Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Unisaw on December 12, 2008, 02:36:13 PM

Title: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Unisaw on December 12, 2008, 02:36:13 PM
What living person would you most like to meet?

What person who is no longer living would you most like to be able to meet?
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: charby on December 12, 2008, 02:43:23 PM
What living person would you most like to meet?

Currently I'd like to sit on my deck and have a talk with Obama. I'm just curious what he is like one on one with no cameras on.

What person who is no longer living would you most like to be able to meet?

My mom's father. Grandpa died when I was 8 years old, he has fought a 2 or so year battle with cancer so I wasn't old enough to sit down and talk to him. He was a WWII vet and was in the invasion of Italy, he was also in his mid 30's when he was drafted. I think it would be real interesting to hear his stories of living in the depression, WWII and raising my mom and her siblings.

Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Brad Johnson on December 12, 2008, 03:41:09 PM
Currently living ... John Lassiter, founder of Pixar.

Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: MGshaggy on December 12, 2008, 04:17:02 PM
Hard to say, but for living, Clarence Thomas would be very high on my list.  Possibly Warren Buffett, Nouriel Roubini, or Shelia Bair though...

For the dead, see the avatar.  I'd love to spend a day hanging out on the Owl Farm talking politics, drinking whiskey, and shooting guns with Hunter Thompson.  OTOH, Thomas Jefferson or Barry Goldwater would be great choices too.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: roo_ster on December 12, 2008, 04:50:26 PM
Maternal grandfather, who died before I was born.  Fought in the Pacific during WWII.

Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: BridgeRunner on December 12, 2008, 05:34:34 PM
Anyone willing to give me a job, starting at 50k or more, with decent hours.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: MicroBalrog on December 12, 2008, 05:45:04 PM


Is it sad that I know who that is without clicking?
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Fly320s on December 12, 2008, 05:53:02 PM
What living person would you most like to meet?

No one, really.  I'm not swayed by celebrity or power, and I'm not much of a history buff, either.  So, all of the "normal" people that others might mention have no effect on me.

I am somewhat interested in meeting people who can actually change my life.  A master-class shooter than can improve my shooting in an afternoon, or a magical fairy that can grant me three wishes might be worth meeting.

Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Monkeyleg on December 12, 2008, 06:07:58 PM
Living-at-least-for-now: Charlie Watts of the Rolling Stones. He just seems like an interesting guy, and I'd love to get more insight into the development of the band.

Passed on? Richard Nixon.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Mabs2 on December 12, 2008, 06:15:05 PM
Alive:  Fistful so I can punch him and give him a wedgie!

Dead:  Any of the founding fathers.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Regolith on December 12, 2008, 07:32:32 PM
Alive:  Same as Bridgewalker =D (I *hopefully* get to graduate at the end of this school year).

Dead:  Probably Thomas Jefferson. 
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Lennyjoe on December 12, 2008, 07:48:30 PM
Bridgewalker, what's your line of work?

Person I'd like to meet that is still alive?  Id say no one in particular.

Deceased?  I'd say my mothers father.  My grandmother was an awesome woman and I'm sure he was a great man.  Mom said he was.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on December 12, 2008, 07:49:47 PM
Jorge W. Bush. Not to punch him in the nose/taser him, either.

As for dead people... my idiot side wants to see Jimmy Hoffa and ask him where he's buried. Probably P.G. Wodehouse, though.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Physics on December 12, 2008, 07:50:10 PM
Alive:  I'm thinking I'd like to debate Obama in person.  That could be interesting, if of course, he'd listen to ANYTHING I had to say, which I doubt.  
Dead: Richard Feynman, absolutely no doubt in my mind.  I stand in complete awe of that man, and not just because of his physics.  
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: S. Williamson on December 12, 2008, 08:09:52 PM
Living: Steve.

Dead: N. Tesla.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Scout26 on December 12, 2008, 08:49:40 PM
Dead: Churchill, Reagan, Teddy Roosevelt, or any of the Founding Fathers.

Alive: Sarah Palin or Bobby Jindal
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: charby on December 12, 2008, 10:07:33 PM
Dead: N. Tesla.

Early in life or as an old man?

Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Lbys on December 12, 2008, 10:15:08 PM
Later in life, wasn't Tesla penniless and a bit crazy?  That could make for an interesting time, as long as you're the one buying the drinks.

And if it's Goldwater, would that be before or after the '64 election?  One of the radio hosts up here thinks that Barry was more than a bit senile later in life.

For me, amongst the living, I'd probably want to meet James Lileks or Stephen Green, a couple of bloggers I read whose writing I really enjoy.  For those shuffled from their mortal coil, I'd say William F. Buckley or Harry Truman.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Harold Tuttle on December 12, 2008, 10:17:06 PM
Lhamo Thondup
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Devonai on December 12, 2008, 11:14:05 PM
Alive: Shawn Ryan, creator of The Shield, if in the context of an audition for a future show.

Dead: Anybody who hung out with Jesus while he was in human form.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Jamisjockey on December 13, 2008, 09:21:17 AM
Currently I'd like to sit on my deck and have a talk with Obama. I'm just curious what he is like one on one with no cameras on.

Oddly, me too.  Part of it is that I'd like for him to really, really hear from real Americans what it takes to do things like run a small business.  I'd like him to see how people he calls "wealthy" really aren't so, and show him my minority and single mother employees....ask him which one I should fire when he raises my taxes.   :angel:
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: grislyatoms on December 13, 2008, 10:03:41 AM
Robert G. Ingersoll
Ayn Rand
Arthur C. Clarke
J. M. Browning

Still here:
Terry Pratchett
Kate Beckinsale  :angel:

Probably P.G. Wodehouse, though.

Good choice, me too.

Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Devonai on December 13, 2008, 01:05:01 PM

Kate Beckinsale  :angel:

Why, you haven't been mistaken for a valet recently?  =D
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Tallpine on December 13, 2008, 07:36:14 PM
Alive: can't really think of anybody  =|  Tom Selleck might be a good guy to have a drink with, though.

Dead: for one, my great-grandfather to find out what happened to him (he supposedly "disappeared" while out on a cattle drive or something - might make a good time travel plot).  Or my great-great-great-grandfather just to ask him who his parents were, since I'm stuck there in my genealogy research.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Scout26 on December 13, 2008, 07:44:10 PM
Dead: Anybody who hung out with Jesus while he was in human form.

Why not the J-man Hisself ??
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: BridgeRunner on December 13, 2008, 08:07:50 PM
Bridgewalker, what's your line of work?

I anticipate having a Michigan law license next November or so.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on December 13, 2008, 08:25:44 PM
living: mercades lackey.

dead: my great great grandmother gatewood. who was 12 with the civil war started. my great uncle tells some of her stories at family reunions and she sounds like she was a character. very much the southern woman.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: roo_ster on December 13, 2008, 08:50:32 PM
And if it's Goldwater, would that be before or after the '64 election?  One of the radio hosts up here thinks that Barry was more than a bit senile later in life.

There are folks here & elsewhere who say, "I'm a Goldwater conservative."

My usual response is, "Which Goldwater?  The one before 64, after 64, or after he retired?"

Their response is usually the online equivalent of indignant grunts.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Antibubba on December 14, 2008, 02:37:42 AM
As it does with Harold, the Dalai Lama rates high on my "living" list.

"Dead" is harder: Golda Meir, Frank Zappa, Karl Marx, da Vinci.  Richard Feynman.  If I'm going to meet one of the Founding Fathers, I find Jefferson to be less interesting than Ben Franklin.

Why not the J-man Hisself ??

Oh, no, the one I'd like to meet is Judas.  I want to find out if it was an inside job.  ;)
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Nitrogen on December 14, 2008, 03:26:45 AM
Who would I most like to meet, still living?  Do I have to choose one?

1) George W Bush.  I'd just love to know if he's as awesome as some people think, or if he's as awful as others think.
2) Obama.  same as above.
3) Paris Hilton.  I've just GOT to know if she's as stupid as she looks...

Who in history?

1) Ben Franklin
2) Richard Feynman
3) My Real Grandfather, Jerry Green.  He died when my dad was 8.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Nitrogen on December 14, 2008, 03:31:48 AM
living: mercades lackey.

Oh wow, I loved her books when I was growing up.  Strangely, many of her books shaped my strange outlook on life and politics I think.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: just Warren on December 14, 2008, 04:57:43 AM
The guy who broke into my house can fill both slots.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on December 15, 2008, 05:47:17 PM
Oh wow, I loved her books when I was growing up.  Strangely, many of her books shaped my strange outlook on life and politics I think.

one of her latest books, Reserved for the Cat has a couple moments that make me think she may be pro-gun.

she's been one of my favorites since i read By The Sword in 7th grade. Kero is one of the coolest, toughest, female characters i've ever read about.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Devonai on December 15, 2008, 11:18:04 PM
Why not the J-man Hisself ??

Because I'll see him soon enough, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: Owens on December 16, 2008, 11:33:12 AM
Alive: Antonin Scalia
Dead: Billy Dixon
Title: Re: Most Like to Meet?
Post by: T.O.M. on December 16, 2008, 12:40:11 PM
Alive:  Tom Selleck, Norman Schwartzkoff, author John Sandford
Dead:  Ike, Audie Murphy, John Wayne