The look on the kid's (he was 23 if he was a day) face was priceless: what do I do now?
That is I believe, what they call a 'field training opportunity' 
Old sarge rolls up, gets out of car coffee in hand.
"What's going on rookie?"
"Traffic dispute,sir"
Sarge rolls eyes. Loudly into radio "I need ONE tow truck to this location"
rookie - "why only one?"
rookie and both ladies now looking at him.
"I only need to tow the car of the person you arrest"
Ladies - "Which one of us are you arresting?!"
Sarge with a grin "Whichever one of you is dumb enough to still be standing here when I finish this coffee."
People get CRAZY during Christmastime! For example:
I trumped another Christmas shopper's obviliousness with even MORE obviliousness: I'm walking down the CD aisle at Best Buy to buy the newest Avenged Sevenfold album when two fat people come lumbering down the aisle as well. They were standing side by side, taking up the entire aisle. I had to get to the other end of the racks so I just kept walking and "accidentally" met the guy's shoulder with mine. It was a pretty hard knock but I feigned extreme obviliousness and kept walking. I could feel his irritation on my back as I kept on my merry way. Was the guy really expecting me to climb onto the racks to let him through?
Its not just Christmas time! I see the me, myself and I attitude all the time. Kind of a neo yuppie attitude or something for common "wealth" people.
Seems to be higher in locations where there are more left thinking people too. Not trying to make a joke, but what I have observed.