Armed Polite Society

Main Forums => The Roundtable => Topic started by: never_retreat on November 08, 2009, 03:45:40 PM

Title: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: never_retreat on November 08, 2009, 03:45:40 PM
This was sent to me with out the source but.... I couldn't find anything on snopes about this..maybe my google-fu isn't strong enough, so here's the article:

Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!

The expedited trial has been set for Jan. 26, 2010!

Many concerned veterans and citizens attended the hearing in Federal Court in Santa Ana in the lawsuit against Barack Obama to determine his eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief. About 150 people showed up, almost all in support of the lawsuit to demand that Obama release his birth certificate and other records that he has hidden from the American people.

Judge David Carter refused to hear Obama's request for dismissal. He indicated there was almost no chance that this case would be dismissed. Obama is arguing this lawsuit was filed in the wrong court if you can believe that. Obama would prefer a "kangaroo court" instead of a Federal court! Assuming Judge Carter denies Obama's motion for dismissal, he will likely then order expedited discovery which will force Obama to release his birth certificate in a timely manner (if he has one).

The judge, WHO IS A FORMER U.S. MARINE, repeated several times that this is A VERY SERIOUS CASE which must be resolved quickly so that the troops know that their Commander in Chief is eligible to hold that position and issue lawful orders to our military in this time of war. He basically said OBAMA MUST PROVE HIS ELIGIBILITY to the court! He said Americans deserve to know the truth about their President!

The two U.S. Attorneys representing Barack Obama tried everything they could to sway the judge that this case was frivolous, but Carter would have none of it and cut them off several times. Obama's attorneys left the courtroom after about the 90 minute hearing looking defeated and nervous.

Great day in America for the U.S. Constitution! The truth about Barack Obama's eligibility will be known fairly soon - Judge Carter practically guaranteed it!

Video from the press conference after the hearing coming soon. Congratulations to plaintiff’s attorney Dr. Orly Taitz! She did a great job and won some huge victories. She was fearless!

Title: Re: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: RocketMan on November 08, 2009, 03:54:22 PM
Won't this thing ever die?   ;/
Title: Re: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: MicroBalrog on November 08, 2009, 03:55:32 PM
Title: Re: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: PTK on November 08, 2009, 03:57:29 PM
There are far too many exclamation points for that to be an authentic major-news-outlet article.
Title: Re: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: Viking on November 08, 2009, 04:04:06 PM
Not safe for all-ages forum:
Title: Re: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: never_retreat on November 08, 2009, 05:20:48 PM
Like I said I did not have the link.
Yes it this again, I hate to say it this has never been settled just pushed around.
Title: Re: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: Hawkmoon on November 08, 2009, 05:22:49 PM
For starters, you might Google up the Federal court in Santa Ana (that's GOT to be California) and see if there is a Judge David Carter. Then see if he's a former Marine.
Title: Re: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: Iain on November 08, 2009, 05:23:50 PM

Carter gave Orly an ass-whooping btw:

The Court finds that counsel’s conduct was willful and not merely negligent.  It demonstrates bad faith on her part.  As an attorney, she is deemed to have known better.  She owed a duty to follow the rules and to respect the Court.  Counsel’s pattern of conduct conclusively establishes that she did not mistakenly violate a provision of law.  She knowingly violated Rule 11.  Her response to the Court’s show cause order is breathtaking in its arrogance and borders on delusional.  She expresses no contrition or regret regarding her misconduct.  To the contrary, she continues her baseless attacks on the Court...

The Clerk’s Office was burdened by Ms. Taitz’s inability to follow the Court’s rules regarding pro hac vice admission and the Court’s rules for electronic filing. On five separate occasions in a short period, the Clerk’s Office personnel error-noticed counsel for her failure to follow simple rules.  At the hearing, counsel failed to make coherent
legal arguments but instead wasted the Court’s time with press conference sound bites

Then fined her $20k for wasting court resources.

edit - my mistake, she's been filing so much no wonder anyone gets confused: it was Judge Clay Land, also in Georgia that hit her with the fine.
Title: Re: Federal Judge Carter sets Trial Date for Obama's Eligibility!
Post by: Gewehr98 on November 08, 2009, 06:09:42 PM
I'll go with the Snopes version for $500, Alex.