Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Guest on October 12, 2005, 06:44:03 PM

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 12, 2005, 06:44:03 PM
I am going to get this jar opened - eventually.

I gots this jar of homemade Colorado Pickles; they look really nice with the seasonings and all,and I  have no doubt these are as great as the other jars of these I have "opened" and enjoyed before. Just I would like to get  THIS jar opened to confirm  of course.

Okay, maybe I am a bit out of shape. I have always had the benefit of great hand, wrist, forearm  strength from using my hands ...etc, in a former line of work.  I am the one that the jars were handed to and I opened.

I have broken slip-jointed pliers ...yeah that stings. Needle nose hurts too...

Earlier today I was in the mood for Olives.  Olive Jar - It too was a bit "difficult" - I did not get any Olives from that jar. Seems the lid was really "on there" and when "it broke loose"...I had broken the glass with the thread part off the rest of the skinny jar.  At least I was smart enough to be on the front porch when Olives, and juice went everywhere...

The Pickles are currently upside down in very very warm water. Seems this lid has some rust "attempting to" hinder my success.

Check - Sitting on floor with jar near chest to use muscles that way.

Check- Rubber Grippy Jar Opener Thingy ( I tore it in process)

Check -Cussing

Check - Cussing More

Check- Banging Lid on Counter

Check- Banging with Heavy Spoon around top

Check - Banging lid with screwdriver handle

Check - Going Under the Thingie that seals  lid on Ball Mason jar with boxcutter blade.

If the LEOs show up and bust me, That was NOT a Motalav cocktail I had in my hand.

 "Honest Officer, I was holding that Jar of Pickles , extended over MY  yard while standing on MY porch, using a BIC lighter going around  the lid thingie , to get the blasted thing loosened up to open the blasted thing. I don't care what your LEO helicopter "thinks" he saw when he flew over a bit ago" would believe me wouldn't you?

Not yet. I ain't giving yet. Matter of Principle now.

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Winston Smith on October 12, 2005, 06:51:49 PM
Which caliber to for pickle jars? What about mutant zombie ninja bear pickle jars when the SHTF?
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 12, 2005, 06:53:55 PM
Check- Currently Lid is packed with ice - again.
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: danny on October 12, 2005, 06:55:38 PM
Ever seen a strap wrench?  Plumbers use them.....rubber strap and cam-handle.  It'll do the job easily.
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 12, 2005, 06:56:30 PM

That is when you utilize the old fashioned , hand held can opener with the hawk-bill looking opener thingie.

Darn Right I have had a Back-Up Plan all along.  Smiley
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 12, 2005, 06:59:57 PM
I do not have a strap wrench.
Humm...sounds like a great excuse to have one.

I hate it when the tools you put off buying, had stolen, get lost , broken...are the very ones you need "at this moment".

Gotta be a Murphy thing...has to be...most definitly.

Great Idea / Reminder thanks!!
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 12, 2005, 07:12:29 PM
Note to self:

Need bigger Pipe Wrench than the 40 y/o size 14  made in Germany I have...

Bigger Vice too...
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 12, 2005, 07:31:17 PM
"Chomp", "Chomp", "Chomp".  

Mmmmm Great Pickles!!!

I appreciate all the assistance and ideas - Thank You.

I just sat down in a cubby-hole in the garage, feet on wall, braced myself real good, got a Grip, and refused to stop.

"psss...crinkle....psss...crease...psss...Smack!".  The outer ring started moving, bending, getting a crease...I kept going, until it broke loose.

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: jefnvk on October 12, 2005, 08:27:53 PM
Strap wrenches are awesome.  Stop by the dollar store sometime.
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: tjy2001 on October 12, 2005, 08:36:24 PM
Black and Decker makes an automatic jar opener I think. And as for caliber, you use .223 on pickle jars, after all you dont want to damage the pickles inside....


Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: mtnbkr on October 13, 2005, 01:47:49 AM
Black and Decker makes an automatic jar opener I think.
We gave one to my wife's grandfather a couple years ago.  Neat device.

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on October 13, 2005, 05:26:43 AM
Quote from: tjy2001
Black and Decker makes an automatic jar opener I think.
They do, and we have one.  Trust me, they will not open that jar of Steve's.  That I know for a fact.

If you have an electric can opener mounted under a shelf, they usually have a jar opener built into the bottom.  Just insert, pull tightly forward and turn.

I haven't found a jar yet that could defeat this device. Smiley
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 13, 2005, 05:29:04 AM
Black and Decker makes an automatic jar opener I think.
I need to check this out for mom - Good Idea!

Of course this involves me "actually" going to a store and looking for one. Not known for being a shopper...
[ Enters "Jar + Opener". ] Gonna check this out...

I've got a pipe wrench the size of a toddler.
*Grin*  Always wanted one of those, don't have a need for one really, just always wanted one.

The story goes I was out with my Uncle at his Plant.  I was around 3 y/o and  about "so tall" and this Pipe wrench, was much much older and a more than  twice my size.  I made a beeline for this pipewrench leaning against the wall.  

I succeded on getting it to stop leaning. *Thud*.

Uncle proceeded to share how I grabbed the handle and jerked - pipe wrench jerked back and I went down.  
Uncle said I had this astonished look, got up and dusted my hands and started looking around.  

I surmised the really really big link chain was not a good idea right was as stubborn as the Pipe Wrench as so far in not wanting to move.

Rope...I can do rope, 3 year olds and rope are made for each other.  

I slipped one end into the hole of the handle.  I tied a "toddlers knot" after I got this rope "the way I wanted it" called a "toddlers line" - Not very popular, seems the bow-line is still better and has proven itself for a long time.

I "was" standing when I attempted to take my first step.  Okay, I can do this on hands and knees...

I provided some entertainment for my Uncle and his co-workers.  Here I am 3 years old, dragging a pipe wrench bigger than I am  to the table where the guys were . Uncle had a unique laugh, one of those folks enjoyed hearing.

I 'eventually' got that pipe wrench to the table. The fact one of the guys or my Uncle would get up and use heavy booted foot to straighten me out ( seems I was head down, grunting and not watching what direction I was going...)
"May" have assisted me some.  I did all the hard part.  Not only was I trying to get that wrench, I had to entertain these guys...

I was later handed one "my size" .  Placed in my hands with the guy still holding onto it...I did not drop it.

I was planning to "sit down real fast" anyway.

Finally got one I could handle, I was having  good time  with some nuts and bolts allowed to play with.

They make good hammers...I got that Hickory Nut open all by myself.
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: charby on October 13, 2005, 06:21:00 AM
I can all sorts of stuff, as soon as the jar cools to room temp I remove the band. Solves Steve's problem before it even occurs. Tell you pickle fermenting buddies to do the same.

Plus have you price buying lids and bands together, stuff gets expensive in a hurry. I just wish the folks I give jelly and salsa too would return their jars. Well looks like no canned deer meat for them this winter if I don't get my jars back.

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Nathaniel Firethorn on October 13, 2005, 07:04:42 AM
*Grin*  Always wanted one of those, don't have a need for one really, just always wanted one. . Only $268.92, but you could replace the shaft of the USS Nimitz with one. Cheesy

- NF
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on October 13, 2005, 07:08:24 AM

I've seen that done and it just doesn't look "right", but maybe we'll try it.
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: charby on October 13, 2005, 07:21:02 AM

I have heard that a lot from people that see my stash of canned goods.

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Brian Williams on October 13, 2005, 08:12:36 AM
Diagonal pliers and cut that thing off....Amish folks around here tend to use a rust seal like that to seal some of their homemade jams and other pickled stuff.  My wife just will just purchase more rings if that happens.  

but it is the principle of the thing...

Kind of like the old canned ham that you had to use the key to roll the strip off the can.  Most folks were lost with out that store bought key.
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: K Frame on October 13, 2005, 08:13:33 AM
We always removed the rings after the batch we were canning cooled. We had FAR more jars than we did rings.

The only real purpose for the ring is to hold the lid firmly in place while the can is processing to ensure that it seals.

If the jar seals correctly, the ring isn't needed again until the jar is opened and the contents partially consumed. Then the ring holds the lid in place while it's in the fridge.
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on October 13, 2005, 09:31:17 AM
Looks like we'll be removing the rings next year.  Kinda late this year, the canned goods are already in cabinets in the basement.

The basement is a little humid, causes the rings to rust just enough that we have to replace them every year.

Funny thing though, I was still giving Steve trouble after I went to bed last night.

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 13, 2005, 10:06:08 AM
Dear Sadie,

Please show Grandpa Larry these Pretty Pictures of Expensive Shotguns.

The other booklet show a really neat Spanish made 32 gauge o/u - I think you NEED this one since it so special just like you. Fiocchi has shells for these; the shells are really neat, bigger than a .410, not 28 ga size either.

Granda Larry won't mind, he will always think of you and me when you get it...

Oh Sadie, I have not received my Antelope meat yet...

Bye Bye

Your Adopted Uncle Steve

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: K Frame on October 13, 2005, 10:13:39 AM
Want to keep the rings from rusting while they're in the cabinets, Larry?

Put a handful of mothballs in a tin can in each of the cabinets.

As the mothballs sublimate, they drive moisture laden air out of the cabinet.
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on October 13, 2005, 10:31:59 AM
Thanks Mike, I didn't know that.

And Steve, you are an EVIL man. Cheesy
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: LawDog on October 13, 2005, 10:43:24 AM
Quote would believe me wouldn't you?
Actually, I'd be trying to adapt the "red-hot iron and wet napkin" port opening technique to your pickle jar.

That, or using a bayonet through the tin lid.

I purely do love a good homemade pickle.

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: USP45usp on October 13, 2005, 10:43:40 AM
Man, you must really like pickles Cheesy.

Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: Guest on October 13, 2005, 11:08:06 AM
I appreciate - everything, food included.

I really appreciate kind gestures and gifts of homemade goodies.  The goodies are great - it is the people I get these from that are the Greatest.

Larry and Sandy Fixed me up in Tulsa with goodies. I have been saving and savoring these goodies. Just decided to open another jar of pickles is all.

Just like I saw a classmate's kid the other day on campus. She had to show me she still had the little metal pencil sharpener I gave her.
 She found out she was going to hang with mom at the College.

 "Will Steve be there?"
"Yes of course"
"Wait...wait..I forgot something".

Some people are special - the gifts are reminders of these people, what memories are made of.

She just was intrigued while her mom and I were outside studying. I produced a small metal hand held pencil sharpener. She was doing her studies, facinated with my metal sharper. Asked to see it and try it out. Sitting there being a lady, doing her homework... Said it made her homework answers "come out right the first time".

Bright eyes, big smile, and a hug later...well seems that sharpener followed her home.

I have more of these sharpeners , I was a kid once. I remember ...
Title: Pickle Pickle
Post by: grampster on October 13, 2005, 01:16:26 PM
I just finished a jar of SIL's  home made dill pickles.  It was a divine experience.
Steve, the cap came off very easily.  No trouble a'tal.    Tongue