Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Chris on November 17, 2005, 04:49:22 AM

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Chris on November 17, 2005, 04:49:22 AM
I cook about 95% of the meals in our house.  SWMBO is capable, but doesn't enjoy cooking, and simply finds my cooking better than hers.  I started cooking as a single male, because I got tired of eating out, or eating Hamburger Helper.  So, one late January, on a cold Saturday, bored, I turned on Food TV and started watching.  And watched more and more.  And bought the tools, and the ingrediants.  And started impressing the ladies with home cooked meals.  It carried over to married life.  Some of the guys call our home situation backwards, as I cook, and the wife pays the bills (she's got a finance and accounting background).

So, are we really that unusual?  Who cooks in your homes?  How did it end up that way?
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: mtnbkr on November 17, 2005, 05:14:07 AM
We both cook.  During the week, my wife does most of the cooking since she's at home, but we share cooking duties on the weekend.  

Both of us enjoy cooking.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Nathaniel Firethorn on November 17, 2005, 05:35:52 AM
We share the cooking.

- NF
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: TarpleyG on November 17, 2005, 05:52:58 AM
We share cooking and washing dishes.  I pay the bills because I just got stuck with it I guess and I am somewhat more organized...

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: K Frame on November 17, 2005, 06:29:50 AM

Because my dogs won't.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: client32 on November 17, 2005, 07:05:09 AM
She does.  We don't break out of stereotypical roles. Wink

Actually, it is because she is at home.

My brother does the cooking in his house, and that is because if she doesn't set the kitchen on fire, her meals are not edible.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: 280plus on November 17, 2005, 07:44:18 AM
I do because her idea of a gourmet meal comes out of a lean cuisine carton...  shocked
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: onions! on November 17, 2005, 08:15:06 AM
Quote from: Mike Irwin

Because my dogs won't.
Me too.

No thumbs.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: matis on November 17, 2005, 08:20:10 AM
My lady and I share 50-50.

She cooks and I eat.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: grampster on November 17, 2005, 08:40:40 AM
SWMBO has charge of all the above ground interior regions of the palace in the Duchy of Grampster, other than the carriage house.  The grounds and nether regions of the Hold are the responsibility of The Grampster.  The tool crib is also under control of SWMBO.  They are clearly marked "Male Critters: Hands Off".

The art form of being Archduke is in the training of SWMBO in the notion that the male is incapable of any activity involving the use of hands, other than producing luchre and writing checks.  (foreplay is acceptable as well)  Fire is to be avoided at all costs.  As fire is useful in cooking, it is out of bounds for the canny Archduke of the Duchy of Grampster.  The Duchess SWMBO is removed from the Hold on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays where she is attended to by servants in nearby Roadhouses in exchange for supervision of the Hold's kitchen on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

There are limits, however, that do get imposed.  When the whinny voice of the aging Archduke requests the deliverance of certain liquid forms, the general response is "Whataryacrippled".  Silent slinking to the ice box follows.

Chapter II at a later date.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Brad Johnson on November 17, 2005, 08:58:51 AM
There are limits, however, that do get imposed.  When the whinny voice of the aging Archduke requests the deliverance of certain liquid forms, the general response is "Whataryacrippled".  Silent slinking to the ice box follows.

And you thought YOU were the captain of the ship.... cheesy

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: charby on November 17, 2005, 08:59:20 AM
Dammit Mike, you beat me to it.

Swmbo and I live in different towns, I seem to do most of the cooking between us because I have more energy to whip up something other than a cold bowl of cereal. She can cook ok, much better at baking cookies and cakes, but I kick ass in the kitchen and can make a tasty meal out of just about anything and deer burger.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: MaterDei on November 17, 2005, 09:38:23 AM
My 18 year old daughter is the cook.  She likes it that way and we like it too.

Problem is, she's leaving home next month, probably never to return, so we need to do something different.  I'm the better cook but I get home too late most nights.  My wife doesn't want to cook (though she is very capable).  I suspect that daughter #2 will get her duty roster changed and she will bear the burden even though she has made it very clear that she doesn't want to be the cook.

Do you really want somebody cooking that doesn't want to cook and considers it a chore?  I think not, but I'm not the one who fills out the duty roster.

Wish us luck.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on November 17, 2005, 10:54:59 AM
Sandy does the cooking here, unless we do Chinese, then I do some of it.  I've cooked in a few restaurants in my younger days, so I can, but Sandy enjoys cooking.  I do my part during canning season though.

Steve, no smart remarks about my tomato soup, either. Cheesy
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: jefnvk on November 17, 2005, 11:01:36 AM
The chef is the cook.  And not a very good one at that.

Can't wait for Chili day and Omlete Bar day.  Because that is about all that is good.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Standing Wolf on November 17, 2005, 12:12:56 PM
I do. I'd like to share cooking with a woman; unfortunately, I keep meeting women who can't or won't cook, or think opening a can of something counts as cooking.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on November 17, 2005, 12:17:25 PM
People's choice awards?

This may be the funniest thing I've ever read.  

"SWMBO has charge of all the above ground interior regions of the palace in the Duchy of Grampster, other than the carriage house.  The grounds and nether regions of the Hold are the responsibility of The Grampster.  The tool crib is also under control of SWMBO.  They are clearly marked "Male Critters: Hands Off".

The art form of being Archduke is in the training of SWMBO in the notion that the male is incapable of any activity involving the use of hands, other than producing luchre and writing checks.  (foreplay is acceptable as well)  Fire is to be avoided at all costs.  As fire is useful in cooking, it is out of bounds for the canny Archduke of the Duchy of Grampster.  The Duchess SWMBO is removed from the Hold on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays where she is attended to by servants in nearby Roadhouses in exchange for supervision of the Hold's kitchen on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

There are limits, however, that do get imposed.  When the whinny voice of the aging Archduke requests the deliverance of certain liquid forms, the general response is "Whataryacrippled".  Silent slinking to the ice box follows.

Chapter II at a later date."

Thanks Grampster.  We want Ch 2 soon!


SWMBO and the pizza joints do all the cooking.  My son is a better cook than both daughters.  No worries, he's girl crazy, too.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Monkeyleg on November 17, 2005, 12:30:32 PM
My wife works second shift, so we both just eat frozen stuff. On her days off, she cooks meals that don't require a lot of time: roast and potatoes, spaghetti, meatloaf, fish, etc.

On Saturday nights, I'll often cook meals that take a few hours to prepare. I do this in part for fun, but also because I know she really enjoys the meals. Much better than restaurant food.

Grampster, the last time I asked my wife to get me a beer from the fridge was in 1977. When she did, she found an engagement ring in there.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: kudu on November 17, 2005, 12:59:53 PM
I do 90% of the cooking, and SWMBO does the dishes and most of the cleaning.  She is a good cook but doesn't really like to cook, where I enjoy cooking.  I play Mr.Mom every evening anyhow, as she works a 2nd shift job.  Just the other day I made a big batch of cookies, with the kids help of course.  

Being raised on a farm, my parents made sure all three of us kids knew how to cook, sew and other things that anyone can find useful.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: grampster on November 17, 2005, 01:47:01 PM
So Dick,
When did she find the engagement ring?  1997.  Heh.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Guest on November 17, 2005, 02:27:55 PM
I do.  I am the househusband hereabouts, since I retired a year ago.  And she still works, so she gets catered to in that regard.  Luckily she likes my cooking, and she washes the dishes to make things even.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: MillCreek on November 17, 2005, 03:33:00 PM
I have to say that both my wife and I are excellent cooks, but I am better at making desserts.  We split cooking fairly evenly, but now that the kids are teenagers and often out and about, some nights it is not worth it to do something elaborate for just two people.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Sindawe on November 17, 2005, 04:00:34 PM

The last time I let the cats plan the weeks menu, it was nothing but raw fish and chocolate shakes.  While I like Sushi and chocolate, having it every day get rather dull and as an omnivore I need roughage in my diet. Cheesy
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Guest on November 17, 2005, 04:01:29 PM
What is this cooking thing of which you speak? Smiley

I can cook but I don't usually enjoy it; it's something that needs to be done rather than a hobby.

I like making jam.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: 280plus on November 17, 2005, 04:09:19 PM
I like making jam.
What a coincidence, I like eating jam...

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Guest on November 17, 2005, 04:17:53 PM
I'm eating some on the toast I cooked for supper. Smiley
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: K Frame on November 17, 2005, 04:32:54 PM
I'm eating leftovers...

That mtnbkr's wife made...

Good God YUM!

Pork chops with cheddar potatos and onions done as a bake.

Hey Chris, tell her I can even taste the seared fingers! Cheesy
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Guest on November 17, 2005, 04:55:37 PM
Am I the only one posting to this thread that rec'd  multiple warnings about how I posted?  

Cause If I were to 'Mis-Behave' , homemade goodies would cease to arrive at my doorstep.  
Can someone define "behave" ?  Would help to know so I can define the word with the "mis" part in front...

I learned to cook at a very young age. Just how raised. Along with "chores". During the course of my life, I have always cooked. There have been times I was the only one that could or would. Other times, I shared cooking and chores.

Currently, I still cook. I do stuff like cook for mom, show up somewhere (classmates, old friends, etc.) and  have brought something with me , just pitch right in - take over, or whatever needs to be done. I make myself at home.
Folks give me that permission.

I'm  still good for goodies at my doorstep - right?  Smiley
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Larry Ashcraft on November 17, 2005, 05:39:07 PM
Tonight I "cooked" some BBQ ribs, courtesy of my friend Calvin "A.J." (Action Jackson) Jackson.  He's an 82 year old friend of mine with a professional pit at his house.  He had an extra slab of ribs, so I brought it home, therefore, that counts as me "cooking".

Steve, I'm off the hook, and so are you. Smiley
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Bob F. on November 17, 2005, 05:47:56 PM
I do, cause I'm damned good at it. She says she used to bake (but that was before the VFD went on strike). Let's just leave it at that.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: garyk/nm on November 18, 2005, 03:20:00 AM
I do most of the cooking, so as to spare innocent cuts of meat a horrid fate. SWMBO was bitten by the "if you don't cook the life out of it, you'll get botulism" bug, and refuses to seek treatment.  She does ok with frozen dinners, most of the time.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Bookskin on November 18, 2005, 04:28:28 PM
We tend to share the cooking, although I usually do the more intricate stuff.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Smoke on November 19, 2005, 05:28:04 AM
She cooks most often.

I specialize.  I cook anything that must be done outside.  Chickenfried steak.  Tacos. Breakfast.  Smoke's SOS.
A few other things.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: grampster on November 19, 2005, 07:36:46 AM
Actually, SWMBO is one of the finest cooks on earth.  Our (her) kitchen is crammed with recipies and cook books.  She taught both my sons to cook and my eldest grandson is also excellent (age 15).  A friend of mine who owns a restaurant nearby wants him (grandson)  in the kitchen this summer.

Me sainted father always told me to never look the gift horse in the mouth.  Ain't strartin' now.  I think I'll have a glass of wine before lunch.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Kharn on November 19, 2005, 11:46:16 AM
I live alone, thus I'm stuck with both the cooking and the cleaning duties.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: thebaldguy on November 19, 2005, 04:18:59 PM
I do most of the cooking, but we each have specialities that we cook. We cook mostly on weekends, as we're both too tired to put together a major food production after work. Usually it's something quick. Often we cook on weekends to make quick meals during the week.

While I was going to school a few years ago, I always cooked for the girlfriend. I would listen for her to pull into the garage, then I would shake up a margarita for her as just she walked in the door. I'd pour the drink, and let her know dinner was ready whenever she wanted it.

Cooking dinner for your girl pays better dividends than the best stock. I recommend it!
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Gewehr98 on November 20, 2005, 08:39:02 AM
Starting to define roles in our household.  Wife #2 is very finicky in what she will eat, it has to come from the cow, chicken, or piggy food group.  It will be boiled, pan-fried, grilled, baked, or otherwise made to a very mundane standard.  

That sucks, because I like these food groups:

Cornish Game Hen
Fish of all types, salt and fresh water
Pork (especially wild piggies I thump myself)
Bangers (& mash)
Pickled Herring

Not only that, but since I started traveling abroad some 20 years ago, I really dig Thai, Japanese, Philippine, Szechuan, English, Irish, German, Italian, and Moroccan styles of cooking, using foods from my list above.  

Suffice it to say, if I kill it and bring it home, I'm cleaning and preparing it before cooking it, myself.  Period.

She'll sprinkle cinnamon sugar on buttered toast and call it a meal while I'm being creative in the kitchen.

So tonight, while I'm making a wonderful Thai peanut chicken w/ rice noodles, she'll make herself and the two stepsons frozen corn dogs baked in the oven.  

I taught her to shoot.  I'll teach her to cook.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: w turner on December 03, 2005, 05:17:24 PM
Early part of our marriage I cookd about 90% of the time due to our work schedules.  Now we split it.  usually she will start dinner, I finish when I get home because she is usually tending to our son.  

We each have our own niches when it comes to the menu.  I do most of the grilling and any slow smloking that  gets done, but she can fire the grill (and it's even a charcoal grill).

I cook more traditional southern/cajun dishes and do all the frying that gets done.  

She does more of the casseroles/quick stir-fry and crok pot dishes.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: mtnbkr on December 03, 2005, 05:22:07 PM
Gewehr98, your situation sounds exactly like mine.  I'll eat and enjoy just about anything but my wife has all of 3 foods she'll eat on a regular basis.

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: Gewehr98 on December 04, 2005, 05:52:39 AM
Gewehr98, your situation sounds exactly like mine.  I'll eat and enjoy just about anything but my wife has all of 3 foods she'll eat on a regular basis.
Yeah, but at least you have somebody like Mike who will come over and appreciate what you're making.  Too much of a drive for him to eat dinner here, I'm afraid...    Wink
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: 280plus on December 04, 2005, 06:05:28 AM
Pssst, don't tell the wife I posted this but this morning she made us egg bacon and cheese sammiches on bagels. FIRST bite the yolk squirts all over the table, my shirt my face, etc. Second or third bite finds a nice big hunk of crunchy egg shell...

As previously posted, I do most of the cookin' round here, now you know WHY!!

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: mfree on December 04, 2005, 11:56:26 AM
Whoever wants to eat, cooks.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: mtnbkr on December 04, 2005, 12:33:50 PM
Yeah, but at least you have somebody like Mike who will come over and appreciate what you're making
Yeah, but that gets expensive.
Too much of a drive for him to eat dinner here, I'm afraid...
Don't put it past him. Tongue

Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: P5 Guy on December 14, 2005, 05:15:46 PM
I do, because I like to cook. And I do it well.
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: MaterDei on December 14, 2005, 05:27:51 PM
Quote from: MaterDei
My 18 year old daughter is the cook.  She likes it that way and we like it too.

Problem is, she's leaving home next month, probably never to return, so we need to do something different.  I'm the better cook but I get home too late most nights.  My wife doesn't want to cook (though she is very capable).  I suspect that daughter #2 will get her duty roster changed and she will bear the burden even though she has made it very clear that she doesn't want to be the cook.

Do you really want somebody cooking that doesn't want to cook and considers it a chore?  I think not, but I'm not the one who fills out the duty roster.

Wish us luck.
Well...our daughter has left us now.  So far my darling bride is doing the cooking and doing quite well!
Title: Who cooks in your house? Why?
Post by: grislyatoms on December 17, 2005, 03:45:39 PM
I am the chief cook, bottle washer, and mess hall KP personnel 'round these parts.

There are few things I have had at a restaurant that I can't do equally well at home, from scratch. In a lot of cases, better. No one else around to do it and I have been cooking for myself for 32+ years.

7 year old daughter is a dab hand at PB&J but that gets old. (Although I have never, ever, turned down one of my daughter's lovingly crafted PB&J sandwiches!)