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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: makattak on November 04, 2008, 11:48:50 PM

Title: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: makattak on November 04, 2008, 11:48:50 PM
I'm actually relieved.

Yes, I wish McCain had won.

Yes, I know Obama will be a disaster.

Yes, I know the next 2 years (maybe 4) will be VERY hard...

Yet... I'm relieved.

I did my part. I voted for the least damage to my country. I hoped it could forestall the decline into socialism. I prayed we would make the right choice.

My conscience is clear: I did all that I could to prevent the disaster that part of me felt might wake the country out of its complacency.

Now: the disaster is imminent.

What it will be, I'm not sure. (I am leaning towards depression and more terrorism). However, at the very least it will be crystal clear who is responsible for this disaster.

Maybe we could go 40 years with a republican house like the dems had through the end of the 1900's.

Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: lanternlad on November 05, 2008, 12:51:12 AM
At least we won't have to hear any more campaign coverage lies from the media. Now they'll go back to their regular lies.

Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 05, 2008, 01:10:53 AM
His policies will most certainly cause a depression.

As for terrorism, our enemies are like jackals circling around. If they see us as weak, if we stop staring them down as we are doing, they WILL lunge and bite, you can bet on that. Strength, even in opposition, is to be respected. Weakness is invitation to be destroyed.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: Perd Hapley on November 05, 2008, 01:21:46 AM
However, at the very least it will be crystal clear who is responsible for this disaster.

Don't underestimate the awesome power of Obama's eulogists in the news media. 
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: Manedwolf on November 05, 2008, 01:23:08 AM
The mortgage mess was completely the fault of the Democrats.

They pinned it on the Republicans. Successfully.

The people who caused most of it, Frank and Schumer, are still in.

The Republicans did nothing.
Title: give us utopia and hurry up
Post by: longeyes on November 05, 2008, 01:28:04 AM
"We want the world and we want it now."

~Jim Morrison
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: nate.45 on November 05, 2008, 02:03:06 AM
The mortgage mess was completely the fault of the Democrats.

They pinned it on the Republicans. Successfully.

The people who caused most of it, Frank and Schumer, are still in.

The Republicans did nothing.

The republicans did nothing when they controlled congress and the White House, they did not cut spending, in fact Bush was the biggest spending President since LBJ. They completely took the conservative base for granted. Bush needlessly invaded Iraq, then spent all remaining republican political capital defending it. Then to the ire and disgust of the libertarians and conservatives in the party John McCain was nominated. Trying to portray McCain as a loyal conservative was like, to borrow from Obama, putting lipstick on a pig. 

The blame for republican political misfortunes lie squarely on the leadership. If they ever want to return to power they better return to what got them elected in the first place.

I voted for McCain today despite my strong opposition to his past actions, if the republicans don't shape up get back to their roots and put up a good candidate I'm done with them. In fact after the shambles they made of things while they were in power if Obama and the Dems are going to be worse they are going to have to work at it.

Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: HankB on November 05, 2008, 08:51:27 AM
The blame for republican political misfortunes lie squarely on the leadership. If they ever want to return to power they better return to what got them elected in the first place.
Quoted for truth.

Based on their 6 years of Congressional dominance under Bush, they can't even convincingly campaign on a platform of fiscal responsibility.

Even after getting spanked two years ago, they really didn't wake up, so even today, I don't expect much from the leadership of the RINO-infested Stupid Party.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: geronimotwo on November 05, 2008, 09:26:46 AM
i am left looking for a new conservative (fiscally) party. the republicans disappointed me terribly from 2000-2006.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: makattak on November 05, 2012, 10:52:50 AM
Don't underestimate the awesome power of Obama's eulogists in the news media. 

I'm bumping this thread (ZOMBIE ALERT!) because I've never been more confident of an election in my life.

I wrestled with the question for much of the year but I am voting for Romney. (I still don't trust him, but the chances he'll ameliorate the disaster we are in are too good to ignore.)

I had to quote fistful because (I know I'm commiting heresy here) he was especially prescient. It's 2012 and IT'S STILL BUSH'S FAULT (to Obama and his media.)

Here's to the hope our nightmare is over... for a while.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: grampster on November 05, 2012, 11:30:26 AM
My oldest son who is even more conservative  than I, who was voting for the Libertarian or for the Constitution Party has decided to support Romney.  (We actually are Liberals in the same vein as our Founders were Liberals.  The "Progressives stole the name and made it synonymous with the plague. )

It did not take overnight to bring us to where we are.  It will not be a quick fix to extract us.  Romney may be the first step back in the right direction because I think he will actually bring a better attitude and vision for America.  Our national state of mind must be healed first.  We must be willing to continue to push Tea Party candidates and continue to change the Stupid Party into a more libertarian bent.  Black people and Brown people need to be courted and convinced that they need to come into the main stream where they real Americans, working Americans, rather than the bastardized hyphenated version that has oppressed them for so long.  Maybe it will take a business mind and a Tea Party push to finally accomplish what must be accomplished to put us back on track.  If done right, we can pull the rest of the world along with us.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: Boomhauer on November 05, 2012, 11:46:07 AM
Black people and Brown people  need to be courted and convinced that they need to come into the main stream where they real Americans, working Americans, rather than the bastardized hyphenated version that has oppressed them for so long

The blacks sold themselves willingly into Democrat control for mere favors and handouts, betraying their own race with a new set of they are brainwashed into "vote democrat vote democrat vote democrat" always. You can't "court and convince" them to do the right thing and think for themselves about who's REALLY using them, not when they've got bread and circuses out the yin-yang.


Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: longeyes on November 05, 2012, 12:01:27 PM
I said in another thread that the problem with the Republicans is they played the game.  They have never understood nor wanted to understand that all of it comes down to liberty and the Constitution.  It is not about economics when you don't have liberty and morality.  The Republicans should have walked out of Congress in protest and let the chips fall where they may.  Those chips are going to fall anyway, it is only a matter of time.  But they will fall harder now than they would have five, ten, 20 years ago.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: RoadKingLarry on November 05, 2012, 12:03:43 PM
In the morning I'll cast my vote for the lesser of two evils. Oklahoma is a pretty sure bet to go solidly for Romney any way but I'll add my vote to the popular count.
It's my opinion that in the long run it won't matter who wins. Obama gets another term and we'll likely see at the least a major financial collapse within two years. Romney gets in and we'll still end up the same but hopefully a little further down the road.
With out the MAJOR changes required that neither side has the brains or balls to implement the end result is the same. The only difference is how soon and maybe how deep the crater.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: ArfinGreebly on November 05, 2012, 04:54:27 PM
Romney is very much not McCain.

Although I voted against him in the primary, I no longer have to wrestle with myself about voting for him.

What I have learned about him in the last couple of months has transformed my thinking.

He is a fundamentally good man, a man who understands business, a man capable of learning new things and adjusting to dynamic situations.

He's still not my perfect candidate (oddly, nobody running this season was that guy) but he'll do.
Title: Re: Re: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: lupinus on November 05, 2012, 05:17:53 PM
Romney is very much not McCain.

Although I voted against him in the primary, I no longer have to wrestle with myself about voting for him.

What I have learned about him in the last couple of months has transformed my thinking.

He is a fundamentally good man, a man who understands business, a man capable of learning new things and adjusting to dynamic situations.

He's still not my perfect candidate (oddly, nobody running this season was that guy) but he'll do.

I'll take the moral, good guy, successful capitalist that's more moderate than I'd lile ANY day over the narcissistic socialist dipshit we have now.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: T.O.M. on November 05, 2012, 05:24:52 PM
How sad that so often in this country we aren' t voting for a candidate, but rather for the least objectionable choice...
Title: Re: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: lupinus on November 05, 2012, 05:36:46 PM
That be the joys of political parties.

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Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: zxcvbob on November 05, 2012, 07:18:53 PM
I will be voting for all Republicans tomorrow *except* Romney.  He made it very clear in Tampa that he doesn't want my Ron Paul tainted vote.

Minnesota is going to go to Obama anyway; what I am actually voting for by voting Johnson is for 3rd party recognition in 2016.  And if Gary Johnson somehow pulls off a miracle win after being blacked-out by the media well, that's OK too ;) -- but I'll settle for 5% of the popular vote.

Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: ArfinGreebly on November 05, 2012, 07:28:37 PM
I will be voting for all Republicans tomorrow *except* Romney.  He made it very clear in Tampa that he doesn't want my Ron Paul tainted vote.

Obama thanks you.  Hold onto that grudge.  It may keep you warm when nothing else will.

Minnesota is going to go to Obama anyway; what I am actually voting for by voting Johnson is for 3rd party recognition in 2016.  And if Gary Johnson somehow pulls off a miracle win after being blacked-out by the media well, that's OK too ;) -- but I'll settle for 5% of the popular vote.

You might want to reconsider Minnesota's chances.  The state's in play.

Back in 1992 I was you.  Clinton loved the fact that so many of us voted for Perot.

I ain't doin' that [crap] again.
Title: Re: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: lupinus on November 05, 2012, 07:34:49 PM
Hope you enjoy you're ball.

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Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: zxcvbob on November 05, 2012, 08:58:33 PM

You might want to reconsider Minnesota's chances.  The state's in play.

Not with Mark Ritchie as Secretary of State.  If Romney wins by a close margin, he won't certify it until they recount their way to an Obama victory.  He can always find another box of overlooked ballots.  Just look at our last senate race.
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: birdman on November 05, 2012, 09:07:44 PM
Not with Mark Ritchie as Secretary of State.  If Romney wins by a close margin, he won't certify it until they recount their way to an Obama victory.  He can always find another box of overlooked ballots.  Just look at our last senate race.

But he was good enough, smart enough, and people liked him!
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: erictank on November 06, 2012, 06:00:56 AM
Obama thanks you.  Hold onto that grudge.  It may keep you warm when nothing else will.

You might want to reconsider Minnesota's chances.  The state's in play.

Back in 1992 I was you.  Clinton loved the fact that so many of us voted for Perot.

I ain't doin' that [crap] again.

And that right there is EXACTLY why we don't have any options but the Statist Party, wings (R) and (D).

Perhaps if the R's actually wanted the votes of those of us who prefer to vote for something better, they'd have OFFERED us something better than the guy who couldn't beat the guy who couldn't beat Obama last time, the guy that I need to look at a picture of him to tell he's not his opponent. Instead, they gave us gratuitous insults and underhanded convention tactics. They SAID they don't want my vote back then, so I feel no guilt whatsoever in voting for a better candidate now, whether or not he's got a chance in hell of winning - I don't CARE about "voting for the winner". If the R's lose as a result, it's THEIR OWN DAMNED FAULT. :mad:
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: Fitz on November 06, 2012, 06:22:44 AM
And that right there is EXACTLY why we don't have any options but the Statist Party, wings (R) and (D).

Perhaps if the R's actually wanted the votes of those of us who prefer to vote for something better, they'd have OFFERED us something better than the guy who couldn't beat the guy who couldn't beat Obama last time, the guy that I need to look at a picture of him to tell he's not his opponent. Instead, they gave us gratuitous insults and underhanded convention tactics. They SAID they don't want my vote back then, so I feel no guilt whatsoever in voting for a better candidate now, whether or not he's got a chance in hell of winning - I don't CARE about "voting for the winner". If the R's lose as a result, it's THEIR OWN DAMNED FAULT. :mad:


This election SHOULD be a slam dunk for the GOP, for many reasons.

If they lose it's because they nominated a *expletive deleted*che

Remember how well RP was doing in head to head polls against Obama?
Title: Re: I'm.... relieved?
Post by: longeyes on November 06, 2012, 11:31:35 AM
When we have really had enough, things will change in our favor.  So far most of us are still way too comfortable and complacent, wanting to believe that this Election will cure the terminal disease rather than radical surgery (and even amputation).  Would that History were that easy.  We have had half a century to excise this disease and for one reason or another we refused to take action.  I seem to remember the GOP threatening to de-fund the worst of Obamaism or to shut down the government.  They did neither.  In the end the same kind of draconian action will be required. Rock on.