Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: zahc on November 20, 2005, 12:31:35 PM

Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: zahc on November 20, 2005, 12:31:35 PM
Does anyone know the legalities of kicking a roomate out?

I lived here way before he did, my old roomate graduated. I live in a private two bedroom apartment, not on campus.

And he has turned out to be completely delinquent and and is completely unlivable. All he does is drink, use my stuff and eat my food. And be completely rude and hostile, as if he was trying to kick ME out. I have tried to straighten it out for months and by now I'm either going to kill him, beat the **** out of him, or not live with him. I'll move if I have to but I was here first.

He signed the lease agreement, but like I said I was here before he. Eh?

Also I own practically everything in this place, the chair, the $1000 Tv, the game consoles, the microwave/toaster/water cooler, the two aquariums, and my name is on all the bills.
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: Felonious Monk/Fignozzle on November 20, 2005, 01:00:01 PM
Do you OWN the place?  If not, you almost HAVE to come to a mutual understanding.
Best option is if you know of some friends he hangs with, find out if THEY have room for him.

Then, you can enlist their help in "persuading" him that living with them might be a better option.

Problem is, if it becomes hostile, you may get your stuff trashed, ripped off, or the like.

Make it EASY for him by doing the legwork.

"Hey, Kirt-- I ran into your buddy Forrest the other day, and he mentioned they're looking for a roommate.  It's cheaper than our place, and I'm thinking we might want to look at some other arrangements.  You open to that?"

Good luck.
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: zahc on November 20, 2005, 01:14:42 PM
Thanks, I'll need it. I do not own the place. I have however lived here far longer than he has. My best hope right now is getting the landlord to evict him, but that is a very dim hope.
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: Ben on November 20, 2005, 01:50:06 PM
If worse comes to worse, and you own most of the stuff and the bills are in your name, if you don't mind depriving yourself for a while, remove some of the conveniences you provide him.

Keep the microwave, TV, and game consoles at a friend's house for a while. Keep minimal food available for him. Go away for a week and shut off the electricity and water. He sounds like a leech, and once leeches can't extract sufficient blood from one source, they generally move on to another.
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: Nathaniel Firethorn on November 20, 2005, 01:51:32 PM
Latakia and double maduros. Cheesy

- NF
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: Monkeyleg on November 20, 2005, 02:04:06 PM
Well...many years ago I had a room mate (who is still my best friend).

I also had at that time a girlfriend who would come by almost nightly for, um, exercise.

Noisy exercise. Noisy all night.

My friend got an apartment with his father.
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: Jamisjockey on November 20, 2005, 02:21:27 PM
Check your local laws before you do anything.  If you're the only person on the lease, then you probably have all the power in who lives there or not.
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: Silver Bullet on November 20, 2005, 02:28:35 PM
He signed the lease agreement, but like I said I was here before he. Eh?
Are you on the lease ?  If not, can't you just move out and leave him to fend for himself ?
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: Declaration Day on November 20, 2005, 05:50:36 PM
Sounds like a crappy situation, sorry you have to put up with it.

If you can't get out of the lease, could you sub-lease it to one of his friends?


Years ago, I shared an apartment with my brother.  We generally got along just fine.  The problem was, he would drink all of the pop, eat all of the food, and never buy any more.

At first I would buy non-perishable food and hide it in my room.

Then I wised up and started buying food and drinks that I liked, but my brother didn't.

Some arguments can be won by making them obsolete.  cheesy
Title: Kicking out a house mate?
Post by: Azrael256 on November 20, 2005, 06:47:54 PM
When you say signed the lease, do you mean he is a signatory to the contract, or listed on the lease as an authorized occupant?

If it's the latter, call the landlord and evict his sorry butt.

If he actually signed the contract, move.  Now.  See if the landlord is willing to take you off the lease while retaining him.  Also ask the landlord if you can transfer your lease to a different unit.  Terminate all utility contracts in your name on the same day.  Leave him all the necessary phone numbers and such to restart the utilities.  Do NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT have the utility contracts transferred to his name (assuming you can).  You cut everything off that has your name on it, and let him use a pay phone to get the lights turned back on.

Do NOT screw around with silly games to try to convince him of anything.  If you think it's bad now, start screwing with him and you'll find out just how bad things can get.