Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: SteveS on September 06, 2009, 09:11:48 AM

Title: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: SteveS on September 06, 2009, 09:11:48 AM
Here is the story: (

I have been in this situation hundreds of times, but have never thought hitting someone else's kid was an option.  If anything, I am more annoyed at the parents that just let it go and ignore the tantrum.  If that was my kid, I doubt I would have let him get that close.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Ned Hamford on September 06, 2009, 09:24:06 AM
They are charging the guy with First Degree Cruelty to children....  5-10 years for a conviction.
You have got to be kidding me.  I hope he goes to court with it instead of caving to a plea deal. 
I am not approving his behavoir, but I do find it amusing the punishment he is threatened with for his misbehavoir.

Georgia Code - Crimes and Offenses - Title 16, Section 16-5-70
(a) A parent, guardian, or other person supervising the welfare of or having immediate charge or custody of a child under the age of 18 commits the offense of cruelty to children in the first degree when such person willfully deprives the child of necessary sustenance to the extent that the child́s health or well-being is jeopardized.

(b) Any person commits the offense of cruelty to children in the first degree when such person maliciously causes a child under the age of 18 cruel or excessive physical or mental pain.

(c) Any person commits the offense of cruelty to children in the second degree when such person with criminal negligence causes a child under the age of 18 cruel or excessive physical or mental pain.

(d) Any person commits the offense of cruelty to children in the third degree when:

(1) Such person, who is the primary aggressor, intentionally allows a child under the age of 18 to witness the commission of a forcible felony, battery, or family violence battery; or

(2) Such person, who is the primary aggressor, having knowledge that a child under the age of 18 is present and sees or hears the act, commits a forcible felony, battery, or family violence battery.

(e)(1) A person convicted of the offense of cruelty to children in the first degree as provided in this Code section shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than five nor more than 20 years.

(2) A person convicted of the offense of cruelty to children in the second degree shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than ten years.

(3) A person convicted of the offense of cruelty to children in the third degree shall be punished as for a misdemeanor upon the first or second conviction. Upon conviction of a third or subsequent offense of cruelty to children in the third degree, the defendant shall be guilty of a felony and shall be sentenced to a fine not less than $1,000.00 nor more than $5,000.00 or imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than three years or shall be sentenced to both fine and imprisonment.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: White Horseradish on September 06, 2009, 09:40:41 AM
Shoulda slapped the parent.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: SteveS on September 06, 2009, 10:07:29 AM
He should have minded his own business and walked away.  Unless he has a record, I doubt he will serve that long.  I agree that 5 to 10 years is a bit much.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: RevDisk on September 06, 2009, 10:15:46 AM
Shoulda slapped the parent.

I've been sorely tempted at times.  I'm sensitive to high pitched screaming.  It really irritates me.  When some kid is going completely ape crazy and the parent is just ignoring said kid, I have the sudden urge to really hurt the parent.  Either control your kid or keep it out at home until it is house broken.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Monkeyleg on September 06, 2009, 10:28:57 AM
I've been sorely tempted at times.  I'm sensitive to high pitched screaming.  It really irritates me.  When some kid is going completely ape crazy and the parent is just ignoring said kid, I have the sudden urge to really hurt the parent.  Either control your kid or keep it out at home until it is house broken.

You'd love working in my office, then. The people next door have a four year-old who's out in the yard all day and screeches constantly. It's a really high-pitched screech, like that in the shower scene in "Psycho."
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Hawkmoon on September 06, 2009, 10:55:20 AM
He should have minded his own business and walked away.  Unless he has a record, I doubt he will serve that long.  I agree that 5 to 10 years is a bit much.

^^^ Agreed.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Bigjake on September 06, 2009, 11:00:51 AM
You'd love working in my office, then. The people next door have a four year-old who's out in the yard all day and screeches constantly. It's a really high-pitched screech, like that in the shower scene in "Psycho."

My neighbors have two of those.

At first I'd jump out of my skin, thinking that a small child had just been impaled on some yard tool, or was in the process of being torn to bits by rabid dogs. 

Now, I can almost tune it out.

On the OP,  Touch my kid and you'll see the ugly, violent and detached me that hasn't come out to play in years.  :mad:
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: mtnbkr on September 06, 2009, 11:03:45 AM
Shoulda slapped the parent.

Better bring your A-Game, I "slap" back.

I'm sensitive to high pitched screaming.  It really irritates me. 

Us parents aren't too fond of it ourselves, but you don't give in to a child's tantrum unless you want them to learn that it's a useful technique for getting your way.  The best solution is to take the kid home when they begin to act like that, but it isn't always an option. 

When some kid is going completely ape crazy and the parent is just ignoring said kid, I have the sudden urge to really hurt the parent.  Either control your kid or keep it out at home until it is house broken.

When you have kids of your own, come back and tell me how great that solution is.  Kids cry, deal with it.

Seriously, the old man's lucky he got to walk out.

Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: HankB on September 06, 2009, 11:58:59 AM
When I see kids throwing a real tantrum, all I can think of is "That kid is BADLY in need of a long-overdue spanking!"

As is the parent who tolerates that degree of misbehavior.

Still, I can't imagine any circumstances in which I would slap someone else's 2-year old across the face . . . and if I had a 2-year old myself and someone else did that to mine . . . they'd wake up in intensive care.

(By the way, notice how so many incidents involve people on both sides who are wrong? In this case, the mother was wrong for not managing her kid, and the guy was wrong for assaulting someone else's kid.)
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Sindawe on September 06, 2009, 12:08:44 PM
'Tiss a pity that laundnum is no longer available over the counter.  =D

Slapping a crying two year old who is not acting to endanger their own life or that of others goes beyond the pale.  Babies and toddlers cry.  It is what they do.

Charging the dude with first degree cruelty to children is a bit much.  Simple assault and battery would be a better fit in my eyes.  Its not like he held the burning end of a cigar against the skin of the little darling.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Jamisjockey on September 06, 2009, 12:28:49 PM
Shoulda slapped the parent.

Go for it.  Slap me because my kid is crying. 

Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Gowen on September 06, 2009, 12:36:23 PM
Charging the dude with first degree cruelty to children is a bit much.  Simple assault and battery would be a better fit in my eyes.  Its not like he held the burning end of a cigar against the skin of the little darling.

My wife spotted this story yesterday.  The man slapped the child 4 times, yes, first degree is warranted.

When you have kids of your own, come back and tell me how great that solution is.  Kids cry, deal with it.

Amen!  My girls are 4 years and 17 months, amazingly, people comment all the time how quiet and well behaved they are.  I can think of only one time when we had to leave someplace because my oldest was acting up.  We have never had to tell them to behave, it just came naturally.

One thing everyone has failed to notice is that a 2 years old child is learning the meaning of no when outside the home(no inside the home is another story). No, you cannot have that toy.  No, you cannot run around the store.  These children are going to cry, sometimes you have to do what you got to do and go home.  A 3 or 4 year old doing that needs to be taken out of the store.

Anyone ever touch my kids and they will be carried out.  If my fist can't do it, I carry something that can.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: red headed stranger on September 06, 2009, 12:38:14 PM
I wonder if this child slapper is consistent in how he applies his remedy for public outbursts.  Does he slap around adults who are disruptive in public as well?  

Sounds like a bully to me.  

Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 06, 2009, 12:39:31 PM
i got my eyes opened by working with a few autistic kids.  discovered a new world and realized that my from the hip assessments of other  folks kids behavior might well have been from a lil lower than my hip. i am grateful i kept my mouth shut rather than acting in ignorance a few times.   i can't imagine what might happen if someone touched my kid. i am terrified at the thought of how that might play out. for everyone but mostly for the kids.  they shouldn't have to see that
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Waitone on September 06, 2009, 01:18:22 PM
What do you want to bet the slappor has a record somewhere with similar actions?  You don't slap someone else's kid, regardless.  I think assault and battery would be more appropriate.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: red headed stranger on September 06, 2009, 01:22:54 PM
One thing that I found interesting during my living and traveling overseas is how much Americans have an ideal that public spaces are devoid of children and their antics.  For some reason, Americans have decided that "family" restaurants should be quiet and devoid of childrens voices.  

Our son was born overseas, and we had gotten used to the dynamic of being welcomed at restaurants when we walked in the door with our child.  Coming back to America was a culture shock to see the hostess and fellow diners give you the stink eye for for even walking in the building with a toddler.  Our little guy is well behaved, even by strict standards.  He will quietly sit at the table and color in a coloring book book and then eat the food that is put in front of him.  However, that doesn't stop a certain segment of the diners from staring at him like he is an IED about to explode.

One event at a restaurant really chapped my hide:  At an Applebees, our son (18 months old at the time) was sitting in his chair calmly babbling mamamamamama loud enough to be heard at the surrounding tables.  Well, you would have thought that he was the the kid in the exorcist from the dirty looks we got.  However, at this same sitting these just kind of sat there and mumbled to themselves when a person in the restaurant was doing the having a cell phone conversation that we all could hear.  This kind of cemented my bully theory about some of these people.  

It is generally "safe" to be mean spirited with a little kid and their parents, while standing up to an adult being boorish in public is far less safe.  

Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: MillCreek on September 06, 2009, 01:23:49 PM
If someone did this to my children, they had better be prepared for several ASP strikes across their joints.   By some of the responses in this thread, it seems clear that not all APS members have had children.
Title: Re: Stranger slaps crying toddler
Post by: Ben on September 06, 2009, 01:41:03 PM
Sorry all, but this is obviously something that is creating very strong feelings on both sides of the argument, and I don't see it going anywhere pleasant, or polite. I think it's best to end it now.