Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Unisaw on April 27, 2009, 12:32:24 PM

Title: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Unisaw on April 27, 2009, 12:32:24 PM
With the quality of thinking evidenced in this opinion piece, I can't believe Jimmy Carter was ever elected president or served as a naval officer on a nuclear sub:

April 27, 2009
Op-Ed Contributor
What Happened to the Ban on Assault Weapons?


THE evolution in public policy concerning the manufacture, sale and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons like AK-47s, AR-15s and Uzis has been very disturbing. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and I all supported a ban on these formidable firearms, and one was finally passed in 1994.

When the 10-year ban was set to expire, many police organizations — including 1,100 police chiefs and sheriffs from around the nation — called on Congress and President George W. Bush to renew and strengthen it. But with a wink from the White House, the gun lobby prevailed and the ban expired.

I have used weapons since I was big enough to carry one, and now own two handguns, four shotguns and three rifles, two with scopes. I use them carefully, for hunting game from our family woods and fields, and occasionally for hunting with my family and friends in other places. We cherish the right to own a gun and some of my hunting companions like to collect rare weapons. One of them is a superb craftsman who makes muzzle-loading rifles, one of which I displayed for four years in my private White House office.

But none of us wants to own an assault weapon, because we have no desire to kill policemen or go to a school or workplace to see how many victims we can accumulate before we are finally shot or take our own lives. That’s why the White House and Congress must not give up on trying to reinstate a ban on assault weapons, even if it may be politically difficult.

Click on the link to read the full article.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: taurusowner on April 27, 2009, 12:52:43 PM
What a jackass.

Sorry I don't have anything more to contribute than that.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: John G on April 27, 2009, 01:41:54 PM
Simply breathtaking.   ;/

In one short essay Carter manages to exhibit broken logic and an elitist attitude, even ending it with this gem:  "We can’t let the N.R.A.’s political blackmail prevent the banning of assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend."

Surely you agree with the former prez., right?  Or do you hate police officers and the people they defend? 

Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: longeyes on April 27, 2009, 01:45:00 PM
He's another gun owner who talks, in his case disingenuously, as if he doesn't understand what the Second Amendment is all about.  The 2A is not a device to promote family bonding on pheasant-hunting excursions.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: HankB on April 27, 2009, 02:17:19 PM
Jimmy Carter is more of a warning, rather than an example, when it comes to just about ANY public policy you care to name, foreign OR domestic.

assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend.

LEOs have a lot of them . . . real ones, with full-auto capability. I guess they're used to kill each other and . . . uh . . . us?!?!   ;/
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: MechAg94 on April 27, 2009, 02:24:08 PM
But none of us wants to own an assault weapon, because we have no desire to kill policemen or go to a school or workplace to see how many victims we can accumulate before we are finally shot or take our own lives.
Hey, that is the only reason I own them.   :rolleyes:  

Why doesn't he just come out and say that everyone who owns an AR-15 or AK is murderer who secretly wants to kill a bunch of people?  How can you take anything he says seriously after that statement?
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: MechAg94 on April 27, 2009, 02:26:23 PM
Across our border, Mexican drug cartels are being armed with advanced weaponry imported from the United States — a reality only the N.R.A. seems to dispute.
Here is another gem.  I guess he didn't see the correction stating that the 90% number was not true.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: K Frame on April 27, 2009, 02:52:00 PM
Jimmy Carter?

I thought he died in 1980?

Or was it just his relevancy as a public official that died in 1980?

What frightens me is that some people will look at the most breathtaking political failure of the 20th century and actually think that they're finding wisdom.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Standing Wolf on April 27, 2009, 03:17:28 PM
Jimmy Carter is more of a warning, rather than an example, when it comes to just about ANY public policy you care to name, foreign OR domestic.

Yep. I think we've got an even worse Carter in the White House today: not remarkably intelligent to start with, and dumbed down—a long way down—by leftist extremism.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: AJ Dual on April 27, 2009, 04:14:35 PM
He's another gun owner who talks, in his case disingenuously, as if he doesn't understand what the Second Amendment is all about.  The 2A is not a device to promote family bonding on a pheasant-hunting excursions.

IMO, that's the biggest problem with "Assault Rifle" bans.

Reduced to it's simplest components, people want to ban AR's because they look "militaristic". Therefore the fear is you, the owner, might feel "militaristic".

AWB = Thoughtcrime.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Waitone on April 27, 2009, 04:26:35 PM
Why would anyone care what Jimmuh Carter thinks?  The man is a museum-grade idiot.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Ryan in Maine on April 27, 2009, 04:44:58 PM
But none of us wants to own an assault weapon, because we have no desire to kill policemen or go to a school or workplace to see how many victims we can accumulate before we are finally shot or take our own lives.
Ooh. That's what they're for! I really need to get into college!
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Strings on April 27, 2009, 05:03:21 PM
He forgot to list the third use of the dreaded "assault weapon": to defend peaceful presidents from rampant rabbits...
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on April 27, 2009, 05:03:57 PM
THE evolution in public policy concerning the manufacture, sale and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons like AK-47s, AR-15s and Uzis has been very disturbing.

...We can’t let the N.R.A.’s political blackmail prevent the banning of assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend.

Just who exactly are those officers supposed to defend?  You and your ilk, I assume, since you're so scared of the "evolution in public policy" regarding supposed assault weapons.

Afraid of the huddled masses, Jimmy?

Good.  Then the 2A is still working.  Damaged, but working.  Just wait 'til we get her fixed so she works properly. ;)
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Werewolf on April 27, 2009, 05:43:02 PM
Carter's statement reads like a "some of my best friends are jews and blacks" diatribe. I got the distinct impression he just doesn't get it; that the 2nd isn't about hunting, it's about protecting our nation from enemies both foreign and domestic, protecting our individual selves from those who would do us harm. For those purposes what better weapon than his so called assault rifles.

Edited to add:

Then again maybe he does get it.

And that is what is truly frightening.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Monkeyleg on April 27, 2009, 06:29:11 PM
Too bad Hamas didn't just keep him.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: rcnixon on April 27, 2009, 07:47:26 PM
It shames me to think that we taxpayers paid for his education.

Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: stevelyn on April 27, 2009, 10:41:10 PM
With the quality of thinking evidenced in this opinion piece, I can't believe Jimmy Carter was ever elected president or served as a naval officer on a nuclear sub:

A lot of people have bumbled their way into positions in life that they never should have been in. Jimmy Carter just happens to be one of some notoriety.

Too bad Hamas didn't just keep him

Why would they? Groups like Hamas know a useful idiot when they see one.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Perd Hapley on April 27, 2009, 11:08:43 PM
Maybe he's just ticked off that no one used an assault weapon to bump him off, 'round about 1980.  That would have been great for him.  He'd get to be President, and all his faults would be sanctified by hagiography.  But no, he was doomed to wander the earth in freakish, post-Presidential misery. 
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: mejeepnut on April 28, 2009, 02:17:08 AM
He forgot to list the third use of the dreaded "assault weapon": to defend peaceful presidents from rampant rabbits...

I thought thats what canoe paddles were for?or was it a beaver he assualted that time at camp david?

EDIT-It was a rabbit but he used an oar- (
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: RocketMan on April 28, 2009, 07:33:18 AM
He forgot to list the third use of the dreaded "assault weapon": to defend peaceful presidents from rampant rabbits...

He sure could have used one that day in his canoe.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: tokugawa on April 28, 2009, 11:23:29 AM
I am of the opinion that when you NEED a gun, there is no such thing as too many rounds, too much power, or too much accuracy.  =D
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: slingshot on April 28, 2009, 06:26:25 PM
There is not one good thing I can say about Jimmy Carter..... oops, I always liked his flannel shirts.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Monkeyleg on April 28, 2009, 06:44:08 PM
....oops, I always liked his flannel shirts.

I was partial to the cardigan sweaters. Sort of looked like Mr. Rogers with big teeth.
Title: Re: Jimmy Carter Opines re: Assault Weapons
Post by: Strings on April 28, 2009, 07:43:28 PM
I can say something good about him!

He's no longer president, and only had one term to screw us over.

There... TWO good things about him! ;)