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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Monkeyleg on October 31, 2008, 01:21:35 AM

Title: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 31, 2008, 01:21:35 AM
As the old Chinese saying goes, "May you live in interesting times." With that in mind, I do hope that this is the most interesting election in our nation's history. God forbid we should have to go through this again.

McCain can't seem to get out a positive message because it's too late for him to articulate a core issue and define himself with it. To stop Obama, he needs to fuel the doubt that many voters already have about Obama.

Thus the story about the tape being held hostage by the L.A. Times. This is a six-month old story, and probably most of what was said on the tape was in the printed story. If the Times were to release the tape, it would probably defuse the issue. Strange, then, that the Times will not do so.

The timing of McCain's rage against the Times was no accident. It stole some media attention from the Obama infomercial, thus depriving Obama of the benefit of at least some of the millions he paid.

It will probably take a few days for polls to reflect Obama's infomercial. I'd like to think that the public is wise enough to recognize the purpose of the faux oval office trappings but, if that were the case, Obama wouldn't be in the lead.

McCain surrogates are resurrecting Reverend Wright in an ad. Perhaps there's data suggesting that the undecideds didn't really pay attention last summer. If not, then this is one of the worst ad buys I can recall.

The infighting between the old guard and the new social-issue Republicans couldn't wait until after the election, could it? No sooner did Sarah Palin become comfortable unscripted than the likes of George Will, Kathleen Parker and others called into question McCain's judgement in choosing Palin. It's not called The Stupid Party for nothing. What these talking heads seem unwilling to accept is that Palin is the reason that McCain is within a few points of Obama. Yes, her negatives are about the same as her positive ratings. But she's going to be hated by Obama backers no matter what she does. Can seasoned journalists such as these not see that? She draws crowds almost as large as Obama's.

The hair-plugged gaffe machine (Joe Biden) seems to have been spirited off to Dick Cheney's old "undisclosed location." In the last two weeks Biden has probably singlehandedly boosted McCain's numbers by two points or better.

Will there be a Bradley Effect? If there is, it's not reflected in the public polls, but I'm sure both campaign's internal polling have that factored in. Obama's internal polling may be showing some cause for concern, since he's becoming more negative in public about McCain. If he were comfortable in his lead, he'd be above the fray.

It's not surprising at all that a Democrat is in the lead. It was to be expected, given GW's ratings and the public's usual eight-year itch for a change in party. What is surprising is that so many people can be so easily bought off by the promise of free money. Sure, every politician promises goodies in every election, but not on this scale. If the polls are to be believed, nearly half the population thinks that redistribution of wealth is a good idea.

I dread next Tuesday, and fear for our country. This perfect storm may transform the US into a nearly pure socialist country, and decades before I ever thought it would happen.

If that happens, where will those from other countries yearning to be free emigrate to? For that matter, where can we run?

Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Northwoods on October 31, 2008, 01:51:09 AM
For that matter, where can we run?
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Standing Wolf on October 31, 2008, 02:48:43 AM
If that happens, where will those from other countries yearning to be free emigrate to? For that matter, where can we run?

I'm not real concerned about people from other countries: we have more than enough to concern ourselves about right here.

There is nowhere for us to run. America is the last bastion of freedom. If the evil of socialism triumphs over individual freedom here, the light of reason will have gone out all over the world.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Bogie on October 31, 2008, 04:03:30 AM
it's too late for him to articulate a core issue and define himself with it.

I suspect that he's assuming that the voting public is more intelligent than it is...

Obama went with "change."
McCain should have trumped that with "safety."
Guess which would have won?
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Lennyjoe on October 31, 2008, 08:24:49 AM
The Rev Wright commercial is not paid by McCains  campaign. It is another group who paid for it by donations. As for a future under Obama, what I fear most is the lack of checks and balances should more dems win seats in the senate and congress. Obama will have full backing there to do what he pleases.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: HankB on October 31, 2008, 08:58:12 AM
Most Presidential races come down to "bad" and "worse" candidates.

This year, the choices are "bad" and "dangerous" candidates.

I never thought I'd say this, but Hillary - as amoral, opportunistic, and ambitious as she is - looks good in comparison to Barack Hussein Obama . . . I don't think she hates America the way I think he does.

We are SO screwed . . .  =(
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: ronnyreagan on October 31, 2008, 09:22:51 AM
I'm not really worried. I believe this country has survived much worse than a president who is left of center. Even with congress controlled by the same party, it takes at the very least complicit apathy of the public for things to change very much and people seem pretty riled up. I'm surprised people have so little faith in the country they consider to be the greatest on earth.

I've heard similar predictions every previous election, and while things have never been perfect, life goes on. When I hear the cries of "Wolf! Wolf!" every year from the same boy, I eventually stopped listening. Many of you seem to think this time there really is a wolf, I think it's no different than any other year.

If I'm wrong and in 4 years we're all shipped off to the barack reeducation centers, feel free to say I told you so.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 31, 2008, 09:31:07 AM
LennyJoe, I said "surrogates," not McCain's campaign. That the 527 groups would spend their money on Reverend Wright in the last few days is curious

Even with congress controlled by the same party, it takes at the very least complicit apathy of the public for things to change very much and people seem pretty riled up

The public was really riled up about the bailout, but it went through anyway, and was even made worse by more pork spending.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: ronnyreagan on October 31, 2008, 09:36:48 AM
The public was really riled up about the bailout, but it went through anyway, and was even made worse by more pork spending.

Yeah I know, even with the outrage and pleas from constituents it went ahead. But it did generate outrage like little else has recently, which was refreshing. Politicians will want to stay in power, and they cannot do so by consistently going against the will of the people. Maybe I have too much faith in "the system."
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Manedwolf on October 31, 2008, 09:54:52 AM
Again, what Obama just said yesterday to his supporters.

"We are only five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America."

He means that.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Nick1911 on October 31, 2008, 10:29:43 AM

No, it isn't looking particularly good.  A coworker just got back from voting early.  He voted for... CHANGE!  What the hell an engaged guy who makes $70k+ at a desk job and will soon own his own home want to change is beyond me.  Perhaps he'd like to not be able to drive a shiny new car?  Perhaps he'd like to make less money?  Who knows... 

I do have faith that the country will survive this.  However, times may get tougher before they get better.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: makattak on October 31, 2008, 10:47:07 AM

No, it isn't looking particularly good.  A coworker just got back from voting early.  He voted for... CHANGE!  What the hell an engaged guy who makes $70k+ at a desk job and will soon own his own home want to change is beyond me.  Perhaps he'd like to not be able to drive a shiny new car?  Perhaps he'd like to make less money?  Who knows... 

I do have faith that the country will survive this.  However, times may get tougher before they get better.

I have faith too.

It's just it seems to take 20-30 years at least to fix the type of socialist policies that can be enacted in 4. We are STILL trying to deal with the horrid consequences of "Social Security" and "Medicare".

I don't want to be in my 50's before it's morning again in America.

I don't want to have to raise my children in a nightmarish repeat of the 1970's (or 1930's).

I fear for my country that half of its citizens are so blind or so selfish.

Wow, I just realized that for all its claims of caring about others, that is the whole point of socialism: "I'm so selfish, I want the government to take care of me so I don't have to think. Not only that, to make sure it can take care of me, the government is going to take everything from you. In fact, I'm so selfish, since I don't want you to have the freedom to make a choice to live as you see fit (because that could jeopardize them taking care of me), I'll be using to government to force you to live just like me."
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Lennyjoe on October 31, 2008, 11:20:34 AM
Yea, ML, I knew that, just wanted to reaffirm that.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Tallpine on October 31, 2008, 11:38:38 AM
If I'm wrong and in 4 years we're all shipped off to the barack reeducation centers, feel free to say I told you so.

No can do. 

I'll be up on the rimrocks using up my ammo - at least for a minute or two ...
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: longeyes on October 31, 2008, 02:10:13 PM
Keep the faith.

If half the country can enslave the other half, we deserve to be slaves.

I'm betting no.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Wildalaska on October 31, 2008, 04:39:37 PM
 Mccain and Sarah will win :)

WildmypredictionAlaska â„¢
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Manedwolf on October 31, 2008, 04:40:15 PM
Mccain and Sarah will win :)

WildmypredictionAlaska â„¢

I certainly hope so.

And that everyone here stays safe in the ensuing riots.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: longeyes on October 31, 2008, 06:22:11 PM
Make up your mind now not to become a slave. 

The other side is all too mortal.


And if we really don't like where it's going we can say, "I'm sorry, we're going our own way.  Good luck and Godspeed."
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: French G. on October 31, 2008, 10:00:50 PM
F' it, we'll move to Alaska. What are they going to do? I don't see a bunch of liberals being up for cold weather warfare. They'd probably just give us back to Russia. Or maybe we could sic some zombie polar bears to defend us. Constitutional Monarchy, install Palin as Queen, issue everyone a rifle, some claymores, and lots of oil money. :D

Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Ron on October 31, 2008, 10:36:14 PM
Drudge headline right now:

Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: txgho1911 on October 31, 2008, 10:50:30 PM
Are you nuts? "Safety" has been drilled and wore the help out.
Instead with a reformer like Palin his core issue of "reform and reversal" to restore the original COTUS principles.
He has spoken against the earmark biz and she has spoken out against bridges to Avalon.
Brief study of just the document could easily decide for him how much legislation deserves a veto.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Manedwolf on November 01, 2008, 12:13:27 PM
Guy on news standing in voting line, saying "Obama will give tax money to a younger generation this time instead of to the corporations."

To people who just want free money and don't want to work? By taking from people and companies that make the economy go?

My definition of the Obamaton voter intelligence being that of Idiocracy still stands. "We want healthcare, money, and sh__ like that." "Free stuff!" "Yeah!"

If this happens, those who actually have careers they worked hard to get to are so screwed. :|
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Mabs2 on November 01, 2008, 01:21:32 PM
I certainly hope so.

And that everyone here stays safe in the ensuing riots.
I just told my mom it'd be a good idea to keep my sisters home Wednesday.  She agreed.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Bogie on November 02, 2008, 02:45:27 AM
Sheesh... This election didn't even TOUCH safety...
Instead we have "Change - dunno what's gonna happen, but it'll be different!"
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: ilbob on November 02, 2008, 08:01:05 PM
I never thought I'd say this, but Hillary - as amoral, opportunistic, and ambitious as she is - looks good in comparison to Barack Hussein Obama . . . I don't think she hates America the way I think he does.

I don't know. At least with Hillary in the WH there is a good chance that if someone needed bombing they would get a big one.

BHO is scary because we know so little about what he really is. And the more we learn, the less we like. Basically America has 24 hours to decide if we really want to continue being America or become a social democracy like the failed states of Europe, who mostly survive on the largess of the USA that won't be around much longer, no matter who is president.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: longeyes on November 02, 2008, 08:44:21 PM
This will be remembered as the election where kids and chicks ruled.  Rent WILD IN THE STREETS for a dark laugh.

I'm old enough to not want the taxes I pay when I sell my house determined by shopaholic mall rats with little or no earned stake in America and zero understanding of economics, just consumption.  If this is a Republic, it's failed; what I see is mob rule disguised as hope and change.

This nation doesn't need reform; it needs a colonic.  And I suspect it will get one.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Ron on November 02, 2008, 09:12:43 PM
Basically America has 24 hours to decide if we really want to continue being America or become a social democracy like the failed states of Europe, who mostly survive on the largess of the USA

That is brilliant, sad pathetic true but brilliant.

We were heading that way anyway, the handbasket will just pick up speed with Obama and the Dems in total control.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Hutch on November 02, 2008, 10:01:55 PM
I find myself getting angrier and angrier at the Stupid Party.  Swept into leadership by the electorate in 1994 (imho as a backlash to Billy Jeff getting elected in '92), they then pissed away ALL their moral authority.  They've proven themselves unworthy to govern, regardless of any lip service they give to limited government and the Constitution.  If they had kept the faith, they'd have kept the reins.  But NOOOOOOOO....... they were just as besotted with power as the Evil Party ever was.  If it weren't for the Supreme Court vacancies, I'd call "A pox on both your houses!", and deal with the tax burden.  As it is, I shudder to think of the changes BHO will wreak on the judiciary.  George Will has captured the essence:
"The almost erotic pleasure of spending money that others have earned and saved is one reason people put up with the tiresome aspects of political life."
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: grampster on November 02, 2008, 11:43:37 PM
McCain/Palin win.  It won't be close.
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: Monkeyleg on November 03, 2008, 12:03:02 AM
Grampster, on what do you base that prediction?
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: RocketMan on November 03, 2008, 12:10:15 AM
I have it on good authority that Grampster was writing headlines for the Chicago Tribune on Nov. 3, 1948.  =D
Title: Re: Some thoughts about the election
Post by: grampster on November 03, 2008, 02:35:19 PM
Grampster, on what do you base that prediction?
