Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: AZRedhawk44 on April 04, 2009, 11:46:43 PM

Title: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on April 04, 2009, 11:46:43 PM
No, I'm not making it up.

BP vest, assault rifle.  Creates domestic disturbance then lays in trap for police response.  Kills 3, gets in a gunfight with SWAT.  Lives through ordeal with bullet holes in his legs (because of the vest).,2933,512560,00.html

Condolences to the officers' families.

Legislatively, this is BAD.

PITTSBURGH —  A gunman wearing a bulletproof vest and "lying in wait" opened fire on officers responding to a domestic disturbance call Saturday, killing three of them and turning a quiet Pittsburgh street into a battlefield, police said.

Police Chief Nate Harper said the motive for the shooting isn't clear, but friends said the gunman recently had been upset about losing his job and feared the Obama administration was poised to ban guns.

Richard Poplawski, 23, met officers at the doorway and shot two of them in the head immediately, Harper said. An officer who tried to help the two also was killed.

Click here for photos.

Poplawski, armed with an assault rifle and two other guns, then held police at bay for four hours as the fallen officers were left bleeding nearby, their colleagues unable to reach them, according to police and witnesses. More than 100 rounds were fired by the SWAT teams and Poplawski, Harper said.

The three slain officers were Eric Kelly, 41, Stephen Mayhle, 29, and Paul Sciullo III, 37. Kelly had been on the force for 14 years, Mayhle and Sciullo for two years each. Another officer, Timothy McManaway, was shot in the hand and a fifth broke his leg on a fence.

Poplawski had gunshot wounds in his legs but was otherwise unharmed because he was wearing a bulletproof vest, Harper said. He was charged with three counts of homicide, aggravated assault and a weapons violation.

The shooting occurred just two weeks after four police officers were fatally shot in Oakland, Calif., in the deadliest day for U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11, 2001. The officers were the first Pittsburgh city officers to die in the line of duty in 18 years.

"This is a solemn day and it's a very sad day in the city of Pittsburgh," Harper said. "We've seen this kind of violence happen in California. We never would think this kind of violence would happen in the city of Pittsburgh."

At 7 a.m., Sciullo and Mayhle responded to a 911 call from Poplawski's mother, who remained holed up in the basement during the entire dispute and escaped unharmed, Harper said.

Photo EssaysPittsburgh Police Shooting
When they arrived at the home, Sciullo was immediately shot in the head. Mayhle, who was right behind him, was also shot in the head.

"It appears he was lying in wait for the officers," Harper said.

Kelly, who was on his way home after completing his overnight shift when he heard the call for help, rushed to the scene and was killed trying to help Sciullo and Mayhle, Harper said. SWAT teams and other officers arrived and were immediately fired on as well.

Don Sand, who lives across the street from Poplawski, said he was woken up by the sound of gunfire. Hunkering down behind a wall in his home, he saw the first two officers go down and then saw Kelly get shot.

"They couldn't get the scene secure enough to get to them. They were just lying there bleeding," Sand said. "By the time they secured the scene enough to get to them it was way too late."

Poplawski feared "the Obama gun ban that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon," said Edward Perkovic, his best friend.

Perkovic, 22, said he got a call at work from him in which he said, "Eddie, I am going to die today. ... Tell your family I love them and I love you."

Perkovic said: "I heard gunshots and he hung up. ... He sounded like he was in pain, like he got shot."

Poplawski had once tried to join the Marines, but was kicked out of boot camp after throwing a food tray at a drill sergeant, Perkovic said.

Another longtime friend, Aaron Vire, said Poplawski feared that President Barack Obama was going to take away his rights, though he said he "wasn't violently against Obama."

Vire, 23, said Poplawski once had an Internet talk show but that it wasn't successful. He said Poplawski owned an AK-47 rifle and several powerful handguns, including a .357 Magnum.

Obama has said he respects Americans' constitutional right to bear arms, but that he favors "common sense" gun laws. Gun rights advocates interpret that as meaning he would approve of curbs on ownership of assault and concealed weapons.

Poplawski had been laid off from his job at a glass factory earlier this year, said another friend, Joe DiMarco. DiMarco said he didn't know the name of the company, but knew his friend had been upset about it.

The last Pittsburgh police officers killed in the line of duty were Officers Thomas L. Herron and Joseph J. Grill, according to a Web site that tracks police killings. They died after their patrol car collided with another vehicle while chasing a stolen car on March 6, 1991.

In 1995, an off-duty officer was shot with his own gun after he confronted a group of teenagers about graffiti. Tests later showed the officer had been drinking.

According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 133 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2008, a 27 percent decrease from year before and the lowest annual total since 1960.

Poplawski had often fought with neighbors and had even gotten into fist fights with a couple, Sand said.

"This is a relatively really quiet neighborhood except for him," Sand said. "He was just one of those kids that we knew to stay clear from."

Harper confirmed police had responded to calls from the Poplawski house several times but said the incidents were still being investigated.

Rob Gift, 45, who lives a block away, said the well-kept single-family houses with manicured lawns are home to many police officers, firefighters, paramedics and other city workers.

"It's just a very quiet neighborhood," Gift said.

Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Standing Wolf on April 04, 2009, 11:52:04 PM
Poplawski feared "the Obama gun ban that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon," said Edward Perkovic, his best friend.

Too convenient. I don't mean it couldn't be true. I mean I don't believe the raw number of purported "mere coincidences" I've been seeing lately.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Matthew Carberry on April 04, 2009, 11:54:27 PM
Are there "more" or is that just a perception fueled by media attention?
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: RocketMan on April 05, 2009, 02:31:30 AM
There have been a lot lately.  Including this one, we are up to 47 for the months of March and April so far.
A quote from a Fox News story:

A string of attacks in the U.S. in the last month left 47 people dead in all.

A gunman killed 10 people and himself in Samson, Alabama; shootings that began with a traffic stop in Oakland, California, left four police officers and the gunman dead; an apparent murder-suicide in Santa Clara, California, left six dead; and a gunman went on a rampage at a nursing home last Sunday, killing seven elderly residents and a nurse who cared for them.

On Saturday, a man opened fire on officers during a domestic disturbance call in Pittsburgh, killing three of them, a police official said.

The story is here:,2933,512559,00.html (,2933,512559,00.html)

You are right.  This will renew calls for an AWB.  They will eventually get one through, in my opinion.  All of these nuts, especially this last one, are making it easier for our politicos.

Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Gewehr98 on April 05, 2009, 01:32:43 PM
What's an assault rifle? 

I always thought it was a rifle used in an assault. 

YMMV, of course, but let's not use terms coined by anti-gunners when none are warranted...
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: mtnbkr on April 05, 2009, 03:33:49 PM
FWIW, I heard a talking head on TV this morning claiming that this wouldn't do much to increase calls for a ban because people are more concerned with economics at the moment.  Paraphrasing, but that was the gist of his statement.

Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: gunsmith on April 05, 2009, 05:17:33 PM
Been kinda tracking the story, a bunch of morons in the killers friends/ family.
Killer had a dishonorable from the Marine Corp and wasn't legal  ( to own guns ) in the first place
and his dumb mom called the cops to "evict" him, not knowing that eviction is a civil procedure, not a police matter- the only things the cops would have done is tell her that.
Killers friends do not know the difference between a AK semi - auto clone and a machine gun
and tell everyone he had a machine gun.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: longeyes on April 05, 2009, 06:00:27 PM
Too convenient. I don't mean it couldn't be true. I mean I don't believe the raw number of purported "mere coincidences" I've been seeing lately.

The same thought I've had...

I'd like to think there are limits to the Left's diabolism.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 05, 2009, 06:45:41 PM
I'm not quite ready to believe the left could get a guy to go suicidal for gun control. 

But I could easily believe his acquaintances were paid off to portray him as a gun rights militant.

That being said, the most simple explanation is that he really did make statements about gun rights, and Obama, and people really thought that's why he was shooting cops who came to his house. 
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 05, 2009, 07:00:37 PM
and the whackjob statements on the web were just a front? more likely a paranoid loser
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: LadySmith on April 05, 2009, 09:22:19 PM
more likely a paranoid loser

Those types usually wind up being more useful to an enemy than to anyone else.  =(
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Ryan in Maine on April 05, 2009, 09:31:31 PM
I'm not quite ready to believe the left could get a guy to go suicidal for gun control. 
"Hey, your life is headed nowhere. You do this favor for us and we'll take good care of your family/friends/girlfriend - make sure they have the life you can't achieve/provide for them."

Anti-gun extremists have already been caught trying to cause harm in gun safety/CCW classes. We know they lie. We know they're irrational. We know they'll spend millions of dollars to try and save face. We know they won't admit when they're wrong.

As unlikely as it might sound, I wouldn't call it far-fetched. Any tragedy with a firearm is good press for the anti-gun extremists. A resounding victory, if you will.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 05, 2009, 09:34:15 PM
I wouldn't call it far-fetched.

what would you call it?
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Ryan in Maine on April 05, 2009, 09:39:59 PM
Terrible. Sad. Pathetic. Tragic. Selfish. Heartless.

But not far-fetched.

It's basically what anti-gun extremists have attempted to do in gun safety/CCW classes already, but on a much larger scale/stage.

Don't get me wrong, man. I felt bad after typing that. I really did. But I didn't feel wrong.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on April 05, 2009, 09:44:44 PM
and you can formulate that kinda conspiracy even in light of this guys history as a whackjob? loser comes home to mommas basement after drinking all night and gets stupid and you wanna try to make an infowars type scenario?
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: HankB on April 05, 2009, 09:45:22 PM
Three cops down, and the SWAT team opens fire on the bad guy and shoots him multiple times. Contrast this with the shooting at the immigrant center a few days ago, where over a dozen NON-COPS were killed, many wounded and pleading for help on the phone . . . and the cowardly - yes, cowardly - cops cooled their heels for over an hour and didn't go after the bad guy until it was safe.

Clearly, cops are FAR MORE important than non-cops.

<expletive> <expletive> <string of expletives>

Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: stevelyn on April 05, 2009, 10:18:41 PM
Anti-gun extremists have already been caught trying to cause harm in gun safety/CCW classes. We know they lie. We know they're irrational. We know they'll spend millions of dollars to try and save face. We know they won't admit when they're wrong.

Not only that, but they've been caught loading live rounds into display guns at gun shows.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: MicroBalrog on April 05, 2009, 10:33:18 PM
I agree with CS&D. Not with his delivery... but with his general idea, yes. I doubt this is a set-up.

...the sky is falling.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: crt360 on April 05, 2009, 11:04:45 PM
Three cops down, and the SWAT team opens fire on the bad guy and shoots him multiple times. Contrast this with the shooting at the immigrant center a few days ago, where over a dozen NON-COPS were killed, many wounded and pleading for help on the phone . . . and the cowardly - yes, cowardly - cops cooled their heels for over an hour and didn't go after the bad guy until it was safe.

Clearly, cops are FAR MORE important than non-cops.

<expletive> <expletive> <string of expletives>


And then the cops called the guy a coward for offing himself instead of shooting it out with the police.  WTF?
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on April 05, 2009, 11:06:59 PM
Killer had a dishonorable from the Marine Corp and wasn't legal  ( to own guns ) in the first place

Well fancy that, a criminal breaking the law...
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on April 05, 2009, 11:15:28 PM
Three cops down, and the SWAT team opens fire on the bad guy and shoots him multiple times. Contrast this with the shooting at the immigrant center a few days ago, where over a dozen NON-COPS were killed, many wounded and pleading for help on the phone . . . and the cowardly - yes, cowardly - cops cooled their heels for over an hour and didn't go after the bad guy until it was safe.

Clearly, cops are FAR MORE important than non-cops.

<expletive> <expletive> <string of expletives>


You know... this is the most cogent and poignant observation from which one can derive any form of logic surrounding this entire situation.

"Officer down" means more to cops than a dozen dropped peasants.

What's that mean for the rest of us peons?

Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Zardozimo Oprah Bannedalas on April 05, 2009, 11:26:45 PM
Not only that, but they've been caught loading live rounds into display guns at gun shows.
Could you cite cases of this? And of the troublemakers in the CCW classes? I've heard mention made of it, but never any articles or anybody's first-hand accounts.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Ryan in Maine on April 06, 2009, 05:17:16 AM
and you can formulate that kinda conspiracy even in light of this guys history as a whackjob? loser comes home to mommas basement after drinking all night and gets stupid and you wanna try to make an infowars type scenario?
That's why it works. You wouldn't approach a well-off model of good citizenry to do such a thing. You make the offer to the whack job - the screw up - the one with nothing going for them. It's obvious that the folks responsible for pretty much every shooting you'll hear about are disturbed individuals in some form or another.

I'm only trying to express my suspicion here.

We've even had politicians who hoped for more shootings to help them advance their anti-gun extremism (the politician out of Seattle, WA I believe it was). Anti-gun extremists want more shootings. The bigger the body count the harder they high-five each other. The more intimidating the weapon the more they forward the e-mail about the story. I don't think it's far-fetched to think they'd (they'd meaning anti-gun extremists) set something like that in motion.

I'm not creating a conspiracy here, man. I'm pointing out a possible natural (and devastating) progression of things.

   /ˈfɑrˈfɛtʃt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fahr-fecht] Show IPA
improbable; not naturally pertinent; being only remotely connected; forced; strained: He brought in a far-fetched example in an effort to prove his point.
Also, farfetched.


Related forms:
far-fetchedness, farfetchedness, noun Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009.


highly imaginative but unlikely; "a farfetched excuse"; "an implausible explanation"
WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

Sorry, I don't have citations handy. It's been discussed in-depth on THR and I believe here on APS too, possibly. A search ought to yield some results. It's too early in the morning for me to mess with the search function though.  =|
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: ShortTimer on April 06, 2009, 05:54:38 AM
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: MicroBalrog on April 06, 2009, 08:05:36 AM
Perkovic is obviously anti-semitic, but Poplawski?

Mr. Poplawski was opposed to "Zionist propaganda"

I am also opposed to Zionist propaganda, but that doesn't make me an anti-semite.

That guy was an obvious evil whackjob, but truth is not served well by painting anybody opposed to Zionism as an anti-semite, although of course many anti-semites use anti-Zionism to cover up their sins.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: buzz_knox on April 06, 2009, 08:28:18 AM
Could you cite cases of this? And of the troublemakers in the CCW classes? I've heard mention made of it, but never any articles or anybody's first-hand accounts.

All you'll ever find are anecdotes, as there have been to date no criminal cases that I'm aware of.  But one such incident happened in Knoxville several years ago at the I-75 Expo show.  I was at the table of a dealer I know when the call came over to double check the weapons.  I asked what was going on and the dealer said one of the rifles had been found loaded.  It had been confirmed as empty when initially put out on display.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: HankB on April 06, 2009, 09:13:07 AM
As for "antis" deliberately trying to cause incidents . . . I do recall one of the animal rights groups had a campaign some years back with the theme of "save a life, shoot a sign." Their idea was that by shooting up road signs alongside highways during hunting season, hunters would be blamed for the bullet-riddled signs and people would call for a ban on hunting.

As for antis being behind the recent spate of shootings . . . I've no evidence of it, but the timing of these incidents does - or at least, should - raise eyebrows.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: RoadKingLarry on April 06, 2009, 09:34:40 AM
IS there any citation/link for the nut job having a DD from the Marines?
The FOX article mentioned getting kicked out of the Marines but no mention of his actual discharge status.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Stand_watie on April 06, 2009, 09:44:31 AM
IS there any citation/link for the nut job having a DD from the Marines?
The FOX article mentioned getting kicked out of the Marines but no mention of his actual discharge status.

Here you go

"He wasn't fully a Marine. He got a dishonorable discharge out of boot camp," Perkovic said. "He wanted to get out of the Marine Corps."
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Uncle Bubba on April 06, 2009, 10:02:40 AM

Here you go

"He wasn't fully a Marine. He got a dishonorable discharge out of boot camp," Perkovic said. "He wanted to get out of the Marine Corps."

I didn't see this detail in that article but one I read yesterday said the reason for his discharge from boot camp was throwing a tray at one of his DIs in the chow hall dining facility.

Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Uncle Bubba on April 06, 2009, 10:07:18 AM

Three cops down, and the SWAT team opens fire on the bad guy and shoots him multiple times. Contrast this with the shooting at the immigrant center a few days ago, where over a dozen NON-COPS were killed, many wounded and pleading for help on the phone . . . and the cowardly - yes, cowardly - cops cooled their heels for over an hour and didn't go after the bad guy until it was safe.

Clearly, cops are FAR MORE important than non-cops.

<expletive> <expletive> <string of expletives>


Amen brother. Learning that they'd stood around for an hour made me so mad I couldn't see straight. "Getcher ass in there, slick! That's your g**d*** job!"
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Balog on April 06, 2009, 11:57:30 AM
Maybe anti's paid the guy. Maybe Obama's not a citizen and the election was rigged. Maybe FDR bribed the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor. Maybe the Illuminati killed JFK cause he wanted to go public with the alien landing at Roswell. After all, you can't prove that's not true, right? :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Ryan in Maine on April 06, 2009, 03:30:38 PM
Stop trying to take my conspiracy thunder.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: zahc on April 06, 2009, 03:43:32 PM
Amen brother. Learning that they'd stood around for an hour made me so mad I couldn't see straight. "Getcher ass in there, slick! That's your g**d*** job!"

It isn't, actually. Police work is only a job. They can quit at any time, they are not going to risk themselves for someone else, and they have no legal obligation to do so. I do not demand that police risk their own lives protecting others'. In light of this I DO expect people to be allowed and enabled to protect themselves.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Uncle Bubba on April 06, 2009, 04:40:27 PM
It isn't, actually. Police work is only a job. They can quit at any time, they are not going to risk themselves for someone else, and they have no legal obligation to do so. I do not demand that police risk their own lives protecting others'. In light of this I DO expect people to be allowed and enabled to protect themselves.

Yeah, it is, actually. "To Protect And Serve". It's not "just" a job, it's their job. Look up the Peelian Principles. You put on the shield and the sidearm, you have the means and the responsibility to end such a situation, USSC opinions be damned. A woman with a pistol took on and killed a man wielding a rifle because she knew that if she didn't people who weren't armed and could not take him on would die. Are you saying the police have less responsibility than private citizens to respond to such situations? Feh.

Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Firethorn on April 06, 2009, 05:05:14 PM
I didn't see this detail in that article but one I read yesterday said the reason for his discharge from boot camp was throwing a tray at one of his DIs in the chow hall dining facility.

Now, I'm only an AF puke, but in my experience wouldn't it take far more than this to get a DD?  Especially for a guy in basic?  Most of the time they just kick them out with 'not suited for military', don't they?
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Balog on April 06, 2009, 05:24:14 PM
If it's accurate that he got a DD and not a Bad Conduct or Other than Honorable, it sure as hell would not be for throwing a tray. DD is the same as a felony conviction: usually takes multiple felony grade offenses. Or a capital crime.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: gunsmith on April 06, 2009, 05:26:16 PM
Now, I'm only an AF puke, but in my experience wouldn't it take far more than this to get a DD?  Especially for a guy in basic?  Most of the time they just kick them out with 'not suited for military', don't they?

I was wondering about that myself, it could be he got a "discharge under less then honorable"
i.e not a DD and his idiot friends told the press it was a DD, just like the semi is a "machine gun"
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Matthew Carberry on April 06, 2009, 05:35:50 PM
Yep, I'd bet it was a "for the good of the service" General Discharge but under "Other than Honorable Conditions".

Every Boot discharge I'm aware of that wasn't for a real crime or fraud on enlistment papers was a General.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Uncle Bubba on April 06, 2009, 05:47:06 PM

I was wondering about that myself, it could be he got a "discharge under less then honorable"
i.e not a DD and his idiot friends told the press it was a DD, just like the semi is a "machine gun"

My thinking, too.


Looks like this guy and his friend(s) may be the newsies' equivalent of manna from heaven. Reports are surfacing of posts on Stormfront by him and his best friend, racist and anti-Semitic rants on their MySpace pages, and the like.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: gunsmith on April 06, 2009, 05:49:50 PM
Maybe anti's paid the guy. Maybe Obama's not a citizen and the election was rigged. Maybe FDR bribed the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor. Maybe the Illuminati killed JFK cause he wanted to go public with the alien landing at Roswell. After all, you can't prove that's not true, right? :rolleyes:

So, you admit the CIA killed John Lennon? & building 7 was imploded?
I knew it!

its no longer fistfuls fault, its Balogs fault! balog is illuminatti!
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: RocketMan on April 06, 2009, 08:47:15 PM
It's no longer fistfuls fault, its Balogs fault! balog is illuminatti!

I knew there was something fishy about that guy...  :O

Wait a minute...does that mean we have to stop blaming fistful?
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Matthew Carberry on April 08, 2009, 03:42:37 PM
I knew there was something fishy about that guy...  :O

Wait a minute...does that mean we have to stop blaming fistful?

Blame is not a zero-sum game.  Its capacity is limitless.
Title: Re: Pittsburgh gunman kills 3 cops 'cuz he's afraid of a new AWB...
Post by: Balog on April 08, 2009, 05:45:28 PM
I knew there was something fishy about that guy...  :O

Wait a minute...does that mean we have to stop blaming fistful?

It's fistfuls fault I'm Illuminati.