Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Manedwolf on November 20, 2008, 03:30:59 PM

Title: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: Manedwolf on November 20, 2008, 03:30:59 PM
No. NO NO NO! Now they're further going to decimate industry with "global warming" CRAP! DAMMIT!

Waxman unseats Dingell as House energy committee chair
By Eoin O'Carroll | 11.20.08

To the delight of many environmental groups across the country, California Democrat Henry Waxman has ousted fellow Democrat John Dingell of Michigan from his post as chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.

The 255-member House Democratic conference voted 137 to 122 Thursday to replace Rep. Dingell, a close ally of the auto industry, with Waxman, a longtime champion of environmental causes. The vote places Waxman in charge of a panel with one of the broadest jurisdictions of any congressional committee, responsible for legislative oversight relating to consumer protection, food and drug safety, air quality, energy supply and transmission, telecommunications, and a host of other matters relating to interstate and foreign commerce.

Environmentalists are praising the outcome, which was unusual in that it defied Congress’s seniority system. Dingell, the House’s longest-serving member, assumed office in 1955 and has chaired the energy committee for 28 years.

“Waxman’s victory is a breath of fresh air – of clean air,” wrote Frank O’Donnell, president of Clean Air Watch, an environmental advocacy group. “It was a stunning defeat for the corporate lobbyists on K Street.”

“This is huge for those who’ll want strong action on both climate change and clean energy and energy independence (and health care)” wrote Joseph Romm, a former Clinton energy adviser and a blogger for the Center for American Progress, a think tank headed by John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s former chief-of-staff. “Heck, it’s the second best piece of news on global warming this month!”

The National Resources Defense Council, a New York-based environmental group, chose their words carefully, praising both Waxman’s and Dingell’s environmental contributions:

    Chairman Waxman has been a leader on global warming for many years, and we look forward to working closely with him in this new role. Our nation faces many challenges, including the climate crisis, and Congressman Waxman understands that we can’t delay in taking on these issues. After many years of working with Congressman Dingell on toxics, endangered species, and EPA-related issues, we recognize his important contributions. We will continue to work with him and others in Congress on our nation’s most pressing environmental, energy and global warming challenges. (
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: FTA84 on November 20, 2008, 03:37:39 PM
Cool.  They can breathe that clean in air in the unemployment line or while trying to buy "illegal" electricity (produced with dirty dirty coal/nuclear) from Mexico or Canada.
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: makattak on November 20, 2008, 03:47:03 PM
You know, somehow I feel better knowing how badly things are going to get screwed up.

My only concern is whether people will get damaged enough by the government to actually let someone fix it. (i.e. shrink the size of government).

Ah well, I hope the Republic of Texas will accept me with open arms. </tongue-in-cheek>
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: buzz_knox on November 20, 2008, 04:37:20 PM
This is going to be a real nightmare.  Not only can he screw up the entire economy by messing with energy, he can also push for guns to be regulated as consumer products.

"Energy independence"?  Not hardly.  They will simultaneously strangle coal and nuclear, while arguing that wind power and solar array destroy the natural vistas.

The good part is that those Americans who voted to put the hyperleft in charge will get what they deserve.  The bad part is that the rest of us will get screwed right along with them.
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: Bigjake on November 20, 2008, 08:12:52 PM
Darn right, buzz.

And, as per usual, We the halfway responsible, hardworking Americans will be left to clean up the mess these friggin socialists create.  :mad:
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: K Frame on November 20, 2008, 11:08:35 PM
What was that one great line from Princess Amadalia?

"So this is how liberty dies, to the sound of thunderous applause."

Holy crap this whole thing is turning into a standing ovation...
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: Waitone on November 22, 2008, 09:52:38 PM
I'm slowly but surely coming to the conclusion that sane people (defined as those who drink no particular flavor of kool aid) will have to get loud and obnoxious really quick if they are to keep from being steam rolled by our betters in congress.  I just don't think time will be on our side.
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 22, 2008, 10:14:44 PM
What was that one great line from Princess Amadalia?

"So this is how liberty dies, to the sound of thunderous applause."

"So this is how liberty dies: With thunderous applause." And her name was Padme Amidala.
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: longeyes on November 23, 2008, 12:01:50 PM
Well, we wanted a "consumer society" and we got one.

The Bill of Rights is now just a subset of consumer affairs.  To the new wave of socialists firearms are just "barbarous relics" that must be neutralized with health, safety, and environmental restrictions.  Firearms are, you know, dangerous, and if there's anything socialists don't like it is risk and personal responsibility.
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: wquay on November 24, 2008, 11:48:21 AM
"So this is how liberty dies: With thunderous applause." And her name was Padme Amidala.

Haha, well done. I was too afraid of revealing my inner Star Wars nerd to make the correction. I can't believe I still remember some of that stuff...
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: doczinn on November 25, 2008, 10:50:33 AM
I heard an interview with Waxman on NPR yesterday. He admitted that the situation the US automakers are in is the government's fault. But, he said it's because that committee didn't force the automakers to make more fuel-efficient cars.
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: Manedwolf on November 25, 2008, 11:02:31 AM
I heard an interview with Waxman on NPR yesterday. He admitted that the situation the US automakers are in is the government's fault. But, he said it's because that committee didn't force the automakers to make more fuel-efficient cars.

ARRRRRRRG! CAFE is what did all the damage!
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: doczinn on November 25, 2008, 11:27:31 AM
That and the unfair advantage given to the unions, which is what raised te costs so much. The joke goes: GM is a health-care provider that makes cars on the side.
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: Nick1911 on November 25, 2008, 11:30:52 AM

Wonder when things will become so business unfriendly that small businesses are forced to close up shop, and large businesses move off shores entirely.

Hell, if big oil moved off shores, they'd probably just say that we need to tax oil imports at 100%, while simultaneously claiming that we can't drill in the US due to ecological concerns.  The media will villanize the oil companies, and they will receive all the blame from the American people.  I can almost hear the pathetic cries of my coworkers, about how $5 gas is because of those big, un-American oil companies, who moved off shores just so they could screw the American people and evade the "windfall profit" tax...

It's like the perfect storm!
Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: KD5NRH on November 29, 2008, 06:54:01 AM
Ah well, I hope the Republic of Texas will accept me with open arms.

Have you seen the size of the Texas government?  I sometimes wish Ron Paul would stick closer to home.

Title: Re: ARRG! Enviro-loon Waxman takes over Energy and Commerce from Dingell...
Post by: Jeff B. on November 29, 2008, 09:05:11 AM
You know, somehow I feel better knowing how badly things are going to get screwed up.

My only concern is whether people will get damaged enough by the government to actually let someone fix it. (i.e. shrink the size of government).

Ah well, I hope the Republic of Texas will accept me with open arms. </tongue-in-cheek>

Things are far from perfect in Texas, I frequently wonder about Governor Big Hair, but, it's a darn sight better than many other places.  The move to install a politician with an agenda and record like Waxman's is a CLEAR indicator of where this government is headed.  While initially dismayed by the Waxman choice, I now look at it as a stroke of good fortune.  Let's get the crazy train rolling so we can finish up our trip to the dumpster,  It'll be tough climbing out and detoxifying from our debt addicted economy/lives, but in the long run, we'll have our counrty (or part or it) back.

Jeff B.