Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: Nick1911 on September 07, 2009, 11:57:44 PM

Title: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Nick1911 on September 07, 2009, 11:57:44 PM
Climbing on steep roofs probably makes the top 10 "Things I hate to do, but have to suck it up and do anyways" list.

What's on your list?  =)
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 08, 2009, 12:03:17 AM
climbing on wet steep metal roofs   and anything with drywall
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Boomhauer on September 08, 2009, 12:19:54 AM
I hate heights (Yes, I know, many think that's weird, because I am a pilot). Outside of an aircraft, I'm terrified of heights.

Unfortunately, we also have an...interesting roof. Think wide, long, somewhat steep, ski slope on one side and very steep and shorter on the other side.

The transition from the ladder to roof and back freaks me out, walking on it freaks me out, looking over the edge really freaks me out. Seeing the tops of the really tall pine trees level when at the peak freaks me out the worst. I am only remotely comfortable when laying spread eagle on it.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: French G. on September 08, 2009, 12:32:28 AM
My roof is metal. The longest drop is 26' to flat hard gravel. It's also frequently windy. Did I mention I hate going up there?
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 08, 2009, 12:36:11 AM
my best time on a metal roof is being 60 feet up and slipping in a blood spill(guess who's) then dropping a box of trim pieces that went down and bombarded the general contractors truck. looked like horrible hail damage. i did manage to catch the gutter and stop so i didn't add a big fat dent to the truck
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Perd Hapley on September 08, 2009, 12:48:22 AM
I just send my eight-year old up there.  I've got about twenty kids, so they're expendable. 
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Doggy Daddy on September 08, 2009, 12:54:49 AM
Steep roof, no problem.

But if I have to have blood drawn, there's a chance I'll wind up on the floor.  I do hate needles.   =(

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: mtnbkr on September 08, 2009, 06:20:10 AM
Drywall repair and carpentry.  I hate both.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: 280plus on September 08, 2009, 06:58:31 AM
FYI always get on and off the ladder to your strong side. Right handers should step off to the right and get back on the same side. Vice versa for lefties. Also, you should have 3 rungs above the roof line, no more, no less.

Me? I hate the long steel ladders that are attached to the wall and go straight up. These days, given my age and health, I pass on jobs that have those. I had one that took a 14' ladder just to reach the bottom rung, ~25' climb IIRC. I HATED that ladder but forced myself up it many times. Then they didn't call me for a couple years and when they finally did again I passed, told them I was getting too old to deal with that ladder anymore.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Sindawe on September 08, 2009, 07:33:37 AM
Packing and re-packing chromography columnschromography columns (

Explaining for the umpteenth time that Exchange is NOT a file storage system and that it is a very bad idea to have 20 GB mailboxes.

Filling out a weeky time sheet for 40 hours of work, even though I'm on salary and have just put in a 60 hour week.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Jocassee on September 08, 2009, 08:05:43 AM
I've spent a little bit of time on roofs...try INSTALLING a roof, putting up the ridgepole. Once stood on a little tiny 2x6, holding a heavy ridgepole above my head (unable to use hands for balance) waiting for my buddy to nail it in place. This particular house was a custom job...if I had fallen it could have been about 50 feet--if I didn't hit anything else on the way down!
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Gewehr98 on September 08, 2009, 08:43:28 AM
Climbing on steep, icy roofs.

My Dish Network job lasted just a few months, thanks to that.

No need to die just so people can have their NFL Network, IMHO.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Waitone on September 08, 2009, 09:07:34 AM
God meant other people to do sheet rock and roofing work.

Me?  I haaaaate replacing the wax ring on a toilet.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Jim147 on September 08, 2009, 10:42:34 AM
I'm sitting here paying bills. I have to put that at the top of my suck list.

You did remind me I need to get up on the roof and fix the drip at one of the sky lights. I don't look forward to that much. That must be why I keep forgetting about it when it's not raining.

And then we come to in-laws. After the fun of the last couple of years they get their own special list.


Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: 41magsnub on September 08, 2009, 10:44:19 AM
I don't mind roofs or sheetrock, except for taping and mudding.  That I will happily pay somebody else to do.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: trapperready on September 08, 2009, 10:47:32 AM
I can bust open my knuckles just looking at an engine.

Filling out a weeky time sheet for 40 hours of work, even though I'm on salary and have just put in a 60 hour week.

I worked for an accounting firm for a few years and absolutely despised keeping track of the entire day in 6-minute increments.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Marnoot on September 08, 2009, 11:00:55 AM
I don't mind roofs or sheetrock, except for taping and mudding.  That I will happily pay somebody else to do.

+1. We're currently doing some remodeling in our house. I don't mind plumbing, wiring, tiling, framing, etc., but I hate mudding with a passion.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: mtnbkr on September 08, 2009, 11:09:01 AM
+1. We're currently doing some remodeling in our house. I don't mind plumbing, wiring, tiling, framing, etc., but I hate mudding with a passion.

When I mentioned drywall above, I really meant taping and mudding.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: TMM on September 08, 2009, 11:33:04 AM
plumbing work is a PITA and electrical work confuses me and scares me a little bit ( i once did a bit of impromptu arc-welding once while testing a wire with a multitester).

roofs? nah, i think i'll pay someone for that. unless it's a one-story house or shed...

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: MillCreek on September 08, 2009, 11:45:04 AM
I worked for an accounting firm for a few years and absolutely despised keeping track of the entire day in 6-minute increments.

Ah yes, how well I remember filling out the timeslips to bill the clients by the tenth of the hour.  I got to be pretty good at it, though. 
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: coppertales on September 08, 2009, 12:28:19 PM
Ditto what Avenger29 says.  I was on the roof this past weekend trimming trees that were overhanging the roof.  I am getting a new roof next week so I had to make the roof clear for the roofers.  It was a project I was going to do anyway.  I weigh 250 pounds and my feet keep trying to slide on the shingles.  The pitch is not that bad either but I am 65 years old.  Too old to do roof work.....chris3
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Boomhauer on September 08, 2009, 02:03:49 PM
God meant other people to do sheet rock and roofing work.

And concrete work. God, I hate concrete with a passion.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: 41magsnub on September 08, 2009, 02:06:33 PM
Last time I did work on a steep roof I rigged up a improvised rappelling harness and tied off to a tree on the other side of the roof.  It was no big deal, I would just set the rope to a certain length for the level of roof I was working on.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Boomhauer on September 08, 2009, 02:09:16 PM
Last time I did work on a steep roof I rigged up a improvised rappelling harness and tied off to a tree on the other side of the roof.  It was no big deal, I would just set the rope to a certain length for the level of roof I was working on.


I've also heard that roofing crewmembers often use a piece of foam rubber to sit on so they don't slide.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Physics on September 08, 2009, 02:13:02 PM
When I did roofing for a summer, I fell off 2 houses.  Both were ~20 foot drops from dew on a cedar shake roof.  First one I hit the ground, second one I landed in a shrub and my stripping shovel landed point down about 1 inch from my head. 

I learned quickly how to stop yourself from sliding.   :laugh:
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Balog on September 08, 2009, 03:18:52 PM
Don't mind roof work, but then I've never been on a real steep one so it doesn't really count.

Also, 6 minute increments? Ouch...
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 08, 2009, 03:21:32 PM
its actually easier tom roof one with a decent pitch you don't have to bend as far.   roof jacks are your friend on over 4/12 and a real need on 6/12  though i know guys work 6/12 without em
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: HankB on September 08, 2009, 04:40:52 PM
I didn't think the roof on my house was steeply pitched, until I went up there one day and found my tennis shoes had a tendency to slide. Not much fun after that.

As far as other stuff I really don't like to do . . . I'm OK with most electrical work, but major plumbing and I don't get along. (Even minor plumbing is a PITA - you ever notice how the replacements for things like faucet internals and toilet ballcocks hardly ever fit they way they're supposed to, even when they're from the OEM?)
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on September 08, 2009, 06:51:49 PM
When I did roofing for a summer, I fell off 2 houses.  Both were ~20 foot drops from dew on a cedar shake roof.  First one I hit the ground, second one I landed in a shrub and my stripping shovel landed point down about 1 inch from my head. 

I learned quickly how to stop yourself from sliding.   :laugh:
Not quickly enough, it seems.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Leatherneck on September 08, 2009, 07:27:08 PM
My short list:
1. drywall finish/repair.
2. repairing "black" plumbing.
3. installing hardwood flooring after the first thousand feet or so.
4. Installing roof shingles after the first thousand feet or so.

But my really worst hate: grouting tile. All tile work, for that matter.

Things I like/don't mind:
1. Installing electrical in new construction.
2. carpentry, especially framing buildings.
3. mowing grass.

Can you tell we're on the back end of a 2-year DIY house?

And this resonates:
I hate heights (Yes, I know, many think that's weird, because I am a pilot). Outside of an aircraft, I'm terrified of heights.

Ditto here. I can turn a jet upside down at 30,000 feet with only a canopy and some straps between me and a plummet without a bit of discomfort. But put me on a 20-foot roof edge and make me look down and I'll probably vomit.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: roo_ster on September 08, 2009, 07:43:39 PM
I got paid to jump out of airplanes for a while and did tree work where I climbed a bit (with rope & harness).

Thing is, ladders give me the willies.  Same thing with walking around on a roof.  I am a "look where I am walking and slide my feet instead of stepping" kinda guy on a roof.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: 280plus on September 08, 2009, 07:59:07 PM
It's all a desensitizing thing, do it enough and it won't bother you after a while. I find looking up at where I have to go to be more unnerving than actually being up there for some reason. Looking up gives me the willies, being up doesn't.

I'll never forget my buddy Bubba. Bubba was an interesting character who, among other things spouted a lot of Bowery Boys type non but almost words that we refered to as "Bubba-isms". Anyhow, me and Bubba worked together and one day we had to use a scissors type lift to go 35' up to work on some equipment hanging from a warehouse roof inside. So Bubba is riding around in the lift beforehand having a good old time, going up and down and all and he says to me "C'mon up!" So I was like, "No, I'll go up when we have to." Naturally he starts calling me chicken, scared, etc, the usual stuff. So finally it's time to start and I climb aboard and up we go. As soon as we reached the top and stopped I took a step toward the equipment and the whole lift started to sway. Bubba goes damn near white, crouches down and grabs onto the railings for dear life yelling at me for making the thing move when I walked. I said, "What's the matter Bubba, SCARED?"  :laugh:
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Boomhauer on September 08, 2009, 11:03:32 PM
(Even minor plumbing is a PITA - you ever notice how the replacements for things like faucet internals and toilet ballcocks hardly ever fit they way they're supposed to, even when they're from the OEM?)

Oh Sweet baby jesus, don't mention plumbing. "That'll take 10 minutes to fix..." turns into an all-nighter. Oh, and it's one thing to be able to cut off water to a localized part of the house for minor plumbing jobs...but our repairs always seem to need all of the water cut off. Gaaahhhhh!
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: brimic on September 09, 2009, 12:24:53 AM
Packing and re-packing chromography columnschromography columns.
I hear you. I used to pack, equilibrate, and run anything from a 10L-140L silica gel column 2-3x a week until we hired a technician to do the dirty work of packing and unpacking.  I hate silica gel.

Other things on my list:
-any form of concrete work
-taping/finishing drywall

The worst roof I climbed on was on a 2nd story on a house my family was building. MY FIL obtained a semi trailer full of old plywood that was varnished on one side. Of course we sheeted the roof with it and he just had to have the varnished side up. It was ok the first day, but was slicker than snot the next morning when covered with dew.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Physics on September 09, 2009, 02:18:59 AM
The worst roof I climbed on was on a 2nd story on a house my family was building. MY FIL obtained a semi trailer full of old plywood that was varnished on one side. Of course we sheeted the roof with it and he just had to have the varnished side up. It was ok the first day, but was slicker than snot the next morning when covered with dew.

Sounds like cedar shake on a dewy morning.  Both times I fell, it was one step over the crest and I was on my butt sliding. 
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: trapperready on September 09, 2009, 09:21:49 AM
Oh, and it's one thing to be able to cut off water to a localized part of the house for minor plumbing jobs...but our repairs always seem to need all of the water cut off.

Whenever I end up needing to use the cut-off valves, they end up leaking like crazy once I turn the handle... which means that I end up rebuilding or replacing them in addition to whatever the original project was.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Sawdust on September 09, 2009, 10:36:19 AM
Sawdust's DIY Rule #1:

Never start a plumbing job (on the pressure side) on a Sunday afternoon.

If Rule #1 is violated, I dadgum-guarantee it that you will break/need a piece of specialty plumbing that the BORG will *not* carry.

And all real plumbing stores are closed Sunday afternoons. Heed Rule #1.

Now, as far as taping and mudding drywall - I actually like it.

The trick is to not apply too much mud at any one time. That way, I do hardly any sanding.

I may have to do one or two more coats, but I mix a little 5-minute hot mud in with the topping so I can do multiple coats in one day.

I like tile work, but I'm too slow for big jobs.

Screw roofing or concrete finishing.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: brimic on September 09, 2009, 12:29:59 PM
Now, as far as taping and mudding drywall - I actually like it.

The trick is to not apply too much mud at any one time. That way, I do hardly any sanding.

I may have to do one or two more coats, but I mix a little 5-minute hot mud in with the topping so I can do multiple coats in one day.

I'm just too much of a perfectionist to do drywall. Every little dimple, high spot, smudge gets trowelled until its perfect. I understand that spray texture means that a 'good enough' job underneath is good enough, but I just can't function that way.... =(
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: just Warren on September 09, 2009, 01:26:25 PM
Don't like heights, but I hate being under heavy things, especially those that have been lifted up to provide access.

[insert Rosie O'Donnell joke if you've a mind to]
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Scout26 on September 09, 2009, 04:08:25 PM
&%*#&(*@#% Plumbing

I've done Carpentry, Roofing, Concrete (to include Gypcrete), Siding, Tile Work, Painting (which is realy 90% prep and only 10% painting), Electrical, etc.  Some are more tedious then others, but nothing all that difficult.   Heights I hate, but like jfruser, I have no problem flying in or jumping out of airplanes and repelling out of helicopters, towers and buildings.  But get my butt more the 10-15 ft off the ground on a ladder or roof, and I get the heeby-geebies.

I'd rather do any of that then *&%*#&@$ Plumbing.

I $@*#)%& HATE $@*%^$* Plumbing.

Did I ever mention that I live with a wife and teenage daughter that think they have to use a &#%%$( ROLL of toliet paper every time they go tinkle ??

Or my son, who only recently stopped playing "Will it Flush ??"  (Hint: A Stack of Legos more then 6 blocks tall will NOT Flush !!)

I hope the ^@%$&*@# SOB who invented the garbage disposal is slowly roasted over an Acetylene Torch for all of eternity as women seem to think and any and everything can now be put in the sink, and made to magically disappear.   The only thing that NYC and I agree on is the ban on Garbage Disposals.

$@*!%$ Plumbing.     
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 09, 2009, 05:00:57 PM
don't sugar coat it!  the best part of plumbing is septic systems
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Racehorse on September 09, 2009, 06:49:49 PM
But my really worst hate: grouting tile. All tile work, for that matter.

That's me, too. I absolutely hate anything related to tile. Taping and mudding, on the other hand, I kind of enjoy. Roofing is fine if it's not too hot.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 09, 2009, 07:02:02 PM
i must be sick  i'm about to start a 900 plus sq ft tile job at least they are big tile
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: RaspberrySurprise on September 09, 2009, 08:11:31 PM
I hope the ^@%$&*@# SOB who invented the garbage disposal is slowly roasted over an Acetylene Torch for all of eternity as women seem to think and any and everything can now be put in the sink, and made to magically disappear.   The only thing that NYC and I agree on is the ban on Garbage Disposals.

Imagine how much money you could make if you could design a disposal that could be fed damn near anything. Sure it'd probably need a 220 line and a few support braces but that's just part of the fun.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 09, 2009, 08:14:56 PM
Imagine how much money you could make if you could design a disposal that could be fed damn near anything. Sure it'd probably need a 220 line and a few support braces but that's just part of the fun.

been done  restaurants have em  i've dropped ham shank bones and silver ware in em  just get noisier
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: AmbulanceDriver on September 10, 2009, 01:16:23 AM
.... ( i once did a bit of impromptu arc-welding once while testing a wire with a multitester)....

Reminds me of one time when I was replacing ballasts in fluorescent lights at my church.

I was in high school at the time.  Myself and another guy were working on the fluorescents.  Of course we were working hot.  Too much of a bother to walk 10 feet and flip the light switch off.  :)

Working with an automatic wire stripper.  For those that might not be familiar with those, they look like a pair of pliers, but they've got a mechanism that strips the insulation off the last 1/2 inch of wire.   So I start working on my 5th or 6th ballast.  I've stripped the neutral, and reach up to strip the hot.   Unbeknownst to me, the neutral wire had snuck over and was resting against the handle of the wire stripper.  Squeeze the handles, and *BANG*!  I'm flat on my back on the table I'd been standing on to work on, and the guy I'm working with is freaking out because he thinks I got zapped hard and had a heart attack or something.

The other time was when I was working with an electrician getting ready to rewire an office.  One of the things we had to do is re-route some conduit.  So I'm getting ready to saw through this one conduit.  And I stop.  Look at the guy I'm working with.  Ask him (for the third time), "Now you're *sure* that the breaker is off, right Frank?"

"Oh yeah, it's off.  I checked the whole panel.  They're all off."

Start sawing through the conduit with this little hacksaw.  Get about three quarters of the way through it, and that oh familar *BANG*!

Pull the hacksaw out of the conduit, and there's a chunk missing out of the blade.

"Breaker's off, huh Frank?  Checked the whole panel, huh Frank?"  *grumblegrumblegrumblegrumble*

"Whoops.  Guess I must have missed one."

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: jackdanson on September 10, 2009, 01:30:37 AM
i must be sick  i'm about to start a 900 plus sq ft tile job at least they are big tile

That would cover my entire place.... and the deck.

I don't really mind plumbing.  I don't like framing so much... I'm a cruddy hammerrerrrerr (wasn't sure how to spell/convey that).  I hate roofs.  I "helped" my brother paint the wood that meets the siding near the roof.  By "help" I mean sat at the apex of the roof completely terrified hanging on for dear life while he worked.  Shortest fall would have been about 18'.

Strange thing is, I climb ladders at work all the time that are 25-ish feet high with no problem.. we also like to "combat slide" down them... yay!!!  Something about being out in the open makes it more scary.

Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: roo_ster on September 10, 2009, 10:09:03 AM
been done  restaurants have em  i've dropped ham shank bones and silver ware in em  just get noisier

Wonder how much one of those costs?
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 10, 2009, 01:47:20 PM
buy em used for a couple hundred bucks  they don't mount on a regular sink.  got a ton of torque
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: Firethorn on September 10, 2009, 01:53:52 PM
Wonder how much one of those costs?

1 HP $165.99 (

EDIT:  3 Phase, 10 HP $5,888.94 (
3 HP model runs around half the price.

Reminds me of one time when I was replacing ballasts in fluorescent lights at my church.

Dangerous work, that.  When I was over in Germany we had one electrician lose a finger(pictures WERE distributed) and one die from working with them while the power was on.

"Whoops.  Guess I must have missed one."

In many of the place I work, you could flip every breaker in the room, every breaker the room next door, every breaker in the utility room, and STILL have power to some outlets.

We had the problem that said outlets DIDN'T have power and it took us three days to find the breaker box (in a closet 4 rooms over) that fed them.
Title: Re: Climbing on steep roofs!
Post by: cassandra and sara's daddy on September 10, 2009, 02:05:33 PM
my favorite was a house of the pw parkway that had one side of the box right and the other with the white wire hot. we called it the budweiser house