Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => Politics => Topic started by: Monkeyleg on October 14, 2009, 02:39:13 PM

Title: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 14, 2009, 02:39:13 PM
Rather than interfere with the NFL thread about Limbaugh, I thought I'd address Chuck Dye's "Bombastic" comment about Rush Limbaugh here.

I won't argue that Rush is always right, because I don't always agree with what he says. What I do think, though, is that he's extremely good at what he does.

I've heard Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levine, G. Gordon Liddy, and all of the other conservative talk radio hosts, as well as the liberal talk show hosts. None of them has the ability to engage an audience the way Rush does. In fact, I really didn't appreciate how good Rush is at his job until I listened to the others.

It's not easy making politics entertaining while simultaneously being serious. The other talk show hosts can be very, very dull. That's a big part of the appeal of Limbaugh.

Here in Milwaukee we have Mark Belling, a conservative talk show host who occasionally fills in for Limbaugh. Belling is very, very good, and for the same reasons.

When someone is very good at his job--whether it's a talk show host, a mason, a photographer, or something else--he makes doing the job look effortless. It's only when you watch or hear someone who's not good at his job that you realize how hard it is.

And that's my defense of Rush Limbaugh. So there. ;)
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Jocassee on October 14, 2009, 02:46:43 PM
Right on. I am never ashamed to say that I listen to Limbaugh because he is entertaining and funny as can be, some days. Don't always agree with him and in fact he annoys me sometimes. That said some of my earliest memories are hearing Rush on summer afternoons as my mom listened in the kitchen. I'm a bona fide Rush Baby.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: MechAg94 on October 14, 2009, 03:09:30 PM
My earliest memory of listening to Rush was commuting to junior college and catching a few minutes of his show before the radio signal got lost.  I had grown up conservative, but had never really heard that properly voiced before.  It was great.

I probably agree with him more than not.  Most of my disagreements are with points made or not made about subjects.  He also gets pretty full of himself at times and loves spending long monologues talking about critics discussing himself.  :)  He is entertaining though which is his job.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: mellestad on October 14, 2009, 03:20:50 PM
Right on. I am never ashamed to say that I listen to Limbaugh because he is entertaining and funny as can be, some days. Don't always agree with him and in fact he annoys me sometimes. That said some of my earliest memories are hearing Rush on summer afternoons as my mom listened in the kitchen. I'm a bona fide Rush Baby.

I spent some of my latter-teen years listening to him too.  He is a huge part of conservative culture, all by himself.

Was he the first of his kind, or did he just refine conservative talk radio?  I'm young enough I don't really remember what it was like before he came on the scene.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: AZRedhawk44 on October 14, 2009, 03:46:04 PM
I've heard Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levine, G. Gordon Liddy, and all of the other conservative talk radio hosts, as well as the liberal talk show hosts. None of them has the ability to engage an audience the way Rush does. In fact, I really didn't appreciate how good Rush is at his job until I listened to the others.

Rush has this self-effacing sense of overblown grandeur that just makes you appreciate him that much more.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: RoadKingLarry on October 14, 2009, 03:54:41 PM
Listening to him right now as a matter of fact.
I've been listening to him for 16-17 years off and on. It took me a while to catch on to his methodology for annoying the idiot liberals but eers since I enjoy it when he is deliberately baiting the left and they fall for it.
I also appreciate the Shanklin parody songs.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Waitone on October 14, 2009, 05:30:49 PM
There was no talk radio before Limbaugh.  He launched the genre.  AM radio was on the way out.  FM had the market on music and sports.  As a technology AM was in its sunset years.  Along comes Limbaugh who chooses the AM band because there was no competition.  AM was looking for programming and Limbaugh delivered.  He was dismissed as a bombastic fool for what he said but more importantly he was ignored because he was on the AM ban.  Out of sight, out of mind.  Once it was determined there was indeed a market for conservative talk, it was "Kattie bar the door".  Limbaugh demonstrated one fact so-called left hasn't learned:  talk radio has to be entertaining first and foremost.  No entertainment, no audience. 

I doubt you could find any radio talk jock of substance who would not emphasize Limbaugh's contribution.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 14, 2009, 06:52:09 PM
As a fan of The Maha-Rushie, I have no problem with Chuck's epithet.  Rush does use bombast rather liberally.  ;)  But if he was trying to cast aspersions on Limbaugh, let us pay him no mind.  We've wasted enough time trying to explain things to folks from Rio Linda. 

While we're on the subject, it's funny how the regressives alternate between "he's just an entertainer," and "HE'S A HATE-MONGERING RACIST WHO THREATENS THE VERY FABRIC OF AMERICA!!!11eleventy-one!!"

Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: roo_ster on October 14, 2009, 09:39:40 PM
When someone is very good at his job--whether it's a talk show host, a mason, a photographer, or something else--he makes doing the job look effortless. It's only when you watch or hear someone who's not good at his job that you realize how hard it is.

This ^^^.  Rush is the reigning grandmaster of his craft.  Talent, hard work, and experience.  Credentials be damned.

Even so, he sometimes bores me with repetition of basic conservative/classical liberal principles.  But, then I remember that a lot of people haven't spent the time I have thinking, reading, & writing political philosophy.  Rush gets new listeners every day who are learning while being entertained.

My favorite bits are when he is lib-baiting by using their own logic against them.  Oh, how that makes them howl!

Another who is a grand master of their craft is Oprah.  I can't stomach more than five minutes of her, but there is no doubt in my mind she is tops in hen-circle daytime entertainment.

Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Declaration Day on October 14, 2009, 10:11:08 PM
I've heard Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levine, G. Gordon Liddy, and all of the other conservative talk radio hosts, as well as the liberal talk show hosts. None of them has the ability to engage an audience the way Rush does. In fact, I really didn't appreciate how good Rush is at his job until I listened to the others.

I agree with you, with one exception- Sean Hannity.  He may not be quite as entertaining as Rush, but his personality is likeable enough to make up for it.

I don't always agree with Rush, but he is incredibly smart and very entertaining.  I listen to him almost daily.

I remember a comment he made once about the then-new "Air America" liberal radio network.  It was struggling at the time ( I have no idea how it's doing now or if it even still exists).  He said the reason conservative talk radio thrives and liberal talk radio struggles is because conservatives are more likely to have a car, with a radio, that takes them to and from a job every day.  Not sure how true that is but it's damn funny.  =D
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: seeker_two on October 15, 2009, 06:39:42 AM
I'm no fan of Limbaugh...esp. after he urged his audience to keep RINO's like McCain and Snow in office after the "Contract With America" was tanked by the Senate in the '90's....  :mad:

That said, I livid about the vitriol being shown to conservative radio hosts by the MSM and other organizations...including the US Gov't.  Apparently the First Amendment no longer applies to political least, not certain political speech.  And, as it increases against the conservative "celebrities", regular "Joe Conservative" will continue to feel more alienated by their own country.

If you've watched the anti-abortion movement; you've seen that, as the legal means for expression were curttailed, more "aggressive" protesters like Eric Rudolph started coming out of the woodwork. I'm afraid that may be what happens if people aren't allowed to express opposing views to the Hopey-Changey Administration....  =(
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: MechAg94 on October 15, 2009, 08:17:54 PM
I spent some of my latter-teen years listening to him too.  He is a huge part of conservative culture, all by himself.

Was he the first of his kind, or did he just refine conservative talk radio?  I'm young enough I don't really remember what it was like before he came on the scene.
As far as I know, he was the first of his kind on a national level.  There may have been local guys, but few were willing to push the limits with non-politically correct commentary. 
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: RoadKingLarry on October 16, 2009, 03:32:02 PM
There werre otheres in Local markets Neil Boortz claims he has been doing it for forty years (I think). Rysh brought it mainstream.
I enjoy Boortz, Levin, Rush and a little bit of Hannity. Savage bores me and Beck just makes my teeth hurt (not his message but his style).
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Bigjake on October 17, 2009, 08:11:07 PM
I'm a big Rush fan (not that bizarre rock band with the annoying lead singer), and he does his job well.  That guy has turned aggravating and flustering The Left into a higher art form.

That said, I can only take so much of his show.  It's the same old politics as usual, every day.   Glenn Beck is my talk show of choice.  He has a clue on current events.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Balog on October 18, 2009, 01:23:46 AM
The little Boortz I've heard puts him at the top of my personal talk radio list. Rush is good, Hannity is waaayyyyyyy too repetitive, and Beck just kind of goes off on random non-sensical tangents every once in a while. Heard a little Savage, but some of his views are :rolleyes:. Never heard Levin that I recall.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 18, 2009, 10:40:45 AM
Early on I enjoyed Rush because he was spot on consistent in his busting of liberal myths. Clearly a job which needed doing. In recent years though he has become nothing more than a sounding board for the neocon faction of the Republican Party. Statism branded Repub or branded Demo is STILL Statism. Rush could have had an incredible impact in awakening America on inconsistent aspects of the 9/11 Official Version, the questionable justifications for the Iraq/Afgan Wars, the security state imposed on America these past 8 years, Open Borders, the destructiveness of globalisation, Republican budget busting, BHO's criminal usurpation of the Presidency,..............the list of foregone opportunities is endless BUT he chose not to.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 18, 2009, 11:05:48 AM
I want pancakes. 
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 18, 2009, 11:09:09 AM
Mark Levin's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Balog on October 18, 2009, 11:25:10 AM
Oh God not another troofer...
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 18, 2009, 11:36:01 AM
I thought this thread was about pancakes.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 18, 2009, 11:50:37 AM
I like pancakes.

I wish Limbaugh would conform to my peculiar views on pancakes.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Strings on October 18, 2009, 12:56:25 PM
Sorry... the only true breakfast food is french toast. Pancakes are for folks who follow the herd... >:D
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: makattak on October 18, 2009, 01:19:51 PM
Mark Levin's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard.

Indeed. My wife couldn't STAND listening to him for a few months for that reason. (She loves him now).

I particularly like Mark Levin. He screams at the stupidity so I don't have to. It's cathartic.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: roo_ster on October 18, 2009, 03:38:08 PM
Indeed. My wife couldn't STAND listening to him for a few months for that reason. (She loves him now).

I particularly like Mark Levin. He screams at the stupidity so I don't have to. It's cathartic.

If ML is cathartic, savage is manic-depressive.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Stand_watie on October 18, 2009, 03:59:07 PM
Indeed. My wife couldn't STAND listening to him for a few months for that reason. (She loves him now).

I particularly like Mark Levin. He screams at the stupidity so I don't have to. It's cathartic.

     Mark Levin's voice and delivery style annoy my ears and bruise my psyche.  His philosophy is right on the money though. I'd rather read him, than listen to him. I'd like to see his brainpower combined with Dennis Miller or Dennis Prager or Michael Medved's delivery style.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 18, 2009, 04:20:37 PM
Indeed. My wife couldn't STAND listening to him for a few months for that reason. (She loves him now).

I particularly like Mark Levin. He screams at the stupidity so I don't have to. It's cathartic.

This mirrors my experience exactly.  Once he started talking about dogs, my wife really started to like him.   :lol:

     Mark Levin's voice and delivery style annoy my ears and bruise my psyche.

Then you're a wimpy little liberal.  Get off the forum, ya big dope!   :laugh:

It seems a lot of people were shocked that he could actually put together a thoughtful book with citations and such. 
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 18, 2009, 05:38:11 PM
Oh God not another troofer...

A Truther ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can an AMERICAN who does not hide from the facts not be a Truther regarding 9/11, WOT, Flight 800, OKC Federal Building, Ruby Ridge, Waco, USS Liberty, BHO lack of natural born citizenship and every other act of criminality committed these past 20 years by traitors drawing government paychecks.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Regolith on October 18, 2009, 05:53:17 PM
Damn, we hit the conspiracy nut jackpot with this one...All he needs is the JFK assassination and the moon landing hoax and he'll have the whole set.  :O
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 18, 2009, 06:59:37 PM
...............conspiracy nut ............................

The truly Nuts thing is to believe or pretend to believe that everything is just as the MSM or the Politicians tell you it is. I will wager that many here have managed to figure out that the Left's claims regarding man-made global warming are self-serving falsehoods. The 9/11 Official Version rests on a  foundation just as flawed.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 18, 2009, 07:46:09 PM

Then you're a wimpy little liberal.  Get off the forum, ya big dope!   :laugh:

It seems a lot of people were shocked that he could actually put together a thoughtful book with citations and such.  
Call me a wimpy liberal to my face, ya pipsqueak.  I dares ya!


I can't stand Levine's voice.  I love what he says, though.  I prefer to sample his thoughts in book form.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Regolith on October 18, 2009, 08:10:28 PM
The truly Nuts thing is to believe or pretend to believe that everything is just as the MSM or the Politicians tell you it is. I will wager that many here have managed to figure out that the Left's claims regarding man-made global warming are self-serving falsehoods. The 9/11 Official Version rests on a  foundation just as flawed.

I don't believe everything the MSM or politicians tell me, but I've taken a good hard look at the many of those conspiracy theories, 9/11 in particular, and found that the science behind those conspiracies is definitely lacking. I tend to disregard people who can't get basic high school physics right.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 18, 2009, 08:18:45 PM
............I've taken a good hard look at the many of those conspiracy theories, 9/11 in particular, and found that the science behind those conspiracies is definitely lacking. ......................

Funny thing looking at the evidence I find the 9/11 Official Version to be extremely implausible from the phyysics standpoint. High rises just do not collapse IRL in the manner 9/11 OV requires.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Bigjake on October 18, 2009, 09:09:01 PM
If you're incapable of reading Popular Mechanics, we could always impart it to you the same way my dog gets it... Think of it like osmosis..
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: makattak on October 18, 2009, 09:15:15 PM
If you're incapable of reading Popular Mechanics, we could always impart it to you the same way my dog gets it... Think of it like osmosis..

With less snark:
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Balog on October 18, 2009, 11:41:03 PM
Isn't it amazing how the is able to ruthlessly murder thousands of it's own citizens without leaving leaving any evidence you don't have to squint at just right to see, yet is helpless in the face of the ignorant, the poorly educated, and teenagers with poor video editing skills?  :rolleyes:

Seriously, I wish was as smooth and effective as the troofers think. 
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 19, 2009, 12:41:02 AM
Here's what I've always found laughable about "truthers."

Let's say the Bush administration really did plan and execute the 9/11 attacks, killing 3,000 US citizens. If the administration were that murderous, why wouldn't it simply assassinate any of these "truthers" who found out about it?
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Strings on October 19, 2009, 12:47:17 AM
Ok now... knock off that logic stuff. It's not fair to fight someone with a weapon beyond their capabilities...
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: seeker_two on October 19, 2009, 05:56:53 AM
Sorry... the only true breakfast food is french toast. Pancakes are for folks who follow the herd... >:D

Real men eat omlettes....and listen to G Gordon Liddy....  :cool:
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Waitone on October 19, 2009, 07:42:40 AM
Strings beat me to it.  Using logic is uncalled for and shows a serious lack of social acclimation skills.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 19, 2009, 08:20:56 AM
............reading Popular Mechanics, ...................

read it found it to not be particularly creditable.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 19, 2009, 08:28:43 AM
Let's say the Bush administration really did plan and execute the 9/11 attacks, killing 3,000 US citizens. If the administration were that murderous, why wouldn't it simply assassinate any of these "truthers" who found out about it?

Why create martyrs when disinformation and the willingness of the sheeple to believe Big Lies works ever so much better as a mode of control. Rather than getting possibly uncontrolable revolution you get sheeple actually working 24X7 to forge & fasten their own chains thinking it will make them 'safer'.

BTW never said that Bush was directly guilty. Who ever did plan & execute (/11 likely started during the Clinton admin.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Balog on October 19, 2009, 11:28:58 AM

Crappy internet video: credible.

Actual scientists: tools of "the man."

Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Sergeant Bob on October 19, 2009, 01:08:09 PM

Why create martyrs when disinformation and the willingness of the sheeple to believe Big Lies works ever so much better as a mode of control. Rather than getting possibly uncontrolable revolution you get sheeple actually working 24X7 to forge & fasten their own chains thinking it will make them 'safer'.

BTW never said that Bush was directly guilty. Who ever did plan & execute (/11 likely started during the Clinton admin.

I shall count to 3, say the magic words "Hocus, pocus, Whydon'tyoudisappearus"!!!! and poof! You shall vanish!
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Ex-MA Hole on October 19, 2009, 04:25:54 PM
Anyone have any Cheetos?

My Mom and Dad took them when they went to the Star Wars convention this weekend.

I actually went upstairs with my tactical Wheel Barrel and cleared searched the compund house for them.


Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Bigjake on October 19, 2009, 05:40:27 PM
Anyone have any Cheetos?

My Mom and Dad took them when they went to the Star Wars convention this weekend.

I actually went upstairs with my tactical Wheel Barrel and cleared searched the compund house for them.



Man, I'd help you there, but I ran out of Chee-toes myself while watching famed metallurgist Rosie O' Donnell explain how steel doesn't actually melt when you heat it up...

You went OUTSIDE?  Dude, like, I really hope your helmet was on good.  Between the .Gov's secret mind control sats and those damned contrails of doom, anything above ground level is a serious risk.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: brimic on October 19, 2009, 05:44:41 PM
Here in Milwaukee we have Mark Belling, a conservative talk show host who occasionally fills in for Limbaugh. Belling is very, very good, and for the same reasons.

When someone is very good at his job--whether it's a talk show host, a mason, a photographer, or something else--he makes doing the job look effortless. It's only when you watch or hear someone who's not good at his job that you realize how hard it is.

I don't listen to Limbaugh too much anymore- mainly because I'm at work during those hours, but I love when Belling does the Limbaugh show- he's at his best then. Belling is great but I hate it when he talks about the Brewers or Bucks ad nauseum on the local station.

Walter E. Williams is my favorite by far.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: grampster on October 19, 2009, 06:02:38 PM
.gov can't even see to it you can get a flu shot on time.  Yet we are to believe they can pull off conspiracy to mass murder?  Oh, I know...The Bermuda Triangle hides the Hurricane Machine, too.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 19, 2009, 06:24:21 PM
I worked for the Government for a few years.  If you think that the .gov could pull off that kind of conspiracy...I've got ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 19, 2009, 06:40:30 PM
Why are we talking about truther issues?  This thread is about a talk show host.  Unless someone is alleging that Limbaugh was in on the 9/11 attacks, why even bring it up?   

Walter E. Williams is my favorite by far.

He was my favorite, until Mark Steyn came along.  But of course no one can match Williams for marital advice.   :lol:

Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Balog on October 19, 2009, 07:04:20 PM
Limbaugh was steering the remote control planes into the towers on Bush's orders.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: seeker_two on October 19, 2009, 07:17:00 PM

Why create martyrs when disinformation and the willingness of the sheeple to believe Big Lies works ever so much better as a mode of control. Rather than getting possibly uncontrolable revolution you get sheeple actually working 24X7 to forge & fasten their own chains thinking it will make them 'safer'.

Then why not forego the expense and secrecy required and just have the MSM convince everyone that a disaster happened that killed 3000+ people?.....

...I mean, after the Moon Landing production, that would be a piece of cake....  :cool:
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Gewehr98 on October 19, 2009, 07:53:37 PM
I mean, after the Moon Landing production, that would be a piece of cake

That was a darned good movie.   =D
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: grampster on October 19, 2009, 09:49:31 PM
I like my pancakes made with cinnamon and raisins.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Waitone on October 19, 2009, 10:00:02 PM
I've imagined Williams' kitchen has a dented skillet hanging on the wall complete with bits of hair.  In any case his gift giving advice is without parallel.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Jamisjockey on October 19, 2009, 10:16:32 PM
Why are we talking about truther issues?  This thread is about a talk show host.  Unless someone is alleging that Limbaugh was in on the 9/11 attacks, why even bring it up?   

He was my favorite, until Mark Steyn came along.  But of course no one can match Williams for marital advice.   :lol:

Quote from: nraforlife
Why create martyrs when disinformation and the willingness of the sheeple to believe Big Lies works ever so much better as a mode of control. Rather than getting possibly uncontrolable revolution you get sheeple actually working 24X7 to forge & fasten their own chains thinking it will make them 'safer'.

BTW never said that Bush was directly guilty. Who ever did plan & execute (/11 likely started during the Clinton admin.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 20, 2009, 12:39:09 AM
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 22, 2009, 09:08:40 AM
Then why not forego the expense and secrecy required and just have the MSM convince everyone that a disaster happened that killed 3000+ people?.....


That is also done when appropriate- AIDS, ManMade Global Warming, 1980's Kidnapping Crisis, current H1N1 scare........................
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: AJ Dual on October 22, 2009, 09:48:46 AM
What happened on 9/11 obviously took additional explosives.

I mean, when ever in the history of humanity did mere fire melt steel?  I mean, come on, we're talking about steel here people!
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Marnoot on October 22, 2009, 11:17:26 AM
What happened on 9/11 obviously took additional explosives.

I mean, when ever in the history of humanity did mere fire melt steel?  I mean, come on, we're talking about steel here people!

If we could find a way to melt steel, we wouldn't have to go through the costly process of finding quarries with the appropriate steel part. No more slaving in the girder quarries!
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Racehorse on October 22, 2009, 11:22:21 AM
current H1N1 scare........................

Of course that's not real. I'm just imagining all of my symptoms and staying home from work because the media brainwashed me.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: mellestad on October 22, 2009, 11:50:46 AM
Of course that's not real. I'm just imagining all of my symptoms and staying home from work because the media brainwashed me.

Behold, the power of TV news!
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: AJ Dual on October 22, 2009, 12:25:50 PM
If we could find a way to melt steel, we wouldn't have to go through the costly process of finding quarries with the appropriate steel part. No more slaving in the girder quarries!

And the statistical probability of open-pit mines that Rosie O could fall into at least goes up substantially...
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Regolith on October 22, 2009, 09:55:40 PM
Meh.  The flaw in the conspiracy theory isn't whether or not the steel melted; it's the fact that the steel didn't NEED to be melted.  Steel loses a great deal of strength after it's been heated pasted 800 or so degrees, and becomes extremely pliable far before the point of it actually melting; otherwise, blacksmith's wouldn't have been able to work metal, and we'd have had to cast everything.

Therefor, the fires in the building, fed by aviation fuel and office furniture, carpeting, etc, didn't NEED to get hot enough to melt the steel in order to cause a loss of structural integrity; it just needed to get hot enough to cause the steel to lose its strength, which is quite a bit easier to do.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 22, 2009, 11:31:22 PM
Never mind.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 23, 2009, 12:31:25 AM
Would everybody be satisfied if I just admitted that I, fistful, am Baron of Bombast? 
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Strings on October 23, 2009, 05:40:21 AM
That would be akin to Rosie O admitting to being fat...
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 25, 2009, 10:45:16 AM
Therefor, the fires in the building, fed by aviation fuel and office furniture, carpeting, etc, didn't NEED to get hot enough to melt the steel in order to cause a loss of structural integrity; it just needed to get hot enough to cause the steel to lose its strength, which is quite a bit easier to do.

Soooooooo, steel skyscrapers collapse into their footprints, at near freefall speeds after a bit of fire all the time , right?
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: mtnbkr on October 25, 2009, 11:08:59 AM
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Strings on October 25, 2009, 12:38:52 PM
>Soooooooo, steel skyscrapers collapse into their footprints, at near freefall speeds after a bit of fire all the time , right?<

Pretty much every time incredibly hot fires are started in their upper 1/3, yeah.

How many times have we HAD those circumstances, again?
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 25, 2009, 01:43:00 PM
The WTC towers are interesting in that much of their support structure was located around the perimeter of the buildings.  Any collapse or failure of this sort of structure would likely cause the building to collapse down through its interior.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Regolith on October 25, 2009, 10:20:40 PM
The WTC towers are interesting in that much of their support structure was located around the perimeter of the buildings.  Any collapse or failure of this sort of structure would likely cause the building to collapse down through its interior.

This was by design.  You really, really don't want a skyscraper to fall over as a default if the structure fails, particularly in a crowded urban area.

Soooooooo, steel skyscrapers collapse into their footprints, at near freefall speeds after a bit of fire all the time , right?

Not normally, no.  The steel support structures in most skyscrapers are covered with a fire-retardant insulation to prevent them from reaching those temperatures.  Unfortunately, when the 747's hit the WTC buildings, a great deal of this insulation was knocked off; it wasn't designed to deal with the shock of having an airplane rammed into the building.  With no insulation covering the support beams, the fire was able to heat them to the point of failure.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Balog on October 25, 2009, 11:16:40 PM
That insulation is designed to deal with normal fires, not tons of jet fuel.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Perd Hapley on October 25, 2009, 11:43:47 PM
Alright, guys, quit repeating all that stuff you heard from Limbaugh.   :laugh:

Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Balog on October 25, 2009, 11:55:45 PM
Hey man I'm just a Republican doing what I'm told.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 26, 2009, 08:15:45 AM
incredibly hot fires .................

no only kinda average for a highrise burn and of quite short duration.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 26, 2009, 08:38:31 AM
The WTC towers are interesting in that much of their support structure was located around the perimeter of the buildings.  Any collapse or failure of this sort of structure would likely cause the building to collapse down through its interior.

Like All Skyscrapers, the Twin Towers Were Over-Engineered
One aspect of engineering that is not widely understood is that structures are over-engineered as a matter of standard practice. Steel structures like bridges and buildings are typically designed to withstand five times anticipated static loads and 3 times anticipated dynamic loads. The anticipated loads are the largest ones expected during the life of the structure, like the worst hurricane or earthquake occurring while the floors are packed with standing-room-only crowds. Given that September 11th was not a windy day, and that there were not throngs of people in the upper floors, the critical load ratio was probably well over 10, meaning that more than nine-tenths of the columns at the same level would have to fail before the weight of the top could have overcome the support capacity of the remaining columns.

There is evidence that the Twin Towers were designed with an even greater measure of reserve strength than typical large buildings. According to the 1964 white paper cited above, a Tower would still be able to withstand a 100-mile-per-hour wind after all the perimeter columns on one face and some of the columns on each adjacent face had been cut. 7   Also, John Skilling is cited by the Engineering News Record for the claim that "live loads on these [perimeter] columns can be increased more than 2000% before failure occurs." 8
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Regolith on October 26, 2009, 08:53:13 AM
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?  It neither address HTG's point, nor did refute anything.  If your steel support structure is starting to sag because it's been heated to the point where it's lost more than 60-70% of its strength, it isn't going to hold the load it was designed to. 

There's also the fact that once a structure begins to collapse, it doesn't gently float down to rest at the top of the non-damaged areas.  Gravity accelerates the falling portion, causing the force imparted onto the structure to spike extremely fast.  It's similar to the difference between resting a sledge hammer on your foot, and having one dropped on it from six feet above the ground.  The former might not even cause increased discomfort; the latter will likely break bones. This is because your foot doesn't just have to contend with the increased weight of the hammer, it also has to contend with the force imparted by acceleration due to gravity.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: nraforlife on October 26, 2009, 10:42:38 AM
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?  It neither address HTG's point, nor did refute anything.  ............

ah, but it most certainly does. That you choose to ignore anything which questions the 9/11 Official Version is your problem not mine. I fully understand the mental block many Americans have regarding that Day. Had it myself until late in 2004. IF the 9/11 Official Version is to a large degree false the American people have Problems which makes 'guys with boxcutters who hate our freedom' seem pretty trivial. In that case at best the Federal Government turns out to be incompetent beyond belief. At worst the People of the USA were attacked by elements of their own Government, perhaps in cahoots with foreign powers. Many folk will swallow almost anything story to avoid having to face such a Grim Reality. 
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Monkeyleg on October 26, 2009, 10:52:27 AM
At worst the People of the USA were attacked by elements of their own Government, perhaps in cahoots with foreign powers.

Could you please inventory the crayons in your box of Crayola's and let us know what the count is?
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: zahc on October 26, 2009, 11:01:44 AM
no only kinda average for a highrise burn and of quite short duration.

"Average highrise burns" don't generally involve tons of jet fuel.

As much as I love a good conspiracy theory, there is nothing out of the ordinary about how the towers collapsed.

I have two graduate level materials textbooks right here than can show you how fast a 5x safety factor will get chewed up as steel temperature increases. It's an exponential decrease in yield strength.

People commonly don't understand how much energy is contained in jet fuel. There are more joules of energy in one airliner's tanks, than in several respectable-sized bombs. There is no design guidelines or safety factor that can withstand an entire airliner, with full tanks, dumping its entire fuel load into the top of a building.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Headless Thompson Gunner on October 26, 2009, 12:54:00 PM

Like All Skyscrapers, the Twin Towers Were Over-Engineered
One aspect of engineering that is not widely understood is that structures are over-engineered as a matter of standard practice. Steel structures like bridges and buildings are typically designed to withstand five times anticipated static loads and 3 times anticipated dynamic loads. The anticipated loads are the largest ones expected during the life of the structure, like the worst hurricane or earthquake occurring while the floors are packed with standing-room-only crowds. Given that September 11th was not a windy day, and that there were not throngs of people in the upper floors, the critical load ratio was probably well over 10, meaning that more than nine-tenths of the columns at the same level would have to fail before the weight of the top could have overcome the support capacity of the remaining columns.

There is evidence that the Twin Towers were designed with an even greater measure of reserve strength than typical large buildings. According to the 1964 white paper cited above, a Tower would still be able to withstand a 100-mile-per-hour wind after all the perimeter columns on one face and some of the columns on each adjacent face had been cut. 7   Also, John Skilling is cited by the Engineering News Record for the claim that "live loads on these [perimeter] columns can be increased more than 2000% before failure occurs." 8
Have you ever engineered anything?
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: grampster on October 26, 2009, 01:34:09 PM
OK.  I've had it.  It's not worth it anymore.  I'm tired of keeping the secret about how we conspired to bring down America with the 911 thingy.  I admit it.  My cadre of old retired former police officers were tempted with a $100.00 a month increase in our pensions if we could bring this off.  Hey, a hundred bucks is not nothing to sneeze at. 

The real point was to be able to keep W in office forever and we've succeeded.  It's too late for any of you to stop us anymore.  Obama is really W's 3rd cousin and was in a unique position to hold the office till W's brother comes along in 3 years to hold the seat of power for W.  Hey, who knew?  After that the kids will take over.

Over and out.
Title: Re: Limbaugh: "The Baron of Bombast's"?
Post by: Gewehr98 on October 26, 2009, 01:45:03 PM
Thread exceeded silliness quotient and max allowable amount of drift/veer.