Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: USP45usp on November 10, 2005, 07:05:48 AM

Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: USP45usp on November 10, 2005, 07:05:48 AM
My best friend in the state of Oregon died this morning.  He was also my uncle.

In the six or so years that I've lived here, and have lived beside him, he welcomed me into the family and we sat many a night and weekend debating life, the yard, and what we wanted to do.

It's only been about 5 hours since, and the house is already cold and lonely.  I will miss sitting outside in the front yard in the summer, having our "summer drinks" and talking.  I will miss sitting in the winter in his part of the house and having our "winter drinks" and talking.  The funny thing being, our summer and winter drinks were always the same.

He was what I would consider young, I think he was 60.  His birthday was just this past September.  He "retired" due to disability, his leukemia started back up and his back was going out.  During the past couple of months he got to where he could barely walk but that didn't stop him.  Then, a few weeks ago I went over and he wasn't doing so well.  It was the beginning of the end.

At least I got to talk with him on Monday night.  He was doing abit better and was coherant, or moreso than he was when he came home on Sunday, and we got to talk abit.  I will cherish that.

I was over last night and he was asleep but you could tell he was in some pain, even with the morphine.  I just thank God that he died in his sleep, at home, and not in so much pain.

So, I'm home today, have a really bad stomach ache and headache.  I should have stayed at work but I didn't feel like doing anything.  So since I have a few things that I need to do today I figured that I could do them here just as well.

My uncle was a Korean War Veteren.  He drove the APV, I don't know what SOP (or whatever it's called in the Army) that was.  He was proud of his service, as am I.

This is going to be really hard on the family, especially my Grandmother.  This was the 2nd son that she's lost this year, and her last.  We all knew that it was coming but it doesn't make it any easier on anyone.  Me, I've lost family before but I will say that my Uncle wasn't only family, he was my best friend.

Well Uncle Donny, I want to thank you for being a great Uncle, and a great Friend.  May you Rest in Peace and know that you were loved and appreciated.

Donny Howard Hunter:  1945 - 2005


*thank you for allowing me to post this here.  I know that Rich and Oleg don't like OT forums but I thank them that APS is here today.  For I needed to say my peace and to thank my Uncle for being there for me, and for being the person that he was.
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: garrettwc on November 10, 2005, 07:47:20 AM
My condolences to you and your family.
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: bytor94 on November 10, 2005, 08:18:27 AM
My condolences to you.

I also lost an uncle that was a Korea vet this year.  I still miss him terribly, but at least he is no longer in pain either.
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: El Tejon on November 10, 2005, 08:21:46 AM
You sure there isn't a typo as to your uncle's birthdate?  Korean War veteran?  He would have been eight (Cool years old when the Korean War was interrupted in 1953?

Sorry for your loss.
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: USP45usp on November 10, 2005, 08:28:18 AM
I misspoke, He wasn't in the war itself but when we were over there afterward.  Like I am a Desert Strom I veteran, as well as II but I wasn't in I but in Operation Desert Calm after.

I wasn't thinking at the time.  He was in Korea, not in the war.  

Sorry about that.

Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: grampster on November 10, 2005, 08:29:22 AM

You are made better for the knowing of this loved man.  Make sure you honor him by being like him for your posterity.
Warm wishes and in condolence for your loss.

Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: USP45usp on November 10, 2005, 08:32:28 AM
That didn't come out clear as mud either.  He was in the Army, he was stationed in Korea, way long after the war, he drove an APV.

Sorry, not lieing to you.  Just not thinking as clearly as I thought.  Sorry.

Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: Guest on November 10, 2005, 04:01:48 PM
Best wishes and prayers. I'm sorry. Sad
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: SalukiFan on November 11, 2005, 04:49:40 AM
I'm very sorry to hear about your uncle.  May he rest in peace.
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: USP45usp on November 14, 2005, 08:37:41 AM
I apologize for not coming back sooner to say thank you.  

Thank you.

Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: Bemidjiblade on November 15, 2005, 08:44:20 PM
I'm sorry for your loss.
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: 280plus on November 16, 2005, 01:37:54 AM
We all knew that it was coming but it doesn't make it any easier on anyone.
No, it never does. I lost dad to cancer in 1998. He was sick for a while so I knew it was coming and I thought I was "prepared". I wasn't. When he was sick it got to where he was in so much pain and on so much morphine he didn't even look like himself anymore. As he passed you could see the pain leaving his face and returning to look like his own. I knew he was at peace then and I was thankful for it.

Sorry for you loss. May he rest in peace now as well.

Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: Penman on December 01, 2005, 03:48:44 PM
He'll be waiting for you on the other side, with Summer and Winter drinks at hand.
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: RadioFreeSeaLab on December 02, 2005, 01:40:51 PM
Wayne, very sorry for your loss.  It's always hard to hear of a good man being laid too rest.
Title: My Best Friend, Neighbor, and Uncle, RIP
Post by: griz on December 05, 2005, 02:47:14 AM
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. You and his Mother are in my thoughts and prayers.