Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Monkeyleg on February 21, 2009, 05:47:04 PM

Title: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Monkeyleg on February 21, 2009, 05:47:04 PM
In another thread I asked about renting trucks, hiring movers, etc. to do an interstate move.

The more I think about it, the less I like the idea of selling our house here in Milwaukee, moving all of our stuff to a rented home down south, looking for a home to buy, and then packing up and moving all our stuff again to the new home. By the time we're really settled I'll be ready to move into a nursing home.

Years back I would easily qualify for a bridge loan to carry two mortgages. I don't think I'd be able to qualify now, but there may be another way. What that way is, I don't know.

If we have a contingency on the sale of our WI home that we find another home before closing, that's going to turn off buyers. If we have a contingency on the purchase of a home down south, it's going to turn off sellers. And the odds of find just the right house and having the closings at just the right time are infinitesimal.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I really, really don't want to have to move twice.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Bogie on February 21, 2009, 06:57:44 PM
Suck it up, and live out of suitcases for the time it takes you to find the perfect house. That way you only unpack once.
Suggestion: Buy enough land, build the "garage/workshop" first.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Strings on February 21, 2009, 08:08:01 PM
>By the time we're really settled I'll be ready to move into a nursing home.<

Wait... you'll be all settled next week? >:) :P

I honestly don't know what to tell you. Put as much stuff into storage as possible, and only keep out the essentials?
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 21, 2009, 08:14:16 PM
around here its a buyers market so i would do the contingency on that end
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: txgho1911 on February 21, 2009, 09:30:27 PM
Do not build a workshop/garage to actually live in even temporary.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on February 21, 2009, 09:31:23 PM
why not?
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: TMM on February 22, 2009, 12:38:07 PM
i like bogie's idea of building the workshop first...

i'm still young, but i envision my home being small and workshop large, with just as much work put into the workshop as the house...

hell, i lived in my truck for four months on the road. i'm sure a nice workshop would suffice as a dwelling...

to be helpful though, what is the reason for moving in the first place? is it really necessary? several months ago my mother and i moved to a new house (only 50 miles away), and that was enough to make me hate moving, so i see where you're coming from.

friend of my mother's bought land she liked, and bought/rented a trailer to live in until the house was built. do you want to build a house or buy one? building one would alleviate the issue of finding just the right house...but then you have to build one!

Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: ilbob on February 22, 2009, 01:52:24 PM
Empty our your house and put the stuff in stroage down south and live in a rental until you sell.

In today's RE market, there is no telling when you can sell or what you might get for it, and it could get far worse.

You might even want to consider staying in a rental even after the sale is completed just to see how things shake out.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Gewehr98 on February 22, 2009, 02:08:06 PM
The timing is conspicuous, that's for certain.

Calling Brad...

(You need all the realtor info you can absorb here in 2009, Dick)
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Monkeyleg on February 22, 2009, 05:30:20 PM
to be helpful though, what is the reason for moving in the first place? is it really necessary?

We're moving to fulfill my wife's lifelong dream of living in the south, to escape the Wisconsin winters, to escape Wisconsin's high taxes, and to get away from liberals as much as possible. (If it were 100% my call, we'd be moving to Utah).

If it were only me, I could live in a cheap motel, but my wife requires something more. I guess we'll have to keep as much in storage as possible and wait for the house we want to become available. There's always the slim chance that the timing of the sale and the purchase coincide. They did last time, but that was a fluke.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 22, 2009, 05:47:52 PM
Unless you're sure you really want to live in the place you move to, don't buy.
We made that mistake and promptly took a bath on this place.  Living in the same area code as Irwin isn't good for our property values I'd imagine.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Strings on February 22, 2009, 07:09:14 PM
Could be worse Jamis: you could be living next door to RevDisk (or Fistful)... ;)
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Lee on February 22, 2009, 08:21:00 PM
A lot of people visit the south (Florida in particular) on vacation, and think it will be heaven.  A year or two later, it's hell.  If possible, I would look at keeping your house for 3-6 months and renting a place.  Or even put you place up for sale while visiting, and shop around for a house.  Renting Time shares off and on during the winter isn't a bad escape plan either. 
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Strings on February 22, 2009, 10:43:12 PM
Oh, I'm pretty sure they'd both rather be down south. Or anywhere else, that is actually in the US. If nothing else, by leaving WI he won't get 3am calls from legiscritters anymore...  :laugh:
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: MechAg94 on February 22, 2009, 11:35:24 PM
The Hell part probably depends on where you live and what level of humidity you are used to previously.  :)

Down here on the Gulf Coast, you can have some really hot and humid summer days and a whole lot of mosquitoes, though I hear mosquitoes can be real bad up North sometimes also.  However, during the spring, fall, and winter there are some truly beautiful days like day.  60 F all day and sunny, clear blue sky.  Yesterday was overcast with some rain. 
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Gewehr98 on February 22, 2009, 11:59:05 PM
I thought Florida would be wonderful, both times I was stationed in that state. 

I'll shovel a mountain full of snow before I ever go back there.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Monkeyleg on February 23, 2009, 12:01:39 AM
We get hot and humid weather here in the summertime. Not that often, but enough.

What southerners do not get is the experience of spending 1-2 hours digging their cars out from the piles of snow that the plows leave, or temperatures so cold that it's painful, not to mention potentially deadly. You don't have to shovel the humidity off your sidewalks every couple of days, nor do your cars rust out from salt put down on the streets. I'm sure it doesn't take you five minutes to get dressed just to take your dog outside to pee.

You don't pay as much in taxes for road maintenance that's needed because the freeze-thaw-freeze-thaw cycles cause the pavement to buckle. You probably don't spend as much money repairing suspension parts on your cars from hitting potholes, either.

I'm sure that air conditioning costs as much down south as it does here, but I can't imagine that your AC units run almost constantly for several months as our furnaces do.

Southerners have Democrats, but most aren't like northern Democrats who are almost indistinguishable from Russian communists. The only reason we don't have gulags up here is that the politicians think that "gulag" is a Hungarian dish made with noodles and tomato sauce.

From what I gather, there aren't as many elected officials in the southern states as there are here. Actually we probably have roughly the same number working in their offices at any given time, it's just that the other 50% are in jail.

I love Wisconsin. GW98 can have my share of shoveling. ;)

Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Strings on February 23, 2009, 12:30:35 AM
Hey... if he's willing to take your share, he can have mine too!!!!!
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Gewehr98 on February 23, 2009, 01:30:01 AM
Having had my beachside Florida home torn up by not one, but two hurricanes, I'll stay with the snow, thank you.

That's not even counting the evacuations we had to do...
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Regolith on February 23, 2009, 01:55:26 AM
I'm sure that air conditioning costs as much down south as it does here, but I can't imagine that your AC units run almost constantly for several months as our furnaces do.

Don't bet on it.

I'm from Nevada.  It doesn't get quite as hot there as in some parts of the southern US, but it's close.  Not quite as much humidity either (understatement of the year).

We used to run our A/C damn near non-stop from about mid-may to about mid-September.  The place became unlivable if you didn't.

Then, because we were in the high desert, we got to run our stove nearly non-stop from about the end of October until around mid-April.   :laugh:

Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 23, 2009, 07:59:45 AM
My slice of paradise would be New Bern, NC or Wilmington, NC.

Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Monkeyleg on February 23, 2009, 12:24:59 PM
We're not looking in hurricane areas. More like northern Alabama or Tennessee.

Unfortunately the Carolina's are just a little too pricey for us.

Gewehr98, I know you like Wisconsin, but you must admit that this state does have its downsides. As you know, the teachers' union pretty much owns the state government. Until a year or so ago, their website had a page promoting the benefits of membership (including pensions and lifetime health insurance), and another page detailing the most affordable states to retire to. That's great: they bleed us dry on taxes, and then flee the state when they retire.

Also, about the time that my wife and I will be moving into our home, Governor Doyle will be starting his campaign commercials, and enjoying a $1+ million lead in campaign funds. He may even run for a fourth term in 2014.

Don't count on getting a carry permit anytime soon. ;)
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Gewehr98 on February 23, 2009, 12:26:27 PM
I hear you, Monkeyleg.

All of the states have their own individual bumps and warts. ;)

(I'm somewhat of a former migratory species, myself...)
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: coppertales on February 23, 2009, 03:12:31 PM
I don't recall where you are moving to.  Haul your stuff down south and put it in storage.  Mark the boxes for living out of with a big APT or something like that so you know what goes into storage and which goes to the apartment.  Load the APT stuff last, first off.  I lived in the UP of MI for 22 winters.  We got the chance to be transferred to Texas, where I was from, and took it because the job situation did not look too good in the UP at the time.  I have not touched a snow shovel since 1991.  Life is good.  Wife hates it here.  She wants four seasons.  However, she has never driven a snowshovel and has a bad back.  Me, I am not going there for all the beer in WI.  I ride my motorcycle all year round.  I was sitting on the porch at my camp drinking martinis in shorts and a t-shirt this past weekend.  I insulated my house here like I did up north.  My neighbors thought I was crazy because it does not get that cold here.  I replied, why do you use an ice cooler to keep your beer cold.  The light bulb goes off, even though it may be a bit dim.  Right now my AC bill in the summer is about 200 bucks,a moth, my neighbors bill is around 500 bucks.  He still does not get it........good luck in your move......chris3
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Thor on February 23, 2009, 04:19:08 PM
After having lived in Minnesota for the last 14 years before 2008, I will say that I don't miss winter ONE bit. I'm far enough North in Texas that we get four seasons here (barely), not much from the hurricanes, and a few tornadoes. I can even get Leinenkugel's down here, so life is good !!  =D
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Brad Johnson on February 23, 2009, 05:13:06 PM
Reality is that if you don't have your house under contract, and with a reasonable certainty of it closing, a seller in another state is probably not going to accept your contingency.

However, bridge loans are different critters from second mortgages.  Many lender will carry a bridge for you as long as you meet three criteria:

A) you have decent credit (duh)
B) would qualify for the mortgage on the new property once your current home sells, and
C) You have your house listed for sale with a real estate agent

You will pay two sets of closing costs but that's offset by only having to move once.

Short of that the only realistic alternative is to find a small place *cough* extended-stay hotel *cough* that you can rent for a few months while your other home sells.  I know your SWMBO has it in her head that this will NOT happen, but sometimes reality is a real pain in the butt whether you want it to be or not.

Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Monkeyleg on February 23, 2009, 05:48:00 PM
Thanks for the professional advice, Brad.

One thing I keep forgetting in all of this is that we can't just buy a house over the internet. We have to see it, and we can't be running to TN or AL every time we see a house that's appealing.

I guess it's move into rental and store non-essentials.

Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Jamisjockey on February 23, 2009, 06:15:27 PM

I guess it's move into rental and store non-essentials.

Don't sound dejected.  Getting a rental keeps you from being pegged into a house you end up not wanting.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Monkeyleg on February 23, 2009, 06:33:28 PM
Getting a rental keeps you from being pegged into a house you end up not wanting.

Yeah, but I'm lazy. Just thinking about moving makes me tired.
Title: Re: Another question about moving interstate
Post by: Strings on February 23, 2009, 06:35:24 PM
>Yeah, but I'm lazy. Just thinking about moving makes me tired.<

Fixed it for ya... ;P