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Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Monkeyleg on April 23, 2009, 01:58:16 AM

Title: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Monkeyleg on April 23, 2009, 01:58:16 AM
How... flattering that JFruser thinks conservatives can't be attractive.

That comment by Dionysusigma in the Miss California thread brought to mind a conversation I had last year with my brother's ex.

During the course of the conversation, the subject of politics came up. When I explained to her that my wife and I consider ourselves conservatives, she was in shock.

"But you two were always so much fun," she said in a puzzled tone. "You had great parties and were always laughing and having a good time."

I tried my best to explain that conservatism isn't synonymous with dourness or anger, but she was unswayed.

Just how is it that conservatives seem to have been painted as black-lynching, witch-burning, Poland-invading grouches?
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: S. Williamson on April 23, 2009, 02:00:15 AM
People don't like to identify with "the other side," I guess. *shrug*  =|
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Regolith on April 23, 2009, 02:02:56 AM
Some lefties have repeated the lie that conservatives are somehow stupid, ignorant, or prude so often to themselves that they came to believe it.  It helps them feel superior about their belief system, I guess...

I find that people who think this way are often extremely emotionally immature.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: S. Williamson on April 23, 2009, 02:11:15 AM
People on "our side" do the same thing, too.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Monkeyleg on April 23, 2009, 02:15:22 AM
People on "our side" do the same thing, too.

Naw. Liberals really are vapid robots with the mental acuity of a turnip. ;)
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 23, 2009, 07:31:49 AM
A lot of it is because we got stuck with the wrong label. 

Religious conservatives / social conservatives are in the same situation.  People think because you don't participate/approve of X, you must be opposed to happiness or fun.   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: myrockfight on April 23, 2009, 08:27:07 AM
Good lord. You think that is bad?! I was flipping through the channels and saw Jeanine Garafalo on....that uppity left-winger's show (can't think of his name right now). I stopped because listening to her talk and hearing her "theories" are good for a laugh.

Anyway. She was saying that all conservatives (Republicans, Right-wingers, and White Supremacists ['cause they are all the same]) have a mental defect. The limbic part of their brains are pushing against their frontal lobes and making them think..."conservatively"? I LOLed my arse off. Then I changed the channel before her BS started sticking to the inside of my television, pushing out the interior walls, and causing a defect to my TV.

Here is an edited version of the show: It was Keith Olbermann's show, BTW: (
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: makattak on April 23, 2009, 08:38:50 AM
Good lord. You think that is bad?! I was flipping through the channels and saw Jeanine Garafalo on....that uppity left-winger's show (can't think of his name right now). I stopped because listening to her talk and hearing her "theories" are good for a laugh.

Anyway. She was saying that all conservatives have a mental defect. Their brains are pushing on the inside of their skulls and making them think..."conservatively"? I LOLed my arse off. Then I changed the channel before her BS started sticking to the inside of my television, pushing out the interior walls, and causing a defect to my TV.

Yeah, when your opponents start pushing eugenic theories, there's no longer a debate.

It's funny, I assume there is a rational person somewhere inside of a liberal. I am often disappointed that I couldn't bring it out, but I'm sure it has to be there.

We're not seperate species, after all.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Strings on April 23, 2009, 05:06:12 PM
>Anyway. She was saying that all conservatives (Republicans, Right-wingers, and White Supremacists ['cause they are all the same]) have a mental defect.<

It's kinda funny: the things we point out that bother us in others, are quite often traits we ourselves have. This is the perfect example.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: BridgeRunner on April 23, 2009, 07:06:36 PM
Honestly, I have had a hard time dealing with a lot of conservatives lately and on several issues, I am one.  The chronic PR problem of the right has not been enhanced by the post-election attitude of a whole lot of conservatives I have interacted with. 

Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: grampster on April 23, 2009, 07:45:25 PM
I'm what might be categorized as a conservative.  I'm also happy, joyful, open minded but having core principals and enjoy life very much.  I don't suffer fools very well, but generally don't get confrontational with them;  I ignore them.  Folks I know who are like minded, mostly have the same personality that I do.

Most generally, those that I am aquainted with who might be categorized as liberal, seem to be up tight, angry, highly educated but narrow minded.  Their ethics (if you can give them credit for having any) are situational rather than being grounded in reason and stable, and are unable to discus contemporary issues without becoming onorously boring or overbearing.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: lee n. field on April 23, 2009, 08:57:25 PM
Just how is it that conservatives seem to have been painted as black-lynching, witch-burning, Poland-invading grouches?

Go dig up a copy of P. J. O'Rourke's Republican Party Reptile (, and read it to her.

And for a fun time, Google up Conservative Women (
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: RevDisk on April 23, 2009, 10:02:48 PM
Just how is it that conservatives seem to have been painted as black-lynching, witch-burning, Poland-invading grouches?

Some of us ARE witches (or close enough).  The primary conservative party isn't exactly always friendly towards us.   Most of us just want to do our thing and we don't have a reputation for being overly militant about it.  Whiney, sure.  Militant, hardly.   If you ever find a Wiccan trying to force public schools to put the Reed up on the wall, you'll find other pagans staring at them like they grew a second head. 

If you had to venture a guess, what is the political affiliation of the folks who have hassled me strictly due to my religious beliefs? 

If you think gays in general have any reason to remotely think of conservative political groups in ANY sort of positive light...  For better or worse, fundimentalist religious groups have tried to claim ownership of the entire conservative moment.  I'm not claiming it's remotely true, but such groups have tried to promote it.  Here's a general thought, if one side of an argument claims the other side is pure evil and an abomination in the eyes of their deity, the other side won't be overly eager to join forces. 

Basically, roughly every complaint you can think up about liberals has some somewhat legitimate counterpart that can be made about conservatives.  You can argue all day long about which is worse or better, but a lot of the accusations are hardly unfounded.   Those idiotic groundless pseudo science comments a certain lady made?  Uh, Rush makes a equally false comments that are just as groundless every time he speaks more than five sentences.  Conservatives gripe about the destruction that the "war on poverty" has done to our country.  Yea, entitlement programs are wasteful, expensive, difficult to kill and dependency forming.  Well, liberals gripe about the "war on drugs", which is equally destructive to our country.  I don't care that pot's illegal and I don't give two figs about it.  Asset seizure laws DO scare the ever lovin tar out of me and wonder what the judges were smoking when they ruled it Constitutional. 

"Tax and spend" liberals vs "Borrow and spend" conservatives.  Do not even try to lie to my face that the GOP does not blow money like drunken sailors with an unlimited Visa card when they can do so and not lose political points of their voters.  Gods, it is a sad day when a Republican administration makes Clinton's administration look like the very definition of financial prudence and restraint.  Of course, the Obama administration wants to spent more than both combined.  Sigh

It all adds up to a certain perception.  Toss in the Us vs Them thing drilled into every human.  Every group assumes the best about their own group, ignores the bad, and assumes the worst of the opposite group we choose to affiliate with.  That's not a liberal or conservative thing, that's every human on the planet.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Monkeyleg on April 23, 2009, 11:10:23 PM
You're awfully bitter, RevDisk. You must be a conservative. ;)
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: myrockfight on April 23, 2009, 11:38:34 PM
>Anyway. She was saying that all conservatives (Republicans, Right-wingers, and White Supremacists ['cause they are all the same]) have a mental defect.<

It's kinda funny: the things we point out that bother us in others, are quite often traits we ourselves have. This is the perfect example.

I was thinking the exact same thing. I also loved how she came up with the conclusion that all Tea Party goers were all racists.

Not only that. But she commented that she couldn't believe how many racists there were in the U.S. (referring to how many people attended the Tea Parties). At another point of the interview she says that about ten people showed up.

The woman can't even carry a consistent thought concerning a major part of her argument. How many people showed up? Genius. Were there so many that you can't believe how many "racists there are" or is the "threat" non-existant and null because "only ten people showed up."

Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 24, 2009, 01:26:06 AM
Not a contradiction.  The majority of racists are actually invisible, so they did not "show up."  Garafalo knows this. 

I only defend her because I've always thought she was hot. 
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: jackdanson on April 24, 2009, 01:43:28 AM
I only defend her because I've always thought she was hot. 

bleh.  Just bleh.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: digitalandanalog on April 24, 2009, 01:43:47 AM
I only defend her because I've always thought she was hot.

Yeah, like when she was lots younger, funnier and not such a beyotch.

When was it decided that marginally talented stand up comedians are suitable for accurate social commentary?

Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: gunsmith on April 24, 2009, 03:41:35 AM

Just how is it that conservatives seem to have been painted as black-lynching, witch-burning, Poland-invading grouches?

I've wondered the same thing, the humorlessness of the common liberal was one of the things that turned me away from them.
Good ( funny ) humor is seldom politically correct.

Also, few people know what a conservative is anymore, or what a Socialist is.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: gunsmith on April 24, 2009, 03:52:52 AM
funny though, I wrote a whole treatise (in my post for this thread) on that Jeanine Garrulous gal then scrapped it....

Their jokes about "teabagging" were gross, not funny at all, Franken is boring now and so is  Dennis Miller for that matter.

South Park is way, waaaaaay funnier than mainstream comedy ... that's part of the reason they're so bitter.

Smarter people lean toward conservatism nowadays, however bitter liberals own the mainstream media.
Smarter people are funnier but they don't own the media 
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: S. Williamson on April 24, 2009, 07:31:57 AM
When was it decided that marginally talented stand up comedians are suitable for accurate social commentary?
When bad action stars could become state Governors.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: makattak on April 24, 2009, 08:57:31 AM
Some of us ARE witches (or close enough).  The primary conservative party isn't exactly always friendly towards us.   Most of us just want to do our thing and we don't have a reputation for being overly militant about it.  Whiney, sure.  Militant, hardly.   If you ever find a Wiccan trying to force public schools to put the Reed up on the wall, you'll find other pagans staring at them like they grew a second head. 

If you had to venture a guess, what is the political affiliation of the folks who have hassled me strictly due to my religious beliefs? 

If you think gays in general have any reason to remotely think of conservative political groups in ANY sort of positive light...  For better or worse, fundimentalist religious groups have tried to claim ownership of the entire conservative moment.  I'm not claiming it's remotely true, but such groups have tried to promote it.  Here's a general thought, if one side of an argument claims the other side is pure evil and an abomination in the eyes of their deity, the other side won't be overly eager to join forces. 

Basically, roughly every complaint you can think up about liberals has some somewhat legitimate counterpart that can be made about conservatives.  You can argue all day long about which is worse or better, but a lot of the accusations are hardly unfounded.   Those idiotic groundless pseudo science comments a certain lady made?  Uh, Rush makes a equally false comments that are just as groundless every time he speaks more than five sentences.<Citations needed>   Conservatives gripe about the destruction that the "war on poverty" has done to our country.  Yea, entitlement programs are wasteful, expensive, difficult to kill and dependency forming.  Well, liberals gripe about the "war on drugs", which is equally destructive to our country.  I don't care that pot's illegal and I don't give two figs about it.  Asset seizure laws DO scare the ever lovin tar out of me and wonder what the judges were smoking when they ruled it Constitutional. 

"Tax and spend" liberals vs "Borrow and spend" conservatives.  Do not even try to lie to my face that the GOP does not blow money like drunken sailors with an unlimited Visa card when they can do so and not lose political points of their voters.  Gods, it is a sad day when a Republican administration makes Clinton's administration look like the very definition of financial prudence and restraint.  Of course, the Obama administration wants to spent more than both combined.  Sigh

It all adds up to a certain perception.  Toss in the Us vs Them thing drilled into every human.  Every group assumes the best about their own group, ignores the bad, and assumes the worst of the opposite group we choose to affiliate with.  That's not a liberal or conservative thing, that's every human on the planet.

As I've said before. Most of us who vote for Republicans are voting for the lesser of two evils. I have not been able to vote for a Republican in my lifetime that I actually wanted to win simply on his merits alone. I've voted for him because he may not be what I want, but he's far better than the alternative.

Obama is proving day by day the wisdom of that choice: Republicans may be bad, but Democrats will spend us into oblivion when they get power.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: MechAg94 on April 24, 2009, 09:18:56 AM
As I've said before. Most of us who vote for Republicans are voting for the lesser of two evils. I have not been able to vote for a Republican in my lifetime that I actually wanted to win simply on his merits alone. I've voted for him because he may not be what I want, but he's far better than the alternative.

Obama is proving day by day the wisdom of that choice: Republicans may be bad, but Democrats will spend us into oblivion when they get power.

IMO, the problem is that is ALWAYS how you will feel about elections.  No candidate will be perfect EVER.  Whether you decide to look at it as glass half empty (lesser of two evils, they both suck) or glass half full (agree more with that guy than the other guy) is up to you.  If you find you do have the perfect candidate, it is probably because you don't know enough about him yet. 
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: makattak on April 24, 2009, 09:31:14 AM
IMO, the problem is that is ALWAYS how you will feel about elections.  No candidate will be perfect EVER.  Whether you decide to look at it as glass half empty (lesser of two evils, they both suck) or glass half full (agree more with that guy than the other guy) is up to you.  If you find you do have the perfect candidate, it is probably because you don't know enough about him yet. 

No, it's not how you should always feel about elections.

Had I been old enough to vote for Reagan, I would have voted FOR Reagan. There are a number of local candidates for whom I DO vote, not just vote against the other guy.

However, yes, most elections do seem to be that way.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: RevDisk on April 24, 2009, 09:58:27 AM
You're awfully bitter, RevDisk. You must be a conservative. ;)

Ayep.   I'm very bitter, as well as clingy to my religion and guns.   :angel:

As I recall, Obama was talking about Pennsylvanians... 

As I've said before. Most of us who vote for Republicans are voting for the lesser of two evils. I have not been able to vote for a Republican in my lifetime that I actually wanted to win simply on his merits alone. I've voted for him because he may not be what I want, but he's far better than the alternative.

Obama is proving day by day the wisdom of that choice: Republicans may be bad, but Democrats will spend us into oblivion when they get power.

I swing vote.  I vote for the least worst candidate I can find regardless of party.  Sometimes it's R, sometimes it's D.   I think giving your vote unconditionally to a party is a bad negotiating tactic.  If a political party knows it has your vote regardless of its conduct, it will not stay bought.  If you make candidates actually compete for votes and money, they are more likely to stay bought.

I used basically the same rational for supporting Bob Casey Jr's run for senate.  I do not like all of his policies or beliefs, but the dude is the PA Democrat moderate equivalent of Ted Nugent (how's that for a really weird analogy).   He has affirmed publicly and in his voting record that he strongly favors "Absolute right to gun ownership". 
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: makattak on April 24, 2009, 10:05:45 AM
Ayep.   I'm very bitter, as well as clingy to my religion and guns.   :angel:

As I recall, Obama was talking about Pennsylvanians... 

I swing vote.  I vote for the least worst candidate I can find regardless of party.  Sometimes it's R, sometimes it's D.   I think giving your vote unconditionally to a party is a bad negotiating tactic.  If a political party knows it has your vote regardless of its conduct, it will not stay bought.  If you make candidates actually compete for votes and money, they are more likely to stay bought.

I used basically the same rational for supporting Bob Casey Jr's run for senate.  I do not like all of his policies or beliefs, but the dude is the PA Democrat moderate equivalent of Ted Nugent (how's that for a really weird analogy).   He has affirmed publicly and in his voting record that he strongly favors "Absolute right to gun ownership". 

I don't swing vote.

However, it's not because I am a dyed in the wool Republican or nothing voter, it's because there is no democrat I would vote for (in my elections so far.) The Republicans get my vote so long as they best represent my views.

If they send me Arnold Schwarzenegger against a more conservative democrat, they're not getting my vote.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Kwelz on April 24, 2009, 10:18:42 AM
My friend Karen's take on the stereotypes for conservatives.
I am proud to call her and all the ladies in the Video my friends. 
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Monkeyleg on April 24, 2009, 11:23:43 AM
Most of my friends are liberals, so I can't seriously make sweeping generalizations about liberals. It's not possible. One thing I have noticed, though, is that for many of them, their normally cheerful dispositions get downright ugly when it comes to seeing or talking about "rich" people.

At first I thought it was because they hated the idea of wealth, but I learned that's not true. They all would love to live in expensive homes and drive expensive cars, fly around the world in private jets, and generally live the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. (One friend has been living that lifestyle, but without the income to support it).

They want the goodies, but they don't want the work that getting the goodies requires. So, if they can't have the goodies, they don't want someone else to have them either. The goodies remind them that it's possible to achieve just about anything if you work hard enough, and my friends just don't want to work that hard. It's not about redistributing wealth, it's about redistributing misery.
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: MechAg94 on April 24, 2009, 11:32:45 AM
Most of my friends are liberals, so I can't seriously make sweeping generalizations about liberals. It's not possible. One thing I have noticed, though, is that for many of them, their normally cheerful dispositions get downright ugly when it comes to seeing or talking about "rich" people.

At first I thought it was because they hated the idea of wealth, but I learned that's not true. They all would love to live in expensive homes and drive expensive cars, fly around the world in private jets, and generally live the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. (One friend has been living that lifestyle, but without the income to support it).

They want the goodies, but they don't want the work that getting the goodies requires. So, if they can't have the goodies, they don't want someone else to have them either. The goodies remind them that it's possible to achieve just about anything if you work hard enough, and my friends just don't want to work that hard. It's not about redistributing wealth, it's about redistributing misery.
I think I have seen that attitude as well.  The other "liberal" type I have seen is the type that can't seem to analyze issues further than their nose and either don't understand people at all or can't see the consequences of short term actions.  They are the type that when asked about using a gun for self defense claim the odds of it happening to them are so small it is not worth worrying about. 
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: roo_ster on April 24, 2009, 12:03:14 PM
Not a contradiction.  The majority of racists are actually invisible, so they did not "show up."  Garafalo knows this. 

They are so white that have become translucent?  And their innards, too?

Or, are they black, as in black hole, so that not even rays of light can escape their gravity well?
Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: longeyes on April 24, 2009, 12:26:26 PM
Conservatism is predicated on reason and sublimation.

That doesn't mean All The Time.  :)

For people whose whole universe revolves around immediate gratification and emotional froth, yes, conservatives will look dour indeed.

Title: Re: Perceptions of conservatives
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 24, 2009, 05:32:14 PM
They are so white that have become translucent?  And their innards, too?

Precisely.  And if you spend enough time line-dancing to Donny and Marie Osmond, while watching NASCAR, you could be translucent, too.