Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: BridgeRunner on November 02, 2008, 08:03:00 PM

Title: Civil unrest?
Post by: BridgeRunner on November 02, 2008, 08:03:00 PM
I'm not remotely an alarmist.  I'm not remotely a survivalist.  I'm intentionally less than cautious about daily risks because I've made the assessment about what I want to worry about, and random violence isn't usually on the list.

But the blank hostility, the vandalizing political signs (including having our McCain-Palin sticker ripped off our car the other night), the talk of taking to the streets, have me concerned.

East Lansing is famous for its riots.  Generally, they follow big football games and are confined to East Lansing.  East Lansing is pretty solidly Dem.  Lansing is very mixed, in every way, including politically.  Some of our neighbors have become openly hostile to us.

I am not kidding at all, several of my profs and colleagues have mentioned being ready to take to the streets.

Good time for an evening out of town?  Head up to a smaller, less volatile town a ways off?  Stay home and make sure firearms are in their proper, handy places?  Get over it, and realize that talk is cheap and everything will be ok, at least in the immediate sense? 
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: chaim on November 02, 2008, 08:41:16 PM
I know how you feel.  One side in particular seems to be very emotionally invested.  I had a student call me a racist because: 1) I support McCain (voting against Obama automatically brands you a racist) and 2) I must be a Republican if I'm voting for McCain and thus a racist because "all Republicans are racist."

I am particularly concerned about what will happen if McCain pulls an upset.  People are extremely invested and I'm already hearing talk that if Obama somehow loses it will be because it was stolen it from him.  I'm concerned about possible violence and riots should Obama lose.  Further, I've heard some NPR and black radio talk shows where there was talk of just that.

I live in Baltimore's Jewish community.  Like in many other cities, the Orthodox community is in a very diverse area, and not a very affluent area.  The area is primarily either Orthodox Jews or blacks.  There is already a lot of tension between the communities, and there have been several acts of violence over the past few years directed at the Orthodox community.  I guarantee that as the polls close I will have a loaded handgun on my person, a shotgun nearby and an AR or my .45LC Win 94 with me.  I'll also insist that my roommate go with me to the range tomorrow (he hasn't gone with me in a couple years) to see if he is up to having him hold onto a loaded revolver or carbine (the Win 94) to back me up.  I will be prepared and I don't blame you if you do the same- be well armed or get a hotel somewhere for the night.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: RocketMan on November 02, 2008, 09:05:56 PM
We're fortunate in that we live in a small rural community in Oregon, about an hour and a half south of Portland.  It's a fairly conservative area, although, it has it's share of Obama signs.  I've heard no local rumblings of discontent, no rumors of "taking it to the street" if a certain favored candidate should lose.  I suspect that sort of behavior would be met with a pretty strong push back were it to occur here.
The most likely place for civil unrest post-election is the Portland area.  I'm glad I don't live up that way anymore.

And long time, no hear chaim.  Good to have you back.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: never_retreat on November 02, 2008, 09:08:09 PM
Yep I'm throwing a gun in my truck tomorrow. I'm working late than going out for a going away party afterwards. By that time the results should be out and well..... Fill in the blanks.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Fjolnirsson on November 02, 2008, 09:13:00 PM
I'm a bit East of Rocketman, and likewise, I have no particular worry. Were any discontented people inclined to cause a ruckus over the election, I expect they'd have a very bad day, indeed. I do expect quite a lot of whinging from one city councilor in particular, as well as my boss, should McCain pull off a win.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: MillCreek on November 02, 2008, 09:21:27 PM
I agree with BW's statement that talk is cheap.  I certainly have no concerns up here in the Seattle area, and I tend to doubt if there is going to be something along the scale of the Watts or Chicago riots pretty much anywhere.  Every national election stirs up partisan feelings and comments and many people tend to be somewhat dramatic in their predictions and assessments. 
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Regolith on November 02, 2008, 09:22:07 PM
I'm in a fairly conservative area, but it's a college town.  

Limited violence is possible, but not likely. I'd give it about a 10% chance of happening here IF there is wide scale rioting elsewhere, and most of it will probably be confined to student neighborhoods or campus (which, unfortunately, I live in/near, being a student myself).  Otherwise, I doubt the hippies here would be brave enough to "lead the way" for the rest of the nation.  They know damn well how many households in this town own guns.

Also doesn't help them any that the police/sheriff's station and the national guard facilities are right next to campus, as is the cemetery.  Pretty convenient.   :angel:
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Ben on November 02, 2008, 09:28:05 PM
I also live in a college town. I would expect a lot of yelling students and probably some limited graffiti / broken window / vandalized car (especially with McCain sticker) type vandalism. I have to say I am expecting to hear of at least  some limited rioting ala Rodney King from some of the bigger metro centers that are prone to such.

I would guess a lot of this will be predicated on how big (or probably more precisely, how slim) of a win McCain pulls off if he does win. Liberals around here still say that Bush stole two elections, not just the one with Gore, so anything but a big win will be looked at as a "stolen election".

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: roo_ster on November 02, 2008, 09:40:57 PM
I will stay home, but be well-armed and take the time to load up my usually-unloaded firearms with social ammunition.  Given how Obama's demographic responds to both good news (team wins national sports title: riots) and bad news (Rodney King: riots), assuming riots and mass violence is not some whacked out idea out of left field.  IOW, prudence is not paranoia. 

I don't know your particular circumstances, but unless you are in a pit of a violence-prone neighborhood already, being out & about on such a night is not my first choice.  Unless you are going to the home of friends/family useful in a fight.

There aren't that many riots that can not be curbed by two well-armed citizens willing to put lead in the center of mass of individual rioters.  Remember, all these riot/demonstrator confrontations that carry on for a while and get LEOs hurt hinge on one thing: the LEOs not willing to just shoot the silly bastards.  They disperse quite nicely in the face of determined, armed folks willing to shoot in self-defense to keep from being injured.  Kent State comes to mind, as well as the Korean shop keepers from the LA RK riots.

I would not wait until they are in my home before I opened, that's for sure.  And once I opened up, a high rate of well-aimed fire would be my course of action until the threat is gone.

Most academics are pathetically useless when it comes to action.  I doubt you'd have to worry about any of them doing anything more than talking.  But, if they get caught up in a riot and damage people & property, they ought to get COM, too.

To give you a hint of my "always" state of preparedness and what I will do different for Tuesday, here is a look-see:

2 Quick access safes (his & hers) with the following (all loaded):
SW1911 .45ACP & extra mag
Taurus .357mag snubby & extra Bianchi Speed Strip
Kel-Tec  P40 .40S&W
Kel-Tec P32 .32ACP
Springfield Armory Ultra Compact LtWt 1911 9mm & extra mag
LED light handy

Different for Election
SW1911: Load up my other two mags, place in my competition dual mag holder
SAUCLW1911: Load up other two mags for Wife's 1911, place in wife's off-side belly-band pouch
Rem 1100 12ga 18"bbl, +2mag tube: Load cruiser-ready with 000 buckshot
Wife's Rossi 1892 .44mag carbine: Load with my light cowboy loads (240gr LSWC) & keep coffee can of reloads up on a shelf, handy
96/38 Swede Mauser: Load up all remaining 6.5x55 into stripper clips (60-80 rounds).  I can shoot and load this bolt-gun REAL fast and make good hits, if I need to go beyond the 25 yards I would limit the Rem 1100 with buckshot to as a max range.
All flashlights get fresh batteries
Fire extinguisher checked (this PM) and made handy

If things get frisky, toddlers and dog go in back bathroom while mom & dad take care of business.

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: BridgeRunner on November 02, 2008, 10:01:20 PM
Well, our first stop of choice on a route away from population centers is at a place that is defensively advantageous. 

Our usual defense setup is less than optimal.  870 in the bedroom closet, #4 shot nearby, not loaded.  9mm. in the closet, mag in, no round in the chamber.  The rifles are in the basement, bolts stored separately.  My shotgun is usually case, ready to head out to the range.  I'm thinking we might just get a shotgun by each door, and load 'em.  I often carry the pistol in the house when I'm home alone with kiddo, but with one pistol for two adults, we're probably better off not having on one hip. 


Yeah, academics are mostly not to worry about.  Undergrads get out of control easily, but stick near campus.  My concern is run of the mill student rioting turning into widespread violence.  Lotta unhappy people here.  I can easily see a particular road about two miles from us being the center of serious looting and pillaging.  But two miles is a long way as these things go. 

Of course, my husband has a class downtown until 8. 
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Gowen on November 02, 2008, 10:24:53 PM
Reno is a collage town, but it is not the collage students I worry about.  We have had a large number of Blacks moving in from kalifornia.  I have to work that night and I am going prepared.  I will have the radio on all nigh and my wife is to call me on my cell if she hears anything.  I will be starting work at midnight, so, we may or may not know what the out come is and what is going on.  If there is rioting going on is town, I will not go in.  I have to stay home and protect my family.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 03, 2008, 12:29:15 AM
This is sad.  Not that a Black man is poised to win the election, but that we have reason to believe there will be violence, either way.   =(

To paraphrase Mr. Parker, from Way of the Gun, "Historical baggage is the ultimate monkey." 
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: RaspberrySurprise on November 03, 2008, 01:20:08 AM
Every time I begin to dislike where I live something like this comes around and makes me glad I live in the UP.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Bogie on November 03, 2008, 02:53:10 AM
Well, I can't find crap as far as magazines, but I know where all the ammo is...

I guess if I can't stop the hordes of marauding slackers with single shots from a .308, I'll have to hope that my neighbors in Cat Whiz have some .30-30s...

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 05:09:03 AM
I'm thinking we might just get a shotgun by each door, and load 'em.

IMO, if someone kicks in the door, you just gave them a free shotgun to pick up and use against you. Right there for them to grab.

I would keep them in a closet or elsewhere where you can grab them, but NOT by the door.

This is sad.  Not that a Black man is poised to win the election, but that we have reason to believe there will be violence, either way.   =(

To paraphrase Mr. Parker, from Way of the Gun, "Historical baggage is the ultimate monkey." 

Yeah, well, I was born in Miami, I remember the Overtown riots. Call me un-PC for realizing that when sh__ happens, it usually starts in urban areas of a certain culture and income level, and that if you live near one, it's wise to be prudent in defense.

Go watch the videos of the truck driver in LA being pulled out of his truck, beaten, hit in the head with a brick, and then the guy who did that strutting off laughing.

History is not baggage. History is that which, if you do not learn from it, you are doomed to repeat. And that includes not being ready for riots. They happen.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Jamisjockey on November 03, 2008, 07:45:21 AM
Tomorrow I will carry all day.  Wed I will, as well.  I've got a loaded shotgun in the house, and will be loading my SKS and keeping about 120 rounds for it handy.  I'm not too worried here where I live, but consider that if the Messiah actually loses, his supporters may decide that thier idea of a revolution involves taking conservatives out and beating them to death.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 03, 2008, 08:06:29 AM
History is not baggage. History is that which, if you do not learn from it, you are doomed to repeat. And that includes not being ready for riots. They happen.

I said "we have reason to believe there will be violence."  In other words, I agree that riots are a distinct possibility.  The historical baggage I spoke of was the history of racial problems in the country, to include the way Black progress has been squandered with left-wing bitterness and welfare-state dependency, in the decades since the MLK era. 
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 08:55:52 AM

I said "we have reason to believe there will be violence."  In other words, I agree that riots are a distinct possibility.  The historical baggage I spoke of was the history of racial problems in the country, to include the way Black progress has been squandered with left-wing bitterness and welfare-state dependency, in the decades since the MLK era. 

Oh, okay. I misunderstood. I agree with that.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Tallpine on November 03, 2008, 09:27:11 AM
If the coyotes start rioting (I'm sure most of them are Democrats  :laugh: ), I'll be ready ;)
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Boomhauer on November 03, 2008, 09:47:58 AM
I've got a loaded shotgun in the house, and will be loading my SKS and keeping about 120 rounds for it handy.  I'm not too worried here where I live,

Only 120 rounds?

I've got nearly 400 rds for my AR-15, about 200 rds (and some components...about 200 rds worth) of .30-30, 200 or so rounds of buck and slugs for the shotgun, 120 rds of .38Spcl, and 60 rds or so for the Mosin-Nagant, plus about 1500 rds of .22LR, and I'm still feeling severely understocked.

Not only do I have to defend the home, but I may have to get friends and family out of the more populated areas...

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 09:50:53 AM
Only 120 rounds?

I've got nearly 400 rds for my AR-15, about 200 rds (and some components...about 200 rds worth) of .30-30, 200 or so rounds of buck and slugs for the shotgun, 120 rds of .38Spcl, and 60 rds or so for the Mosin-Nagant, plus about 1500 rds of .22LR, and I'm still feeling severely understocked.

Not only do I have to defend the home, but I may have to get friends and family out of the more populated areas...

Okay. Timeout.

There might be some riots, but it is NOT going to be World War III or the zombie hordes. Chill. :)
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: K Frame on November 03, 2008, 09:52:03 AM
Only 400 rounds for your AR-15?

I've got nearly 400 rounds in magazines, and another 750+ on strippers in bandoliers, and maybe another 500 in boxes.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: AJ Dual on November 03, 2008, 09:57:35 AM
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 09:58:53 AM
Redacted to remove quoted text.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Iain on November 03, 2008, 10:00:01 AM
Okay. Timeout.

There might be some riots, but it is NOT going to be World War III or the zombie hordes. Chill. :)

And that's how you know you've gone way too far.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Boomhauer on November 03, 2008, 10:01:16 AM
Okay. Timeout.

There might be some riots, but it is NOT going to be World War III or the zombie hordes. Chill. :)

I'm not the world's greatest shot.

Need more ammo. Plus, I am anticipating increased taxes on ammo should Obama win.

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 10:02:36 AM
I'm not the world's greatest shot.

Then in all seriousness, it's your responsibility to go to the range more or get an instructor.

As mine told me, "You own the consequences of every missed shot. It doesn't stop when it misses."
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on November 03, 2008, 10:04:37 AM
Both of the evil rifles (M14 and AR-15) will be charged, as well as the "misunderstood" rifle (Camp 45).  Magazines loaded.  1911 on hip.  Probably about 400 rounds total in mags, though if I need to pull the trigger that much then I've got serious, serious problems.  Frankly, my neighborhood is pretty conservative going by the yard signs.

Watching something other than election coverage on TV... hopefully a good movie or a TV series on DVD.  I don't want to know until Wednesday, though I hope that doubt and confusion reign supreme for at least a week, and absolutely every vote gets counted.

Then, off to Home Depot for PVC and plumber's glue, and a trip to a couple nice places in the mountains that I like.  Nothing fancy getting mothballed, just a couple Mosins.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: AJ Dual on November 03, 2008, 10:06:30 AM
Y'know, that's the kind of comment that gets taken out of context and reposted on places like Kos. :P

I suppose.

But if they can't see the satire, (or the "Full Metal Jacket" reference) screw 'em.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Jamisjockey on November 03, 2008, 10:10:53 AM
Only 120 rounds?

I've got nearly 400 rds for my AR-15, about 200 rds (and some components...about 200 rds worth) of .30-30, 200 or so rounds of buck and slugs for the shotgun, 120 rds of .38Spcl, and 60 rds or so for the Mosin-Nagant, plus about 1500 rds of .22LR, and I'm still feeling severely understocked.

Not only do I have to defend the home, but I may have to get friends and family out of the more populated areas...

That's about what I have on stripper clips.  I might have about 300 rounds of 7.62x39 total.
About 50 rounds for the shotgun ready to go.  If I can get out later today I'll probably buy more rounds for the shotgun, as its my numero uno HD choice. 
I just don't see any scenerio where I need that much.  Maybe I might need to fend off some rioters or looters, but I'm not that close to the inner city where the worst of any civil unrest would be. 
Even in large numbers, most people aren't going to stay there when thier fellow rioters start dying.  If the crowd is that big and I have to just open fire, I just don't see them sticking around for me to expend 400+ rounds of ammo. 

If we're going to be on the move, a light load out will help me get my family out faster.  Handguns, shotgun and SKS would go with, everything else would get hidden in the house if there is time.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 10:30:09 AM
Still pretty Republican here, so likely no issues. I would not want to be near Roxbury, Dorchester or Mattapan, or Lowell or Lawrence either, all of those in MA. Those could burn, depending.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 03, 2008, 10:31:47 AM
And that's how you know you've gone way too far.

400 rounds for an AR-15 is NOT too far.

Now if he has them all IN MAGAZINES...
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: ctdonath on November 03, 2008, 10:32:54 AM
if they can't see the satire

They don't want to see satire.
They want to see a reason to shut this place down.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on November 03, 2008, 10:39:49 AM
400 rounds for an AR-15 is NOT too far.

Now if he has them all IN MAGAZINES...

There is such a thing as too far when it comes to ammo for small arms.... but it's well beyond most folks' financial means or willingness to accomplish.

You could have a million rounds of ammo and be just fine.

400 in mags is a reasonable amount to use to defend your home or neighborhood.  I could see even a thousand rounds in mags or more as reasonable for static defense.

Not everything can be solved by a pistol and and old shotgun.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 03, 2008, 10:41:20 AM
What I mean to say is that a can of 5.56 ammo is around 1000 rounds, and it's easy to buy and have one around.

But loading all of it into mag may or may not be OTT.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 10:48:15 AM
What I mean to say is that a can of 5.56 ammo is around 1000 rounds, and it's easy to buy and have one around.

Well, it used to be. Now it's about $350-$400.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on November 03, 2008, 10:51:14 AM
What I mean to say is that a can of 5.56 ammo is around 1000 rounds, and it's easy to buy and have one around.

But loading all of it into mag may or may not be OTT.

OTT = Over the top?

Gun owners really need to be careful with accusations of anything being over the top.  That's how 50BMG's get taken away, or handguns, or concealed permits, or silencers, or machine guns, or AP ammo, or "destructive devices."

Guns exist to provide for safety, self determination and liberty.

1000 rounds in mags?  Not OTT IMO.  Quite sane if your intent is never to surrender your home in the event of a concerted effort to take it from you, and sound strategies in place to keep that home secure.

OTT implies that doing so is dangerous.  How much more dangerous is a man with 1000 rounds in mags, than a man with 200 rounds in mags?
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 10:52:28 AM
I just don't keep mags loaded because I'm afraid of killing the springs. :)
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: ctdonath on November 03, 2008, 11:03:14 AM
It's not the tension that deteriorates springs, it's the cycling thereof.

OTT implies that doing so is dangerous.

Methinks the complaint isn't that it's dangerous, it's that one faces diminishing returns on expanding the investment. If 1000 rounds isn't enough, you're probably doing it wrong. Remember: if you're expending that much, someone is doing the same to you - and odds are you're just not gonna make it through being on the receiving end of that much fire.

Don't get me wrong: having lots around is fine, esp. as it's a consumable, shelf stable, and will only rise in value. But at $400/case, it's the particular application that indicates spending the money & resources elsewhere after some point.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Boomhauer on November 03, 2008, 11:04:13 AM
400 rounds for an AR-15 is NOT too far.

Now if he has them all IN MAGAZINES...

I wish I could afford enough mags to put 400 rounds into.

You better watch it with calling that "over the top". There are people who buy mags by the 100 count case.

I wish I could be one of them...

*Cries softly*

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 03, 2008, 11:04:42 AM
Gun owners really need to be careful with accusations of anything being over the top.  That's how 50BMG's get taken away, or handguns, or concealed permits, or silencers, or machine guns, or AP ammo, or "destructive devices."

First of all:

I support the eventual repeal of the NFA.


You have the right to purchase, say, an S-1000 Solothurn. Yet I also have the right to criticize your purchase of a 20mm semi-auto rifle as being, yes, OTT.

In no way does it make it 'too dangerous'. Rather, the added expense of effort and money is not worth the miniscule increase in comfort and safety.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 11:14:57 AM
Well, some ammo I'm glad I bought when it was cheap.

Surplus SS109 for $150 a case. Ha.

And even more, the big black lunchboxes of GP-11 for $79 each for 480 rounds of match-grade 7.5x55 Swiss. Those are now almost $250.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Antibubba on November 03, 2008, 11:50:19 AM
I'm not too worried about riots.  Rioters and looters rarely drive to a more affluent area.  Usually the just trash where they live.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 11:51:32 AM
I'm not too worried about riots.  Rioters and looters rarely drive to a more affluent area.  Usually the just trash where they live.

This is true.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: seeker_two on November 03, 2008, 11:52:55 AM
I'm not so much worried about looters & rioters where I live, but I live close enough to the "Obama-nation" that I'll keep my SMLE loaded with FMJ....worked well for British "riot control"....
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on November 03, 2008, 11:57:34 AM
It's not the tension that deteriorates springs, it's the cycling thereof.
I thought keeping 'em consistently loaded could mangle the feed lips - at least on AR mags. The PMAGs come with a dust cover to avoid that.

I highly doubt that there'll be any looters here. Sure, we've got enough minority folks, but this is a dry county. Smart rioters go where there's liquor stores to be robbed.  =D
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 12:00:28 PM
I'm not so much worried about looters & rioters where I live, but I live close enough to the "Obama-nation" that I'll keep my SMLE loaded with FMJ....worked well for British "riot control"....

There was a very amusing video from India of how the people in the villages near disputed areas defend themselves. Amusing in a good, smile-inducing way. When asked what she would do if jihadists came to her village, one elderly grandmother sort, carrying an SMLE like she knew exactly what she was doing with it, proceeded to rapid-fire ring one gong after another at pretty damned distant ranges. Know how when someone reallllly knows an SMLE, their working of the bolt is almost a blur? That's what she was doing. It was like "Go granny!" :lol:

That would be an unpleasant surprise for any AK-waving jihadists. .303 from someone who knows what they're doing is nothing to look down at!
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Scout26 on November 03, 2008, 12:14:58 PM
I'm just west of Chicago, you know where Obama will be holding his rally.  News of his defeat could turn this "celebration" into a riot. 

I'll be ready.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: roo_ster on November 03, 2008, 12:21:24 PM
I suppose.

But if they can't see the satire, (or the "Full Metal Jacket" reference) screw 'em.

I missed a FMJ reference along the way?  TANJ.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Thor on November 03, 2008, 12:32:02 PM
Funny thing, a week ago yesterday, I made it over to my storage facility and brought home a few of my more tactical rifles, the magazines to go along with them, and all of my ammo. The magazines have subsequently been loaded and stowed for future use.  In addition, all of my handguns are ready to "rock & roll". While I live on the outskirts of a smallish Texas town, I don't expect much of a problem. However, one NEVER knows. We have a fairly large "minority" population here and they've been known to become a little "rabid" in the past.

All in all, it IS a sad state of affairs to even need to contemplate the idea of riots just because of an election.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: SteveS on November 03, 2008, 12:40:51 PM
I'm not remotely an alarmist.  I'm not remotely a survivalist.  I'm intentionally less than cautious about daily risks because I've made the assessment about what I want to worry about, and random violence isn't usually on the list.

But the blank hostility, the vandalizing political signs (including having our McCain-Palin sticker ripped off our car the other night), the talk of taking to the streets, have me concerned.

East Lansing is famous for its riots.  Generally, they follow big football games and are confined to East Lansing.  East Lansing is pretty solidly Dem.  Lansing is very mixed, in every way, including politically.  Some of our neighbors have become openly hostile to us.

I am not kidding at all, several of my profs and colleagues have mentioned being ready to take to the streets.

Good time for an evening out of town?  Head up to a smaller, less volatile town a ways off?  Stay home and make sure firearms are in their proper, handy places?  Get over it, and realize that talk is cheap and everything will be ok, at least in the immediate sense? 

I don't think MSU has had any politically related riots in quite some time, though I am sure it is possible.  You have had professors saying they were going to take it to the street?  What department are they in?
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: HankB on November 03, 2008, 01:01:39 PM
I live in quiet, low-crime area outside of Austin . . . yes, it's the most liberal city in Texas, so much so that the rest of the state refers to it as "Moscow on the Colorado."

I don't envision any major problems regardless of the election's outcome, but any civil unrest would likely be confined to downtown, the entertainment district (Sixth Street, if you know the city) and around the University. Broken windows, trash cans set on fire, that sort of thing.

If it were to spill into the neighborhoods, well, this is still Texas, and rioting in a residential area to the degree that residents felt threatened would likely bring a response from some of the residents that the rioters would not appreciate . . .

Those that survived, at least.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Zed on November 03, 2008, 07:04:10 PM
If I had a way to iwb carry a Glock 22 while wearing a toolbelt I would carry 24/7 for the next few months.

since that is unfeasible at best I'll have to wait till I can get a PF9 and an ankle holster... =(
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 07:05:35 PM
They are now mentioning a possibility that Obama could win the popular vote, and McCain carry the electoral college.

There WILL be riots if that happens, bet on it.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: AJ Dual on November 03, 2008, 08:30:22 PM
They are now mentioning a possibility that Obama could win the popular vote, and McCain carry the electoral college.

There WILL be riots if that happens, bet on it.

Governing without the "mandate" and his party out of power in the legislature would make McCain a lame duck for four years.

OTOH, having the bright shiny-eyed true believers having their noses rubbed in the fact we are still a Republic, might be worth a few burned buildings, missing TV's, and broken windows...
Title: North Idaho
Post by: ArfinGreebly on November 03, 2008, 08:53:42 PM
We do not anticipate pro-Obama rioting.

At all.

Nonetheless, there will be a carbine handy.

And other stuff.

Now, on the other hand, I work in Spokane.  That's gonna be more different.  If it looks too stupid, I will simply declare a sick day.

And stay home.

In North Idaho.

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on November 03, 2008, 09:20:50 PM
Shotgun in the truck tomorrow instead of the usual .22 rifle.  Can't hurt to be cautious.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: anygunanywhere on November 03, 2008, 09:33:44 PM
3 tactical shotguns, two EBR's with 30 rounders, my Springfield Armory 1911A1 with 10 round Wilson Combat mags, my Kimber CDP with 7 round Wilson Combat,  and an extra S&W 642 and speed loaders for Mrs. Anygun to accompany her existing 642.

Bring it.

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 03, 2008, 09:43:35 PM
This thread is getting silly. 
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: RocketMan on November 03, 2008, 09:45:56 PM
This thread is getting silly. 

Concur.  While it doesn't hurt to be prepared, some of this is just overblown.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on November 03, 2008, 09:47:34 PM
I'll have a handgun on my belt, and a long gun ready to go in the bedroom.  Of course, this is what I have all the time, my basic every-day defensive setup.  I see no benefit to doing more than that at this time.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 03, 2008, 09:53:44 PM
Being prepared is fine.  I wish I could afford to do a little more.  As it is, I'm topping off all the guns I have here.  And I might put Luke's SKS in the truck.  (His guns live at my house.)

It's just a little funny to see so many people lay out how many of which kinds of guns, and how many magazines and rounds, and where they're putting them, and so on and so forth.  :P
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Thor on November 03, 2008, 10:10:11 PM
If I had a way to iwb carry a Glock 22 while wearing a toolbelt I would carry 24/7 for the next few months.

since that is unfeasible at best I'll have to wait till I can get a PF9 and an ankle holster... =(

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Bigjake on November 03, 2008, 10:14:03 PM
I'll join the "OTT" fray

I'll be packing a 1911 for the remainder of the week, instead of ,my usual airweight S&W.  never can be too careful, and a .45 with 24 potential rnds including reloads just does something to ease the mind.

That, and I'll be waking up my M4's, and letting them stay out with the usual HD 870's for the week, should things go pear shaped.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Zed on November 03, 2008, 10:32:22 PM

Dosn't work with a Tool Belt
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: freakazoid on November 03, 2008, 10:38:26 PM
All I've got is my AK and 5 mags and 120 rounds of ammo, :(, stored in my car, because thats where it has been sitting for a while not because I think there could be a riot. I'll be at work from 5-9 tomorrow. Highly doubt there would be one here anyways.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Fjolnirsson on November 03, 2008, 10:48:32 PM
Hooray for me! I get to go to Salem for training tomorrow! At least I'll be home shortly after dark.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Azrael256 on November 03, 2008, 10:52:13 PM
It's just a little funny to see so many people lay out how many of which kinds of guns, and how many magazines and rounds, and where they're putting them, and so on and so forth. 
That is rather amusing.  Being ready is good.  Advertising is perhaps unwise.  I know, we're all relatively anonymous, and we take a defensive posture rather than starting trouble.  Still, walk softly.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: seeker_two on November 03, 2008, 10:57:21 PM

Dosn't work with a Tool Belt

...esp. if a tool belt is all you're wearing....  :O

What about a belly-band-style holster?...or a Kangaroo Holster?... (
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 03, 2008, 11:26:41 PM
That is rather amusing.  Being ready is good.  Advertising is perhaps unwise.

I'm more amused by the macho posturing.   :lol:
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 03, 2008, 11:29:16 PM
Being prepared is fine.  I wish I could afford to do a little more.  As it is, I'm topping off all the guns I have here.  And I might put Luke's SKS in the truck.  (His guns live at my house.)

It's just a little funny to see so many people lay out how many of which kinds of guns, and how many magazines and rounds, and where they're putting them, and so on and so forth.  :P

I have things. They do stuff.

I do not get that specific about them in this sort of context on a public forum. :)
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Monkeyleg on November 03, 2008, 11:36:54 PM
I'll have my .45, which is always with me. And my .357 snubby. And my .32 ankle gun.

For close quarters should anyone breach the front door, I'll have my 12 gauge.

If the action's on the street in front of my house here in the 'burbs, I'll have my AR with an EOTech 553 and night vision.

Just to be safe, though, I'll perch my Remington 700 .308 with 6.5x20x50 Leupold at an upstairs window pointed toward the main drag two blocks away. If anyone so much as shouts "Oba...," I'll drop him before he even hears the shot. If it's a counter-sniper, I'll nail him right through his scope.

I might just give my dog my WWI trench knife. His eyesight is gone, but he's still pretty spunky for an old terrier.

Ya just can't be too careful these days.

Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Mabs2 on November 03, 2008, 11:51:28 PM
I'm pretty jealous.  The only adequate self defense gun I had here was an 870 that was my dad's and he just took it back for hunting season.
Looks like I'll be fighting off the horde with a single barrel shotgun.  At least I have frack loads of target shells I loaded, and a few buckshot.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: BridgeRunner on November 03, 2008, 11:58:33 PM
I don't think MSU has had any politically related riots in quite some time, though I am sure it is possible. 

No, they haven't.  But if you can burn and loot because of a football match, probably you can burn and loot because of an election.

You have had professors saying they were going to take it to the street?  What department are they in?

Not at State.   
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Azrael256 on November 04, 2008, 12:36:09 AM
I might just give my dog my WWI trench knife. His eyesight is gone, but he's still pretty spunky for an old terrier.
I'm giving my 3" Gerber folder to my oldest male cat, Guido.  His little brother, Vincent, gets the Buck Vanguard, since Vinnie is larger framed.  I think Shadow, the female, can summon Ramuh, so she's pretty well set (I'm actually kinda serious about that).  Zelda, the GSD/Akita has her choice of the battleaxe, or this badass ninja/samurai sword with the snake wrapped around the handle that I got at a gunshow.  I figured either one is appropriate given her lineage.  She's like kawaii-uber-awesome being German AND Japanese.  Poodles surrender when they see her.

The Pug, of course, is always armed with her... um... "chemical weapon," but I'll have a spike bayonet that I got off my friend's dad's Chinese SKS he brought back from 'nam if she wants it.

Wow, that was fun.
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 04, 2008, 01:02:28 AM
I don't have any proper kit in which to carry my Mauser clips, so I just tossed 'em in an old butt-pack.  I'll probably get ganked by hordes of screaming lib-tards in Che Obama T-shirts.  :(

But I honestly do wish Luke had an extra mag for the RIA GI that I could use.  And some clips for the SKS. 

Not that I'm really prepared for anything serious, anyhoo. 

[And now I finally get to use a word which I secretly love.  Lib-tard.  It's a low-brow sort of thing to say, but it just has such a nice ring to it.]
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: Zed on November 04, 2008, 01:13:54 AM
...esp. if a tool belt is all you're wearing....  :O

Their always has to be at least one wiseguy ;/

What about a belly-band-style holster?...or a Kangaroo Holster?... (

Hm, never seen one of those before....
Title: Re: Civil unrest?
Post by: K Frame on November 04, 2008, 01:22:29 AM
Yes, quite overblown.

Lots of monkey hooting, chest beating, and other assorted 'tardidity...