Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Gewehr98 on January 06, 2009, 02:28:42 PM

Title: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 06, 2009, 02:28:42 PM
I just wish I could make that stuff up.  It's on CNN right now, and it's also scrolling on Headline News.

I would imagine if Jobs displayed stigmata, and told iDisciples that he had to leave in 40 days for somewhere important, they'd eat that up, too.   ;/

The iAscension.  Coming soon to Macworld...
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Werewolf on January 06, 2009, 02:42:32 PM

Jobs is the reason that the technologically superior PC's they sell just aren't competitive with the IBM style platform. His insistence on proprietary everything relegates the market share for PC's to the 10% range.

So instead of being a market leader in everything they're a leader in gear that placates the empty brains of the mindless masses via iPods etc.

Stockholders of Apple shares own about 1/10th of the value they'd have without Jobs at the helm.

Not a Jobs fan - great engineer - lousy businessman.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Manedwolf on January 06, 2009, 03:34:16 PM
His insistence on proprietary everything relegates the market share for PC's to the 10% range.

Welcome to 1998? You been missing for the last ten years? Proprietary? hard drives and video hardware, standard platforms like MS Office, now Intel processors and 100% ability to run Windows if you want to?

I have a Mac and a PC on my desk at work.

The Mac has been working since early last year when it was new. It gets pounded on with endless tasks at once, and never makes a single complaint. The older one is on the other desk, where it's been working since 2003.

The PC is brand-new. It's needed IT service twice already. It's only used for email and testing, but it still had serious Windows issues twice.

Guess which I prefer to use for productivity on a deadline?

YMMV. But they make damned good professional gear that does not fail.

BTW, Werewolf, how many international corporations with billions in ready cash surplus have you started? If you know better than him, where's your empire?
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Werewolf on January 06, 2009, 04:31:56 PM
Welcome to 1998? You been missing for the last ten years? Proprietary? hard drives and video hardware, standard platforms like MS Office, now Intel processors and 100% ability to run Windows if you want to?

I have a Mac and a PC on my desk at work.

The Mac has been working since early last year when it was new. It gets pounded on with endless tasks at once, and never makes a single complaint. The older one is on the other desk, where it's been working since 2003.

The PC is brand-new. It's needed IT service twice already. It's only used for email and testing, but it still had serious Windows issues twice.

Quote from: Werewolf
the technologically superior PC's they sell just aren't competitive with the IBM style platform.

errr... What part of technologically superior PC's they sell (they being apple) didn't you understand? I agree that the Mac is head over heels superior to the IBM platform PC. Problem is it's still all put together by Apple. No one else can build it. And that holds it back. And the small numbers are why the selection of software available for it is no where near as wide as it is for the standard PC. Jobs was/is responsible for that decision.

Guess which I prefer to use for productivity on a deadline?

YMMV. But they make damned good professional gear that does not fail.

BTW, Werewolf, how many international corporations with billions in ready cash surplus have you started? If you know better than him, where's your empire?

Ohhhh please... My point is that if it weren't for Jobs Apple would be right up there with Microsoft and Gates and owning 50% of the market for PC's instead of having a measly 10% market share of PC's.

Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: makattak on January 06, 2009, 04:39:45 PM
Ahhhh.... but Apple now has 10% of the market for PCs and 10% of the market for Operating systems instead of 50% of the market for PCs and 0% of the market for Operating Systems.

Not only that, their marketshare IS growing.

Besides, I'm not going to complain about a viable substitute for Windows.

(This coming from one who now uses only PCs, but had macs all the way up to the introduction of OSX)
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Manedwolf on January 06, 2009, 04:43:03 PM
errr... What part of technologically superior PC's they sell (they being apple) didn't you understand? I agree that the Mac is head over heels superior to the IBM platform PC. Problem is it's still all put together by Apple. No one else can build it. And that holds it back. And the small numbers are why the selection of software available for it is no where near as wide as it is for the standard PC. Jobs was/is responsible for that decision.

Um. Small selection of software? Like...what?

You do know you can run ANY windows app on OSX with something like Parallels, and it's completely transparent, right?

And then there's the fact that the entire Office and Adobe suite have been identical on both for many years?

Dunno about this "small selection", I was just using Panasonic Voice Recorder's transfer for Windows and a proprietary packaging app for Windows on my Mac...Where's the small selection limit, there? I'm confused.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Werewolf on January 06, 2009, 04:46:47 PM
Um. Small selection of software? Like...what?

You do know you can run ANY windows app on OSX with something like Parallels, and it's completely transparent, right?

And then there's the fact that the entire Office and Adobe suite have been identical on both for many years?

Dunno about this "small selection", I was just using Panasonic Voice Recorder's transfer for Windows and a proprietary packaging app for Windows on my Mac...Where's the small selection limit, there? I'm confused.

All of which is why the consumer is flocking to buy Mac's and shunning the PC in droves. No wonder capitalism is failing the world over.  ;/
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Standing Wolf on January 06, 2009, 05:09:48 PM
What's software selection got to do with it? I regularly use about a dozen programs, many of which I've had for years.

That saidâ„¢, Macintosh OS X is nearly as ugly as Windows.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Cromlech on January 06, 2009, 05:44:43 PM
I don't have a big problem with Macs, but they don't have as many options for high end video cards that I am always after as a gamer, even if I did run Windows on it as well. An 8800GT was the best I saw available for the Mac Pro, and that doesn't cut it with what I play.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Werewolf on January 06, 2009, 05:46:05 PM
What's software selection got to do with it? I regularly use about a dozen programs, many of which I've had for years.

That saidâ„¢, Macintosh OS X is nearly as ugly as Windows.
Software availability is a major concern for people who use PC's. You're not gonna buy one for which there is no software available to do what you want to do with your PC.

Not as much a concern now as it was in the past where all Mac SW had to come out of Apple. There is still a perception in the market place that Macs are for artists and schools; the Mac has to overcome that perception before it can even begin to sell in the same numbers as the PC. Jobs is responsible for the decision to have all SW come out of Apple too. He wouldn't license the OS or release code to sw developers and as the number of PC's pulled far and away from the number of Macs sw guys chose - wisely - to develop for the most common platform.

Is apple a successful company? Yes. Is it as successful as it could have been with out Jobs. NO!
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Manedwolf on January 06, 2009, 05:56:48 PM
Software availability is a major concern for people who use PC's. You're not gonna buy one for which there is no software available to do what you want to do with your PC.

Not as much a concern now as it was in the past where all Mac SW had to come out of Apple. There is still a perception in the market place that Macs are for artists and schools; the Mac has to overcome that perception before it can even begin to sell in the same numbers as the PC. Jobs is responsible for the decision to have all SW come out of Apple too. He wouldn't license the OS or release code to sw developers and as the number of PC's pulled far and away from the number of Macs sw guys chose - wisely - to develop for the most common platform.

Is apple a successful company? Yes. Is it as successful as it could have been with out Jobs. NO!

I'm sorry, but you're talking in terms of things literally twenty years ago. Apple's big image now is music players. The iPod has the brand dominance (even non-iPods are called iPods) of things like Band-Aid, Xerox and Coca-Cola. It had that less than five years after introduction, and that's a marketing coup of legendary levels.

And define a "successful company"? I call a cash surplus of billions successful.

Should they be "successful" like Gateway, which opened a chain of stores that failed, and is still operating at relative loss?
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 06, 2009, 08:49:49 PM

I gotta learn to quit hunting over bait.   =D
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Regolith on January 06, 2009, 10:17:08 PM

I gotta learn to quit hunting over bait.   =D

Just too easy, ain't it?  =D
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Harold Tuttle on January 07, 2009, 12:18:49 AM
bring back Gil!

Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: taurusowner on January 07, 2009, 12:31:01 AM
Manedwolf, if I buy a Mac computer, and I want to put in a real nice video card, say, an ATI, and also a much better aftermarket sound card, can I do that?

Can I run a Mac computer with an after market WD hard drive, after market Kingston RAM, after market ATI graphics, after market Creative sound card, and maybe even swap out the Intel for an AMD if I want?  Can I do all of this on my own and not have to send it to anyone?

I'm really asking.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Sindawe on January 07, 2009, 12:55:48 AM
The Mac has been working since early last year when it was new. It gets pounded on with endless tasks at once, and never makes a single complaint. The older one is on the other desk, where it's been working since 2003.

Hmmm...sounds about like my machine, only its a year older than your oldest and still running the original install of the OS. 

You do know you can run ANY windows app on OSX with something like Parallels, and it's completely transparent, right?

Wait, did we just suffer some sort of temporal dislocation and get thrown back to 1994 (

In the end what matters is not the OS; not the hardware said OS runs on; but the caliber of the user pounding on the keyboard.

Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Regolith on January 07, 2009, 01:09:53 AM
In the end what matters is not the OS; not the hardware said OS runs on; but the caliber of the user pounding on the keyboard.

Pretty much.  I've used Mac, Windows and Linux, and quite frankly they each have things they do well and things they don't.  You use what you need to to get the job done. 
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Gewehr98 on January 07, 2009, 02:05:38 AM
I've used all.

They're just computers.

And this thread was an experiment on my part. 

I should've bet money, but the other staff probably wouldn't have taken me up on such a sure thing...   =D
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Harold Tuttle on January 07, 2009, 11:12:21 AM
meta tagging images with facial recognized names

quite cool for a 79 dollar software that come bundled on the new machines

People are often your most important photo subjects. But it’s difficult to find every photo of Dad or the grandkids without combing through your entire library. That’s why iPhoto ’09 introduces Faces — a new feature that allows you to organize your photos based on who’s in them. iPhoto uses face detection to identify faces of people in your photos and face recognition to match faces that look like the same person. That makes it easy for you to add names to your photos. And it helps you find the people you’re looking for — even in the largest photo libraries.

Put a name to a face in just a couple of photos, and iPhoto suggests a set of possible matches you can confirm with a click. iPhoto then uses the information to sift through your library and find even more potential matches.

Once you’ve added names, click the Faces view to see a corkboard featuring a snapshot for each person you’ve named. Click any snapshot to see all the confirmed and suggested photos of that person. Skim the snapshot to preview more photos and assign a new one as the key photo. Flip the snapshot to add a person’s last name and Facebook ID.

Faces also lets you create people-based Smart Albums, which make it easy to stay up to date with pictures of family and friends. Drag one or more snapshots to the Source list, and iPhoto generates a Smart Album that automatically updates every time you name and confirm more photos of those people.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Antibubba on January 07, 2009, 11:39:35 AM
I had an iMac for 6 years.  Loved it--no problems for 5 years, but in the last year I've had trouble connecting, and opening some files.  Well, I've been told that I can go to 10.5, but there is no way my system would run it.  Upgrade my hardware?  Can't be done.  Buy a new Mac?  I can't afford one.

Instead, I went to a reputable store that sells refurbished business computers, and bought a Dell Latitude D610 for $499.  They removed all the crap off the hard drive, added Open Office, and it runs great.  I'd love to have a Mac, but I can't afford to pay for exclusivity and cachet, especially for what I use a computer for, which is this.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: mtnbkr on January 07, 2009, 11:44:00 AM
I bought a Mac Cube earlier this year because I liked the design and wanted to try OSX.  I liked the hardware but was unimpressed by OSX.  I installed a new HDD and loaded Ubuntu. :)

Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Harold Tuttle on January 07, 2009, 11:46:51 AM
if it plugged into a tv for a monitor and had an external keyboard,
a lot of my web posting/email could be done on a 230 dollar ipod touch

the new technology is quite impressive and really out performs the stuff from 2 years ago

the new Dell 9 inch laptop is pretty utilitarian for a micro deck
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Harold Tuttle on January 07, 2009, 01:23:02 PM
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: Regolith on January 07, 2009, 03:07:28 PM

Bwahahahahahahahahahaha.   :lol:

God I love the Onion.

PS:  I'm currently typing this message on a Mac (a PowerPC G4 running OS X version 10.3.9, to be exact).
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: roo_ster on January 07, 2009, 03:35:49 PM

I seem to have attracted attention with my snorts and gasps during my attempt to keep from belly-laughing in the workplace.

"Everything is just a few hundred clicks away."

"I'll buy almost anything if its shiny and made by Apple."

"I like hte way the email says it's from a MACBOOK WHEEL, that way people know you have one."

"It remains to be seen if the Macbook Wheel will catch on in the business world where people use computers for actual work and not just dicking around."

Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: SADShooter on January 07, 2009, 05:30:39 PM
Now that I've regained my breath and I'm a gentler shade of cyan, I can observe that was freaking hilarious.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: jackdanson on January 07, 2009, 06:31:40 PM
Yeah that was hilarious.... I like my PC because it is MINE!! I built it from scratch, and there is no way in heck I could get the performance I get out of my PC out of a mac of even remotely similar cost.  (I've only got about $1000 into it)  I hate that apple controls every aspect of their hardware..

Also running windows xp sp3 I don't ever have any crashes of any kind and have never had any problems running any software.  The main reason people talk about PCs run like crud is 1. they aren't updated 2. No antivirus 3. Store bought and gateway/dell/etc PCs all come loaded down with buttloads of useless software from the factory.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on January 07, 2009, 08:13:39 PM
i've been running into the same problem with my mac as antibubba.

i've got an G3 ibook with 10.3.9 that i've had for about 5 or 6 years, and i've started to run into problems with the new software thats too much for my processor.
and i can't afford a new one. i could probably afford to buy a refurbished Windows machine, but to be honest i don't really need it.
it may be old in computer years, but it gets me on the internet, plays my music, loads my ipod and does the other little things i need.
so whatever, i like my mac. it does its job. one of the reasons i don't want windows is because when i use my moms computer (thats been rehauled several times) it crashes all the darn time.

as for jobs. well, at least there is an alternitive to windows. i don't really care to be honest.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: BridgeRunner on January 07, 2009, 08:27:10 PM
hey Blue,

I've got a white MacBook about two yrs old with a dead screen--last quote we got on repairing the screen was $200.  If you want it, you're more than welcome to it.
Title: Re: Apple fans relieved about Jobs health news...
Post by: BlueStarLizzard on January 07, 2009, 08:42:36 PM
hey Blue,

I've got a white MacBook about two yrs old with a dead screen--last quote we got on repairing the screen was $200.  If you want it, you're more than welcome to it.

seriously? cool. pm will be sent shortly.