, once the democrats control congress and the presidency that there will be any way to repeal their socialistic programs.

I guess we're all going to Asia for our medicine after the next four years...

Fortunately, freedom seems to be breaking out in other parts of the world- maybe with a little push, it might break out in Argentina. I hear it's just beautiful down there and they were soooo close to being just like the US until the previous century sent them down a path of foolishness...

Edit: I should probably point out that some of this post is tongue in cheek...
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MicroBalrog on October 24, 2008, 09:30:52 AM
I don't think this world will end if Obama wins. I do think it will be the death knell of the American Republic.

Why will Obama be worse in this respect than FDR or LBJ?
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: makattak on October 24, 2008, 09:43:03 AM
Why will Obama be worse in this respect than FDR or LBJ?

In a vacuum he is not worse; he's probably only mildly dangerous by himself.

In fact, I seriously doubt he even has the capacity of either of those two. (And given LBJ's limited capacity, that's quite an assertion).

However, my fear is based on the position the United States is in today. He does not occur outside of history, he stands posed to push the US further into the socialism that his intellectual predecessors began. FDR began social programs that even though we know are collapsing under the weight of their own promises, we cannot find the political will to scrap them. (I.e. medicare and social security)

Perhaps I should be more optimistic: I realize that these things can be fixed, it's just that it seems it takes four years to screw up our country and 80 to undo the damage. (Alright, FDR had more than 4 years, but it only took 4 of his years to do most of the damage).

Maybe our citizens will wake up and clean house. Unfortunately, I see nothing in the history of republics/democracies to give me hope that the people will turn from voting themselves largesse from the public coffers.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MicroBalrog on October 24, 2008, 09:52:21 AM
I am of the opinion that this will be over, sooner than most people think. There has been a resurgence, slow, but certain, of classical liberalism, libertarianism, and other small-government ideologies in the past few decades. This election cycle, a guy who wanted to en

Maybe it'll take a few years, but it'll be over.

Mark my words - there will come an age after the Graduated Income Tax, after the NFA, after public compulsory education, AFTER people like Obama being in charge.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RocketMan on October 24, 2008, 01:20:58 PM
Back to the OP.  The Pittsburgh police are now saying the woman has changed her story.  A few cracks are beginning to appear, it would seem.

PITTSBURGH (AP) - Pittsburgh police say a McCain campaign volunteer who said she was held down by a black man who cut the letter "B" in her face has changed her story.
Police spokeswoman Diane Richard says investigators gave the 20-year-old woman a lie-detector test and are "looking at some inconsistencies" in her story.

The student, Ashley Todd, of College Station, Texas, initially said a black man robbed her at knifepoint Wednesday night and then cut her cheek after seeing a McCain sticker on her car.

Police say bank surveillance footage doesn't show her at an ATM where she says she was attacked.

Todd, who is white, now says she was knocked unconscious and doesn't remember being cut. She now says she only discovered the wound later.

No arrests have been made. (
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: ronnyreagan on October 24, 2008, 01:46:44 PM
Well looks like you guys can relax, your pretty faces are in no danger from marauding McCain haters.
From KDKA-
"A Pittsburgh police commander says a volunteer for the McCain campaign who reported being robbed and attacked near a bank ATM in Bloomfield has confessed to making up the story. Police say charges will be filed. More details to follow."
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 24, 2008, 02:02:20 PM
I am of the opinion that this will be over, sooner than most people think. There has been a resurgence, slow, but certain, of classical liberalism, libertarianism, and other small-government ideologies in the past few decades. This election cycle, a guy who wanted to en

I'll assume you were going to talk about Ron Paul, and say that his candidacy is an encouraging sign of a retreat of encroaching govt.  Many of us felt the same way about the 94 elections.  I'm sure some people thought that Ross Perot signalled the crack-up of the two-party system. 

Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on October 24, 2008, 02:08:53 PM
Hoax.  Dumb girl.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MicroBalrog on October 24, 2008, 02:31:47 PM
I'll assume you were going to talk about Ron Paul, and say that his candidacy is an encouraging sign of a retreat of encroaching govt.  Many of us felt the same way about the 94 elections.  I'm sure some people thought that Ross Perot signalled the crack-up of the two-party system. 


I wasn't. But I'm young. I'm healthy. I work out. I'm going to outlive the Bastards if nothing else.

(You do of course realize that taxes and spending were cut by the Failed Class of  1994 ? Just... not nearly enough.)
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: 280plus on October 24, 2008, 02:33:29 PM
It was probably her boyfriend that beat her up.  ;/
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MicroBalrog on October 24, 2008, 02:37:36 PM
Hoax.  Dumb girl.


See, when next time someone brings up the damn wookie suit, I'll bring this up.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: ronnyreagan on October 24, 2008, 02:38:19 PM
So is Senator McCain’s quest for the presidency over, forever linked to race-baiting? :O
(John Moody  ( a dumbass.)
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Manedwolf on October 24, 2008, 02:46:08 PM

See, when next time someone brings up the damn wookie suit, I'll bring this up.

The wookie suit was not a hoax. That was a bunch of wierd Paulians/Free Staters in Keene here who really did that.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MicroBalrog on October 24, 2008, 02:50:43 PM
The wookie suit was not a hoax. That was a bunch of wierd Paulians/Free Staters in Keene here who really did that.

This woman really claimed an Obama supporter carved letters into her skin. And she CARVED A LETTER INTO HER OWN FACE to support he hoax.
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: MechAg94 on October 24, 2008, 04:25:57 PM
I wouldn't say carved.  It looked more like scratched to me. 
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: GigaBuist on October 24, 2008, 04:26:15 PM
This woman really claimed an Obama supporter carved letters into her skin. And she CARVED A LETTER INTO HER OWN FACE to support he hoax.

Reavers for McCain '08!
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on October 24, 2008, 04:27:40 PM
ahahhahaa yeah
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Harold Tuttle on October 24, 2008, 04:33:22 PM
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Iapetus on October 24, 2008, 05:36:24 PM

Brilliant!  If I was an American/living in the US, that would definitely be my bumper-sticker.

As to fixing the two-party my view as an outsider is that what needs to happen is that the loser of the coming election - whoever they are - lose so utterly and completely that their party (lets call it Party A) is irreperably nutered.  That was, all the people who dislike them but vote A to keep B out will will have to form a new party that actually represents them and is competent; and all the people who dislike B but vote for them to keep A out can stop doing so, and again form a new party that actually represents them and is competent.

I'm not sure which party will be the one to collapse, but at the moment it looks like it might be the Republicans.  Although for quite some time and until fairly recently I thought it could/would be the Democrats (what with their inability to realize why they lost the previous elections.  "Waa! It's all Ralph Nader's fault!  Waa!").
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 24, 2008, 05:40:41 PM
So is Senator McCain’s quest for the presidency over, forever linked to race-baiting? :O
(John Moody  ( a [edit].)


See, by left-wing logic, if random supporters do or say crazy things*, the Republican candidate is forever stained with looniness, hatred, etc.

The only way to distance yourself from such people is to serve on an education project board with them, have a political fund-raiser in their house, or attend their church for twenty years.

*Or even if a reporter claims that someone said "Kill him!" at a Palin speech, but the Secret Service can't find anyone else who heard it. 
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: ronnyreagan on October 24, 2008, 07:41:06 PM

See, by left-wing logic, if random supporters do or say crazy things*, the Republican candidate is forever stained with looniness, hatred, etc.

The only way to distance yourself from such people is to serve on an education project board with them, have a political fund-raiser in their house, or attend their church for twenty years.

*Or even if a reporter claims that someone said "Kill him!" at a Palin speech, but the Secret Service can't find anyone else who heard it. 

I'm a little perplexed. What world do you live in that John Moody is "left-wing"?
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 24, 2008, 08:13:03 PM
Never heard of him, nor was I describing his political point of view.  Even non-leftists can display leftist twittery. 

Really, I was describing the hilarity of Obama & Co. claiming that the Bill Ayers and J Wright connections meant nothing, while holding Sarah Palin responsible for the behavior of some guy at a campaign event.   This guy's comments just seem to fit that pattern. 
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: SteveS on October 25, 2008, 09:06:48 AM
Never heard of him, nor was I describing his political point of view.  Even non-leftists can display leftist twittery. 

Really, I was describing the hilarity of Obama & Co. claiming that the Bill Ayers and J Wright connections meant nothing, while holding Sarah Palin responsible for the behavior of some guy at a campaign event.   This guy's comments just seem to fit that pattern. 

The left has been saying that McCain and Palin were somehow encouraging the crowd to say those comments.  Palin's "pallin around with terrorists" may be, in a stretch.  I haven't seen McCain do anything to encourage nasty or racist comments.  Then the left says they didn't do enough to stop this speech, but at least in McCain's case, he did address the comments. 
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: Bogie on October 25, 2008, 10:54:21 AM
Well, there -are- some people who are radically weirded by the whole election... I've got a neighbor who starts to get a mad on every time he sees a McCain sticker... Or something negative about Obama...

Thus far he has refrained from damaging my vehicles. Maybe it's because he knows that I know, so he knows...

Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on October 25, 2008, 10:58:30 AM
i have some neighbors who are obama folk. they are less than pleased when they ask me about my views. though they are unable to defend theirs beyond "my union says"
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: 280plus on October 25, 2008, 11:06:41 AM
Ha, I was talking to my favorite republican who lost the last election to a firmly entrenched Demo-gogue. We were rambling on about Obama and the left and socialism etc etc and then I piped in with, "To tell you the truth, I'm not all that crazy about McCain either." and explained my reasoning. Pregnant pause follows with maybe a slight sputter and then she says, "Well, you know..."  Being an independent is FUN! :laugh:
Title: Re: Woman attacked at ATM for McCain sticker, letter B carved in face
Post by: BridgeRunner on October 25, 2008, 01:27:14 PM
Ok, so this is in abominably bad taste, but I find it both humorous and on point. (